• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chemical fertilizer

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Fallow Cover Crop Species and Nitrogen Rate of Fertigated Solution on Cucumber Yield and Soil Sustainability in Greenhouse Condition

  • Lee, Seong Eun;Park, Jin Myeon;Noh, Jae Seung;Lim, Tae Jun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2014
  • Nutrient accumulation in surface soil has become a serious problem for cucumber production in greenhouse. However, still in many cases, soil management practices are only focused on maintaining crop yield, regardless of sustainability related with soil chemical properties. This study was conducted to propose a sustainable soil management practice by investigating the impact of cover crop species and nitrogen rate of fertigated solution on cucumber yield and soil chemical properties in greenhouse condition. Rye and hairy vetch were tested as a fallow cover crop, and each amount of urea (1/2, 3/4, 1 times of N fertilizer recommendations), determined by soil testing result, was supplied in fertigation plots as an additional nitrogen source. The result showed that the yield of cucumber was higher in rye treatment than control and hairy vetch treatment. In addition, rye effectively reduced EC and accumulated nutrients from the soil. Meanwhile, N concentration of fertigated solution showed no significant effect on the growth and yield of cucumber. Consequently, these results suggest that it is desirable to choose rye as a fallow catch crop for sustainable cucumber production in greenhouse.

Emission Patterns of Carbon Dioxide & Methane by Liquid Pig Manure Treatments in Paddy Soil (논토양에서 돈분액비 시용에 따른 CH4 및 CO2 발생양상)

  • Oh, Seung-Ka;Yoon, Dong-Kyung;Lee, Eun-Jung;Lee, Byung-Jin;Jeon, Seung-Ho;Cho, Young-Son
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.923-938
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to serve as the basis for establishing a standard cultivation, which enhances the alternative utilization of pig manure, a major cause of environmental pollution, by finding a means for reducing greenhouse gas emissions for eco-friendly cultivation. In a laboratory, $CH_4$ and $CO_2$ emission patterns were investigated corresponding to incremental pig manure treatments in paddy soil. The emissions peaked 12 to 27 days after manure application in the 100~400% applications. It was found that increasing applications of pig manure resulted an increase in $CH_4$ and $CO_2$ emissions. Additionally, application of more than 150% emitted a larger amount of these gasses than applying chemical fertilizer. However, the test application of 100% pig manure emitted a smaller amount of $CH_4$ and hence Global Warming Potential (GWP) than those emitted by chemical fertilizer. If appropriate amount of fertilization is applied in compliance with the standard application rate, the pig manure may be effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the soil environment made more favorable than with the use of chemical fertilizer.

Effects of Alum Sludge Application on the Growth of Forage Sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor X S. bicolor ) (사료용 수수 ( Sorghum bicolor X S. bicolor ) 생육에 대한 정수 슬러지 ( alum sludge ) 의 시용효과)

  • 김상덕;장기운;임재신;김영한
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 1997
  • An experiment of alum sludge application was carried out on a mountainous site, to know its effect on the growth of forage sorghum hybrid, Pioneer 93 1 (Sorghum bicolor x S. bicolor). When alum sludge with 80% water content was applied at the level of 133 ton per ha, the effect of the application on the growth of Pioneer 931 was much smaller than that of chemical fertilizer. But Eresh yield of the forage, with the sludge application, was greater than that without fertilizer when the soil is not fertile. But when the soil was comparatively fertile, the sludge application gave an adverse affect on the growth of the forage plant. The content of exchangeable K in the soil has a very close positive relation with the Eresh yield and plant height of the plant, while that of exchangeable Ca has a close negative relation with those growing factors. There was a tendency of yield decrease of the forage plant, when alum or compost was applied with NPK to the comparatively infertile soil especially for alum sludge. As a result, when soil is not fertile more attention will be necessary for applying alum sludge with chemical fertilizers. But to soil with better fertility, it is recommended to use alum sludge with chemical fertilizer to obtain more yield of the forage plant.

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Effects of Organic Materials on Soil Chemical Properties (유기물(有機物)의 시용(施用)이 토양(土壤)의 화학적(化學的) 성질(性質)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Oh, Wang-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.161-174
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    • 1979
  • A review was made on the effect of organic matter application on the chemical characteristics of soils such as pH, solubilities of minerals, and cation exchange capacity mainly at flooded rice soils. The review can be summarized as follows: 1. Application of organic material such as rice straw and compost in flooded rice soil leads to a temporary lowering of soil pH at the earlier stage of soil reduction, due to the production of various organic acids and carbonic acid. This temporary lowered pH is replaced with the production of alkaline substances such as ammonia as the reduction of soil proceeds. 2. Incorporation of organic materials intensifies the ferrous iron, dissolving various minerals, virtually to the increase in electrical conductivity of soils. 3. Organic materials also play an important role in dissolving soil minerals through the production of various chelating agents. 4. Application of soil organic matter significantly increases cation exchange capacity of soils. 5. Continuous application of rice straw or compost leads to the increase in soil organic matter content to some extent, up to the level of equilibrium. In soils low in organic matter the equilibrium level is attained with five years continuous application of compost. 6. The manner of chemical fertilizer application influences the accumulation of organic matter applied in soils. Low levels of fertilization lowers the accumulation while high levels of fertilization accerelates the accumulation.

