• 제목/요약/키워드: Change and Development

검색결과 11,134건 처리시간 0.05초

영흥도 지역자원을 활용한 학교 밖 영재 프로그램 개발 및 적용 효과 (The Development and Application of Informal Gifted and Talented Education program utilizing Local Resources in Yeongheung Island)

  • 옥승현;최선영
    • 과학교육연구지
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.356-375
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구의 목적은 비형식 과학학습의 개념인 자발적 학습, 다양한 장소에서의 학습 등의 학습측면을 담고 있는 학교 밖 영재 프로그램을 개발하여 초등 단위학교 5학년 영재학급 학생들에게 적용 후 창의적 문제해결력, 과학탐구능력, 과학적 태도에 어떤 영향을 주었는지 알아보고자 하였다. 이 연구를 위하여 영흥도 내 초등 단위학교 5학년 영재학급 학생 15명을 대상으로 적용하였고 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 연구를 위해 개발한 영흥도 지역자원을 활용한 학교 밖 영재 프로그램을 단위학급에 투여한 후 창의적 문제해결력의 변화를 알아본 결과 학생들의 창의적 문제해결력 신장에 효과가 있었다(p<.05). 창의적 문제해결력 하위 요소별로 살펴보면 다양한 문제 제안하기, 적절한 탐구문제 선택하기, 실험계획 세우기, 해결방법 확인하기 영역에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다(p<.05). 반면, 해결책 생각하기 영역에서는 유의미한 차이를 보이지 못하였다. 본 프로그램의 특성상 영흥도에 국한된 체험위주의 수업이 바탕을 이루고 있어 지역 확산적인 사고 위주의 해결책 제시가 쉽지 않은 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 둘째, 본 연구에서 개발한 프로그램은 학생들의 과학적 탐구능력의 신장에 효과가 있었다. 하위요소별로 살펴보면, 기초탐구과정에서는 관찰, 예상영역을 제외한 영역에서 유의미한 변화를 주지 못하였다. 반면에 통합탐구능력에는 자료변환에 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 이는 본 프로그램 중 생각넓히기, 더 나아가기 영역에서 이야기 만드는 과정, 활용방안 등의 활동이 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것이라고 생각되었다. 셋째, 본 연구에서 개발한 프로그램은 학생들의 과학적 태도 변화에는 판단유보를 제외한 영역에서는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 과학적 태도는 인지적인 방법의 학습보다는 정의적인 방법에 의해 훨씬 더 효과적으로 변화할 수 있는데, 본 연구에서는 45일이라는 비교적 짧은 실험기간과 체험학습 장소에서의 탐구활동이 제한된 시간 안에 이루어져야 했으므로 그 부담감이 전체적으로 과학적 태도 변화의 긍정적인 부분에 영향을 주지 못하였다고 할 수 있다. 넷째, 학교 밖 영재 프로그램의 효과성을 알아보기 위한 설문 및 면담결과에서는 운영, 인식에서 긍정에 가까운 평가 결과를 나타내었으며 특히, 운영에서는 시설, 준비, 복지 영역에서 인식에서는 흥미도와 활용도 영역에서 긍정적인 효과를 거두었다. 이러한 결과는 일반 학급에서 접하기 힘든 시설과 체험활동들로 이루어져 있었고 학생들 스스로 계획한 탐구활동을 실행할 수 있는 기회가 적었기 때문으로 분석되어 졌다. 또한 면담을 통해 체험활동이 학습자로 하여금 흥미와 만족도 등을 높일 수 있는 방법이 될 수 있다는 결과를 도출하여 그동안의 선행연구와 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 위와 같은 연구 결과를 바탕으로 후속연구에서는 도서지역 뿐 아니라 다양한 지역적 특성을 갖고 있는 현장에서 좀 더 많은 학생들을 표본집단으로 하여 학교 밖 영재 프로그램을 연구할 필요성이 있으며, 각 지역적 특성에 맞는 실제적이고, 적절한 프로그램 안 개발이 동반되어야 되어야 할 것이다. 아울러 정의적인 학습 방법과 단기간이 아닌 장기간에 걸친 프로그램을 준비할 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다.

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다산역의 관점에서 본 경방의 효변설 (Jingfang's yaobian theory seen from Dasan Jeong Yagyong's view on the Book of Change.)

  • 방인
    • 철학연구
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    • 제131권
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    • pp.199-222
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    • 2014
  • 서한(西漢) 시대의 역학자 경방(京房)은 다양한 해석방법을 개발함으로써 상수역의 이론적 발전과정에 심대한 영향을 미친 인물이다. 다산역의 해석방법론은 상수역에 연원을 두고 있기 때문에 그 역학사적 기원을 밝히기 위해서는 경방역과의 관계가 명확히 해명될 필요가 있다. 필자는 다산역과 경방역의 관계를 해명하기 위하여 정약용이 효변설과 관련하여 경방에 대해 어떠한 평가를 내렸는지의 문제를 고찰하였다. 효변설이란 효의 변화에 의하여 변괘(變卦, 즉 지괘(之卦))가 형성된다는 이론이다. 정약용은 "주역사전"에서 경방이 역사(易詞)를 풀이함에 있어 효변설을 적용하였다는 추정을 내리고, 그것을 뒷받침하는 근거를 건초구(乾初九), 관상구(觀上九), 박상구(剝上九) 등의 역주(易注)에서 찾았다. 정약용이 제시한 증거를 통해서 본다면, 건초구(乾初九)와 박상구(剝上九)는 효변을 취한 명백한 증거로 보이는 반면에 관상구(觀上九)는 증거로 채택하기에 의심스러운 점이 있다. 그러나 설령 두 곳에서 경방이 효변을 적용한 것이 명백하다고 하더라도 정약용의 효변설과 경방의 효변설이 같은 것이라고 볼 근거는 없다. 오히려 양자의 효변설을 면밀히 검토해 보면, 서로 계통을 달리하는 이론이라는 것이 드러난다. 그 다음으로, 정약용은 건초구(乾初九)의 역주(易注)에서 경방과 더불어 효변을 이해하고 있는 인물로 경방보다 대략 백여년 이전(以前)에 활동했던 가의(賈誼)를 언급하였다. 필자는 가의가 세상을 떠난 기원전 168년은 마왕퇴 3호 한묘(漢墓)의 묘주(墓主)의 묘장(墓葬) 연대와 같다는 점에 주목하였다. 효변설의 근거로 제시되어 온 "춘추좌씨전"의 '모괘지모괘(某卦之某卦)'의 형식은 마왕퇴(馬王堆) 백서본 "주역"에서도 나타난다. 따라서 기원전 168년 이전(以前)에 "모괘지모괘(某卦之某卦)"의 형식이 널리 유행하고 있었음이 확실해진다. 만약 가의가 마왕퇴 백서본 "주역"에 나타난 효변설에 대한 이해를 공유하고 있었고, 경방도 역시 효변설을 이해하고 있었다면, 효변설은 역학사적으로 가의 이후로 경방에 이르기까지 백여년 동안 전승되었을 것이라는 추론이 가능해진다. 이러한 추론에 대해 설득력있는 증거를 제시할 수 있다면, 이것은 역학사적으로 중요한 발견이 될 뿐 아니라, 다산역의 이론을 확증해주는 증거로도 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

