• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation education

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The Influential Factors for the Attitude of Health-Care University Students on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (보건의료계열 대학생의 심폐소생술 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jung, Geum-Sook;Oh, Hyun-Mi;Jeong, Seon-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.2271-2280
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    • 2013
  • This study is a descriptive research carried out to investigate the knowledge, confidence and attitude on cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) of university students studying health care and figured out the factors affects their attitudes on CPR. 516 health-care university students were informed with the agreement of this study. The data were analyzed with t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient and Multiple linear regression were used. There were significant positive correlations between the attitude and knowledge(r=.269, p<.001) and between the attitude and confidence (r=.620, p<.001) on CPR. It was found that the influential factors for the attitude on CPR include confidence, gender, knowledge, personality, perception, education experience in CPR, experiences in medical service and the reason for choosing the subject and their persuasive power was 49%. Programs and educations enhancing knowledge and positive attitude on CPR is needed, and there needs to be developing in a proactive manner.

Comparison of Accuracy in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation(CPR) between Group with Verbal Order and Group with Non-Verbal Order in Operation of CPR (심폐소생술 시행 시 구령집단과 비구령집단 간의 심폐소생술 정확도 비교)

  • Park, Sang-Sub;An, Ju-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.2607-2615
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to increase efficiency and accuracy in operation of CPR(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) through comparing accuracy in CPR between group with verbal order and group with non-verbal order given carrying out CPR. This study performed convenience sampling targeting 62 students(31 people for group with non-verbal order, 31 people for group with verbal order) at university where is located in G Province. Survey period was carried out from October 7, 2010 to October 21. Analytical method was made by using SPSS WIN(Version 12.0). As a result of research, the group with non-verbal order was indicated to be higher in accuracy of CPR on artificial respiration and chest compression in several spheres than the group with verbal order. Based on this, the non-verbal order method needs to try to be applied to performing education and skills of CPR in the future. And, even a continuous research is needed on effectiveness between verbal order method and non-verbal order method in an emergency situation.

Convergence relationship between knowledge, attitude, and confidence to cardiopulmonary resuscitation in dental hygienists (치과위생사의 심폐소생술에 대한 지식, 태도, 수행자신감 관계에 대한 융합연구)

  • Cheon, Hye Won;Jun, Mee-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the study was investigated the convergence relationship between knowledge, attitude and confidence to cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) in dental hygienists. To measure knowledge, attitude and confidence in CPR a structured questionnaire survey was carried out by 234 dental hygienists in Jeonbok area. from January to June, 2017. Date were analysis using SPSS 21.0 by ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficients. There was positive correlation between CPR knowledge and attitude by way of education, Knowledge and confidence(r=.25, r=.40, r=.19). Dental hygienist had low level of knowledge and confidence toward CPR. It is important to educate basuc life support(BLS) provider program to the dental hygienist.

A Survey on the Performance Ability of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of Physical Therapists

  • Kim, Gyoung-Mo;Kim, In-Seop;Nam, Tack-Gil;Kang, Kwang-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.12
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    • pp.151-155
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge and performance ability of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) of physical therapist. A total of 105 physical therapists participated in this study. All participants were responded a self-administered method questionnaire to investigate the knowledge of CPR, and measured on their performance ability of CPR by Braden Pro application. We identified the performance ability of CPR and compared between educated and uneducated group. Among the 7 items on the knowledge of CPR questionnaire, educated group scored higher than uneducated group in Sequence of CPR, Ratio of compression and ventilation, Position of hands for chest compressions, Compression rate of chest and Ventilation volume. However, Depth of chest compressions and Airway maneuver were scored higher in uneducated group. The performance ability of CPR was not significantly different between two groups. However, Compression rate of chest was higher than guideline of CPR in both groups. There were inconsistent results between the knowledge and performance ability of CPR whether educated or not. This study suggests that it needs to provide repeated educations that improve knowledge and performance ability of CPR in physical therapists.