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The Effect of Draw Solution Concentration on Forward Osmosis Desalination Performance Using Blended Fertilizer as Draw Solution (유도용액으로 혼합비료를 사용한 정삼투식 해수담수화에서 담수화 성능에 대한 유도용액 농도의 영향)

  • Jeong, Namjo;Kim, Seung-Geon;Kim, Dong Kook;Lee, Ho-Won
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.343-351
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    • 2013
  • This study is to investigate the effects of the draw solution concentration on forward osmosis desalination performance using blended fertilizer as draw solution. As the concentration of blended fertilizer solution (draw solution) increased, the water permeate flux increased nearly linearly, but PR (performance ratio) was reduced. Using sea water and deionized water as the feed solution, respectively, at the blended fertilizer solution of 600 g/L $H_2O$, the PR obtained were 5.39 and 6.50, respectively. And as the concentration of blended fertilizer solution increased, the reverse solute flux for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) increased nearly linearly, but specific reverse solute flux for them was reduced. The reverse solute flux and specific reverse solute flux became higher in the order of N > K > P.

Effects of Soil Amendment Application on Soil Physico-chemical Properties and Yields of Summer Forage Crops in the Sukmoon Reclaimed Tidal Land in Korea (석문 간척지에서 돈분액비 및 석고처리가 여름철 사료작물 수량 및 토양이화학성에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Ki-Choon;Yoon, Sei-Hyung;Shin, Jae-Soon;Kim, Dong-Kwan;Han, Hyo-Shim;Supanjani, Supanjani;Lee, Kyung-Dong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.354-361
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    • 2010
  • Soil physico-chemical properties and microbial densities are affected by organic sources and soil amendment applied to improve soil environments or quality. Generally organic fertilizer effects on forage crops yield and soil properties are partly due to changes of soil composition. We investigated the effects of swine slurry (SS), swine slurry composting-biofilteration(SCB) and chemical fertilizer(F) with gypsum(G) combinations on soil physico-chemical properties and yields of summer forage crop in the Sukmoon reclaimed tidal land in Korea. The forage crops used in this experiment were corn and sorghum$\times$sudangrass hybrid(hereafter sorghum). Our results showed that the soil physico-chemical properties in the combined (F+G, SS+G, SCB+G) treatments increased contents of organic matter and exchangeable $Ca^{2+}$, but exchangeable $Na^+$, $K^+$ and $Mg^{2+}$ reduced to 1-10% for two forage crops, compared to non-combined (F, SS, SCB) treatment. The density of soil microorganism such as bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi, increased significantly by SS+G and SCB+G treatments. This means that treatment of combined organic fertilizer with G lowered salinity levels and improved with microbial growth. The combined treatments also increased the total yields 2.3-6.2% for corn and 2.0-8.7% for sorghum, compared with non-combined treatment. This experiment suggests the combined treatments could increase the total yields of summer forage crops and change of soil physico-chemical properties in the Sukmoon reclaimed tidal land in Korea.

Spatial Analyses of Soil Chemical Properties from a Remodeled Paddy Field as Affected by Wet Land Leveling

  • Jung, Ki-Yuol;Choi, Young-Dae;Lee, Sanghun;Chun, Hyen Chung;Kang, Hang-Won
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.555-563
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    • 2016
  • Uniformity and leveled distributions of soil chemicals across paddy fields are critical to manage optimal crop yields, reduce environmental risks and efficiently use water in rice cultivation. In this study, an investigation of spatial distributions on soil chemical properties was conducted to evaluate the effect of land leveling on mitigation of soil chemical property heterogeneity from a remodeled paddy field. The spatial variabilities of chemical properties were analyzed by geostatistical analyses; semivariograms and kriged simulations. The soil samples were taken from a 1 ha paddy field before and after land leveling with sufficient water. The study site was located at Bon-ri site of Dalseong and river sediments were dredged from Nakdong river basins. The sediments were buried into the paddy field after 50 cm of top soils at the paddy field were removed. The top soils were recovered after the sediments were piled up. In order to obtain the most accurate spatial field information, the soil samples were taken at every 5 m by 5 m grid point and total number of samples was 100 before and after land leveling with sufficient water. Soil pH increased from 6.59 to 6.85. Geostatistical analyses showed that chemical distributions had a high spatial dependence within a paddy field. The parameters of semivariogram analysis showed similar trends across the properties except pH comparing results from before and after land leveling. These properties had smaller "sill" values and greater "range" values after land leveling than ones from before land leveling. These results can be interpreted as land leveling induced more homogeneous distributions of soil chemical properties. The homogeneous distributions were confirmed by kriged simulations and distribution maps. As a conclusion, land leveling with sufficient water may induce better managements of fertilizer and water use in rice cultivation at disturbed paddy fields.