중국의 사지서목에 대하여 -육사예문$\cdot$경적지의 분류 및 편목체재 비교를 중심으로- (On the Bibliographies of Chinese Historical Books - Classifying and cataloguing system of six historical bibliographies -)

  • 강순애
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제24권
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    • pp.289-332
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    • 1993
  • In china, six bibliographies of offical historical books are evaluated at the most important things among the systematically-editing bibliographies. These bibliographies would be usful to study the orign of classical sciences and their development, bibliographic research of Chinese classics, bibliographic judgement on genuine books, titles, authors, volumes. They could be refered to research into graving, correcting, and existence of ancient books. therefore, these bibliographies would be applied to estimation the phase of scientific and cultural development. The study of these bibliographies has been not yet made in Korea. This thesis lays its importance on the background of their appearance, their classification norms, organizing system of their catalogue, and comparison between their difference. 1. Editing and compiling of Chilyak (칠약) by Liu Chin (유흠) and official histories played an important role of entering an apperance of historical book's bibliographies. Chilyak has been lost. However, its classification and compiling system of classical books would be traced by Hansoyemunji(한서예문지) of which basic system is similar to Chilyak. It classified books according to their scientific characteristic. If a few books didn't have their own categories, they were combined by the circles parallel to the books' characteristic. With the books classified under the same scientific characteristic, they were again divided into the scientific schools or structures. It also arranged the same kinds of books according to the chronology. The some books wi th duplicate subjects were classified multiplely by their duplicate subject. 2. Ssu-ma Chon's (사마천) The Historical Records (Saki, 사기) and Pan Ku's (반고) The History of the Former Han Dynasty (Hanso, 한서) has also took effects on appearance of historical books' bibliographies. Covering overall history, Saki was structured by the five parts: The basic annals(본기), the chronological tables (표), the documents (서), the hereditary houses (세가), biographies (열전). The basic annals dealt with kings and courts' affairs according to the chronology. The chronological tables was the records of the annals. The documents described overall the social and cultural systems. The hereditary houses recorded courts' meritorious officials and public figures. The biographies showed exemplars of seventy peoples selected by their social status. Pan Ku(반구)'s The History of the Former Han Dynasty(한서) deserved to be called the prototype for the offical histories after Saki's (사기; The Historical Records) apperance. Although it modelled on Saki, it had set up its own cataloguing system. It was organized by four parts; the basic annals (본기), the chronological tables (표), treatises(지), biographies (열전). The documents in the Hanso(한서) was converted into treatises(지). The hereditary houses and biographies were merged. For the first time, the treatise with The Yemunji could operate function for historical bibliographies. 3. There were six historical bibliographies: Hansoyemunji(한서예문지), Susokyongjeokji (수서경적지), Kudangsokyongjeokji(구당서경적지), Shindangsoyemunji (신당서예문지), Songsayemunji (송사예문지), Myongsayemunji (명사예문지). 1) Modelling on Liu Chin's Chilyak except Chipryak(집략), Hansoyemunji divided the characteristic of the books and documents into six parts: Yukrye(육예), Cheja(제자), Shibu(시부), Pyongsoh(병서), Susul(수술), Pangki(방기). Under six parts, there were thirty eight orders in Hansoyemunji. To its own classification, Hansoyemunji applied the Chilyak's theory of classification that the books or documents were managed according to characteristic of sciences, the difference of schools, the organization of sentences. However the overlapped subjects were deleted and unified into one. The books included into an unsuitable subject were corrected and converted into another. The Hansoyemunji consisted of main preface (Taesoh 대서), minor preface (Sosoh 소서) , the general preface (Chongso 총서). It also recorded the introduction of books and documents, the origin of sciences, the outline of subjects, and the establishment of orders. The books classified by the subject had title, author, and volumes. They were rearranged by titles and the chronological publication year. Sometimes author was the first access point to catalogue the books. If it was necessary for the books to take footnotes, detail notes were formed. The Volume number written consecutively to order and subject could clarify the quantity of books. 2) Refering to Classfication System by Seven Norms (칠분법) and Classification System by Four Norms(사분법), Susokyongjeokji(수서경적지) had accomplished the classification by four norms. In fact, its classification largely imitated Wanhyosoh(완효서)'s Chilrok(칠록), Susokyongjeokji's system of classification consisted of four parts-Kyung(경), Sa(사), Cha(자), Chip(칩). The four parts were divided into 40 orders. Its appendix was again divided into two parts, Buddihism and Taiosm. Under the two parts there were fifteen orders. Totally Susokyongjeokji was made of six parts and fifty five orders. In comparison with Hansoyemunji(한서예문지), it clearly showed the conception of Kyung, Sa, Cha, Chip. Especially it deserved to be paid attention that Hansoyemunji laied history off Chunchu(춘추) and removed history to Sabu(사부). However Chabu(사부) put many contrary subjects such as Cheja(제자), Kiye(기예), Sulsu(술수), Sosol(소설) into the same boundary, which committed errors insufficient theoretical basis. Anothor demerit of Susokyongjeokji was that it dealt with Taiosm scriptures and Buddism scriptures at the appendix because they were considered as quasi-religion. Its compilation of bibliographical facts consisted of main preface(Taesoh 대서), minor preface(Sosoh 소서), general preface (Chongsoh 총서), postscript (Husoh 후서). Its bibliological facts mainly focused on the titles. Its recorded authors' birth date and their position. It wrote the lost and existence of books consecutive to total number of books, which revealed total of the lost books in Su Dynasty. 3) Modelling on the basis of Kokumsorok(고분서록) and Naewaekyongrok(내외경록), Kudangsokyongjeokji(구당서경적지) had four parts and fourty five orders. It was estimated as the important role of establishing basic frame of classification by four norms in classification theory's history. However it had also its own limit. Editing and compling orders of Kudangsokyongjeokji had been not progressively changed. Its orders imitated by and large Susokyongjeokji. In Its system of organizing catalogue, with its minor preface and general preface deleting, Kudangsokyongjeokji by titles after orders sometimes broke out confusion because of unclear boundaries between orders. 4) Shindangsoyemunji(신당서예문지), adding 28,469 books to Kudangsokyongjeokji, recorded 82,384 books which were divided by four parts and fourty four orders. In comparison with Kudangkyongjeokj, Sindangsoyemunji corrected unclear order's norm. It merged the analogical norms four orders (for instance, Kohun 고훈 and Sohakryu 소학류) and seperated the different norms four orders (for example, Hyokyong 효경 and Noneuhryu 논어류, Chamwi 참위 and Kyonghaeryu 경해류, Pyonryon 편년 and Wisaryu 위사류). Recording kings' behaviors and speeches (Kikochuryu 기거주류) in the historical parts induced the concept of specfication category. For the first time, part of Chipbu (집부) set up the order of classification norm for historical and literatural books and documents (Munsaryu 문사류). Its editing and compiling had been more simplified than Kudangsokyongjeokji. Introduction was written at first part of bibliographies. Appendants except bibliographic items such subject, author, title, volume number, total were omitted. 5) Songsayemunji(송사예문지) were edited in the basis of combining Puksong(북송) and Namsong(남송), depending on Sabukuksayemunji(사부국사예문지). Generally Songsayemunji had lost a lot of bibliographical facts of many books. They were duplicated and wrongly classified books because it committed an error of the incorrectly annalistic editing. Particularly Namsong showed more open these defaults. Songsayemunji didin't include the books published since the king Youngchong(영종). Its system of classification was more better controlled. Chamwiryu(참위류) in the part of Kyongbu(경부) was omitted. In the part of history(Sabu 사부), recordings of kings' behaviors and speeches more merged in the annals. Historical abstract documents (Sachoryu 사초류) were seperately arranged. In the part of Chabu(자부), Myongdangkyongmaekryu(명당경맥류) and Euisulryu(의술류) were combined. Ohangryu(오행류) were laied off Shikuryu(시구류). In the part of Chipbu(집부), historical and literatural books (Munsaryu 문사류) were independentely arranged. There were the renamed orders; from Wisa(위사) to Paesa(패사), Chapsa (잡사) to Pyolsa(열사), Chapchonki(잡전기) to Chonki(전기), Ryusoh(류서) to Ryusa(류서). Introduction had only main preface. The books of each subject catalogued by title, the volume number, and author and arranged mainly by authors. Annotations were written consecutively after title and the volume number. In the afternote the number of not-treated books were revealed. Difference from Singdangsohyemunji(신당서예문지) were that the concept and boundary of orders became more clearer. It also wrote the number of books consecutive to main subject. 6) Modelling on Chonkyongdangsomok (경당서목), Myongsayemunji(명사예문지) was compiled in the basis of books and documents published in the Ming Danasty. In classification system, Myongsayemunji partly merged and the seperated some orders for it. It also deleted and renamed some of orders. In case of necessity, combining of orders' norm was occured particulary in the part of Sabu(사부) and Chabu(자부). Therefore these merging of orders norm didn't offer sufficient theretical background. For example, such demerits were seen in the case that historical books edited by annals were combined with offical historical ones which were differently compiled and edited from the former. In the part of Chabu(자부), it broke out another confusion that Pubga(법가), Meongga(명가), Mukga(묵가), Chonghweongka's(종횡가) thoughts were classified in the Chapka(잡가). Scriptures of Taiosim and Buddhism were seperated from each other. There were some deleted books such as Mokrokryu(목록류), Paesaryu(패사류) in the part of history (Sabu 사부) and Chosaryu(초사류) in the part of Chipbu(집부). The some in the each orders had been renamed. Imitating compiling system of Songsayemunji(송사예문지), with reffering to its differ-ence, Myongsayemunji(명사예문지) wrote the review and the change of the books by author. The number of not-treated books didn't appear at the total. It also deleted the total following main subject.

