• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chemical fertilizer

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Effect of Incorporation Levels of Green Manure Crops on Rice Yield and Soil Chemical Properties

  • Kang, Se-Won;Seo, Dong-Cheol;Cho, Ju-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to investigate rice yield and soil chemical properties affected by incorporation levels of green barley (GB) and hairy vetch (HV). The GB and HV were applied to the pots at 500, 1,000, 1,500, and $2,000kg\;10^{-1}$ (GB500, GB1000, GB1500, GB2000, HV500, HV1000, HV1500, and HV2000, respectively), and inorganic fertilizer ($N-P-K=9-4.5-5.7kg\;10a^{-1}$) treatment as control. After rice harvesting, chemical properties of soil such as pH, OM, T-N, and available $P_2O_5$ in GB and HV treated treatments were improved over those in Control treatment. The rice yield ranged from 433 to $512kg\;10a^{-1}$ for GB treatments and 490 to $532kg\;10a^{-1}$ for HV treatments, indicating that rice yield was affected by incorporation levels of GB and HV. The rice yields in GB2000, HV1000, HV1500 and HV2000 treatments increased by 3.3, 3.1, 6.4 and 7.4% compared with Control treatment, respectively. Therefore, minimum incorporation level of GB and HV for increasing rice yield was $2,000kg\;10a^{-1}$ of GB and $1,000kg\;10a^{-1}$ of HV.

Soil Physico-chemical Properties by Land Use of Anthropogenic Soils Dredged from River Basins

  • Park, Jun-Hong;Park, Sang-Jo;Won, Jong-Gun;Lee, Suk-Hee;Seo, Dong-Hwan;Park, So-Deuk
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.341-346
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to analyze soil physico-chemical properties of agricultural land composed from the river-bed sediments. We investigated the changes of soil physico-chemical properties at 30 different sampling sites containing paddy, upland and plastic film house from 2012 to 2015. pH, exchangeable calcium and magnesium decreased gradually in paddy soils during the four years, whereas the available $P_2O_5$, exchangeable Ca, Mg and EC increased in upland and plastic film house soil. For the soil physical properties, bulk density and hardness of topsoil were $1.47g\;cm^{-3}$ and 21.5 mm and those of subsoil were $1.71g\;cm^{-3}$ and 25.7 mm in paddy soils. In upland soils, bulk density and hardness of topsoil were $1.48g\;cm^{-3}$ and 15.9 mm and those of subsoil were $1.55g\;cm^{-3}$ and 16.9 mm. In plastic film house soils, bulk density and hardness of topsoil were $1.42g\;cm^{-3}$ and 14.4 mm and those of subsoil were $1.40g\;cm^{-3}$ and 18.5 mm, respectively. The penetration hardness was higher than 3 MPa below soil depth 20 cm, and it is impossible to measure below soil depth 50 cm. As these results, in agricultural anthropogenic soils dredged from river basins, the pH, amount of organic matter and exchangeable cations decreased and soil physical properties also deteriorated with time. Therefore, it is needed to apply more organic matters and suitable amount of fertilizer and improve the soil physical properties by cultivating green manure crops, deep tillage, and reversal of deep soils.

Study on the Effects of an Organic Fertilizer (Glutamic Acid Fermentation Residue Amended with N) on the Yield of Chinese Cabbage and Radish and the Physico-Chemical Properties of Soil (유기질비료(有機質肥料) 시용(施用)이 배추와 무우의 생육(生育)과 수량(收量) 및 토양(土壤)의 이화학성(理化學性)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lim, S.U.;Ryu, J.C.;Hong, C.W.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 1979
  • A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of an organic fertilizer (Glutamic acid fermentation by product ameded with nitrogen) on the growth and yield of radish and chinese cabbage on a relatively fertile soil. Additional laboratory studies were also made to find out the influence of mentioned fertilizer on the phisical and chemical characteristic of soils. The results are summarized as following. 1. Effect of fertilizer on the growth and yield. a. On a relatively fertile soil with high organic matter content (3%), the organic fertilizer was not effective for the growth and yield of radish and yield of radish and chinese cabbage. b. The application of organic fertilizer increased the K contents in plants both in radish and chinese cabbage. It was observed that the high content of K in radish leave lowered the leaf/root ratio and the leaf/root ratio showed a positive correlation with root weight. 2. Effect on soil physical and chemical properties. a. The application of organic fertilizer resulted in the improvement of soil physical property by lowering bulk density and increasing porosity. b. It was found that application of organic fertilizer increased the water stable soil aggregates. c. The application of organic fertilizer did not result in the significant increase in soil organic matter. d. Soil pH was lowered by the application of organic matter. It was speculated that the oxidation of ammonical nitrogen in the fertilizer is responsible for the lowering of soil pH.

