• Title/Summary/Keyword: Class Library

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몽산 덕이와 고려 인물들과의 교류

  • 남권희
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.21
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    • pp.363-399
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    • 1994
  • This article aims at bibliographical analysis of the and historical research of Buddhism in the period of king ChungYeul. The analysis is made in the respects of: 1) physical form 2) historical aspect of the Zen Buddhism in the latter period of Koryo Dynasty 3) related persons who corresponded with Mongsan First, this books is consist of 56 records about tripitaka, biography of Mongsan, poets of Zen Buddhism, and abstracts of Buddhist books. Secondly, the new trends of Buddhism in the 13th century was influenced by Mongsan Son(contemplate school, zen). He was corresponded with some political persons and the elite class of Koryo Buddhism. Because of these meetings, LimJae Son were adopted main stream of zen Buddism in Koryo Dynasty by Mongsan and his accompanies. Thirdly, these political groups want to meet Mongsan and his teaching about zen Buddism, but he suggest three questions to the gourp instead of meeting. And he explained 10 kinds of methods to study zen Buddism comparing visited ten persons with ten pinetrees. In the Koryo Dynasty, Buddism was very inportant in history of throughts and social functions. But there had been little research on Mongsan who afford theoretical base on zen Buddism in Chosun Dynasty. On the point of the relation to Koryo and Yuan dynasty in zen Buddism. The is a new and important records that afford some solutions of religious branch and trends in early periods of Chosun Dynasty.

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A Study on the Reform Measure for Language Class in KDC 4 (KDC 4판의 언어류 관련 부문 개선방안 연구)

  • 김자후
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.203-226
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study aims to provide possible suggestions for the improvement of the korean Decimal Classification System in 21th century through the analysis of language field as the subject of study. As a result of this study, some problems(for example, irrational classification number system, very simplicity of $\ulcorner$Subdivisions of Individual languages md languages families$\lrcorner$, improper languages development insufficiency of note etc.) were found out. This study can be useful for the future revision of KDC4 because a revolutionary improvement were provided.

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A Study on The Color Examination and Color Planning in the Different Type of Classroom (학교 교실의 용도별 색채분포 및 색채계획에 관한 연구)

  • 김은정;김기환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.65-68
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is examine the color planning in the different type of classroom to establish interior color planning. This study also uses environmental planning and practical use of basic data for color planning to future school facilities. The summary of this study is as followed. The primary school and middle school classrooms as well as the open space classrooms floor color recommended of brown and the primary school wall color is light yellow, middle school wall color is light yellow and brown. The high school classroom color is recommended brown and wall color to light yellow and green system. The recommended floor color of primary school which includes in computer room and language study room, library of the multi-purpose of media room recommended are gray, brown and pink. The recommended wall color in primary school is light gray. The middle school floor color propose gray and light brown and wall recommended color is light brown, gray, ivory with the high school the computer room, language study room and library. The floor color is recommended gray, green and the wall propose blue. Moreover, recognize that importance of color effectiveness in school interior facilities considering with Interior covering material in class room.

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On the trends and the problems of User Studies (User study의 추이 및 문제점에 관한 고찰)

  • 권은경
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.11
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    • pp.19-43
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    • 1984
  • There are two broad classes of user studies, in terms of their purposes or a n.0, pplications. One class might be termed basic studies, in which the purpose is to create or obtain knowledge regarding information needs and uses with no particular a n.0, pplication. The second type of study might be termed a n.0, pplied. The aim of second type is preparing standards to evaluate and improve existing information systems or to design new systems. The trends of user study tend toward basic research from a n.0, pplied ones. Furthermore, not only the broad-based studies change with special setting up and subdivided studies, but also the scopes of user study vary social scientist, human scientist, and even common users from limited natural scientists and technologists earlier. The aims of this paper is to summarize continuously pointed problems of user studies and to survey the state of the arts by reviewing the trends of user studies. The major problems of user studies are terminology, conceptualization, and methodology. These terms are essential to this study, and very important to decide the research fields and to select a method of survey, respectively. And in order to predict the user needs, studies of 'information needs' are inevitable instead those of 'information demands' which principally studied till nowadays. On the other hand, to reduce the problems of user studies, it is needed more qualitative studies ever than before and cooperation with other areas, for example, behavioral 'science, psychology, communication science and so forth.