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문화예술상품 소비자의 가치인식이 추구혜택과 상품속성에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Consumer Value Cognition on Benefits and Attributes of Culture-Art Products)

  • 신은주;이영선
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.177-207
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    • 2012
  • 문화예술상품은 일반 소비재와 달리 소비자의 가치인식에 따라 중요한 소비의 대상이 되기도 하고 그렇지 못할 수도 있는 특별한 상품이다. 물질적 소비재나 서비스 상품은 상품속성이 주는 물질적 및 비물질적 혜택을 상정하여 상품을 개발하고 그에 따른 마케팅전략을 수립하는 것이 효과적일 수 있다. 그러나 문화예술상품 소비는 소비자의 경험과 교육 등에 의해 형성된 문화예술에 대한 가치인식에 따라 소비추구혜택이 달라질 수 있고, 가치인식과 추구혜택은 문화예술상품의 속성을 선택하는 기준에 영향을 미칠 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구는 '문화예술상품에 대한 가치인식과 추구혜택에 관한 질적 연구'의 후속연구로서 질적 연구에서 나타난 개념구조를 바탕으로 문화예술상품에 대한 소비자의 가치인식 및 추구혜택과 상품속성의 하위차원을 규명하고, 수단-목적 사슬이론을 역으로 적용하여 문화예술상품에 대한 소비자의 가치인식이 추구혜택과 상품속성에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 하였다. 그리하여 문화예술상품 생산 및 문화예술 정책기관과 문화예술을 활용하는 기업의 문화마케팅의 효율성을 제고하기 위한 실무적 시사점을 제시하고자 실시되었다. 10대 이상 50대 남녀 662명을 대상으로 자료를 수집하고 요인분석과 경로분석을 실시하였다. 예술상품에 대한 소비자의 가치인식과 추구혜택의 하위차원은 질적 연구 결과와 유사하게 나타났으며, 가치인식은 대부분 추구혜택을 매개로 하여 상품속성에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 질적 연구결과와 마찬가지로 수단-목적사슬을 역방향으로 적용하는 것이 타당함을 입증하였다. 즉, 문화예술상품에 대한 소비자의 가치인식이 실제적 편익으로 구체화되고, 소비자는 이러한 추구혜택에 따라 상품속성의 중요도를 고려하여 구매의사를 결정하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 문화예술상품에 대한 소비자의 가치인식을 긍정적으로 형성·강화시키는 것이 가장 중요한 소비 촉진 요인임을 입증하였으며, 문화예술상품 생산기관에서 소비자 중심의 상품개발과 기업의 효율적인 문화예술마케팅 전략을 개발하기 위한 소비자 정보와 실무적 시사점을 제시하였다. 또한 본 연구 결과는 국민의 삶의 질을 향상시키고자 하는 국가기관의 정책 수립을 위한 유용한 정보로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

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일본의 중견기업에 관한 연구 : 현황과 특징, 정책을 중심으로 (A Study on Medium-Sized Enterprises of Japan)

  • 강철구;김현성;김현철
    • 중소기업연구
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2010
  • 본고에서는 일본 중견기업의 위상, 특징, 관련 정책을 검토함으로써 우리나라에서의 중견기업 정책의 방향을 모색하고자 한다. 일본의 경쟁우위업종인 기계, 전자부품업의 출하와 고용비중은 여타 업종보다 높아, 그 저변에 두터운 중견기업이 존재하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 일본의 중견기업 육성정책은 연구개발과 환경대책을 위한 기업간 제휴 유도라는 측면에서 간접적으로 지원하고 있다. 우리나라도 특정 정책사업에 있어서 기업간 협력 유도를 통하여 중견기업을 육성할 수 있을 것이다.

