• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chemical fertilizer

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Assessment of Silicate Fetilizers Application Affecting Soil Properties in Paddy Field (논토양에서 규산질비료 시용이 토양 환경에 미치는 영향)

  • Joo, Jin-Ho;Lee, Seung-Been
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1016-1022
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    • 2011
  • Application of silicate fertilizers is typically practiced with several year's interval to amend soil quality and improve rice productivity at the paddy field in Korea. Most of silicate fertilizers applied in Korea is slag-originated silicate fertilizer. Some water soluble silicate fertilizers are manufactured and commercially available. The objective of this study was to assess changes of soil chemical properties in paddy field by applying slag-originated silicate fertilizer and water soluble silicate fertilizer. Field experiment was conducted on a silt loam paddy soil, where four levels of each silicate fertilizer were applied in soil at the rate of 0, 1, 2, 4 times of the recommended levels. Application of slag-originated silicate fertilizer increased soil pH, while no significant pH increase occurred with the treatment of water soluble silicate fertilizers. Soil pH increased 0.4~0.5 with the 1 time of recommended level of slag-originated silicate fertilizer. Available $SiO_2$ contents also significantly increased with the treatment of slag-originated silicate fertilizer at 15 and 35 days after treatment, while decreased after 60 days after treatment possibly due to rice uptake. Exchangeable Ca, Mg and available phosphate contents in soil increased with application of slag-originated silicate fertilizer, while a little increases for them were shown with the application of soluble silicate fertilizer. $SiO_2$/N ratios in rice straw for 1 time of recommended level of slag-originated silicate fertilizer was 11.5, while that of control was 8.4, which was much lower value. Throughout this study, soil application of slag-originated silicate fertilizer enhanced soil chemical properties, while water soluble silicate fertilizer application in soil needs further study resulting in a little effects on soil property.

Study on the Optimum Levels of Sewage Sludge Application for High Yielding Rice Variety (다수계(多收系) 수도품종(水稻品種)에 대(對)한 부숙(腐熟) 오니(汚泥) 시용량(施用量) 결정(決定))

  • Oh, Wang-Keun;Lee, Choon-Soo;Kwak, Han-Kang;Hwang, Ki-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 1985
  • An attempt was made to determine the optimum levels of sewage sludge application for seogwangbyeo in the farmer's field. 1. Optimum amount of sewage slude application was 338kg/11a at the fertilizer (N-P-K) level of 15-10-10kg/10a, 430kg/10a at that of 7.5-10-10kg/10a and 544kg/10a at no fertilizer. 2. Number of tillers during all growing period were increased with amounts of sewage sludge and/or chemical fertilizers. 3. Panicles per hill was increased but percent ripeness was decreased with the application of increasing level of sewage sludge and/or chemical fertilizer. In particular, the decrease of ripeness among yield-related components sotood out as an important one to be solved for higher yield. 3. Panicles per hill was increased but percent ripeness was decreased with the application of increasing level of sewage sludge and/or chemical fertilizer. In particular, the decrease of ripeness among yield-related components stood out as an important one to be solved for higher yield. 4. Ripeness was remarkably decreased in high nitrogen content of soil and rice plant under heavy amounts of sewage sludge and/or chemical fertilizer. 5. Ripeness that had direct effect on yield showed significantly possitive correlation with the content of $SiO_2$ and $SiO_2/N$ in rice plant from 25 days after transolanting to harvesting stage. 6. Maximumutillzation of nitrogen and its production efficiency of absorbed nitrogen in sewage sludge were 16.6% and 31.9kg (Yield/kg, N) at the level 15-10-10kg/10a as fertilizer with amounts of sewage sludge application, and 19.0% and 31.8kg (yield/kg, N) at sewage sludge application without fertilizer.

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Evaluation of the Effect of Different Application Ratios of Lime-treated Fertilizer Mixed with Food Waste on Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa L.) Yield and Soil Chemical Properties (음식물류폐기물 혼합 석회처리비료 사용량에 따른 배추(Brassica rapa L.) 수량 및 토양 화학성 평가)