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Impact of Compost Application on Improvement of Rice Productivity and Quality in Reclaimed Soil (간척지 토양에서 퇴비처리가 벼의 생산 및 품질개선에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Young-Hun;Kwon, Young-Rip;Ahn, Byung-Koo;Kim, Dae-Hyang;Han, Seong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.808-813
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to reduce the dependability of farmers on chemical fertilizers for rice cultivation. Soil chemical and biological properties were monitored before experiment and at the time of harvesting. The results showed that EC, available $SiO_2$, and exchangeable $Ca^{2+}$ were decreased at the time of harvesting while pH, OM, and exchangeable $K^+$ and $Mg^{2+}$ were remain unchanged, compared with soil before experiment. Population of aerobic bacteria, Bacillus sp., and fungi were also increased at the time of harvesting in the paddy field, compared with before fertilization, in the treatment of 50% soil-testing fertilizer+ 50% compost. Concentrations of N, P, and K in rice leaves increased with the fertilizers application, maximum increase was recorded in 50% soil-testing fertilizer+ 50% compost. Non-significant difference was observed in the morphological parameters of rice among the treatments. The chlorophyll contents of rice leaf increased in a similar fashion up to 60 days, thereafter, sharp decrease was observed in all the treatments. Maximum yield (per 10a) was recorded in the field treated with 50% soil-testing fertilizer+ 50% compost followed by standard applied fertilizer, 70% soil-testing fertilizer+ 30% compost, soil-testing fertilizer and unfertilized plot. Amylose content showed non-significant difference within the treatments. Protein content increased with the use of fertilizers and best protein content was recorded in the treatment of 50% soil-testing fertilizer+ 50% compost. It was concluded that the amount of the chemical fertilizer used was directly proportional to the protein content of rice grain. However, the palatability of rice grown in unfertilized field was better than the treatments but minimum yield was obtained. Hence, the treatment of 50% soil-testing fertilizer+ 50% compost, was the best among the fertilizer combinations for rice cultivation as supported by the yield, protein and palatability index.

Production of Pellet Fertilizer from the Sludge of Thermophilic Aerobic Oxidation System End Its Effects on the Growth of Chinese cabbage and Soil Properties (고온 호기성 산화 시스템의 슬러지로부터 펠렛 비료의 생산과 Chinese cabbage의 생육 및 토양 특성에 대한 영향)

  • Lee Won Il;Hirotada Tsujii;Lee Myung Gyu
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2004
  • A solid of Thermophilic Aerobic Oxidation(TAO) System was mixed with sawdust or a rice husks. After fermentation was finished, molding machine and a dryer were used, and pellet fertilizer was produced. The fertilizing experiment was carried out as five pieces by Bed soil, TAO solid(TAO-S), TAO pellet fertilizer(TAO-PF), Chemical fertilizer(NPK) and Control(no fertilizer). Growth rate of the Chinese cabbage by each treatment was examined. Analysis of microbe and soil characteristic before and after crop experiment were carried out. When the moisture contents of TAO-PF were $18\%$ and $25\%$, the occurrence rate of microbes for the storage time was increased to $80\%$ and $100\%$ respectively. However, in the $12\%$ of water content treatment was not increased microbes. The concentration of soil bacteria in TAO-PF and TAO-S for 15 day after treatment was $1.5\times10^7\~8.0\times10^7$ CFU/ml, and the concentration of bacteria for 50 day was increased to $6.3\times10^7$ and $8.3\times10^7$ CFU/ml. However, Fungus decreased. The concentration of Actinomycetes was increased in TAO solid, Bed soil and TAO-PF treatment. The TAO-S and TAO-PF treatment were normal to compare to the NPK treatment. In this experiment the height and width of the Chinese cabbage were 22.3 cm, 16.8 cm in Bed soil and 28.8 cm, 21.3 cm in TAO solid. The leaf number of TAO-S, TAO-PF and NPK treatment were similar to 39.8, 38.3, 40.3 sheet. As the result, the TAO-PF knew that use was possible with fertilizer.