자연 정화작용 연구: I. 갯벌과 농지 상층수중 유 ${\cdot}$ 무기 원소의 거동에 관한 예비 연구 (Self-purification Mechanisms in Natural Environments of Korea: I. A Preliminary Study on the Behavior of Organic/Inorganic Elements in Tidal Flats and Rice Fields)

  • 최강원;조영길;최만식;이복자;현정호;강정원;정회수
    • 한국해양학회지:바다
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.195-207
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    • 2000
  • 우리나라 갯벌과 농지내 유 ${\cdot}$ 무기 원소의 거동을 이해하기 위해 제한된 환경의 실험실 수조에서 예비실험을 수행하였다. 총 6개의 아크릴 투명 수조에 갯벌 퇴적물 3종 SW1&2(anoxic, silty mud), SW3&4(anoxic, mud), SW5&6(suboxic, mud)과 농지 토양 3종 FW1&2(벼 포기 포함), FW3&4(벼 포기 제외), FW5&6(간척 농지,펴 포기 제외)을 채운 후 오염물질(구리, 비소, 카드뮴, 크롬, 납, 수은, Glucose+Glutamic acid)이 주입된 해수와 담수를 각각 SW 및 FW수조에 넣고, 2주일에 걸쳐 상층수 및 표층 퇴적물/토양을 채취 ${\cdot}$ 분석하였다. 분석 결과 FW와 SW상층수 중 질산염 이온의 농도는 각각 700${\sim}$800 ${\mu}$M, 2${\sim}$5 ${\mu}$M로 FW에서 현저히 높았고, 인산염 이온의 농도는 각각 3${\sim}$4 ${\mu}$M, 1${\sim}$2 ${\mu}$M(SW1 제외)로 FW에서 약간 높았다. 특이하게 SW1에서 인산염 이온은 시간이 지남에 따라 수 십 ${\mu}$M에 이르는 높은 농도로 증가하였다. 한편, 표층 퇴적물/토양 중 박테리아 세포 수는 FW1&3에서 평균 2.5${\times}$10$^9$cells/g dry sediment으로 SW의 평균 3.0${\times}$10$^8$cells/g dry sediment 보다 약 10배가 높았다. FW5 토양 중 박테리아 세포 수(3.5${\times}$10$^8$cells/g dry sediment)는 SW 퇴적물 중 숫자와 유사하였다. SW 퇴적물 중 MUF-Phosphate 활성도는 100-200 nM/ml/hr이지만 FW5&6을 제외한 FW 토양에서는 약 2,000 nM/ml/hr로 현저히 크게 나타났다. ${\beta}$-D-Cellobiose, ${\alpha}$-D-Glucose, 그리고 ${\beta}$-D-Glucos의 활성도 또한 FW 퇴적물에서 큰 값을 보였다. 그러나 FW5&6 토양 중 효소활성도는 SW 퇴적물에서의 값과 유사했다. 수조 상층수 중 Cu, Cd, As 농도는 모든 FW, SW수조에서 시간이 지남에 따라 일관성 있게 감소하였고, 제거속도는 Cu가 다른 원소에 비해 빨랐다. 제거속도는 FW 3개 수조 중 FW5&6에서 세 원소 모두 가장 느렸고, SW 3개 수조 중에서는 SW1&2에서 가장 빨랐다. SW와 FW간 제거속도 차이는 세 원소 모두 명확치 않았다 Cr은 FW에서 전반적으로 감소하는 경향을 보였지만 SW에서는 실험 초기에 감소하다 24시간 이후에는 증가 후 일정한 양상을 보였다. Pb은 FW에서 전반적으로 감소했지만 SW에서는 초기에 급격히 증가 후 다시 급격히 감소하는 양상을 보였다 Pb 또한 Cu, Cd, As와 마찬가지로 SW1&2에서 제거속도가 가장 빠르게 나타났다. FW 상층수 중 Hg는 시간에 따라 급격히 감소했고, 제거속도는 Fw5&6에서 가장 느렸다. 이러한 결과에 근거할 때 벼가 자라고 있고 이분해성 유기물이 풍부한 FW1&2, FW3&4 토양과 상층수에서는 유기물의 분해 활동이 활발하였지만, 벼가 경작되지 않는 FW5&6과 SW 에서는 유기물이 상대적으로 결핍되어 유기물의 분해활동이 적었을 것으로 판단된다. 한편, 수조에 인위적으로 유기물을 첨가한 경우 박테리아 세포수는 SW1에서 164시간 동안 4배 증가하였으나 SW3과 SW5에서는 각각 2.7배, 1.5배 그리고 FW1&3&5의 경우 각각 약 2배, 1.7배, 0.6배 정도만 증가하였다. Cu, Cd, As등 친 유기성 원소들의 시간에 따른 농도 감소 그리고 이들 원소(Hg 포함) 농도 감소 속도가 유기물이 적은 FW5&6에서 상대적으로 느리게 나타난 결과 등은 이들 금속들이 부유 입자 표면의 유기물과 결합 ${\cdot}$ 침적되어 퇴적물로 제거되었기 때문에 나타난 결과로 생각된다. 한편, SW1&2에서 이들 원소의 제거 속도가 빨랐고 인산염 이온의 농도가크게 증가했던 원인은 SW3&4에 비해 상대적으로 공극이 큰 퇴적물로 채워진 SW1&2 퇴적물의 공극수 중 황화수소, 인산염 이온 등이 퇴적물 상층수로 쉽게 확산 ${\cdot}$ 공급되었고, 그 결과 Cu, Cd, As 등 금속 이온이 황화수소 이온과 결합 ${\cdot}$ 제거된 까닭으로 생각된다. 종합적으로 수조 상층수중 유 ${\cdot}$ 무기 원소의 거동은 주로 입자 표면의 유기물과 퇴적물/토양에서 공급된 황화물에 의해 조절된 것으로 생각된다.

