• 제목/요약/키워드: Circular column

검색결과 330건 처리시간 0.021초

결합나선철근 및 결합원형띠철근 교각의 내진성능에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of RC Bridge Columns with Interlocking spirals and Interlocking circular hoops)

  • 고성현;이재훈;서진원;이지영;손혁수;최진호
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 2003년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.943-948
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    • 2003
  • The experimental study for oblong section was carried out by the column test in weak axis. The column specimens had 3 types of transverse steel configurations, such as interlocking spirals, interlocking circular hoop ties and rectangular ties. The oblong columns with interlocking spirals and with interlocking circular hoop ties showed better seismic performance than the rectangular columns with rectangular hoops and cross-ties. The objectives of this study were to provide experimental data on the behavior of interlocking spiral columns under cyclic loading, to compare the performance of columns with interlocking spirals to columns with various transverse steel configurations, to study the flexural detailing of interlocking spirals, interlocking circular hoops, and other transverse steel configurations as the transverse reinforcement, and to make recommendations for the design of bridge columns incorporating interlocking spirals, circular hoops as the transverse reinforcement.

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수직보강재가 원형강기둥의 이력거동에 미치는 영향에 대한 해석적 연구 (An Analytical Study on Influence of Longitudinal Stiffeners on Seismic Performance of Circular Steel Columns)

  • 장갑철;장경호
    • 한국공간구조학회논문집
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2007
  • 최근 복잡해진 도심지의 토지 이용률을 높이기 위하여 원형 강교각이 건설이 요구되고 있다. 원형강교각의 경우 줄어든 단면으로 좌굴 내하력이 감소하며 이에 대한 방안으로 수직 보강재의 적용을 고려할 수 있다. 그러나 수직보강재를 적용한 원형 강교각의 좌굴 내하력의 증가의 효과에 대해서는 아직 명히 파악되지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 탄소성 유한요소해석 통하여 보강재를 적용하지 않은 무보강 원형 강교각과 수직보강재가 보강된 원형 강교각에 대해서 좌굴내하력을 검토하였다. 그리고, 형상비(R/t)에 따른 좌굴내하력의 변화를 기존의 실험식과 비교하여 그 효과를 검토하였다. 그리고 원형강교각의 수직 보강재를 적용하여 폭과 두께에 따른 좌굴 내하력을 비교 검토하였다. 그리고 수직 보강재를 적용한 원형 강교각에 대한 내진성능을 검토하였다.

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Numerical simulation of the free surface around a circular column in regular waves using modified marker-density method

  • Yang, In-Jun;Lee, Young-Gill;Jeong, Kwang-Leol
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.610-625
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    • 2015
  • In this paper the wave run-up around a circular column in regular waves is numerically calculated to investigate the applicability of the Modified Marker-Density (MMD) method to prediction of wave run-up around an offshore platform. The MMD method is one of the methods to define the highly nonlinear free surface. The governing equations are the Navier-Stokes equations and the continuity equation which are computed in Cartesian grid system. To validate incident waves generated by numerical simulation, those are compared with the solutions of the Stokes $5^{th}$ order wave theory. The wave run-up simulations are performed varying the steepness and period of incident waves as referred experimental data. The numerical results are compared to the experimental data and the results show good agreements.

Relocation of plastic hinge in exterior beam-column joints using inclined bars

  • P.Asha;R.Sundararajan;K.Kumar
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.317-329
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    • 2024
  • Recent earthquakes have demonstrated that even when the beams and columns in a reinforced concrete frame remain intact, the integrity of the whole structure is undermined if the joint where these members connect fails. A good seismic performance of reinforced concrete frames depends on their ability to absorb seismic energy through inelastic deformations and to avoid a sudden development of collapse mechanism in event of a strong earthquake shaking. The primary objective of this investigation is to move the plastic hinge away from the beam-column joint region and hence reducing the damage to the joint region. In this research, the seismic performance of exterior beam-column joints with four types of confinement in joint region and inclined bars from column to beam is investigated experimentally. Control specimens without inclined bars and four types of confinement Square Hoop, Square Spiral, Circular Hoop and Circular Spiral were tested along with inclined bars were tested. Seismic performance was determined via load-deflection response, ductility, stiffness, energy dissipation, strain of beam reinforcement and crack pattern. Out of the four specimens with inclined bars, seismic performance of joint with Square Spiral confinement gave the best performance in terms of all parameters.

재하속도에 따른 SM490강재 원형강기둥의 이력거동 특성 (Characteristics of Hysteretic Behavior of Circular Steel Column using SM490 for Loading Rate)

  • 장갑철;장경호
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제26권6A호
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    • pp.935-941
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    • 2006
  • 지진과 같은 동적반복하중을 받은 강구조물은 정적하중시와 다른 이력거동을 보인다. 이는 동적변형중인 구조용 강재는 정적상태와 다른 역학적 특성 및 응력-변형률 관계를 보이기 때문이다. 즉, 지진하중을 받는 원형 강기둥과 같은 강구조물의 이력거동을 정확히 예측하기 위해서는 정동적 변형 상태를 가정한 재하속도에 따른 대상구조물 내하력 및 변형의 차이점을 명확히 파악해야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 저자에 의해 제안된 SM490강재의 동적 반복소성모델과 이를 적용한 3차원 탄소성 유한요소해석을 이용하여 재하속도와 지름-두께(D/t)비를 변수로한 SM490 원형강기동의 동적해석을 수행하였다. 해석 결과를 통하여 정적에서 동적변형상태로 재하속도 변화에 따른 SM490 원형강기둥의 이력거동 특성 즉, 내하력 및 에너지소산효율의 변화를 명확히 파악하였다.

