• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chatbot Service

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A Study on Chatbot Profile Images Depending on the Purpose of Use (사용 목적에 따른 챗봇의 프로필 이미지 연구)

  • Kang, Minjeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.118-129
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    • 2018
  • In AI chatbot service via a messenger, a profile image of the chatbot is the first thing that users see to communicate with the chatbot. This profile image not only manages an impression about the profile owner in SNS on followers, but also makes an important impression about chatbot services on users. Thus motivated, this study investigates proper profile images tailored for the types of chatbot services and users. Specifically, I reviewed the preferred images and expressions of chatbots for each purpose of chatbot service. Then, in a case study, I collected and analyzed the representative chatbot profile images for the purpose of fun and counseling. The profile images are categorized as robot, human, animal, and abstract images. Based on these categories, I surveyed the preferred profile image of the chatbot service in either the text type or image type alternatives. For the purpose of fun, in the text version, I found that both men and women preferred a human image to others. However, in the image version, men preferred woman and robot images while women preferred cute animation character and robot images. For counseling services, both men and women preferred woman and animal images most, which is similar to the results of the text version of questionnaires as well. While both genders consistently preferred real photo images, women tend to like abstract images more than men do. I expect that the results of this study would be useful to develop the proper profile images of AI chatbot for each service purpose.

Development of Prototype Chatbot Based on Messenger App for Archival Reference Services: With Focus on the Archives & Records Center of Myongji University (기록정보서비스를 위한 메신저 기반의 챗봇 프로토 타입 개발 연구: 명지대학교 대학사료실을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Chang Hee;Rieh, Hae-young;Kim, Intaek
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.215-244
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    • 2018
  • The role of archives and records centers is expanding, however many potential users are not aware of the importance of the records and archives. As a method to improve the archival information services to users, in this study, we developed chatbot that supports the interaction between the users and the archives and records centers. Thus we examined the specific development procedures and methods, analyzed user requests and questions of the archives and records center of Myongji university as a case, and conducted a logical structure design for chatbot development. After building the chatbot based on IBM Watson Conversation and Kakaotalk messenger, we were able to find how the chatbot interacted with the users through a pilot run. Based on the experience of developing information service chatbot, the implications related the introduction of the chatbot were suggested which include determination of the level of the chatbot, analysis of the user requests, selection of the tool for the chatbot, and syntax setting for the conversational interaction.

Consumers' Negative Responses to the Communication Failure of Chatbots in Online Fashion Shopping Malls (온라인 패션 쇼핑몰 챗봇의 커뮤니케이션 실패에 대한 소비자의 부정적 반응)

  • Seo, Min Jeong
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to understand the consumers' negative responses to communication failure of chatbots caused by their imperfections. Specifically, this study examines 1) the relationship among chatbot's communication failure, dissatisfaction, negative behavior (complaint, negative word-of-mouth (nWOM), and inertia); 2) the moderating effect of technostress on the relationship between chatbot's communication failure and dissatisfaction; 3) the differences in the negative responses between the generation MZ and the previous generations. Data were collected via an online survey. First, the participants interacted with the chatbot developed for this survey, to experience the chatbot's communication failure. Thereafter, they responded to a questionnaire. PLS-SEM was conducted using the R software environment to test the hypotheses. This study empirically identified that chatbot's communication failure positively affected dissatisfaction. In addition, the customers who were more dissatisfied with the chatbot's communication failures were more likely to complain than engage in nWOM. Compared to the generation MZ, chatbot's communication failure caused a higher level of dissatisfaction in previous generations. The results suggest that online shopping malls should carefully introduce an improved chatbot service after minimizing its communication failure rate. The chatbot developers of online shopping malls targeting middle-aged and elderly consumers should strive to develop and implement strategies to further alleviate consumers' dissatisfaction in the situation of chatbot's communication failure.

