• 제목/요약/키워드: Chinese white cabbage

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자색 양배추 물김치의 이화학적$\cdot$관능적 특성에 관한 연구 (Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Mul-Kimchi (Watery Kimchi) Prepared with Red Cabbage)

  • 양윤형;박소현;안성미;김경민;김미리
    • 동아시아식생활학회지
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    • 제15권5
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    • pp.574-581
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    • 2005
  • Physicochemical and sensory properties of Mul-Kimchi(warery Kimchi) prepared with red cabbage was compared with those of Chinese cabbage or white cabbage. Acidity and turbidity of red cabbage Mul-Kimchi were somewhat higher than those of Chinese cabbage one, which was due to higher soluble solid content in red cabbage Mul-Kimchi. Hunter color a value of red cabbage Mul-kimchi was very much higher than that of Chinese or white cabbage, which was consistent with the data of anthocyanin content. Free radical scavenging activity was much higher in red cabbage Mul-kimchi than in Chinese or white cabbage one. Red cabbage Mul-kimchi had higher values of hardness, fracturability and chewiness during fementation, compared with those of Chinese or white cabbage one. Sensory results showed that there was no difference in overall acceptability among three kinds of Mul-kimchi, although red cabbage one has higher scores of appearance and color than others. Best to the results of this study, it is suggested that red cabbage is a good ingredient for Mul-kimchi.

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Carbon Footprint and Mitigation of Vegetables Produced at Open Fields and Film House using Life Cycle Assessment

  • Lee, Deog Bae;Jung, Sun Chul;So, Kyu Ho;Kim, Gun Yeob;Jeong, Hyun Cheol;Sonn, Yeon Gyu
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제47권6호
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    • pp.457-463
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    • 2014
  • This study was carried out to find out major factors to mitigate carbon emission using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). System boundary of LCA was confined from sowing to packaging during vegetable production. Input amount of agri-materials was calculated on 2007 Income reference of white radish, chinese cabbage and chive produced at open field and film house published by Rural Development Administration. Domestic data and Ecoinvent data were used for emission factors of each agri-material based on the 1996 IPCC guideline. Carbon footprint of white radish was 0.19 kg $CO_2kg^{-1}$ at open fields, 0.133 kg $CO_2kg^{-1}$ at film house, that of chinese cabbage was 0.22 kg $CO_2kg^{-1}$ at open fields, 0.19 kg $CO_2kg^{-1}$ at film house, and that of chive was 0.66 kg $CO_2kg^{-1}$ at open fields and 1.04 kg $CO_2kg^{-1}$ at film house. The high carbon footprint of chive was related to lower vegetable production and higher fuel usage as compared to white radish and Chinese cabbage. The mean proportion of carbon emission was 35.7% during the manufacturing byproduct fertilizer; white radish at open fields was 50.6%, white radish at film house 13.1%, Chinese cabbage at outdoor 38.4%, Chinese cabbage at film house 34.0%, chive at outdoor 50.6%, and chive at film house 36.0%. Carbon emission, on average, for the step of manufacturing and combustion accounted for 16.1% of the total emission; white radish at open fields was 4.3%, white radish at film house 15.6%, Chinese cabbage at open fields 6.9%, Chinese cabbage at film house 19.0%, chive at open fields 12.5%, and chive at film house 29.1%. On the while, mean proportion of carbon footprint for the step of $N_2O$ emission was 29.2%; white radish at open fields was 39.2%, white radish at film house 41.9%, Chinese cabbage at open fields 34.4%, Chinese cabbage at film house 23.1%, chive at open fields 28.8%, and chive at film house 17.1%. Fertilizer was the primary factor and fuel was the secondary factor for carbon emission among the vegetables of this study. It was suggested to use Heug-To-Ram web-service system, http://soil.rda.go.kr, for the scientific fertilization based on soil testing, and for increase of energy efficiency to produce low carbon vegetable.

