• Title/Summary/Keyword: Characteristics of rock mass

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A Study on the Shape and Size Effects on the Stability of Underground Openings (지하공동의 형상과 규모가 공동의 안정성에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • 박상찬;문현구
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 1998
  • In this study, the analytic solutions and numerical methods were used to estimate the shape and size effects on the stability of underground openings. The stability of underground openings was evaluated by scrutinizing the effects of the rock mass quality, the state of in-situ stresses and the lateral earth pressure coefficient on the displacement, the stress concentration and the plastic region developed in the vicinity of the openings. The analytic solutions have shown that the stress concentration factor is inversely proportional to the radius of curvature of openings. Through parametric study on the various shapes and sizes of underground openings the characteristics of the controlling factors concerned with the stability were analyzed. Then, the study was extended to the horseshoe-shaped openings commonly used for under ground storage. Through the extended study the effects of the stress ratio and the height-towidth ratio of openings on the maximum displacement and plastic region developed around the openings were estimated. The results have shorn that the height-to-width ratio of domestic storage caverns can be increased economically without stability problem, as far as the lateral earth pressure coefficient is appropriate.

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In-Situ Stress Determinations by Hydraulic Fracturing in Deep Inclined Boreholes for the Design of Underground Oil Storages (유류비축기지 설계를 위한 대심도 경사공에서의 수압파쇄 초기응력 해석)

  • Choi, Sung-Oong;Shin, Hee-Soon;Park, Chan;Syun, Joong-Ho;Bae, Jeong-Sik;Lee, Hyeong-Won;Park, Jong-In;Jeon, Han-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.185-205
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    • 1999
  • Hydraulic fracturing tests were performed in two inclined boreholes for the design of underground oil storages in Korea. Extensions of their application limits were expected through a precise comparison between the interpretation techniques for the vertical and the inclined boreholes. Especially, it was verified that the magnitude of in-situ stress can be varied even in the same rock mass with a variety of geographic/geotechnical characteristics. It was also demonstrated that its orientation can be changed even in the same borehole with the existence of explicit discontinuities.

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The Characteristics of Hydrodynamic Dispersion in a Horizontally Heterogeneous Fractured Rock Through Single Well Injection Withdrawal Tracer Tests (수평적으로 불균질한 단열암반층에서 단공주입양수 추적자시험에 의한 수리분산특성)

  • Kang, Dong-Hwan;Chung, Sang-Yong;Kim, Byung-Woo
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2006
  • Single well injection withdrawal tracer tests with bromide were carried out at two wells developed in a horizontally heterogeneous fractured rock. The hydraulic conductivity of TW-1 well was 5 times larger than TW-2 well, and the average linear velocity of TW-2 well was 1.8 times faster than TW-1 well. The difference of hydrodynamic dispersions of two wells in the fractured rock was studied with the analysis of concentration breakthrough curves and cumulative mass recovery curves of bromide with withdrawal time, and the estimation of average travel distance, pore velocity, longitudinal dispersivity and longitudinal dispersion coefficient. The average travel distances of bromide were estimated to be 3.00 m in TW-1 well and 5.62 m in TW-2 well. The average pore velocities for the injection/withdrawal phase were estimated to be $4.31\;{\times}\;10^{-4}\;m/sec$ in TW-1 well and $8.08\;{\times}\;10^{-4}\;m/sec$ in TW-2 well. Average travel distance and pore velocity were higher in TW-2 well because of small effective porosity. Longitudinal dispersivities were estimated to be 28.73 cm in TW-1 well and 18.49 cm in TW-2 well, and bromide transport was 1.55 times faster in TW-1 well. Longitudinal dispersion coefficients were estimated to be $5.14\;{\times}\;10^{-6}\;m^2/sec$ in TW-1 well and $6.06\;{\times}\;10^{-6}\;m^2/sec$ in TW-2 well, and diffusion area was 1.18 times larger in TW-2 well.