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황제내경(黃帝內經)의 맥(脈) 이론(理論)과 진맥법(診脈法)의 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A Study of Mac(脈)-Theory and Change of Mac(脈)-Diagnosis in Whang Di Nei Qing(黃帝內經))

  • 나경찬;박현국
    • 동국한의학연구소논문집
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.73-105
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    • 1993
  • To say nothing of the orient and the west, the human beings discover the method of Jin Mac(診脈) by the way that observe disease. But oriental medicine devise special method of Jin Mac(診脈) in the study of Kyoung Mac(經脈). Although sip-ei Kyoung Mac Jin(十二經脈診), Sam Bu Gu Who Jin(三部九候診), In Young Mac Gu Jin(人迎脈口診), Chon Kwan Chuck Jin(寸關尺診) namely Yuk Bu Jung Wee Jin Mac (六部定位診脈) that is used today are devised, it has changed naturally by the changing treatment and the introduction of Yuin Yang(陰陽) and five element(五行). Many methods dg Jin Mac(診脈), it had not developped successing alternative, it had developped of declined by it's own way. 1. Results for the birth of Mac(脈) 1) Mac(脈), it means Kyoung Mac(經脈), at first entirelly Mac(脈), is seized a blood vessel that flows in the body. As presumed today, after finding many acupunture point, a general idea of Mac(脈) is not maked by the line that connect point and point, it connect between acupunture point and acupunture point. 2) Like blood flows in Hyul Mac(血脈), Gie(氣) flows in Kyoung Mac(經脈). The two things relate deeply each other. In a general idea or actrally Kyoung Rak(經洛), the two things sometimes accord, sometimes seperate, sometimes mix alternative. 3) Hyul Mac(血脈) and Kyoung Mac(經脈), we call it Mac(脈) entirely Kyoung Mac(經脈), is a way that manifest disease through Kyoung Mac(經脈) or a boundary that disease belongs to it method of Mac Jin(脈診) individual that disease of Kyoung Mac(經脈) is diagnosed by the jumping situation of Hyul Mac(血脈). 4) In method of Moxa, athough the pathology and the diagnostic of Mac(脈) are created by finding Mac(脈). Finding acupunture have opportunitty fot Mac Jin(脈診) and treatment. 2. Results of Kyoung Mac Mac Jin(經脈脈診) 1) In theory of kyoung Rak(經洛), disease are resumed for malfunction of Young Wee(榮衛) that flows in Kyung Rak(經洛). So to speak, in treatment of Kyoung Rak area, the purpose of diagnosis observe the situation of disease and cause. For fitting the purpose of diagnosis, the dead had esatablised four-diagnosis method mangMunMnnJeul(望聞問切), in four-diagnosis(四診法), the core is Mac Jin(脈診). 2) sip-ei Kyoung Mac Mac Jin(十二經脈診) had existed as Kyoung Mac Mac Jin(經脈脈診), it precedes Sam Bu Gu Who Jin(三部九候診). In Young Ki Gu Mac(人迎脈口診). 3) Although Bu Yang Mac(趺陽脈), So Um Mac(少陰脈) is a part of Sip-ei Kyoung Mac(十二經脈診), they developped especially because they located in the point of Won Hyul(原穴) and they are convenient for diagnose. 4) Sip-ei Kyoung Mac Mac Jin(十二經脈診), which belongs to Bu Yang Mac(趺陽脈) and So Urn Mac(少陰脈), is not important for the comming age medical books compared with Mac Kyoung(脈經). 3. Results gor Sam Bu Gu Who Jin(三部九候診) 1) Mac Jin(脈診) of Sam Bu Gu Who(三部九候), which is noted in the theory of Sam Bu Gu Who(三部九候診) of So Mun(素問), belongs to Kyoung Mac Mac Jin's(經脈脈診) geneology, Sip-ei Kyoung Mac Mac Jin(十二經脈診) is arranged, simplicated by the idealogy three talents(三才思想) in the heaven and the earth. 2) What Sam Bu Gu Jin(三部九候診) is regardded as very important in So Mun(素問), the editor of So Mun(素問) recognize the meaning that one discover disease early in this method of diagnosis. 3) After Young chu(靈樞), Nan Kyoung(難經) it is lacked the method of Sam Bu Gu Who Jin(三部九候診) in the books that treatment has changed. Sam Bu Gu Who Jin(三部九候診) based on actually clinic appropriate. 4. results for In Young Mac Gu Jin(人迎脈口診) 1) In Young Mac Gu Jin(人迎脈口診) is the method of comparative Mac Jin(脈診) according to the theory of Yin Yang(陰陽), it is presumed after Sam Bu Gu Who Jin(三部九候診), it had perished in parallel with the development of the theory of five elelment(五行). The development of the acupunture, the perishment of the treatment of negative(刺絡). 2) In Young Mac Gu Jin(人迎脈口診), Wang Suk Wha(王叔和) recreated that the left is In Young(人迎), the right is Kie Gu(氣口). In future generations by Jin Mu Taek(陳無擇) who is the writer of Sam In Bang(三因方). In Young Mac Gu Jin(人迎脈口診) is a measure for disease which classify it's inside and outside cause. 5. Results for Chon Gu Mac Jin(寸口脈診) 1) What we say Mac Jin(脈診) of Chon Gu(寸口) two means are used in commn. First case, we simply say the area of Chon Gu(寸口), second case, we say Chon Kwan Chuk Jin(寸口尺診) reducingly. Chon Gu(寸口) is the area which is the radial artery of wrist joint. What we attemp diagnose by only Chon Gu Mac(寸口脈), it is clearly shoued in the method of Nan Kyoung, five Nan(難經五難). 2) Because Jin Mac(診脈) is made in only Chon Gu(寸口), that is the area in which is concentated Kyoung Kee(經氣). That is the birth of Jin Kee(眞氣) and Jin Kee(眞氣) is related with disease. We can diagnose disease by taking Chon Gu(寸口). 3) Chuk Jin(尺診) in Nae Kyoung(難經) have two things. One is Il Chuk(一尺), the other is Chon Kwan Chu(寸關尺). 4) Chuk Chon Jin(尺寸診) is the method which diagnose the difference of point and the condition of Mac(脈) by dividing a part of Chuk(尺) in the area of Chon Gu(寸口). In Chon Gu Jin(寸口診), by introducing the theory of Yin Yang(陰陽), the method of Chon Gu Jin(寸口診) is developed by chon Gu Jin(寸口診). 5) What Chuk Kwan Chon Jin(寸關尺診) is that area of the Chon Gu(寸口) are divided fot three point, we can diagnose. By consulting Sam Bu Gu Who Jin(三部九候診), developping of the method of acupunture, utilzing the theory of five element(五行) it is devised by concentrating way of thinking of the method mac Jin(脈診) exiting. 6) Chon Kwan Chuk Jin MaC(寸關尺診脈) begin from Nae Kyoung(內徑) exiting. After Nan Kyoung(內徑), spread out widely from Mac Kyoung(脈診) of Wang Suk wha(王叔和), the future medicins followed it. Yang Hyun Jo(楊玄操) and established Chon Kwan Chuk Jin(寸關尺診) which is used widely today. This right and left Chon Kwan Chuk Jin(寸關尺診), we call it method of Yuk Bu Jung Wee Jin Mac(六部定位診脈). 7) We can think the base which presume the arrangement of the viscera for Chon Kwan Chuk(寸關尺) of the right and the left. 8) The origin, which seperate the right and the left of Mac(脈), is showed at the treory of Ji Jin Yo Dae(至眞要大論) in So Mun(素問) which Chon Chuk(寸尺) seperate the right and the left. But the method of diagnosis in Nan Kyoung(難經) have no seperation the fight and the left. Otherwise this. there is clearly writtened the seperation for the right origin of the method of Yuk Bu Jung Wee Jin Mac(六部定位診脈) seek for Cang Gong(倉公). 9) Yang Hyun Jo(楊玄操) notice that the Chuk(尺) is mentioned for Sam Cho(三焦) in the method of Mac Kyuong(脈經), Sim Po Kyung(心包經) which put together with Sam Cho(三焦) allot on this, he had established the method of Yuk Bu Jung Wee Jin Mac(六部定位診脈). 10) On the method of Paen Jak Yin Yang Mac(扁鵲陰陽脈) in Mac Kyoung(脈經), equal article exist with the theory of Pyung In Kee Sang(平人氣象論) in So Mun(素問). When Wang Suk Wha(王叔和) write Mac Kyung(脈經), we can presume that the book of Mac(脈) which Paen Jak(扁鵲) had experienced the origin have exited besides So Mun(素問), Young Chu(靈樞). If so he must be make Chon Kwan Chuk Jin(寸關尺診) very fairly standard. So Nae Kyoung(內經), which must be fllowed the method of Paen Jak Mac(扁鵲脈), do the method diagnosis of Chon Kwan Chuk(寸關尺), diagnise of disease and treat.