A Study on Quality Improvement of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Using Pad Attachment Glove (패드부착장갑을 이용한 심폐소생술 질 향상 연구)

  • Kim, Ye-Rim
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.289-295
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to present effective CPR by identifying the usefulness of Pad Attachment Glove. The study subjects and data collection were conducted from 1 April 2019 to 30 April on Paramedic students of G university located in G-wide city and analyzed using the SPSS/Win 23.0. The study found that the chest compressions after wearing pad attachment gloves were higher in the areas of Chest Compressions total score, Number of chest compressions, chest recoil rate, hand position accuracy, CPR velocity than before wearing them. It was understood that pad attachment gloves improved the quality of chest compressions more than Hands-Only CPR. This will be used as a basic material for cardiopulmonary resuscitation education in the future, and is believed to contribute to devising a practical program.

Effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) education performed by health teachers on middle school students (보건교사가 수행한 중학생 심폐소생술 교육 효과)

  • Jun, Ho-Sun;Sohn, Hae-Sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.385-395
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    • 2015
  • CPR education to school students is one of the key points to higher bystander CPR rate. The object of this study is to evaluate the results after CPR education to middel school students by health teachers compared to that of pre-education status. During 3 monthes from Mar. to Jun. 2014, the observation data before and after CPR education were analysed through Chi-square test and McNemar's test using SPSS, SAS programs from 812 middle school students in Busan prov. After stratifying those surveyed by genders and previous CPR education experiences, each stratified groups showed positive changes of statistical significnace in all aspects of the knowledge, will, and self-confidence about CPR. (p<0.05). It is the more desirable method to increase bystander CPR that the CPR education including knowledge and practice was done to middle school students by health teachers. To come true these CPR education, more studies are necessary about policy development to support education tranining tools in a community.

Which Laypersons Want Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Education? (일반인의 심폐소생술 교육 희망에 대한 영향 요인 분석)

  • Kang, Kyung-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Few data exist regarding the cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) education in relationship to characteristics of socio-economic status and health-medical conditions in Korea. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the characteristics of which laypersons want the CPR education. Methods: Based on a health survey of Incheon Metropolitan City adults(n=5,114), tests of the differences between the group that wants the CPR (n=1318) and the group that doesn't (n=3576), and a logistic regression analysis of two groups was performed on socio-economic status-gender, age, marital stats, education level, numbers of family members, and monthly household income-and health-medical conditions-diseases, accident experience, EMS(emergency medical system) experience, and health status. Results: Even the participation rate of the CPR education in Korea is only 4.3%, which is extremely lower than other developed countries, there are statistically significant differences between the group that wants the CPR and the group that doesn't on gender(p=0.005), age(p=0.000), education level(p=0.000), numbers of family members(p=0.000), monthly income(p=0.000). diseases(p=0.000). health status(p=0.042). Furthermore, age(OR: 1.025, p=0.000), education level(OR : 0.721, p=0.000), numbers of family members(OR: 0.809, p=0.000), and health status(OR: 1.077, p=0.000) are statistically significant factors on the wish for the CPR education. Conclusion: Accident and EMS experiences are not so much influential factors on that laypersons want the CPR education in Korea. Therefore, certain subgroups of laypersons such as high-risk patients and family members need targeted outreach programs in CPR education.

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The Effects of Child Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Education for Childcare Teachers with a Video Self-Instruction Program (Video Self-Instruction Program을 이용한 보육교사의 소아심폐소생술 교육의 효과)

