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Quality and Shelf-Life of Vacuum Packed RTE (Ready-To-Eat) Hamburg Steak Depending on the Oxygen Permeability of Packaging Material and the Storage Temperature (포장재의 산소투과도와 저장온도에 따른 즉석섭취형 햄버그스테이크의 품질 및 저장성)

  • Lim, Ji Hoon;Lee, Sung Ki;Chung, Seung Hee;Lee, Keun Taik
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the effects of the oxygen permeability of vacuum packaging film and the storage temperature on the quality and shelf life of Hamburg steaks during storage for 14 days. Control samples (C) were packaged in a polyamide/polyethylene (PA/PE) film and stored at 5C. Treatment samples were either packaged in an ethylene vinyl alcohol/polyethylene (EVOH/PE) copolymer film and stored at 5C (T1), and in a PA/PE film and stored at 18C (T2). The initial total plate count (TPC) was 3.6 log cfu/g. In T1 samples, TPC and Brochothrix thermosphacta counts were increased, similar to those in C samples, whereas Pseudomonas spp. counts were significantly lower than those in C samples during storage. Over the storage period, the volatile basic nitrogen values increased most rapidly in C samples, followed by T1 and then T2 samples. The values of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances steadily increased in all samples during storage. The colour parameters were not significantly different among the samples during storage. T1 samples maintained sensory qualities in flavour and off-odour parameters for two days longer than C samples did. At day 12, T2 samples were evaluated as being below the marketability score of 5.0 for texture. In conclusion, using high oxygen barrier films like EVOH/PE copolymer for packaging Hamburg steaks could extend the sensory qualities in view of flavour and off-odour during chilled storage. However, frozen storage at 18C is recommended when the storage period is extended beyond 14 days at 5C.

Bio-protective potential of lactic acid bacteria: Effect of Lactobacillus sakei and Lactobacillus curvatus on changes of the microbial community in vacuum-packaged chilled beef

  • Zhang, Yimin;Zhu, Lixian;Dong, Pengcheng;Liang, Rongrong;Mao, Yanwei;Qiu, Shubing;Luo, Xin
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.585-594
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    • 2018
  • Objective: This study was to determine the bacterial diversity and monitor the community dynamic changes during storage of vacuum-packaged sliced raw beef as affected by Lactobacillus sakei and Lactobacillus curvatus. Methods: L. sakei and L. curvatus were separately incubated in vacuumed-packaged raw beef as bio-protective cultures to inhibit the naturally contaminating microbial load. Dynamic changes of the microbial diversity of inoculated or non-inoculated (control) samples were monitored at 4C for 0 to 38 days, using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Results: The DGGE profiles of DNA directly extracted from non-inoculated control samples highlighted the order of appearance of spoilage bacteria during storage, showing that Enterbacteriaceae and Pseudomonas fragi emerged early, then Brochothrix thermosphacta shared the dominant position, and finally, Pseudomonas putida showed up became predominant. Compared with control, the inoculation of either L. sakei or L. curvatus significantly lowered the complexity of microbial diversity and inhibited the growth of spoilage bacteria (p<0.05). Interestingly, we also found that the dominant position of L. curvatus was replaced by indigenous L. sakei after 13 d for L. curvatus-inoculated samples. Plate counts on selective agars further showed that inoculation with L. sakei or L. curvatus obviously reduced the viable counts of Enterbacteraceae, Pseudomonas spp. and B. thermosphacta during later storage (p<0.05), with L. sakei exerting greater inhibitory effect. Inoculation with both bio-protective cultures also significantly decreased the total volatile basic nitrogen values of stored samples (p<0.05). Conclusion: Taken together, the results proved the benefits of inoculation with lactic acid bacteria especially L. sakei as a potential way to inhibit growth of spoilage-related bacteria and improve the shelf life of vacuum-packaged raw beef.

Comparative Characterization of the Bacteria Isolated from Market Milk Treated with ESL and Conventional System (ESL 생산공정에 따른 시유 유래 미생물의 분포 비교 연구)

  • 김응률;정병문;유병희;정후길;강국희;전호남
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.327-332
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of strains which were isolated from market milk treated with ESL(extended shelf life) and conventional system, and to compare the microbiological quality of ESL milk with conventional milk. In order to characterize the isolated strains, purification, Gram staining, spore staining, catalase, oxidase, motility test, and identification by means of automatic identificator were performed. The results obtained are as follows: total 364 selected strains were analyzed in this study. Depending upon the isolated source, the number of strains from conventional milk was found to be Higher than ESL-milk. By means of grouping of total strains, Bacillus ssp. and Staphylococcus ssp. showed to be predominant. But most of strains were distributed with various groups except Lactobacillus ssp. When the isolates were compared with milk process methods, Enterococcus ssp. was detected much on market milk treated with LTLT pasteurization. Also, Pseudomonas ssp. was detected much on conventional milk treated with UHT pasteurization. By comparison with genus groups depending upon storage temperature of market milk, the higher milk storage temperature increased, the most frequency detected Bacillus ssp. increased. Also, Pseudomonas ssp. was detected most frequently at 10C storage condition. Generally this genus derived from post-contamination during milk processing and related to the quality of market milk during chilled system. In conclusion, it was shown that ESL system reduced post-contamination during milk process, following the improvement of product quality and life cycle during the distribution of market milk.