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Growth and Biomass Production of Fast Growing Tree Species Treated with Slurry Composting and Biofiltration Liquid Fertilizer (SCB액비가 속성수의 생장 및 biomass 생산에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Chul;Yeo, Jin-Kie;Koo, Yeong-Bon;Shin, Han-Na;Choi, Jin-Young;Lee, Heon-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.206-214
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    • 2011
  • Fifteen clones of poplars, 2 clones of willows, and yellow poplar were used to evaluate the effects of 5 treatments such as SCBLF (slurry composting and biofiltration liquid fertilizer), general slurry liquid fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, groundwater, and control (no treatment) on vitality, growth performance, and biomass production. Five cuttings for each tree species were planted in 3 replications. After planting cuttings, a coppice was induced by cutting off stems at 10cm above the ground. Data were collected for first growing season and trees were harvested at the end of October. Maximum mortality rate i.e. 96% was recorded in the cuttings treated with groundwater and minimum 92% with control (no treatment). In all tree species, sprouting of stump was not differ significantly among the treatments. Total nitrogen concentrations of leaves and stump sprouts were higher in the treatment of SCBLF than the control, 26.6% and 22.9%, respectively. Biomass production was highest in the stumps treated with chemical fertilizer, $1.98Mg\;ha^{-1}\;year^{-1}$, and lowest in control ($1.34Mg\;ha^{-1}\;year^{-1}$).

Physico-chemical Properties of Disturbed Plastic Film House Soils under Cucumber and Grape Cultivation as Affected by Artificial Accumulation History

  • Han, Kyung-Hwa;Ibrahim, Muhammad;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Jung, Kang-Ho;Cho, Hee-Rae;Hur, Seung-Oh;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effects of profile disturbance with different artificial accumulation history on physico-chemical properties of soil under plastic film house. The investigations included soil profile description using soil column cylinder auger F10cm x h110cm, in situ and laboratory measurements of soil properties at five sites each at the cucumber (Site Ic ~ Vc) and grape (Site Ig ~ Vg) plastic film houses with artificial soil accumulation. The sites except sites Ic, IVc, IVg and Vg, belong to ex-paddy area. The types of accumulates around root zone included sandy loam soil for 3 sites, loam soil for 1 site, saprolite for 2 sites, and multi-layer with different accumulates for 3 sites. Especially, Site IIg has mixed plow zone (Ap horizon) with original soil and saprolite, whereas disturbed soil layers of the other sites are composed of only external accumulates. The soil depth disturbed by artificial accumulation ranged from 20 cm, for Site IIg, to whole measured depth of 110 cm, for Site IVc, Vc, and Site IVg. Elapsed time from artificially accumulation to investigation time ranged from 3 months, Site IIc, to more than 20 years, Site Vg, paddy-soil covering over well-drained upland soil during land leveling in 1980s. Disturbed top layer in all sites except Site Vg had no structure, indicating low structural stability. In situ infiltration rate had no correlation with texture or organic matter content, but highest value with highest variability in Site IIIc, the shortest elapsed time since sandy loam soil accumulation. Relatively low infiltration rate was observed in sites accumulated by saprolite with coarse texture, presumably because its low structural stability in the way of weathering process could result in relatively high compaction in agro-machine work or irrigation. In all cucumber sites, there were water-transport limited zone with very low permeable or impermeability within 50 cm under soil surface, but Site IIg, IIIg, and Vg, with relatively weak disturbance or structured soil, were the reverse. We observed the big change in texture and re-increase of organic matter content, available phosphate, and exchangeable cations between disturbed layer and original soil layer. This study, therefore, suggest that the accumulation of coarse material such as saprolite for cultivating cash crop under plastic film house might not improve soil drainage and structural stability, inversely showing weaker disturbance of original soil profile with higher drainage.

