• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cartographic

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Geovisualization of Migration Statistics Using Flow Mapping Based on Web GIS (Web GIS 기반 유선도 작성을 통한 인구이동통계의 지리적 시각화)

  • Kim, Kam-Young;Lee, Sang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.268-281
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    • 2012
  • In spite of the usefulness of migration statistics in spatially understanding social processes and identifying social effects of spatial processes, services and analyses of the statistics have been restricted due to the complexity of their data structure. In addition, flow mapping functionality which is a useful method to explore and visualize the migration statistics has yet to be fully represented in modern GIS applications. Given this, the purpose of this research is to demonstrate the possibility of flow mapping and the exploratory spatial analysis of the migration statistics in a Web GIS environment. For this, the characteristics of the statistics were examined from database, GIS, and cartographic perspectives. Then, O-D structure of the migration statistics was converted to spatial data appropriate to f low mapping based on the characteristics. The interface of Web GIS is specialized the migration statistics and provides exploratory visualization by allowing dynamic interactions such as spatial focusing and attribute filtering.

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GIS Technology for Soil Loss Analysis (금강유역 토양 유실 분석을 위한 GIS응용연구)

  • 김윤종;김원영;유일현;이석민;민경덕
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 1994
  • Soil loss was estimated by using universal soil loss equation(USLE) through GIS technique in Buyeu area. The expected soil loss is determined from six environmental factors: rainfall, erodibility of selected soil, length and steepness (gradient) of ground slope, crop grown in soil, and land practices used. A scoring system for assessing soil lossrisk has been developed for calculating SLI(Soil Loss Index) by GIS. The scores of six factors multiplied to give a total score which was compared with an chosen classification system to categorize areas of low, moderate and high risk. Finally, a soil loss assessment map was produced by GIS cartographic simulation technique, and this map could be applied in the establishment of regional land use planning.

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Contribution of French Royal Academy of Science on the European Mapping of China in the Eighteenth Century (프랑스 왕실 과학원이 18세기 유럽의 중국지도제작에 미친 영향)

  • Jung, In-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.585-600
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to consider the influence of the French Royal Academy of Science on the European mapping of China in the eighteenth century. For this, the historical background of French Jesuits mission of mathematicians sent to China by Louis XIV in 1685 was examined. It was found that making astronomical observations for the determination of Chinese geographic coordinates was one important reason of the French Jesuit mission. Secondly, Cassini instructed the longitude determination method to the missionaries and they reported their survey results to the Academy as correspondence member. Thirdly, the cartographic materials they accumulated in the first state were not sufficient to change the map of China. But after 1700, the map of China was broken with the Ptolemaic tradition and the longitude of Peking was moved westward about $20^{\circ}$. This reduced the width of China. Fourthly, the French Jesuit contributed to the making of Huangyu quanlan tu. The manuscipt was sent to France and it was published in d'Anvill's atlas. And his map was used as a standard map of China for more than 100 years.

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A Study on the Frequency of Errors for National Digital Basemap (국가기본도 수치지도 오류발생빈도의 분석연구)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Shin, Dong-Bin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.5 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 1997
  • For the National Geo-Spatial Information System the development of the National Digital Basemap database is actively underway in Korea. For the National Digital Basemap database to be truly useful for various applications development it is essential to maintain its reliability. To maintain the reliability of the database it is necessary to understand the nature and the frequency of the errors in it. In general, a data inspection under the standardized quality control process is required to maintain the quality of a large database. In addition, it is important to maintain complete and detailed records of the inspection results so as to understand the relationship between the m and other factors causing errors. These records can be used as a reference for map updates and future application development. The goal of this study is to count the frequency of errors based on the typology of errors found in the digitized map inspection process and to analyze the correlation between errors and topographic composite quotient This study also provides guidelines for the inspection process regarding the error-prone cartographic elements in the digital map generation process.

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Production of Flood Expectation Map in the Reclaimed Land Using 3-D Spatial Information (3차원 공간정보를 이용한 해안 매립지역 침수예상도 제작)

  • Lee, Jae-One
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2007
  • Recently, coastal damage according to the natural disaster like storm-surge, overflowing of the sea has been massively increased. In case of earth fill at the seaside, there are a lot of weak areas of the natural disaster and it has also high possibility that a large disaster happens. Thus flood expectation map in the reclaimed land using 3D spatial information was produced in this study. The area around Myungji, Kangsugu, Busan which was made with the large scale earth fils at the seaside was designated as a study area. Observation of both costal datum and ground height using the tidal date and field surveying dates was conducted. Terrain model using the GIS program was produced and than 3D building model was produced using 3D MAX. It was shown that there are possibility more than 50% if over 4.5m storm-surge is happening, as a result of calculating the virtual flooded area on the produced cartographic map.