  • Young-Jae Jeong;Sang-Geum Lee;Seong-Heon Kim;Sang-Ho Jeon;Youn-Hae Lee;Soon-Ik Kwon;Jae-Hong Shim
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    • v.68 no.2
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2023
  • Lime-treated fertilizer (LTF) is manufactured using the lime stabilization method with food waste. LTF is effective in neutralizing acidic soil, improving nutrient and organic matter content in soil, and increasing crop productivity. However, excessive use of LTF in agricultural land can have undesirable effects, such as reduced crop growth and nutrient accumulation in soil. This study was evaluated the effect of different application ratios of LTF on the crop yield index (%), nutrient (N, P2O5, K2O) uptake index (%), and soil chemical properties. The following treatments were applied: untreated (UT), NPK (NPK), NPK+calcium hydroxide (CH), and NPK+1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-times of LTF (LTF1, 2, 4, and 8). The yield index for LTF1 was the highest among different LTF treatments. Moreover the yield index for spring and winter cabbage in LTF1 treatment was 10% and 21% higher, respectively, than that in NPK treatment. The yield and nutrient indices were decreased with the increase in LTF application ratio. The soil pH and EC tended to increase with the increase in LTF ratio, and were the highest at 8.2 and 2.1, respectively, after cultivation for LTF8 (P<0.05). With the increase in soil pH, the soil inorganic nitrogen (NH4-N, NH3-N) and available phosphate (Av. P2O5) levels were decreased (P<0.05). Our results suggest that LTF1 (643 kg 10a-1) is an appropriate ratio for improving soil chemical properties and increasing crop yield.

Model Development for Estimating Total Arsenic Contents with Chemical Properties and Extractable Heavy Metal Contents in Paddy Soils (논토양의 이화학적 특성 및 침출성 중금속 함량을 이용한 비소의 전함량 예측)

  • Lee, Jeong-Mi;Go, Woo-Ri;Kunhikrishnan, Anitha;Yoo, Ji-Hyock;Kim, Ji-Young;Kim, Doo-Ho;Kim, Won-Il
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.920-924
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed to estimate total contents of arsenic (As) by stepwise multiple-regression analysis using chemical properties and extractable contents of metal in paddy soil adjacent to abandoned mines. The soil was collected from paddies near abandoned mines. Soil pH, electrical conductively (EC), organic mater (OM), available phosphorus ($P_2O_5$), and exchangeable cations (Ca, K, Mg, Na) were measured. Total contents of As and extractable contents of metals were analyzed by ICP-OES. From stepwise analysis, it was showed that the contents of extractable As, available phosphorus, extractable Cu, exchangeable K, exchangeable Na, and organic mater significantly influenced the total contents of As in soil (p<0.001). The multiple linear regression models have been established as Log (Total-As) = 0.741 + 0.716 Log (extractable-As) - 0.734 Log (avail-$P_2O_5$) + 0.334 Log (extractable-Cu) + 0.186 Log (exchangeable-K) - 0.593 Log (exchangeable-Na) + 0.558 Log (OM). The estimated value in total contents of As was significantly correlated with the measured value in soil ($R^2$=0.84196, p<0.0001). This predictive model for estimating total As contents in paddy soil will be properly applied to the numerous datasets which were surveyed with extractable heavy metal contents based on Soil Environmental Conservation Act before 2010.

Effects of Swine Manure on The Production of Forage, Soil Properties, and the Chemical Characteristics of Leaching Water in Mixed Grassland (영년초지에서 돈분뇨의 시용형태가 목초생산, 토양성분 및 용탈수의 성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Ki-Chun;Yook, Wan-Bang;Yoon, Chang
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.331-340
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the type of swine manure on herbage productivity, the properties of soil and environmental pollution in mixed grassland. The field experiment was carried out on Livestock Breeding Station, Chonbuk in Korea from Nov. 2002 to Nov. 2005. Experimental plots were consisted of the types of swine manure, such as additional swine manure fermented with sawdust (SMFWS)+urea 50% and swine slurry (SS)+urea 50%. And then, chemical fertilizer (Urea) is used as control. DM yields of herbage were not different between chemical fertilizer and the type of swine manure. Feed values (CP, NDF, ADF, TDN) were not different between chemical fertilizer and swine manure treatments. After finishing with the experiment, Organic matter contents in soil increased. Organic matter, available phosphorous and Ca contents in swine manure treatment were higher than those of chemical fertilizer (p<0.05). $NO_3$-N and $NH_4$-N concentrations in leaching water in the mixed grassland was hardly influenced by application of swine manure and urea, whereas $NO_3$-N and $NO_3$-N levels in leaching water were less than 5 ppm.