Factors driving Fashion Chatbot Reliability -Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Perceived Intelligence and Positive Cognition- (패션상품 챗봇에 대한 신뢰 형성 요인 - 지각된 지능과 긍정적 인지의 매개효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ha Kyung;Yoon, Namhee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.229-240
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    • 2022
  • This study explores the effect of anthropomorphism on fashion chatbot reliability, mediated by perceived intelligence and cognitive evaluation. The moderating effects of individuals' need for human interaction between chatbot anthropomorphism and perceived intelligence, cognitive evaluation, and chatbot reliability are also explored. Participants, who were recruited through the online research firm, responded to questions after watching a video clip showing a conversation with a fashion chatbot on a mobile screen. The data were collected through Mturk, a crowdsourcing platform with an online research panel. All responses (N = 212) were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 for the descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and PROCESS procedure. The results demonstrate that chatbot anthropomorphism increases chatbot reliability, and this is mediated by chatbot intelligence. Although chatbot anthropomorphism increases cognitive evaluation, the effect of cognitive evaluation on chatbot reliability is not significant; thereby, the effect of chatbot anthropomorphism on chatbot reliability is not mediated by the cognitive evaluation. The direct effect of anthropomorphism on chatbot reliability is also moderated by individuals' need for human interaction. For participants with a high need for human interaction, chatbot anthropomorphism increases chatbot reliability; however, anthropomorphism does not significantly affect chatbot reliability for participants with a low need for human interaction. The study's findings contribute to expanding the literature on consumers' new technology acceptance by testing the antecedents affecting service reliability.

Primary Study for dialogue based on Ordering Chatbot

  • Kim, Ji-Ho;Park, JongWon;Moon, Ji-Bum;Lee, Yulim;Yoon, Andy Kyung-yong
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.209-214
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    • 2018
  • Today is the era of artificial intelligence. With the development of artificial intelligence, machines have begun to impersonate various human characteristics today. Chatbot is one instance of this interactive artificial intelligence. Chatbot is a computer program that enables to conduct natural conversations with people. As mentioned above, Chatbot conducted conversations in text, but Chatbot, in this study evolves to perform commands based on speech-recognition. In order for Chatbot to perfectly emulate a human dialogue, it is necessary to analyze the sentence correctly and extract appropriate response. To accomplish this, the sentence is classified into three types: objects, actions, and preferences. This study shows how objects is analyzed and processed, and also demonstrates the possibility of evolving from an elementary model to an advanced intelligent system. By this study, it will be evaluated that speech-recognition based Chatbot have improved order-processing time efficiency compared to text based Chatbot. Once this study is done, speech-recognition based Chatbot have the potential to automate customer service and reduce human effort.

A Study on the Method of Implementing an AI Chatbot to Respond to the POST COVID-19 Untact Era (포스트 코로나19 언택트 시대 대응을 위한 AI 챗봇 구축방법에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Cheonsu;Jeong, Jihwan
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 2020
  • Recently, as the COVID-19 has spread and prolonged worldwide, the 'Untact' society is becoming routinized, and various smart technologies are leading to the spread of the 'Ontact' culture. This is because the desire of consumers to purchase a product and use the service has increased while minimizing the direct contact. In order to quickly respond to this circumstance, the percentage of the companies which are adopting Chatbot in various fields such as orders, delivery, and inquiries is increasing and they are getting a positive result. However as the demand for building Chatbot increases dramatically, there are many confusions among the companies which want to introduce Chatbot to their system, due to the lack of professional technicians and difficulties in understanding AI technologies and how to build them effectively. I believe that in the post COVID-19 era, much more companies will adopt Chatbot, and this will intensify the problem. The purpose of this study was to derive the needs for a guide on the method of buiilding a Chatbot through considering the prior research on Chatbot and analysis of the recent surge in the use of Chatbot services related to COVID-19. There are implications to presenting 5 phases of universal Chatbot implementation methodology using the platform to the stakeholders who want to introduce Chatbot to their customer so that they can understand and build Chatbot more easily and use AI Chatbot actively in response to the POST COVID-19 era.