Arsenic Fractionation and Bioavailability in Paddy Soils Near Closed Mines in Korea (폐광인근 논토양 비소의 형태별 함량과 생물학적 유효도)

  • Kim, Won-Il;Kim, Jong-Jin;Yoo, Ji-Hyock;Kim, Ji-Young;Lee, Ji-Ho;Paik, Min-Kyoung;Kim, Rog-Young;Im, Geon-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.917-922
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    • 2010
  • To assess the bioavailability of As in soils and to provide a basic information for adequate management of As contaminated fields, paddy soils and rice grains near 5 closed mines were collected and analyzed for As using sequential extraction procedure. The As contents extracted with 1M HCl against total As content in soils were ranged from 5.4 to 41.9% ($r=0.90^{**}$). However, these two contents of As in soils were not positively correlated with As concentration in rice grains. Major As fractionation of paddy soils was residual form ranging 38.1 to 84.1% except NS mine. Also, specially adsorbed fraction and fraction associated with amorphous Fe and Al oxyhydroxides, which are partially bioavailable As fractionation to the rice plant, were positively correlated with As in rice grains while fraction associated with crystalline Fe and Al oxyhydroxides and residual form were not correlated.

Effect of Operational Parameters on the Products from Catalytic Pyrolysis of Date Seeds, Wheat Straw, and Corn Cob in Fixed Bed Reactor

  • Sultan Mahmood;Hafiz Miqdad Masood;Waqar Ali khan;Khurram Shahzad
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.591-597
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    • 2023
  • Pakistan depends heavily on imports for its fuel requirements. In this experiment, catalytic pyrolysis of a blend of feedstock's consisting of date seed, wheat straw, and corn cob was conducted in a fixed bed reactor to produce oil that can be used as an alternative fuel. The main focus was to emphasize the outcome of important variables on the produced oil. The effects of operating conditions on the yield of bio-oil were studied by changing temperature (350-500 ℃), heating rate (10, 15, 20 ℃/min), and particle size (1, 2, 3 mm). Moreover, ZnO was used as a catalyst in the process. First, the thermal degradation of the feedstock was investigated by TGA and DTG analysis at 10 ℃/min of different particle sizes of 1, 2, and 3mm from a temperature range of 0 to 1000 ℃. The optimum temperature was found to be 450 ℃ for maximum degradation, and the oil yield was indicated to be around 37%. It was deduced from the experiment that the maximum production of bio-oil was 32.21% at a temperature of 450 ℃, a particle size of 1mm, and a heating rate of 15 ℃/min. When using the catalyst under the same operating conditions, the bio-oil production increased to 41.05%. The heating value of the produced oil was 22 MJ/kg compared to low-quality biodiesel oil, which could be used as a fuel.

Evaluation of CO2 Balance in the Barley-Red Pepper and Barley-Soybean Cropping System (보리-고추와 보리-콩 작부체계에서 이산화탄소수지 평가)

  • Kim, Gun-Yeob;Suh, Sang-Uk;Ko, Byung-Gu;Jeong, Hyun-Cheol;Roh, Kee-An;Shim, Kyo-Moon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.408-414
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    • 2008
  • Importance of climate change and its impact on agriculture and environment has increased with the rise Green House Gases (GHGs) concentration in the atmosphere. To slow down the speed of climate change many efforts have been applied in industrial sectors to reduce GHGs emission and to enhance carbon storage. In agricultural sector, many researches have been performed on GHGs emission reduction, but few on the role of carbon sink. In this study, we investigated carbon balance and soil carbon storage in agricultural field in the barley-red pepper and barley-soybean cropping system. With the system for automatic measuring of carbon dioxide, net ecosystem production(NEP) was estimated to be $6.3ton\;CO_2\;ha-1$ for N-P-K chemical fertilizer treatment plot and $10.6ton\;CO_2\;ha^{-1}$ for N-P-K chemical fertilizer with swine manure treatment plot in the barley-soybean rotation cropping. In the barley-red pepper rotation cropping, it was $12.0ton\;CO_2\;ha^{-1}$ for N-P-K chemical fertilizer treatment plot and $13.2ton\;CO_2\;ha^{-1}$ for N-P-K chemical fertilizer with swine manure treatment plot. Soil carbon storage rate was estimated to be $0.7ton\;C\;ha^{-1}$ for the barley-soybean cropping system and $0.5ton\;C\;ha^{-1}$ for barley-pepper cropping system. In appeared that agricultural lands may contribute to the greenhouse effect as a potential carbon sink preserving carbon into soil.