Impact of Continuous Application of Swine Slurry on Changes in Soil Properties and Yields of Tomatoes and Cucumbers in a Greenhouse (돈분 액비의 연용이 시설하우스 토양 및 토마토와 오이 수량에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Seo, Young-Ho;Cho, Byoung-Ouk;Choi, Jun-Keun;Kang, An-Seok;Jeong, Byeong-Chan;Jung, Yeong-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.446-452
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    • 2010
  • Five year term study from 2002 to 2006 was carried out to examine the effects of continuous long-term application of swine liquid manure on soil chemical properties including heavy metal contents and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in a greenhouse. Treatments were conventional chemical fertilizers and three types of swine slurry; Slurry composting and biofiltration (SCB), Thermophilic aerobic oxidation (TAO), and Bio-mineral water (BMW). Total nitrogen level of the SCB, TAO, and BMW was 0.47%, 0.09%, and less than 0.01%, respectively. The heavy metal contents of the three liquid manures were much lower than the Korean regulation level. The soil phosphorus, potassium, and heavy metal contents after five year continuous application of swine slurry were not significantly higher than those of chemical fertilizer use. Contents of heavy metals in leaves of the crops did not show significant difference among treatments. The levels of copper and zinc, plant essential elements, in leaves were in the range of optimum plant growth. Yields of tomato and cucumber for swine liquid manures were not significantly different from that of chemical fertilizer. The results implied that the three types of swine slurry may not deteriorate soil chemical properties including phosphate and trace elements in greenhouse soils when they are applied as a basal fertilization at a recommended nitrogen rate based on soil testing.

Effect of Fermented Pig Slurry Treated with Probiotics on the Productivity of Sorghum $\times$ Sudangrass Hybrid(Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) (미생물제제 이용 처리 발효돈분액비 시용이 수수교잡종 (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)의 생산성에 미치는 영향)

  • 박남건;고서봉;고문석
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to determine the effect of chemical fertilizer and two fermented types of pig slurry on the total dry matter yield and quality of sorghum $\times$ sudangrass hybrid (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and chemical properties of soil after harvest in Jeju area. Three treatments consisted of chemical fertilizer (CF) 200kg 7kg Nha $^1$, aerobic fermented pig slurry (PS)200kg 7kg Nha $^1$, and aerobic fermented pig slurry treated with probiotics (PS+P) 200kg 7kg Nha $^1$were arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. The results obtained are summarized as follows. The heights of plant applied fermented pig slurry were slightly taller than those of plants applied chemical fertilizer during early growing stage, but there was no difference among treatments when the plants were harvested. The total forage dry matter yields were in the range of 14,848~ 15,42kg/ha, but they were not significantly different. Also, CP, NDF, ADF and mineral contents in the forage(% of DM basis) did not differ among treatments. The pH of soil was ranged from 5.35 to 5.63, but it was not significantly different. However, the content of available $P_2O_5$ of soil was higher(P<0.05) in chemical fertilizer treatment than that of soil in fermented pig slurry treatments. The content of K was higher(p<0.05) when ffrrmented pig slurry treated with probiotics was applied after the 1st harvest. but it was not different among treatments after the and harvest.

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Application Effect of Organic Fertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on the Watermelon Growth and Soil Chemical Properties in Greenhouse (유기질비료와 화학비료의 시용수준에 따른 시설수박 생육과 토양화학성의 변화)

  • Uhm, Mi-Jeong;Noh, Jae-Jong;Chon, Hyong-Gwon;Kwon, Sung-Whan;Song, Young-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • BACKGROUND: Organic fertilizers in watermelon cultivation are widely used to supply nutrient and organic matter. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of application rate of organic fertilizer on the watermelon growth and soil chemical properties in greenhouse METHODS AND RESULTS: The organic fertilizers used in this experiment were mixed expeller cake (MEC) and mixed organic fertilizer (MOF). The treatments were conducted with 4 levels (1.0 N, 0.7 N, 0.5 N and 0.3 N) on the basis of soil testing nitrogen fertilization (STNF) using MEC or MOF as the basal dressing, and using chemical fertilizers (CF) as the additional dressing on the rest of STNF. These fertilizations were compared to CF 1.0 N (0.3 N as the basal and 0.7 N as the additional dressing) and non fertilization (NF). The leaf area of watermelon in treatment 0.5 N and 0.3 N using MEC or MOF was similar to CF treatment. The absorbed nutrient amounts by leaf, weight and sugar contents of fruit in the 0.5 N and 0.3 N treatments were higher than other treatments. In 0.5 N and 0.3 N treatments using MEC or MOF on the basis of STNF, soil chemical properties such as electrical conductivity (EC), available $P_2O_5$ and exchangeable K concentrations after experiment showed tendency to decreasing or similar level before experiment. CONCLUSION(s): These results suggest that the MEC or MOF application as the basal dressing at the 30~50% level of STNF and CF application as the additional dressing on the rest of STNF be best to maintain adequate nutrient of soil and to increase marketable yield for watermelon.