The Effect of AI Chatbot Service Experience and Relationship Quality on Continuous Use Intention and Recommendation Intention (AI챗봇 서비스 사용경험이 관계품질과 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Sang Mook;Choi, Do Young
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.82-104
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzes the effect of users' experiences using AI chatbot services on relationship quality and behavioral intention. For the study, a survey was conducted on users who experienced AI chatbot services, and the research hypothesis was verified by analyzing the final 299 copies of valid data. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that satisfaction and trust, which are the relationship quality dimensions of AI chatbot service, were formed in users through the cognitive experience, emotional experience, and relational experience. In addition, it was confirmed that satisfaction and trust have a positive effect on the intention to continue using and recommending AI chatbot services, which correspond to the level of consumers' behavioral intentions, respectively. In addition, in terms of relationship quality, it was significant in all paths of the road of behavior, but in satisfaction, the path coefficient of the road of continuous use of AI chatbot and recommended road was significantly higher than the path coefficient in trust. This study provided a theoretical foundation that the relationship with relationship quality that affects behavioral intention also affects AI chatbot services in the online environment, and it is significant in that it suggests that relationship quality is an important mediating factor in establishing long-term relationships with consumers.

Safety management service using voice chatbot for risks response of field workers (현장 작업자 위험대응을 위한 음성챗봇을 이용한 안전관리 서비스)

  • Yun-Hee Kang;Chang-Su Park;Yong-Hak Lee;Dong-Ho Kim;Eui-Gu Kim;Myung-Ju Kang
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2023
  • Recently, industrial accidents have continued to increase due to the industrialization, and worker safety management is recognized as essential to reduce losses due to hazardous factors at work places. To manage the safety of workers, it is required to apply customized safety management artificial intelligence technology that takes into account the characteristics of industrial sites, and a service for real-time risk detection and response to workers depending on the situation based on safety accident types and risk analysis for each task and process. The proposed safety management service consists of worker devices to acquire sensor data, edge devices to collect from IoT-based sensors, and a voice chatbot to support workers' disaster response. The voice chatbot plays a major role in interacting with workers at disaster sites to respond to risks. This paper focuses on real-time risk response using an IoT-based system and voice chatbot on a server for work safety according to the worker's situation. A Scenario-based voice chatbot is used to process responses at the edge level to provide safety management services.

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Development of a customized GPTs-based chatbot for pre-service teacher education and analysis of its educational performance in mathematics (GPTs 기반 예비 교사 교육 맞춤형 챗봇 개발 및 수학교육적 성능 분석)

  • Misun Kwon
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.467-484
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    • 2024
  • The rapid advancement of generative AI has ushered in an era where anyone can create and freely utilize personalized chatbots without the need for programming expertise. This study aimed to develop a customized chatbot based on OpenAI's GPTs for the purpose of pre-service teacher education and to analyze its educational performance in mathematics as assessed by educators guiding pre-service teachers. Responses to identical questions from a general-purpose chatbot (ChatGPT), a customized GPTs-based chatbot, and an elementary mathematics education expert were compared. The expert's responses received an average score of 4.52, while the customized GPTs-based chatbot received an average score of 3.73, indicating that the latter's performance did not reach the expert level. However, the customized GPTs-based chatbot's score, which was close to "adequate" on a 5-point scale, suggests its potential educational utility. On the other hand, the general-purpose chatbot, ChatGPT, received a lower average score of 2.86, with feedback indicating that its responses were not systematic and remained at a general level, making it less suitable for use in mathematics education. Despite the proven educational effectiveness of conventional customized chatbots, the time and cost associated with their development have been significant barriers. However, with the advent of GPTs services, anyone can now easily create chatbots tailored to both educators and learners, with responses that achieve a certain level of mathematics educational validity, thereby offering effective utilization across various aspects of mathematics education.

Chronic diabetic management using Chatbot Web service (챗봇을 활용한 만성질환 식단관리 웹 서비스)

  • Jang, Jae-Hong;Kim, Sung-Hee;Jung, Deok-Gil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.275-278
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    • 2018
  • As the population ages socially and the diet of people becomes westernized, the incidence of chronic diseases is increasing due to irregular lifestyle. Chronic diseases can be prevented and improved with just regular lifestyle and diet. Most of the recently released diet management mobile applications are aimed at obesity management and diet, and applications that aim to prevent or improve chronic diseases are hard to find. In this paper, we develop a web service that identifies diabetes most frequently encountered among chronic diseases, and implements a chatbot service that helps diabetes management by using Chatscript.

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