Changes of Physicochemical Properties of Codonopsis lanceolate Cultivated on a Wild Hill and Stored at Various Conditions (야산 재배더덕의 포장저장 조건에 따른 이화학적 특성 변화)

  • Choi, Moo-Young;Oh, Hae-Sook;Kim, Jun-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to investigate the changes in some physicochemical properties of Codonopsis lanceolata cultivated on a wild hill, which were packed with woven polypropylene (WP) or low density polyethylene (LDPE, thickness 0.04 mm) bags and stored at 4C or 20C for 30 days. Those characteristics of fresh samples were as follows. pH : 5.3, moisture and ash content 86% and 5.5% respectively, Ca, Mg, Na and K content Per Ins dry matter : 427.3mg, 203.4 mg, 10.2mg, 619mg, respectively and crude saponin and codonoposide : 29.7mg and 3.82mg. Among the physicochemical properties, the pH, color parameters and Ca and Mg contents decreased or changed significantly during the storage period, but the content of crude saponin and codonoposide were almost maintained as a fresh sample for 30 days except for the condition of the WP packaging and room temperature. We could conclude that both of the LDPE packaging and chilled conditions were necessary for the best storage of Codonopsis lanceolata cultured on a wild hill for a long time.

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Quality Changes of Supraspinatus M. of Hanwoo by Packaging Methods during Chilled Storage (포장방법에 따른 한우 극상근(Supraspinatus Muscle)의 냉장 저장 중 품질 변화)

  • Chung, Ku-Young;Chung, Eui-Ryung;Lee, Hyun-Jung
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.469-474
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    • 2007
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the quality changes in Supraspinatus muscle of Hanwoo with different packaging methods, such as wrapped packaging (C), vacuum packaging (V) and modified atmosphere packaging (MA). These samples were stored for 25 days under 5C. Each sample was evaluated for pH, volatile basic mitrogen (VBN) value, purge loss, hardness, meat color and microbial counts. From the results obtained, no significant differences were observed among treatments at the pH. The VBN values of MA were significantly lower than those of C. Also, MA was enhanced stability of meat color compared with other packaging methods during storage days. The purge loss was the most in the V samples, followed by the C and the MA was the lowest. Total bacteria counts of MA sample were significantly lower than those from C. Therefore, it has been concluded that MA could be used as an effective packaging since it extends the shelf life and improve the quality of Hanwoo supraspinatus m.

Studies on quality changes of ready-prepared conger eel products adding ginseng and pine mushroom during storage and sterilization (인삼과 송이를 첨가한 조리장어제품의 저장 및 살균방법에 따른 품질변화에 관한 연구)

  • 김혜영;임양이
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.396-402
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the quality changes of retort pouched seasoned-conger eel products during a 60 day of storage at 4, 15 and -20C. The seasoned-conger eel products was sterilized at either 100 or 121C for 90min., and then vacuum packed in plastic film bags. When comparing their duality before and after sterilization, the pH and VBN of all the products slightly decreased, while the TBA values slightly increased after sterilization. The color value, b, of the product decreased after sterilization, while the L value rarely changed. During storage the pH and VBN of all the products were little changed at the storage temperatures of 15 and -20C. The TBA values increased after 30 and 60 days at 15C, and at 4 and -20C, respectively. As for color difference during storage, the L and a values were little changed during storage, while the b value increased. In conclusion, the quality of the retort pouched seasoned-conger eel products remained good during the 60 day storage period when chilled and frozen after sterilization, and could be consumed as an instant food, keeping an appropriate content and soft texture.