The Study on the Confidence Building for Evaluation Methods of a Fracture System and Its Hydraulic Conductivity (단열체계 및 수리전도도의 해석신뢰도 향상을 위한 평가방법 연구)

  • Cho Sung-Il;Kim Chun-Soo;Bae Dae-Seok;Kim Kyung-Su;Song Moo-Young
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.15 no.2 s.42
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    • pp.213-227
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to assess the problems with investigation method and to suggest the complementary solutions by comparing the predicted data from surface investigation with the outcome data from underground cavern. In the study area, one(NE-1) of 6 fracture zones predicted during the surface investigation was only confirmed in underground caverns. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the confidence level for prediction. In this study, the fracture classification criteria was quantitatively suggested on the basis of the BHTV images of NE-1 fracture zone. The major orientation of background fractures in rock mass was changed at the depth of the storage cavern, the length and intensity were decreased. These characteristics result in the deviation of predieted predicted fracture properties and generate the investigation bias depending on the bore hole directions and investigated scales. The evaluation of hydraulic connectivity in the surface investigation stage needs to be analyze by the groundwater pressures and hydrochemical properties from the monitoring bore hole(s) equipped with a double completion or multi-packer system during the test bore hole is pumping or injecting. The hydraulic conductivities in geometric mean measured in the underground caverns are 2-3 times lower than those from the surface and furthermore the horizontal hydraulic conductivity in geometric mean is six times lower than the vertical one. To improve confidence level of the hydraulic conductivity, the orientation of test hole should be considered during the analysis of the hydraulic conductivity and the methodology of hydro-testing and interpretation should be based on the characteristics of rock mass and investigation purposes.

A Study on Hydraulic Characteristics of Rock Joints Dependant on JRC Ranges (JRC 등급에 따른 절리면 수리특성 연구)

  • Chae Byung-Gon;Seo Yong-Seok;Kim Ji-Soo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.14 no.4 s.41
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    • pp.461-468
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    • 2004
  • In order to characterize hydraulic property dependant on join roughness in rock mass, this study computed permeability coefficients on each range of joint roughness coefficient (JRC) suggested by Barton(1976). For a quantitative analysis of roughness components spectral analysis using the fast fourier transform was performed to select effective frequencies on each PC range. The results of spectral analyses show that low ranges of the JRC are mainly composed of low frequency domain, while high ranges of the JRC have dominant components at high frequency domain. The inverse Fourier transform made it possible to generate joint models of each JRC range using the effective frequencies of roughness spectrum. The homogenization analysis was applied to calculate permeability coefficient at homogeneous microscale, and then, computes a homogenized permeability coefficient (C-permeability coefficient) at macro scale. Therefore, it is possible to analyze accurate characteristics of permeability reflected with local effect of facture geometry. According to the calculation results, permeability coefficients were distributed between $10^{-3}m/sec\;and\;10^{-4}/sec$. In cases of sheared joint models permeability coefficients were plotted between $10^{-4}m/sec\;and\;10^{-5}/sec$, showing irregular distribution of permeability coefficients on each IRC range. The differences of permeability coefficients for the same aperture models or for the sheared joint models indicate that changes of roughness pattern influence on permeability coefficients. Therefore, the effect of joint roughness should be considered to characterize hydraulic properties in rock joints.

Scaling up of single fracture using a spectral analysis and computation of its permeability coefficient (스펙트럼 분석을 응용한 단일 균열 규모확장과 투수계수 산정)

  • 채병곤
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.29-46
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    • 2004
  • It is important to identify geometries of fracture that act as a conduit of fluid flow for characterization of ground water flow in fractured rock. Fracture geometries control hydraulic conductivity and stream lines in a rock mass. However, we have difficulties to acquire whole geometric data of fractures in a field scale because of discontinuous distribution of outcrops and impossibility of continuous collecting of subsurface data. Therefore, it is needed to develop a method to describe whole feature of a target fracture geometry. This study suggests a new approach to develop a method to characterize on the whole feature of a target fracture geometry based on the Fourier transform. After sampling of specimens along a target fracture from borehole cores, effective frequencies among roughness components were selected by the Fourier transform on each specimen. Then, the selected effective frequencies were averaged on each frequency. Because the averaged spectrum includes all the frequency profiles of each specimen, it shows the representative components of the fracture roughness of the target fracture. The inverse Fourier transform is conducted to reconstruct an averaged whole roughness feature after low pass filtering. The reconstructed roughness feature also shows the representative roughness of the target subsurface fracture including the geometrical characteristics of each specimen. It also means that overall roughness feature by scaling up of a fracture. In order to identify the characteristics of permeability coefficients along the target fracture, fracture models were constructed based on the reconstructed roughness feature. The computation of permeability coefficient was performed by the homogenization analysis that can calculate accurate permeability coefficients with full consideration of fracture geometry. The results show a range between $10^{-4}{\;}and{\;}10^{-3}{\;}cm/sec$, indicating reasonable values of permeability coefficient along a large fracture. This approach will be effectively applied to the analysis of permeability characteristics along a large fracture as well as identification of the whole feature of a fracture in a field scale.