김치의 숙성기간에 따른 외국인의 관능적 선호도 조사 (A Study on Foreigner Preferences and Sensory Characteristics of Kimchi Fermented for Different Periods)

  • 정은희;류정표;이상일
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.346-353
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    • 2012
  • This study was designed to investigate foreigner preferences for the sensory characteristics of kimchi with different fermentation periods. After fermentation in a 5 freezer for 1, 7, and 15 days, Red Chinese Cabbage Kimchi, White Chinese Cabbage Kimchi, Kkakdugi, Chonggak Kimchi, Cucumber Kimchi, Green Onion Kimchi, and Mustard Kimchi were served to the respondents. The respondents had resided in Seoul and Kyunggi province for 3 years or less, and were from Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Most respondents (62.9%) consumed a Korean meal daily, and 45% of all respondents reported eating kimchi 3 or 4 times a week. As a result, it can be said that foreigners residing in Korea preferred to eat kimchi as a side dish. Based on the respondents answers, we were able to determine the relative popularity of the different types of kimchi. They were, from most popular to least popular, Red Chinese Cabbage Kimchi, Kkakdugi Kimchi, Cucumber Kimchi, White Chinese Cabbage Kimchi, Chonggak Kimchi, Green Onion Kimchi, and Mustard Kimchi. Among those fermented for 1 day, Cucumber Kimchi was most preferred for its. When evaluating the overall preference of Kimchi, the best was in the order of Chinese cabbage (red)>Kkakdugi>Cucumber>Chinese cabbage (white)>Chonggak>Green onion>Mustard Kimchi. For 1 day in a fermented period, Cucumber Kimchi had the most preferred taste (5.76), appearance (5.66), odor (5.89), and texture (5.70). However, Cucumber Kimchi was least popular after 15 days of fermentation (p<0.01). The most preferred Kimchi after 15 days of fermentation was Red Chinese Cabbage Kimchi. Among the kimchi fermented for 7 days, White Chinese Cabbage Kimchi was most preferred. While foreigners indicated that they were satisfied with all the types of kimchi fermented for 1 day and 15 days, they were not satisfied with any of the kimchi fermented for 7 days, save for the White Chinese Cabbage Kimchi. Kkakdugi Kimchi had very high satisfaction scores for appearance, but low scores in taste. On the other hand, Chinese Cabbage Kimchi had low scores in odor (5.02-5.29), but high in texture (5.37-5.62) and taste (4.80-5.30), which are not factors sensitive to a change in acidity. These results showed that foreigners were generally satisfied with Kimchi, but became less satisfied as the Kimchi ripened. Most foreigners were not satisfied with the types of Kimchi that had a strong flavor. Chinese Cabbage Kimchi became the least sour after fermentation, and Cucumber Kimchi became most sour after fermentation.

엽채류의 환경제어 모델 연구 I. 야온 및 양액내 $\textrm{NO}_3\;^-$: $\textrm{NH}_4\;^+$비가 백경채 및 탑채의 생육에 미치는 영향 (Studies on the Modelling of Controlled Environment in Leaf Vegetable Crops)

  • 박권우;신영주;이용범
    • 생물환경조절학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 1992
  • 야온과 시용질소의 형태를 달리한 양액이 탑채와 백경채의 생육 및 품질에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 실시한 실험의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 탑채, 백경채 모두 야온 15$^{\circ}C$ 에서 생육이 왕성하여 생체중이 무거웠으나 건물율과 vitamin C의 함량은 온도가 낮아질수록 증가하였다. 2. 양액의 N형태 비율에 따른 백경채의 생육은 NO$_3$$^{-}$ : NH$_4$$^{+}$ 의 비가 0 : 8에서만 극히 생육이 저조하고, 다른 처리구에서는 큰 차이가 없었다. 3. 양액내 NO$_3$$^{-}$-N의 함량이 높을수록 vitamin C의 함량이 많고, NH$_4$$^{+}$-N의 함량이 높을 때는 건물율이 높았다.