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해조의 식용분말화에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Nutritive Value and Utilization of Powdered Seaweeds)

  • 유정열;이기열;김숙희
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.15-37
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    • 1975
  • I. Subject of the study A study on the nutritive value and utilization of powdered seaweeds. II. Purpose and Importance of the study A. In Korea the shortage of food will be inevitable by the rapidly growing population. It will be very important study to develop a new food from the seaweeds which were not used hitherto for human consumption. B. The several kinds of seaweeds have been used by man in Korea mainly as side-dishes. However, a properly powdered seaweed will enable itself to be a good supplement or mixture to certain cereal flours. C. By adding the powdered seaweed to any cereals which have long been staple foods in this country the two fold benefits; saving of cereals and change of dietary pattern, will be secured. III. Objects and scope of the study A. Objects of the study The objects will come under four items. 1. To develop a powdered seaweed as a new food from the seaweeds which have been not used for human consumption. 2. To evaluate the nutritional quality of the products the analysis for chemical composition and animal feeding experiment will be conducted. 3. Experimental cocking and accepability test will be conducted for the powdered products to evaluate the value as food stuff. 4. Sanitary test and also economical analysis will be conducted for the powdered products. B. Scope of the study 1. Production of seaweed powders Sargassum fulvellum growing in eastern coast and Sargassum patens C.A. in southern coast were used as the material for the powders. These algae, which have been not used for human consumption, were pulverized through the processes of washing, drying, pulverization, etc. 2. Nutritional experiments a. Chemical composition Proximate components (water, protein, fat, cellulose, sugar, ash, salt), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine), vitamins (A, $B_1,\;B_2$ niacin, C) and amino acids were analyzed for the seaweed powders. b. Animal feeding experiment Weaning 160 rats (80 male and 80 female rats) were used as experimental animals, dividing them into 16 groups, 10 rats each group. Each group was fed for 12 weeks on cereal diet (Wheat flour, rice powder, barley powder, potato powder, corn flour) with the supplementary levels of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% of the seaweed powder. After the feeding the growth, feed efficiency ratio, protain efficiency ratio and ,organs weights were checked and urine analysis, feces analysis and serum analysis were also conducted. 3. Experimental cooking and acceptability test a. Several basic studies were conducted to find the characteristics of the seaweed powder. b. 17 kinds of Korean dishes and 9 kinds of foreign dishes were prepared with cereal flours (wheat, rice, barley, potato, corn) with the supplementary levels of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% of the seaweed powder. c. Acceptability test for the dishes was conducted according to plank's Form. 4. Sanitary test The heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As, Hg) in the seaweed powders were determined. 5. Economical analysis The retail price of the seaweed powder was compared with those of other cereals in the market. And also economical analysis was made from the nutritional point of view, calculating the body weight gained in grams per unit price of each feeding diet. IV. Results of the study and the suggestion for application A. Chemical composition 1. There is no any big difference in proximate components between powders of Sargassum fulvellum in eastern coast and Sargassum patens C.A. in southern coast. Seasonal difference is also not significant. Higher levels of protein, cellulose, ash and salt were found in the powders compared with common cereal foods. 2. The levels of calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) in the powders were significantly higher than common cereal foods and also rich in iodine (I). Existence of vitamin A and vitamin C in the Powders is different point from cereal foods. Vitamin $B_1\;and\;B_2$ are also relatively rich in the powders.'Vitamin A in ·Sargassum fulvellum is high and the levels of some minerals and vitamins are seemed4 to be some influenced by seasons. 3. In the amino acid composition methionine, isoleucine, Iysine and valine are limiting amino acids. The protein qualities of Sargassum fulvellum and Sargassum patens C.A. are seemed to be .almost same and generally ·good. Seasonal difference in amino acid composition was found. B. Animal feeding experiment 1. The best growth was found at.10% supplemental level of the seaweed Powder and lower growth rate was shown at 30% level. 2. It was shown that 15% supplemental level of the Seaweed powder seems to fulfil, to some extent the mineral requirement of the animals. 3. No any changes were found in organs development except that, in kidney, there found decreasing in weight by increasing the supplemental level of the seaweed powder. 4. There is no any significant changes in nitrogen retention, serum cholesterol, serum calcium and urinary calcium in each supplemental level of the seaweed powder. 5. In animal feeding experiment it was concluded that $5%{\sim}15%$ levels supplementation of the seaweed powder are possible. C. Experimental cooking and acceptability test 1. The seaweed powder showed to be utilized more excellently in foreign cookings than in Korean cookings. Higher supplemental level of seaweed was passible in foreign cookings. 2. Hae-Jo-Kang and Jeon-Byung were more excellent than Song-Pyun, wheat cake, Soo-Je-Bee and wheat noodle. Hae-Je-Kang was excellent in its quality even as high as 5% supplemental level. 3. The higher levels of supplementation were used the more sticky cooking products were obtained. Song-Pyun and wheat cake were palatable and lustrous in 2% supplementation level. 4. In drop cookie the higher levels of supplementation, the more crisp product was obtained, compared with other cookies. 5. Corn cake, thin rice gruel, rice gruel and potato Jeon-Byung were more excellent in their quality than potato Man-Doo and potato noodle. Corn cake, thin rice gruel and rice gruel were excellent even as high as 5% supplementation level. 6. In several cooking Porducts some seaweed-oder was perceived in case of 3% or more levels of supplementation. This may be much diminished by the use of proper condiments. D. Sanitary test It seems that there is no any heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As, Hg) problem in these seaweed Powders in case these Powders are used as supplements to any cereal flours E. Economical analysis The price of the seaweed powder is lower than those of other cereals and that may be more lowered when mass production of the seaweed powder is made in future. The supplement of the seaweed powder to any cereals is also economical with the criterion of animal growth rate. F. It is recommended that these seaweed powders should be developed and used as supplement to any cereal flours or used as other food material. By doing so, both saving of cereals and improvement of individual's nutrition will greatly be achieved. It is also recommended that the feeding experiment for men would be conducted in future.