  • Kim, Geon-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : This study set out to compare the educational effects of a video self-instruction program for child CPR education on childcare teachers by applying the 2006 KACPR Guideline. By adopting the nonequivalent control group posttest quasi-experimental design, the study examined the educational effects on a group that did not receive instructions from the instructor, another group that received his instructions, and the other group that received an extra three-minute practice training session in addition to instructions. Methods : Data were gathered from August 6 to 18, 2008. As for research tools, the Knowledge Instrument of CPR by Connolly (2006) was used along with the National Practice Test Protocol for C1ass 1 Emergency Medical Technicians (2007) and Common Protocol for CPR (2006) to examine the performance of child CPR. By shooting the guide screen of $Resusci^{(R)}$ Junior CPR Manikin of Leardal with a video camera and using the Skill Guide Checklist of the Common Protocol for CPR (2006), the subjects' technical accuracy of chi1d CPR was evaluated. There were three subject groups: 29 childcare teachers randomly assigned to received the video self-instruction program training for chi1d CPR and no instructions from the instructor made up the control group; 22 childcare teachers randomly assigned to received the program training and instructions from the instructor made up experiment group I; 23 childcare teachers randomly assigned to received an extra three-minute practice training session in addition to the program training and the instructions made up experiment group II. The gathered data were analyzed with SPSS/PC+ (Version 14.0) in frequency, percentage, $X^2$-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test. Results : 1) There were no statistically significant differences (F=1.030, p=.362) among the groups in terms of knowledge scores after the child CPR education. 2) There were statistically significant differences (F=13.625, p=.000) among the groups in terms of performance abilities after the child CPR education. 3) There were no statistically significant differences (F=1.610, p=.207) among the groups in terms of technical accuracy of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation after the child CPR education 4) There were no statistically significant differences (F=1.484, p=.234) among the groups in terms of technical accuracy of chest compression after the child CPR education. Conclusion : The results indicate that childcare teachers can improve their performance abilities in child CPR when the instructors are active with their instructions and extra practice hours are secured through a VSI program. It's also needed to provide education with increasing concentration ratio about the items of lower knowledge points in order to help the teachers learn the accurate theory of child CPR. And there should be VSI programs of diverse conditions to increase the effects of child CPR training among childcare teachers.

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Effect of Simulation-based Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support Education for Nursing Students Hospitals (간호학생을 대상으로 한 시뮬레이션기반 전문심장소생술 교육의 효과)

  • Jung, Hyo-Ju;Chae, Min-Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.127-143
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : This study is a quasi-experiment with a pre-post design and a nonequivalent control group performed from May 1 to June 2, 2013 to verify the effects of a simulation based education program on nursing students' self-confidence, and clinical performance ability. Methods : The subjects of the study were a total of 60 students in their fourth year of a nursing program at a university located in G city and they were assigned to an experimental group of 30 students and a control group of 30 students by convenience sampling. Results : After being offered education, self-confidence, and clinical performance ability were significantly more improved than before in each group. In the comparison of the two groups, the self-confidence (t=3.00, p=.004) and clinical performance ability(t=3.14, p=.003) of the experiment group were significantly higher than those of the control group. Conclusions : The results indicated that instructional methods using a simulation-based emergency care program should be adopted maximize the effects of advanced cardiopulmonary life support education.

Influence of Educational Experience and Attitude toward Performance Confidence of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Care Helpers (요양보호사들의 심폐소생술 교육경험과 태도가 수행자신감에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Susie;Seo, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of educational experience and attitude toward performance confidence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation amongcare helpers. This study was conducted using a descriptive survey design. Participants were 140 care helpers in C-province. Data were collected from February to April, 2017 using self-report questionnaires andthe collected data were analyzed using the SPSS WIN 20.0 program. Differences amongstudy variables by participants' characteristics were analyzed by a t-test, ANOVA, and Scheffe' test. Correlations between attitudes and confidence of CPR performance by Pearson's correlation coefficients. Factors influencing confidence in CPR were analyzed by Multiple regression. There were significant positive correlations between attitude and confidence in CPR(r=0.41, p<0.001). The result showed that the more than fourhours of education(${\beta}=0.28$) and a positive attitude toward CPR increased CPR performance confidence. Based on the present findings, CPR education should be included continuously in the workplace and developed to appropriately cope with cardiac arrest emergency situations in care facilitiesfor elderly people. Therefore, customized CPR education programs should be developed care helpers and included in job training and refresher education courses for care helpers.