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엽채류의 환경제어 모델연구 II. 인공광 조건에 따른 식물의 생육변화 (Studies on the Modelling of Controlled Environment in Leaf Vegetable Crops II. Effects of various light sources on the growth)

  • 박권우;신영주;이용범
    • 생물환경조절학회지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 1992
  • 자연광과 자연광에 인공광을 이용한 보광처리시 형광등, 백열등, 고압나트륨등으로 인공광의 종류를 달리하였을 때 백경채, 탑채, 상추, 쑥갓 및 잎들깨의 생육에 미치는 영향에 대한 실험결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 전반적으로 대조구보다 보광처리구의 생육이 양호하였다. 2. 고압나트륨등처리구에서는 생육이 양호하여 엽중량비가 낮고, 엽면적이 넓으며 엽중이 무거워 외관상 상품가치가 높았으며 백열등처리구에서는 생체중은 무거웠으나 도장하여 상품성이 저하되었다. 형광등처리구에서는 고압나트륨등에 비하여 생육이 크게 떨어지지 않았다. 3. 엽록소의 상대적 함량은 전반적으로 큰 차이는 없었으나 고압나트륨등의 처리구에서 다소 높았다. 4. Vitamin C의 함량은 처리간 큰 차이는 없었으며 광 종류에 따라 작물마다 다른 반응을 나타내었다.

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Biological Control of Soil-borne Diseases with Antagonistic Bacteria

  • Kim, Byung-Ryun;Hahm, Soo-Sang;Han, Kwang-Seop;Kim, Jong-Tae;Park, In-Hee
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국균학회 2016년도 춘계학술대회 및 임시총회
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    • pp.25-25
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    • 2016
  • Biological control has many advantages as a disease control method, particularly when compared with pesticides. One of the most important benefits is that biological control is an environmental friendly method and does not introduce pollutants into the environment. Another great advantage of this method is its selectivity. Selectivity is the important factor regarding the balance of agricultural ecosystems because a great damage to non target species can lead to the restriction of natural enemies' populations. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of several different bacterial isolates on the efficacy of biological control of soil borne diseases. White rot caused by Sclerotium cepivorum was reported to be severe disease of garlic and chive. The antifungal bacteria Burkholderia pyrrocinia CAB08106-4 was tested in field bioassays for its ability to suppress white rot disease. In field tests, B. pyrrocinia CAB08106-4 isolates suppressed white rot in garlic and chive, with the average control efficacies of 69.6% and 58.9%, respectively. In addition, when a culture filtrate of B. pyrrocinia CAB08106-4 was sprayed onto wounded garlic bulbs after inoculation with a Penicillium hirstum spore suspension in a cold storage room ($-2^{\circ}C$), blue mold disease on garlic bulbs was suppressed, with a control efficacy of 79.2%. These results suggested that B. pyrrocinia CAB08106-4 isolates could be used as effective biological control agents against both soil-borne and post-harvest diseases of Liliaceae. Chinese cabbage clubroot caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae was found to be highly virulent in Chinese cabbage, turnips, and cabbage. In this study, the endophytic bacterium Flavobacterium hercynium EPB-C313, which was isolated from Chinese cabbage tissues, was investigated for its antimicrobial activity by inactivating resting spores and its control effects on clubroot disease using bioassays. The bacterial cells, culture solutions, and culture filtrates of F. hercynium EPB-C313 inactivated the resting spores of P. brassicae, with the control efficacies of 90.4%, 36.8%, and 26.0%, respectively. Complex treatments greatly enhanced the control efficacy by 63.7% in a field of 50% diseased plants by incorporating pellets containing organic matter and F. hercynium EPB-C313 in soil, drenching seedlings with a culture solution of F. hercynium EPB-C313, and drenching soil for 10 days after planting. Soft rot caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum was reported to be severe disease to Chinese cabbage in spring seasons. The antifungal bacterium, Bacillus sp. CAB12243-2 suppresses the soft rot disease on Chinese cabbage with 73.0% control efficacy in greenhouse assay. This isolate will increase the utilization of rhizobacteria species as biocontrol agents against soft rot disease of vegetable crops. Sclerotinia rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum has been reported on lettuce during winter. An antifungal isolate of Pseudomonas corrugata CAB07024-3 was tested in field bioassays for its ability to suppress scleritinia rot. This antagonistic microorganism showed four-year average effects of 63.1% of the control in the same field. Furthermore, P. corrugata CAB07024-3 has a wide antifungal spectrum against plant pathogens, including Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Sclerotium cepivorum, Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Phytophotra capsici, and Pythium myriotylum.