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금원사대가의학(金元四大家醫學)이 조선조의학(朝鮮朝醫學) 형성(形成)에 미친 영향(影響) (The influence of the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era on the completion of the medicine in the Chosun dynasty)

  • 정면;홍원식
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제9권
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    • pp.432-552
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    • 1996
  • The influence of the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era(金元代) on the completion of the medicine in the Chosun dynasty(朝鮮朝) can be summarized as follows. 1. The four noted physicians of Geum-Won era were Yoo-Wan-So(劉完素), Jang-Jong-Jung(張從正), Lee-Go(李杲), Ju-Jin-Heung(朱震亨). 2. Yoo-Wan-So(劉完索) made his theory on the basic of Nae-Kyung("內經") and Sane-Han-Lon("傷寒論"), his idea of medicine was characterized in his books, for exemple, application of O-Oon-Yuk-Ki(五運六氣), Ju-Wha theory(主火論) and hang-hae-seng-je theory(亢害承制論). from his theory and method of study, many deviations of oriental medicine occurred. He made an effort for study of Nae-Kyung, which had been depressed for many years, on the contrary of the way old study that Nae-Kyung had been only explained or revised, he applied the theory of Nae-Kyung to clinical care. The theory of Yuk-Gi-Byung-Gi(六氣病機) and On-Yeul-Byung(溫熱病) had much influenced on his students and posterities, not to mention Jang-Ja-Wha and Ju-Jin-Heung, who were among the four noted physicians therefore he became the father of Yuk-Gi(六氣) and On-Yeul(溫熱) schools. 3. Jang-Jong-Jung(張從正) emulated Yoo-Wan-So as a model, and followed his Yuk-Gi-Chi-Byung(六氣致病) theory, but he insisted on the use of the chiaphoretic, the emetic and the paregoric to get rid of the causes, specially he insisted on the use of the paregoric, so they called him Gong-Ha-Pa(攻下派). He insisted on the theory that if we would strenthen ourselves we should use food, id get rid of cause, should use the paregoric, emetic and diaphoretic. Jang-Jong-Jung'S Gang-Sim-Wha(降心火) theory, which he improved Yoo-Wan-So's Han-Ryang(寒凉) theory influenced to originate Ju-Jin-Heung'S Ja-Eum-Gang-Wha(滋陰降火) theory. 4. Lee-Go(李杲) insisted on the theory that Bi-Wi(脾胃) played a loading role in the physiological function and pathological change, and that the internal disease was originated by the need of Gi(氣) came from the disorder of digestive organs, and that the causes of internal disease were the irregular meal, the overwork, and mental shock. Lee-Go made an effort for study about the struggle of Jung-Sa(正邪) and in the theory of the prescription he asserted the method of Seung-Yang-Bo-Gi(升陽補氣), but he also used the method of Go-Han-Gang-Wha(苦寒降火). 5. The authors of Eui-Hak-Jung-Jun("醫學正傳"), Eui-Hak-Ib-Moon("醫學入門"), and Man-Byung-Whoi-Choon("萬病回春") analyzed the medical theory of the four noted physicians and added their own experiences. They helped organizing existing complicated theories of the four noted physicians imported in our country, and affected the formation of medical science in the Choson dynasty largely. Eui-Hak-Jung-Jun("醫學正傳") was written by Woo-Dan(虞槫), in this book, he quoted the theories of Yoo-Wan-So, Jang-Jong-Jung, Lee-Go, Ju-Jin-Heung, especially, Ju-Jin-Heung was respected by him, it affected the writing of Eui-Lim-Choal-Yo("醫林撮要"). Eui-Hak-ib-Moon("醫學入門"), written by Lee-Chun(李杲), followed the medical science of Lee-Go and ju-jin-heung from the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era. Its characteristics of Taoism, idea of caring of health, and organization affected Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham("東醫寶鑑"). Gong-Jung-Hyun(龔延賢) wrote Man-Byung-Whoi-Choon("萬病回春") using the best part of the theories of Yoo-Wan-So, Jang-Jong-Jung, Lee-Go, Ju-Jin-Heung, this book affected Dong-Eui-Soo-Se-Bo-Won("東醫壽世保元") partly. 6. our medical science was developed from the experience of the treatment of disease obtained from human life, these medical knowledge was arranged and organized in Hyang-Yak-Jib-Sung-Bang("鄕藥集成方"), medical books imported from China was organized in Eui-Bang-Yoo-Chwi("醫方類聚"), which formed the base of medical development in the Chosun dynasty. 7. Eui-Lim-Choal-Yo("醫林撮要") was written by Jung-Kyung-Sun(鄭敬先) and revised by Yang-Yui-Soo(楊禮壽). It was written on the base of Woo-Dan's Eui-Jung-Jun, which compiled the medical science of the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era. It contained confusing theories of the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era and organized medical books of Myung era, therefore it completed the basic form of Byun-Geung-Non-Chi (辨證論治) influenced the writing of Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham("東醫寶鑑"). 8. Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham("東醫寶鑑") was written on the base of basic theory of Eum-Yang-O-Haeng(陰陽五行) and the theory of respondence of heaven and man(天人相應說) in Nae-Kyung. It contained several theories and knowledge, such as the theory of Essence(精), vitalforce(氣), and spirit(神) of Taoism, medical science of geum-won era, our original medical knowledge and experience. It had established the basic organization of our medical science and completed the Byun-Geung-Non-Chi (辨證論治). Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham developed medical science from simple medical treatment to protective medical science by caring of health. And it also discussed human cultivation and Huh-Joon's(許浚) own view of human life through the book. Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham adopted most part of Lee-Go(李杲) and Ju-Jin-Heung's(朱震亨) theory and new theory of "The kidney is the basis of apriority. The spleen is the basis of posterior", so it emphasized the role of spleen and kidney(脾腎) for Jang-Boo-Byung-Gi(臟腑病機). It contained Ju-Jin-Heung's theory of the cause and treatment of disease by colour or fatness of man(black or white, fat or thin). It also contained Ju-Jin-Heung's theory of "phlegm break out fever, fever break out palsy"(痰生熱 熱生風) and the theory of Sang-Wha(相火論). Dong-Eui-Bo-Kham contained Lee-Go's theory of Wha-Yu-Won-Bool-Yang-Lib (火與元氣不兩立論) quoted the theory of Bi-Wi(脾胃論) and the theory of Nae-Oi-Sang-Byun(內外傷辨). For the use of medicine, it followed the theory by Lee-Go. lt used Yoo-Wan-So'S theory of Oh-Gi-Kwa-Keug-Gae-Wi-Yul-Byung(五志過極皆爲熱病) for the treatment of hurt-spirit(傷神) because fever was considered as the cause of disease. It also used Jang-Jons-Jung's theory of Saeng-Keug-Je-Seung(生克制勝) for the treatment of mental disease. 9. Lee-je-ma's Dong-Eui-Soo-Se-Bo-Won("東醫壽世保元") adopted medical theories of Song-Won-Myung era and analyzed these theories using the physical constitutional theory of Sa-Sang-In(四象人). It added Dong-Mu's main idea to complete the theory and clinics of Sa-Sang-Eui-Hak(四象醫學). Lee-Je-Ma didn't quote the four noted physicians of Geum-Won era to discuss that the physical constitutional theory of disease and medicine from Tae-Eum-In(太陰人), So-Yang-In(少陽人), So-Eum-In(少陰人), and Tae-Yang-In(太陽人) was invented from their theories.