Development of Organic liquid Fertilizer for leaf Vegetable under Greenhouse (하우스 엽채류를 위한 관비재배용 유기액비 개발)

  • 주선종;손상목;김진한
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 2001
  • This experiment was conducted to develop liquid fertilizer for leaf vegetable using the agricultural by-products such as dry chicken dropping, bone meal, rice bran, soybean oil cake and fish meal. Combination of 50% dry chicken dropping, 30% bone meal and 20% rice bran among several combinations of by-products was selected as materials for liquid fertilizer of head lettuce and cabbage. 50kg of materials with combination selected got mixed to 200ι of water, which kept under room temperature in greenhouse. EC and pH of fertilizer was stabilized after 35 days. On the decrease of bad smell during fermentation, addition of materials such as bioceramics, woody vinegar and active charcoal was not effected. And on rapid fermentation, addition of microorganisms and sugar had a little effect, but decreased the content of inorganic nutrients. Fertigation of liquid fertilizer developed on cabbage by dropping made head weight increased by 0.9kg per plant and nitrate content decreased by 276ppm in comparison with chemical fertilizer which was 3.5kg, and 2,426ppm, respectively. By use of organic liquid fertilizer developed in this experiment, yield of cabbage could be more obtained by 26% than in use of chemical fertilizer and income by 24%.

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Evaluation of Mixed Treatment of Amino Acid Liquid Fertilizer and Compost Tea as a Substitute for Oil-cake in Organic Cultivation of Maize (옥수수 유기재배에서 유박 대체제로써 아미노산액비와 퇴비차의 혼합처리 평가)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Lee, Kyu-Hoi;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Sang Min;Kim, Ju-Hyoung
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mixed treatment of compost tea and amino acid liquid fertilizer as a substitute of oil cake for the organic cultivation of maize in Goesan, Chungbuk province. As a result, nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potassium, calcium and magnesium contents of each organic fertilizer were in the order of oil cake > amino acid fertilizer > compost tea. Each of these organic fertilizers had little influence on the change of soil chemical. Individual treatment of amino acid fertilizer and oil cake for weight of an ear as well as all individual treatments for the fresh weight of 100 kernels showed significant increase, compared to the untreated control. For the corn yield of merchantable quality, each treatment of compost tea, amino acid liquid fertilizer and oil cake increased higher 3.9, 5.4 and 5.9% than untreated control, respectively. On the other hand, as a result of mixed treatment of amino acid fertilizer and compost tea, the change of soil chemical property was insignificant. The mixed treatment, Nonetheless, showed significant increase for stem height to 1st ear, grain setting length in an ear, weight of an ear, and fresh weight of 100 kernels, compared to the oil cake as a control. After all, the corn yield of merchantable quality produced by the mixed treatment was 3.9% higher than the control. Therefore, our study would be considered that the mixed treatment of amino acid and compost tea is one of organic materials that can replace oil-cake in maize.

Effect of Tillage System and Fertilizer Type on the Forage Yield and Quality of Italian Ryegrass (경운방법 및 비료종류가 이탈리안 라이그라스의 사초수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Duk;Abuel, Shwin J.;Jeon, Gyeong-Hyeop;Kwon, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2009
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of tillage system and fertilizer type on the forage yield and quality of Italian ryegrass. This experiment was a $2{\times}2$ factorial arrangement for two tillage systems (tillage and no-tillage) and two fertilizer type (chemical and manure compost). The plant height, dry matter (DM) content, DM yield, TDN (total digestible nutrients) yield, and CP (crude protein) yield have significant differences in tillage system of Italian ryegrass. Italian ryegrass cultivated with tillage (plow and rotary till) had lower plant height, DM yield, TDN yield and CP yield than no-tillage, while its DM content showed the opposite results. However, there were no significant differences in the results on fertilizer types. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents were significantly higher in no-tillage compared to tillage. However, there was no significant difference in CP content on tillage system. TDN and relative feed value (RFV) were higher in tillage than no-tillage system (p<0.01). The TDN content was lower when using manure as fertilizer. No significant effects were observed for NDF and RFV in fertilizer type of Italian ryegrass. Based on the results of this study, tillage system and fertilizer type affected forage quality as well as forage yield. Forage yield of no-tillage was higher compared to tillage.