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엽채류의 환경제어 모델연구 III. 배지와 양액 종류에 따른 식물의 생육변화 (Studies on the Modeling of Controlled Environment in Leaf Vegetable Crops)

  • 박권우;신영주;원재희;이용범
    • 생물환경조절학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 1993
  • 양액재배시 배지 및 양액종류의 차이가 백경채, 탑채, 상추, 쑥갓 및 잎들깨의 생육에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 실시한 실험의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 전반적으로 순수담액처리구와 혼합상토의 생육이 크게 차이나지는 않았으나 순수담액처리구의 생육이 가장 양호하였고, 모래배지에서의 생육이 가장 저조하였다. 백경채, 탑채, 상추와 잎들깨의 생육은 순수담액의 산기양액처리구에서 가장 좋았으며 쑥갓의 경우 양액종류에 관계없이 순수담액처리구에서 생육이 양호하였다. 2. 엽록소의 상대적 함량은 처리간에 큰 차이가 없었다. 3. Vitamin C의 함량은 처리구간에 차이가 크지 않았으나 공시작물 공히 전반적으로 양액의 종류에 상관없이 혼합상토처리구가 가장 높았고, 모래배지가 가장 낮았다. 그러나 잎들깨에서는 모래배지와 순수담액배지간에 차이가 없었다.

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Yield and Nutritional Quality of Several Non-heading Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa var. chinensis) Cultivars with Different Growing Period and Its Modelling

  • Kalisz, Andrzej;Kostrzewa, Joanna;Sekara, Agnieszka;Grabowska, Aneta;Cebula, Stanislaw
    • 원예과학기술지
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.650-656
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    • 2012
  • The aims of the experiment, conducted over three years in the Central Europe field conditions, were (1) to investigate the effect of growing period (plantings in the middle and at the end of August: $1^{st}$ and $2^{nd}$ term, respectively) on yield and chemical composition of the non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa var. chinensis) cultivars 'Taisai', 'Pak Choy White', and 'Green Fortune', and (2) to develop regression models to evaluate the changes in crop yields as a function of weather conditions. A highest marketable yield was obtained from 'Taisai' (65.71 and 77.20 $t{\cdot}ha^{-1}$), especially in the $2^{nd}$ term of production. Low yield, observed for 'Pak Choy White' was due to its premature bolting. Almost 39% ($1^{st}$ term) and 70% ($2^{nd}$ term) of plants of this cultivar formed inflorescence shoots before harvest. The highest dry matter level was observed in the leaf petioles of 'Taisai', while 'Green Fortune' was the most abundant of carotenoids and L-ascorbic acid. The content of soluble sugars was the lowest for 'Pak Choy White'. In a phase of harvest maturity, more of the analyzed constituents were gathered by plants from earlier plantings, and differences were as follows: 4.7% (dry matter), 26.3% (carotenoids) and 22.1% (L-ascorbic acid), in comparison to $2^{nd}$ term of production. Significant increase of soluble sugars level was observed for plants from later harvest. The regression model for marketable yield of Chinese cabbage cultivar 'Taisai' as a function of maximum air temperature can predict the yield with accuracy 68%. The models for yield or bolting of 'Pak Choy White', based on extreme air temperatures and sunshine duration, were more precise (98%). It should be pointed out that Taisai could be recommended for later growing period in Central Europe conditions with regard to maximum yield potential. 'Green Fortune' was notable for its uniform yielding. To obtained plants of higher nutritional value, earlier time of cultivation should be suggested. Described models can be successfully applied for an approximate simulation of Chinese cabbage yielding.

Green cabbage supplementation influences the gene expression and fatty acid levels of adipose tissue in Chinese Wanxi White geese