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우울한 내담자를 위한 MI(Music & Imagery) 치료사례 (Case study of Music & Imagery for Woman with Depression)

  • 송인령
    • 인간행동과 음악연구
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2008
  • MI란 Music and Imagery의 약자로 심리치료의 한 방법인 GIM(Guided Imagery and Music)을 현실에 맞게 축약적으로 접목시킨 방법이다. 이는 치료목표에 적합한 음악감상을 통해 다양한 심상을 경험함으로 인간의 내면세계를 탐색, 직면, 통찰, 해결하게 한다. 본 치료사례는 MI기법을 활용하여 우울한 내담자의 긍정적 내적자원에 따른 심상을 체험하고, 그 체험을 언어적으로 표현한다. 또한 그 이미지들을 일상생활에 긍정적인 변화를 적용할 수 있도록 유도하는 지지적 수준의 개인 치료사례이다. 지지적인 수준(Supportive Level)에서의 MI는 음악 안에서 안전하게 서로 지지하는 수준에서만 사용한다. 개인세션 도입은 특정 느낌이나 주제, 단어 혹은 시각적 이미지를 연상하고, 이러한 이미지는 갈등적인 내용이 아닌 긍정적인 경험을 유도한다. MI의 한 회기 별 첫 번째 단계는 초기면담(Prelude)으로 상담의 초기면담과 같이 구체적인 목표를 정한다. 두 번째 단계는 전환(Transition)으로 여러 가지 내담자의 이야기 중에 가장 지지적인 주제를 좀 더 초점화하여 구체적으로 느끼고 표현 할 수 있도록 한다. 세 번째 단계는 긴장완화 및 음악 감상(Music Listening)으로 여러 긴장이완법 등을 사용하여 음악 감상하는 동안 심상이 잘 떠오를 수 있도록 이완 시킨다. 그리고 음악 감상 동안 음악이 가져다주는 여러 가지 심상들을 탐색하고 연상 할 수 있도록 한다. 마지막 단계는 마무리(Process)시간으로 음악 감상 동안 경험되어진 심상을 그림으로 표현하고, 개인적인 심상경험을 언어적인 과정을 통해 치료사와 공유함으로써 긍정적인 경험을 확장시켜 내적인 힘을 키운다. A 내담자의 경우 내담자와의 라포 형성하기(공감, 이해, 지지), 내담자의 긍정적인 자원탐색(어린시절, 가족), 내담자의 감정표현 및 긍정적 지지(현재의 나)의 구체적인 목표를 설정하였다. 음악은 내담자가 선호하는 음악과 치료사가 선정한 음악 중에서 음의 전개가 단순하고, 멜로디가 반복적이며, 리듬이 규칙적이며, 협화음으로 구성된 안정적이고 구조화된 음악을 사용하였다. 그 결과 A는 1, 2회기에는 방어기제를 많이 사용하고 우울로 인한 감정조절의 어려움을 보였으나 3회기 이후 자신이 좋아하는 음악과 지지적인 음악을 치료사가 제공하는 것으로 인해 공감과 지지를 경험할 수 있게 되었다. 이를 통하여 4회기부터 안정감을 갖고 세션 안에서 부정적 정서를 긍정적인 정서로 전환하고, 자신의 내재된 힘을 발견하게 되었다. 6회기에는 과거 힘들었던 시간들이 앞으로 갖게 될 좋은 시간을 준비하는 단계라고 인식하기 시작하였다. B 내담자의 경우 내담자와의 라포 형성 및 탐색하기(공감, 이해, 지지), 내담자의 문제 탐색 및 긍정적 인식(어린시절, 가족), 내담자의 감정표현 및 통찰하기(현재와 미래의 나)의 구체적인 목표를 설정하였다. 음악은 1, 2회기에는 안정적이고 구조적인 음악을 사용하였으나, 3회기 이후 곡의 전개가 점점 커지고 주제 멜로디의 변주로 음의 고저가 많으며, 협화음과 불협화음이 넘나드는 고전파와 낭만파의 음악을 사용하였다. 그 결과 B 내담자는 1,2회기에서는 대인관계의 어려움을 종교적인 관계로 전환하여 현실회피하려는 경향이 나타났으나 자신이 좋아하는 음악과 지지적인 음악을 통하여 공감과 지지를 경험할 수 있었다. 3회기 이후 B는 자신의 현실 문제를 인식하고 직면하였으나 회피와 직면의 양가감정을 갖게 되었다. 4회기 이후 B는 우울로 인한 감정의 변화를 음악 안에서 경험하고, 자신의 문제에 직면하였다. 5, 6회기에서는 긍정적인 자원을 통해 내적인 힘을 키우고 해결하려는 태도와 미래에서의 내가 좀 더 당당하고 건강하게 살아가려는 의지가 나타났다. 이와 같이 MI 프로그램은 GIM 프로그램보다 좀 더 현실적이고 짧은 회기수로 내담자의 문제들을 해결할 수 있다는 가능성을 제기한다. GIM처럼 깊은 무의식속으로 접근 하지 않고도, MI는 현실주의 상담과도 같이 내담자의 현실적인 문제를 근거로 하여 문제인식 및 통찰, 해결해 나갈 수 있다. 특히 음악의 사용에 있어서도 다양한 장르의 곡을 내담자에게 맞게 사용할 수 있으며, 음악감상 시간도 GIM에 비해 짧고 곡의 기능들도 구조화되어 내담자의 감정을 심상으로 잘 표현 할 수 있다. 그러므로 MI는 내담자의 음악선호도와 음악의 다양한 기능들을 활용하여 개인과 그룹으로 성인뿐만 아니라 아동 및 청소년에게도 알맞게 수정 보완하여 사용할 수 있음을 시사한다.

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