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The Application of Operations Research to Librarianship : Some Research Directions (운영연구(OR)의 도서관응용 -그 몇가지 잠재적응용분야에 대하여-)

  • Choi Sung Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.4
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    • pp.43-71
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    • 1975
  • Operations research has developed rapidly since its origins in World War II. Practitioners of O. R. have contributed to almost every aspect of government and business. More recently, a number of operations researchers have turned their attention to library and information systems, and the author believes that significant research has resulted. It is the purpose of this essay to introduce the library audience to some of these accomplishments, to present some of the author's hypotheses on the subject of library management to which he belives O. R. has great potential, and to suggest some future research directions. Some problem areas in librianship where O. R. may play a part have been discussed and are summarized below. (1) Library location. It is usually necessary to make balance between accessibility and cost In location problems. Many mathematical methods are available for identifying the optimal locations once the balance between these two criteria has been decided. The major difficulties lie in relating cost to size and in taking future change into account when discriminating possible solutions. (2) Planning new facilities. Standard approaches to using mathematical models for simple investment decisions are well established. If the problem is one of choosing the most economical way of achieving a certain objective, one may compare th althenatives by using one of the discounted cash flow techniques. In other situations it may be necessary to use of cost-benefit approach. (3) Allocating library resources. In order to allocate the resources to best advantage the librarian needs to know how the effectiveness of the services he offers depends on the way he puts his resources. The O. R. approach to the problems is to construct a model representing effectiveness as a mathematical function of levels of different inputs(e.g., numbers of people in different jobs, acquisitions of different types, physical resources). (4) Long term planning. Resource allocation problems are generally concerned with up to one and a half years ahead. The longer term certainly offers both greater freedom of action and greater uncertainty. Thus it is difficult to generalize about long term planning problems. In other fields, however, O. R. has made a significant contribution to long range planning and it is likely to have one to make in librarianship as well. (5) Public relations. It is generally accepted that actual and potential users are too ignorant both of the range of library services provided and of how to make use of them. How should services be brought to the attention of potential users? The answer seems to lie in obtaining empirical evidence by controlled experiments in which a group of libraries participated. (6) Acquisition policy. In comparing alternative policies for acquisition of materials one needs to know the implications of each service which depends on the stock. Second is the relative importance to be ascribed to each service for each class of user. By reducing the level of the first, formal models will allow the librarian to concentrate his attention upon the value judgements which will be necessary for the second. (7) Loan policy. The approach to choosing between loan policies is much the same as the previous approach. (8) Manpower planning. For large library systems one should consider constructing models which will permit the skills necessary in the future with predictions of the skills that will be available, so as to allow informed decisions. (9) Management information system for libraries. A great deal of data can be available in libraries as a by-product of all recording activities. It is particularly tempting when procedures are computerized to make summary statistics available as a management information system. The values of information to particular decisions that may have to be taken future is best assessed in terms of a model of the relevant problem. (10) Management gaming. One of the most common uses of a management game is as a means of developing staff's to take decisions. The value of such exercises depends upon the validity of the computerized model. If the model were sufficiently simple to take the form of a mathematical equation, decision-makers would probably able to learn adequately from a graph. More complex situations require simulation models. (11) Diagnostics tools. Libraries are sufficiently complex systems that it would be useful to have available simple means of telling whether performance could be regarded as satisfactory which, if it could not, would also provide pointers to what was wrong. (12) Data banks. It would appear to be worth considering establishing a bank for certain types of data. It certain items on questionnaires were to take a standard form, a greater pool of data would de available for various analysis. (13) Effectiveness measures. The meaning of a library performance measure is not readily interpreted. Each measure must itself be assessed in relation to the corresponding measures for earlier periods of time and a standard measure that may be a corresponding measure in another library, the 'norm', the 'best practice', or user expectations.

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Application of Deep Learning to the Forecast of Flare Classification and Occurrence using SOHO MDI data

  • Park, Eunsu;Moon, Yong-Jae;Kim, Taeyoung
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.60.2-61
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    • 2017
  • A Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) is one of the well-known deep-learning methods in image processing and computer vision area. In this study, we apply CNN to two kinds of flare forecasting models: flare classification and occurrence. For this, we consider several pre-trained models (e.g., AlexNet, GoogLeNet, and ResNet) and customize them by changing several options such as the number of layers, activation function, and optimizer. Our inputs are the same number of SOHO)/MDI images for each flare class (None, C, M and X) at 00:00 UT from Jan 1996 to Dec 2010 (total 1600 images). Outputs are the results of daily flare forecasting for flare class and occurrence. We build, train, and test the models on TensorFlow, which is well-known machine learning software library developed by Google. Our major results from this study are as follows. First, most of the models have accuracies more than 0.7. Second, ResNet developed by Microsoft has the best accuracies : 0.77 for flare classification and 0.83 for flare occurrence. Third, the accuracies of these models vary greatly with changing parameters. We discuss several possibilities to improve the models.