타원형 노즐을 이용한 횡단류 유동에서 액체제트 특성 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics of Liquid Jet in Crossflows Using Elliptical Nozzles)

  • 송윤호;황동현;안규복
    • 한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국추진공학회 2017년도 제48회 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.320-324
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    • 2017
  • 아음속 공기유동으로 수직분사하는 액체제트에 대하여 오리피스 형상이 달라질 경우, 분무특성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 실험적으로 연구하였다. 서로 다른 오리피스 길이 대 직경비와 타원형 노즐의 종횡비를 갖는 분사기들을 제작하여 수직분사 실험을 진행하였다. 원형노즐과 타원형 노즐에서의 분열길이를 비교하였으며, 타원형 노즐에서의 분열길이는 모든 실험조건에서 원형노즐에 비해 줄어들었다. 캐비테이션과 수력튀김 현상이 분사기 내부에 발달되는 분무차압 조건의 경우, 두 노즐 모두 분열길이가 감소하였다. 액주궤적의 경우, 장축으로부터 분무되는 액체제트가 횡방향 공기유동에 수직으로 부딪혀 나가는 경우가 액주의 궤적이 단축에 비해 더 휘어지며, 침투높이가 낮아진다.

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Shape effect on axially loaded CFDST columns

  • R, Manigandan;Kumar, Manoj
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제43권6호
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    • pp.759-772
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    • 2022
  • Concrete-filled double skinned steel tubular (CFDST) columns have been used to construct modern structures such as tall buildings and bridges as well as infrastructures as they provide better, lesser weight, and greater stiffness in structural performance than conventional reinforced concrete or steel members. Different shapes of CFDST columns may be needed to satisfy the architectural and aesthetic criteria. In the study, three-dimensional FE simulations of circular and elliptical CFDST columns under axial compression were developed and verified through the experimental test data from the perspectives of full load-displacement histories, ultimate axial strengths, and failure modes. The verified FE models were used to investigate and compare the structural performance of CFDST columns with circular and elliptical cross-section shapes by evaluating the overall load-deformation curves, interaction stress-deformation responses, and composite actions of the column. At last, the accuracy of available design models in predicting the ultimate axial strengths of CFST columns were investigated. Research results showed that circular and elliptical CFDST column behaviors were generally similar. The overall structural performance of circular CFDST columns was relatively improved compared to the elliptical CFDST column.

A new approach to determine the moment-curvature relationship of circular reinforced concrete columns

  • Caglar, Naci;Demir, Aydin;Ozturk, Hakan;Akkaya, Abdulhalim
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.321-335
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    • 2015
  • To be able to understand the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) members, cross sectional behavior should be known well. Cross sectional behavior can be best evaluated by moment-curvature relationship. On a reinforced concrete cross section moment-curvature relationship can be best determined by both experimentally or numerically with some complicated iteration methods. Making these experiments or iterations manually is very difficult and not practical. The aim of this study is to research the efficiency of Neural Networks (NN) as a more secure and robust method to obtain the moment-curvature relationship of circular RC columns. It is demonstrated that the NN based model is highly successful to determine the moment-curvature relationship of circular reinforced concrete columns.

Experimental behaviours of steel tube confined concrete (STCC) columns

  • Han, Lin-Hai;Yao, Guo-Huang;Chen, Zhi-Bo;Yu, Qing
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제5권6호
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    • pp.459-484
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    • 2005
  • In recent years, the use of steel tube confined concrete (STCC) columns has been the interests of many structural engineers. The present study is an attempt to study the monotonic and cyclic behaviours of STCC columns. For the monotonic behaviours, a series of tests on STCC stub columns (twenty one), and beam-columns (twenty) were carried out. The main parameters varied in the tests are: (1) column section types, circular and square; (2) tube diameter (or width) to thickness ratio, from 40 to 162, and (3) load eccentricity ratio (e/r), from 0 to 0.5. For the cyclic behaviours, the test parameters included the sectional types and the axial load level (n). Twelve STCC column specimens, including 6 specimens with circular sections and 6 specimens with square sections were tested under constant axial load and cyclically increasing flexural loading. Comparisons are made with predicted column strengths and flexural stiffness using the existing codes. It was found that STCC columns exhibit very high levels of energy dissipation and ductility, particularly when subjected to high axial loads. Generally, the energy dissipation ability of the columns with circular sections was much higher than those of the specimens with square sections. Comparisons are made with predicted column strengths and flexural stiffness using the existing codes such as AIJ-1997, AISCLRFD- 1994, BS5400-1979 and EC4-1994.

다이아프램이 없는 콘크리트 충전 원형강관 기둥-H형강 보 접합부의 구조적 거동에 관한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study on the Structural Behavior of Concrete-Filled Circular Tubular Column to H-Beam connections without Diaphragm)

  • 강현식;문태섭
    • 한국강구조학회 논문집
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    • 제9권1호통권30호
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 1997
  • This paper is concerned with an experimental study on structural behavior of Concrete-Filled Circular Tubular(CFCT) column to H-beam connections. The important parameters are the number of inner reinforced rib and the width of H-beam flange(100, 150, 200mm) with variable column thickness(5.8mm, 9.2mm, 12.5mm) around the joint between CFCT and H-beam. Test results are summarized for the displacement, strength, initial stiffness, failure mode and energy absorption capacity of each specimen. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the initial stiffness and the strength of connections to evaluate the structural behavior of the CFCT column to H-beam connections. From the discussion about the test results, the basic data for non diaphragm connection design would be suggested.

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