Hydrogeochemical and Environmental Isotope Study of Groundwaters in the Pungki Area (풍기 지역 지하수의 수리지구화학 및 환경동위원소 특성 연구)

  • 윤성택;채기탁;고용권;김상렬;최병영;이병호;김성용
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.177-191
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    • 1998
  • For various kinds of waters including surface water, shallow groundwater (<70 m deep) and deep groundwater (500∼810 m deep) from the Pungki area, an integrated study based on hydrochemical, multivariate statistical, thermodynamic, environmental isotopic (tritium, oxygen-hydrogen, carbon and sulfur), and mass-balance approaches was attempted to elucidate the hydrogeochemical and hydrologic characteristics of the groundwater system in the gneiss area. Shallow groundwaters are typified as the 'Ca-HCO$_3$'type with higher concentrations of Ca, Mg, SO$_4$and NO$_3$, whereas deep groundwaters are the 'Na-HCO$_3$'type with elevated concentrations of Na, Ba, Li, H$_2$S, F and Cl and are supersaturated with respect to calcite. The waters in the area are largely classified into two groups: 1) surface waters and most of shallow groundwaters, and 2) deep groundwaters and one sample of shallow groundwater. Seasonal compositional variations are recognized for the former. Multivariate statistical analysis indicates that three factors may explain about 86% of the compositional variations observed in deep groundwaters. These are: 1) plagioclase dissolution and calcite precipitation, 2) sulfate reduction, and 3) acid hydrolysis of hydroxyl-bearing minerals(mainly mica). By combining with results of thermodynamic calculation, four appropriate models of water/ rock interaction, each showing the dissolution of plagioclase, kaolinite and micas and the precipitation of calcite, illite, laumontite, chlorite and smectite, are proposed by mass balance modelling in order to explain the water quality of deep groundwaters. Oxygen-hydrogen isotope data indicate that deep groundwaters were originated from a local meteoric water recharged from distant, topograpically high mountainous region and underwent larger degrees of water/rock interaction during the regional deep circulation, whereas the shallow groundwaters were recharged from nearby, topograpically low region. Tritium data show that the recharge time was the pre-thermonuclear age for deep groundwaters (<0.2 TU) but the post-thermonuclear age for shallow groundwaters (5.66∼7.79 TU). The $\delta$$\^$34/S values of dissolved sulfate indicate that high amounts of dissolved H$_2$S (up to 3.9 mg/1), a characteristic of deep groundwaters in this area, might be derived from the reduction of sulfate. The $\delta$$\^$13/C values of dissolved carbonates are controlled by not only the dissolution of carbonate minerals by dissolved soil CO$_2$(for shallow groundwaters) but also the reprecipitation of calcite (for deep groundwaters). An integrated model of the origin, flow and chemical evolution for the groundwaters in this area is proposed in this study.

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A Study on Geology and Clay Minerals of the Landslide Area in the Munhyun-dong, Nam-gu, Pusan (부산시 남구 문현동 산사태 지역의 지질 및 점토광물에 대한 연구)