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A Study on New Method for Description of GMD and SMD of KCR4 (KCR4 GMD 및 SMD 기술의 새로운 방안 모색)

  • Lee, Mi-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.237-255
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    • 2011
  • This study is to find new methods in describing material type as content type and carrier type for the improvement of OPAC retrieval and the embodiment of work and expression of FRBR. It is hard to describe type vocabulary in cataloging because division of content and carrier taxonomy in KCR4 and KORMARC is not distinct. This study is to review the characteristics of material type list in RDA and ISBD(2010), and to examine the various type vocabulary and description methods of videorecording, soundrecording, and cartographic by retrieving KERIS DB. As a result, there is no consistency in applying type vocabulary between KCR4 and KORMARC. Also, libraries use the mix of content and carrier or detailed carrier vocabulary for local use. Therefore, it is need to define the function of GMD as content type, to expand and correct content and carrier vocabulary, and to express both content and carrier type in citation and detailed display. This study will contribute to embody the expression of FRBR.

Computer-Assisted Map Analysis for Planning Forest Road Network (컴퓨터 지도분석(地圖分析)을 이용(利用)한 임도계획(林道計劃))

  • Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.80 no.3
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 1991
  • Route projection of forest road involves several constraints ranging from construction cost to environmental impacts. This study is designed to assess the capability of computer-assisted map analysis techniques for deriving several alternatives of forest road planning. Three cartographic models are presented to address the limit of slope, soil erosion, and aesthetic value in designing forest roads over a relatively small size of mountainous forest. Primary spatial analysis techniques used are distance measurements and connectivity analysis. The fundamental approach used was to generate a set of friction maps in which each friction map represents a combined restriction for a forest road projection. Products of the spatial analysis are compared by both qualitative and quantitative methods. The results demonstrate that computer-assisted map analysis has a potential to solve rather complex problems of forest road planning by providing several alternatives effectively.

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The Recent Trends of AACR2R 2002 Revision (AACR2R 2002 개정판의 개정내용과 특성분석)

  • 김정현
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.251-270
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    • 2003
  • Due to rapid internet supply and the increase of electronic resources including network resources, there has been a sudden change in cataloguing fields. To deal with rapid changes, IFLA revised cataloguing rules for electronic and continuing resources; ISBD(ER) and ISBD(CR), JSC(Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR) has published the 2002 revision of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition. Major changes in both content and format make the release of the 2002 revision momentous. This study is to analyze activities of JSC and rule revisions of AACR2R 2002 edition, expecially in regards with concepts of change to rule 0.24, new categories of bibliographic materials, changes to chapter 3(cartographic materials), chapter 9(electronic materials), chapter 12(continuing materials), definition of a new terminologies, changes in MARC 21 coding, and issues concerned with revision of KORMARC.

State-of-the-art 3D GIS: System Development Perspectives

  • Kim, Kyong-Ho;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Jong-Hun;Yang, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 1998
  • Since the mid-1990′s, researches on 3D GIS have been regarded as one of main issues both in the academic sites and commercial vendors; recently, some prototyped systems or the first versioned software systems of commercial basis are being reported and released. Unlike conventional 2D GIS, which consists in intelligent structured GIS or desktop GIS, every 3D GIS has its own distinguished features according to data structure-supporting capability, GIS-styled functionality, external database accessibility, interfacing extents with 2D GIS, 3D visualization/texture mapping ability, and so forth. In this study, technical aspects related to system development, SERI-Web3D GIS ver. 1.2, are explained. Main features in this revised 3D GIS can be summarized: 2-tier system model(client-server), VGFF(Virtual GIS File Format), internal GIS import, Feature manager(zoning, layering, visualization evironment), Scene manager(manage 3D geographic world), Scene editor, Spatial analyzer(Intersect, Buffering, Network analysis), VRML exporter. While, most other 3D GISes or cartographic mapping systems may be categorized into 3D visualization systems handling terrain height-field processing, 2D GIS extension modules, or 3D geometric feature generation system using orthophoto image: actually, these are eventually considered as several parts of "real 3D GIS". As well as these things, other components, especially web-based 3D GIS, are being implemented in this study: Surface/feature integration, Java/VRML linkage, Mesh/Grid problem, LOD(Level of Detail)/Tiling, Public access security problem, 3-tier architecture extension, Surface handling strategy for VRML.

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A Suggestion of a Spatial Data Model for the National Geographic Institute in Korea (지도제작을 수용하는 GIS 데이타모델에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.115-130
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    • 1995
  • The National Geographic Institute(NGI), a national mapping agency, has begun to digitalize national base maps to vitalize nation-wide GIS implementations. However, the NGI's cartographic database design reflects only paper map production and is considered inflexible for various applications. In order to suggest an appropriate data model and database implementation method, approaches of two mapping agencies are analyzed: the United State Geological Survey and Ordnance Survey in the United Kingdom One important finding from the analysis is that each data model is designed to achieve two production purposes in the same time : map and data. By taking advantageous features from the two approaches, an ideal model is proposed. To adapt the ideal model to tile present situation in Korean GIS community, a realistic model is generated, which is an 'SDTS-oriented' data model. Because SDTS will be a Korean data transfer standard, it will be a common basis in developing other data models for different purposes.

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