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Description of 17 unrecorded bacterial species isolated from freshwater showing antibiotic resistance in Korea

  • Baek, Kiwoon;Kim, Eui-Jin;Han, Ji-Hye;Choi, Ahyoung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.289-298
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    • 2020
  • As part of the research program "2018 Rapid screening and identification of freshwater microorganisms using MALDI-TOF/MS library" freshwater samples were collected from a branch of the Nakdong River. Almost 300 antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains were isolated from freshwater samples and subsequently identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Seventeen strains among the isolates shared high 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity (>99.0%) with known species that were not previously recorded in Korea, and each of the isolates also formed a robust phylogenetic clade with the closest species. These species were phylogenetically diverse, belonging to four phyla, seven classes, 10 orders, and 13 genera. At the genus and class level, the previously unrecorded species belonged to Rhodovarius, Xanthobacter, and Shinella of the class Alphaproteobacteria; Ottowia, Simplicispira, and Zoogloea of Betaproteobacteria; Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, and Shewanella of Gammaproteobacteria; Arcobacter of Epsilonproteobacteria; Sphingobacterium of Sphingobacteriia; Trichococcus of Bacilli; and Leucobacter of Actinobacteria. The previously unrecorded species were further characterized by examining their gram-staining, colony and cell morphology, biochemical properties, and phylogenetic position.

A Study on Classification Evaluation Prediction Model by Cluster for Accuracy Measurement of Unsupervised Learning Data (비지도학습 데이터의 정확성 측정을 위한 클러스터별 분류 평가 예측 모델에 대한 연구)

  • Jung, Se Hoon;Kim, Jong Chan;Kim, Cheeyong;You, Kang Soo;Sim, Chun Bo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.779-786
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we are applied a nerve network to allow for the reflection of data learning methods in their overall forms by using cluster data rather than data learning by the stages and then selected a nerve network model and analyzed its variables through learning by the cluster. The CkLR algorithm was proposed to analyze the reaction variables of clustering outcomes through an approach to the initialization of K-means clustering and build a model to assess the prediction rate of clustering and the accuracy rate of prediction in case of new data inputs. The performance evaluation results show that the accuracy rate of test data by the class was over 92%, which was the mean accuracy rate of the entire test data, thus confirming the advantages of a specialized structure found in the proposed learning nerve network by the class.

Abstract Representation of Events on Object-Oriented Programs (객체지향 프로그램에서 이벤트 추상화 표현)

  • Lim, Keun;Lee, Kyung-Hwan
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.1257-1266
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    • 1997
  • The concepts of class, inheritance and information hicing and so on provide the great strengthes of object-oriented languages, but they also introduce diffculties in porfram analysis and understanding. Particulary, it is move difficult to umderstand the dyamic aspects than the static ones of object-oriented programs. The dyamicaspects can be understood by recognizing the event's reciprocal action among the classes. In this paper, it will be supplied to the reprecentation of event abstraction which is useful for understanding the object-oriented programs.And the clustering concept with the events will be applied to abstract the events. By clustering the events, user can get the information about function of the classes and the reteival of the class library.

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A Study on Automatic Classification of Subject Headings Using BERT Model (BERT 모형을 이용한 주제명 자동 분류 연구)

  • Yong-Gu Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.435-452
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    • 2023
  • This study experimented with automatic classification of subject headings using BERT-based transfer learning model, and analyzed its performance. This study analyzed the classification performance according to the main class of KDC classification and the category type of subject headings. Six datasets were constructed from Korean national bibliographies based on the frequency of the assignments of subject headings, and titles were used as classification features. As a result, classification performance showed values of 0.6059 and 0.5626 on the micro F1 and macro F1 score, respectively, in the dataset (1,539,076 records) containing 3,506 subject headings. In addition, classification performance by the main class of KDC classification showed good performance in the class General works, Natural science, Technology and Language, and low performance in Religion and Arts. As for the performance by the category type of the subject headings, the categories of plant, legal name and product name showed high performance, whereas national treasure/treasure category showed low performance. In a large dataset, the ratio of subject headings that cannot be assigned increases, resulting in a decrease in final performance, and improvement is needed to increase classification performance for low-frequency subject headings.