  • 황진연;김선경;김춘식
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 1999
  • In this study the occurrence and mineralogical characteristics of clay minerals from the Munhyun-dong landslide area in Pusan city were examined by XRD, SEM, and chemical analyses. Several types of clay minerals such as halloysite, vermiculite, mica/vermiculite interstratified mineral, vermiculite/smectite interstratified mineral, kaolinite and illite are found abundantly in the area. The occurrence of clay minerals suggest that they have been formed by weathering of andesite which is the bedrock of the area. It is believed that halloysite was formed in the early stage of weathering, and vermiculite, mica/vermiculite interstratified mineral and mica/vermiculite interstratified mineral were formed in the middle stage, and finally, kaolinite was formed. The clay minerals occurring in the central part of the landsliding area and within the slip surface are dominated by expandable minerals such as halloysite, vermiculite and vermiculite/smectite interstratified mineral. These clay minerals expand by absorbing water and effectively decrease the shear resistance of the rock mass, and therefore, they could be an important factor for the landslide. The analyses of geology and mineralogical characteristics of the area suggest that the landslide was caused by combination of various factors including steep slope, heavy rainfall, abundant joints, alteration of the rocks, and occurrence of expandable clay minerals. The result of this study suggests that the investigation for the prevention of possible landslide must include the examination of clay mineralogy as well as the site geology.

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The Stability Analysis of Near Parallel Tunnels Pillar at Multi-layered Soil with Shallow Depth by Numerical Analysis (수치해석에 의한 저토피 다층지반에서 근접 병설터널 필라의 안정성 분석)

  • Lim, Hyungmin;Son, Kwangrok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2014
  • In Korea, in general, separation distance between existing parallel tunnels was set at two to five times as distant as the diameter of the tunnels according to ground conditions. Recently, however, actual applicability of closely spaced parallel tunnels whose distance between tunnel centers was shorter than the diameter has increased due to environmental damages resulting from massive cutting, restriction in purchase of required land, and maintenance of linear continuity. In particular, when the pillar width of tunnel decreases, the safety of pillars affects behaviors of the tunnel and therefore the need for diverse relevant studies has emerged. However, research so far has been largely confined to analysis of behavior characteristics of pillars, or parameters affecting design, and actually applicable and quantitative data have not been presented. Accordingly, in order to present a stability evaluation method which may maximally reflect construction conditions of spots, this study reflected topographical and stratigraphic characteristics of the portal part with the highest closeness between the tunnels, simulated multi-layer conditions with rock mass and complete weathering, and assessed the degree of effect the stability of pillars had on the entire tunnels through numerical analysis according to changes in pillar width by ground strength. This study also presented composite analysis result on ground surface settlement rates, interference volume rates, and average strength to stress and a formula, which may be applicable to actual work, to evaluate safety rates of closely spaced parallel tunnel pillars and minimum pillar width by ground strength based on failure criteria by Hoek-Brown (1980).

A Study on Particle and Crystal Size Analysis of Lithium Lanthanum Titanate Powder Depending on Synthesis Methods (Sol-Gel & Solid-State reaction) (분말 합성법(Sol-Gel & Solid-State reaction)에 따른 Lithium Lanthanum Titanate 분말의 입자 및 결정 크기 비교 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jeungjai Yun;Seung-Hwan Lee;So Hyun Baek;Yongbum Kwon;Yoseb Song;Bum Sung Kim;Bin Lee;Rhokyun Kwak;Da-Woon Jeong
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.324-331
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    • 2023
  • Lithium (Li) is a key resource driving the rapid growth of the electric vehicle industry globally, with demand and prices continually on the rise. To address the limited reserves of major lithium sources such as rock and brine, research is underway on seawater Li extraction using electrodialysis and Li-ion selective membranes. Lithium lanthanum titanate (LLTO), an oxide solid electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries, is a promising Li-ion selective membrane. An important factor in enhancing its performance is employing the powder synthesis process. In this study, the LLTO powder is prepared using two synthesis methods: sol-gel reaction (SGR) and solid-state reaction (SSR). Additionally, the powder size and uniformity are compared, which are indices related to membrane performance. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy are employed for determining characterization, with crystallite size analysis through the full width at half maximum parameter for the powders prepared using the two synthetic methods. The findings reveal that the powder SGR-synthesized powder exhibits smaller and more uniform characteristics (0.68 times smaller crystal size) than its SSR counterpart. This discovery lays the groundwork for optimizing the powder manufacturing process of LLTO membranes, making them more suitable for various applications, including manufacturing high-performance membranes or mass production of membranes.