  • Bin Wang;Zhengquan Liu;Xingyong Chen;Cheng Zhang;Zhaoyu Geng
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제36권10호
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    • pp.1558-1567
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    • 2023
  • Objective: Dietary green cabbage was evaluated for its impact on fatty acid synthetic ability in different adipose tissues during fattening of Wanxi White geese. Methods: A total of 256 Wanxi White geese at their 70 days were randomly allocated into 4 groups with 4 replicates and fed 0%, 15%, 30%, and 45% fresh green cabbage (relative to dry matter), respectively, in each group. Adipose tissues (subcutaneous and abdominal fat), liver and blood were collected from 4 birds in each replicate at their 70, 80, 90, and 100 days for fatty acid composition, relative gene expression and serum lipid analysis. Two-way or three-way analysis of variance was used for analysis. Results: The contents of palmitic acid (C16:0), palmitoleic acid (C16:1), linoleic acid (C18:2), and alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3) were feeding time dependently increased. The C16:0 and stearic acid (C18:0) were higher in abdominal fat, while C16:1, oleic acid (C18:1), and C18:2 were higher in subcutaneous fat. Geese fed 45% green cabbage exhibited highest level of C18:3. Geese fed green cabbage for 30 d exhibited higher level of C16:0 and C18:0 in abdominal fat, while geese fed 30% to 45% green cabbage exhibited higher C18:3 in subcutaneous fat. The expression of Acsl1 (p = 0.003) and Scd1 (p<0.0001) were decreased with green cabbage addition. Interaction between feeding time and adipose tissue affected elongation of long-chain fatty acids family member 6 (Elovl6), acyl-CoA synthetase longchain family member 1 (Acsl1), and stearoly-coA desaturase 1 (Scd1) gene expression levels (p = 0.013, p = 0.003, p = 0.005). Feeding time only affected serum lipid levels of free fatty acid and chylomicron. Higher contents of C16:0, C18:1, and C18:3 were associated with greater mRNA expression of Scd1 (p<0.0001), while higher level of C18:2 was associated with less mRNA expression of Scd1 (p<0.0001). Conclusion: Considering content of C18:2 and C18:3, 30% addition of green cabbage could be considered for fattening for 30 days in Wanxi White geese.

광원의 종류, 주기와 세기의 변화에 따른 '신홍쌈' 배추 내 글루코시놀레이트 함량 (Variation of glucosinolate contents of 'Sinhongssam' grown under various light sources, periods, and light intensities)

  • 이건령;김영진;천진혁;이민기;류동기;박수형;정선옥;박상언;임용표;김선주
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2014
  • The variation of glucosinolates (GSLs) in Chinese cabbage ('Sinhongssam') (Brassica rapa L. spp. pekinensis) cultivated under lights to control plant growth conditions was evaluated at different development stages. Under experimental conditions in plant factory system, plant growth conditions including light, temperature, and nutrients were designed to enhance GSLs. The variation of glucosinolates (GSLs) in Chinese cabbage ('Sinhongssam') (Brassica rapa L. spp. pekinensis) cultivated under lights to control plant growth conditions was evaluated at different development stages. Under experimental conditions in plant factory system, plant growth conditions including light, temperature, and nutrients were designed to enhance GSLs. The contents of GSLs were quantified in Chinese cabbage according to different light sources (Red+White, RW; Red+Blue+White, RBW, Fluorescence lamp, FL) at development stages (28, 42, and 56 days after sowing, DAS) using HPLC. Nine GSLs including five aliphatic (progoitrin, sinigrin, glucoalyssin, gluconapin, and glucobrassicanapin) three indolyl (glucobrassicin, 4-methoxyglucobrassicin, and neoglucobrassicin), and one aromatic (gluconasturtiin) GSLs were identified based on peak retention time in previous results of our laboratory. GSL contents were higher in RBW (36.55) and lower in FL ($15.24{\mu}mol/g/\;DW$). Results revealed that GSL contents were higher under controlled photoperiods (20/4 h) ($58.35{\mu}mol/g\;DW$) and controlled light intensity ($160{\mu}mol/m^2/s$) ($34.02{\mu}mol/g\;DW$), respectively. Lower amount of progoitrin and comparatively higher amount of glucobrassicin and gluconasturtiin was noted in Chinese cabbage cultivated under FL light (2.38, 9.82, and 2.10) at 42 DAS, photoperiod 20/4 h (3.16, 2.52, and 1.30) at 28 DAS, and light intensity at $130{\mu}mol/m^2/s$ (2.28, 2.24, and $1.51{\mu}mol/g\;DW$) at 42 DAS. Therefore FL light, photoperiod (20/4 h), and light intensity ($130{\mu}mol/m^2/s$) were considered as most suitable for the enhancement of GSLs in Chinese cabbage.