Physico-chemical Changes of Pork Prepared by Korean Traditional Sauces During Chilled Aging (한국 전통 양념으로 제조한 돼지고기의 숙성중 물리화학적 변화)

  • Jin, S.K.;Kim, I.S.;Hur, S.J.;Lyou, H.J.;Hah, K.H.;Joo, S.T.;Lee, J.I.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.859-870
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to investigate physico-chemical changes of pork prepared by Korean traditional 3 types seasoning such as soybean sauce(Tl); garlic sauce(T2); red pepper sauce(T3). The seasoned samples were aged at 0 ± 1C for 30 days. The results obtained were as follows; Salinity(%) and saccharinity(%) of sauce were significantly decreased(P<0.05) among the all treatments during aging periods, whereas fermented meats were significantly increased(P<0.05). pH of sauce and fermented meat were tended to increased as aging period. Water-Holding Capacity(WHC) and shear force of fermented meat increased(P<0.05) among the all treatments at 20 days of storage, and decreased after that period. In color, LandbvalueofT3werelower,whilea value was higher than other treatments during aging period. Volatile Basic Nitrogen(YBN) value of all treatments were increased(P<0.05) after 20 days of storage. YBN value of T3 was significantly higher(P<0.05) compared with other treatments. Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances(TBARS) was rapidly increased until 10 days of storage and somewhat decreased up to 20 days after 10 days in all treatments, it was re-increased after 20th days. T3 showed the highest TBARS among the all treatment groups. Total bacterial and Lactobacilli spp. were significantly increased(P<0.05) in all treatments at 10 days of storage and decreased after that period, however it tended to increased at 30 days of storage. In sensory evaluation, overall acceptability in all treatments were increased after 20 days of storage compared to initial storage and it score was similar thereafter.

Thermal Performance of the Show-Case Cooler Using Ice Slurry Type Storage System (아이스슬러리형 축냉시스템을 이용한 쇼케이스 냉각장치의 열적성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Won;Kim, Jeong-Bae
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.26-29
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    • 2011
  • A promising alternative technology is the potential use of ice slurries as a secondary refrigerant in conventional cooling process. Ice slurries behave almost like a liquid and can be pumped through pipes although the energy capacity of ice slurries per unit volume is considerably higher than that for chilled water or brine due to the latent heat capacity of the ice particles. To give the basic data for the design of cooling systems using ice slurries, experimental study has been conducted to find out the performance of the cooling coil of show-case with ice slurries. Despite the fact that ice slurries entering the cooling coil had at least 5C higher temperature than that of R22, it was still capable of providing a similar cooling performance than that obtained with R22.

Studies on K-value and Nucleotides-Degrading Enzymes in Fish Muscle, - I (어육(魚肉)의 K치(値)와 핵산(核酸) 관련(關聯) 물질(物質)의 분해효소(分解酵素)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-I)

  • Kim, June- Pyung;Kim, Jong- Bae;Park, Il-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 1988
  • Estimation of fish freshness is very important in food industries. it was estimated from the concentration of nucleotides. ammonia, amines and volatile acids in fish meat. Changes in the K-values of 12 species of fish were observed during storage at 0C. The range of differences in the K-value-increasing rate of chilled fish muscle among fish species might be wider for white-fleshed fishes than for dark- fleshed fishes. As to the 12 species of fish examined. the coefficient of correlation between them was calculated to be 0.77. The fish muscle will he contained an effective inhibitor of IMP-degrading enzymatic activity.

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Studies on HOSS test and CTC test for Viability and Capacitation of Frozen-thawed Canine Sperm (개 정맥의 동결 및 융해후 정자의 생존성 및 수정능획득 판정을 위한 HOS test 및 CTC test)

  • 김용준;지동범;오홍근
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.431-437
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    • 2000
  • Evaluation of viability and capacitation of canine sperm is of great importance to deter- mine good condition for freezing canine semen and consequently to improve conception rate by arti-ficial insemination. Semen were collected from nine male dots which had been proved to be fertile in the post and the semen were treaded for freezing procedure. Semen were thawed at 37C for 30 seconds. In this study, hypoosmotic swelling(HOS) test and chlortetracycline(CTC) test were per- formed to evaluate post-thaw viability and capacitated status of sperm, respectively. In HOS test far canine sperm, the highest percentage of curled sperm was shown at 60 mOsm. In HOS test for canine semen, there were considerably significant correlation between HOS values and sperm motil- ity(r=0.9064, p<0.01) and converse correlation between HOS values and sperm abnormality(r=- 0.6905, p<0.05). The sperm viability and HOS-values for chilled extended semen were significantly decreased from 0 to 72 hours during storage at 5C (p<0.05). Of the media added to canine semen after thawing, the most capacitated sperm were shown in CCM(p<0.01), and then This Fructose Cit- rate(TFC) medium with calcium from 3 hours after incubation with media. It was concluded that HOS test is of great value to determine the viability and motility of canine sperm, whereas CTC test is usable to determine the capacitated status. Consequently, both tests were thought to be useful as the additional tests to standard semen analysis.

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