• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation education

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A Study on the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Methods in Ambulance (구급차 내에서의 심폐소생술 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, So-Yeon;Kim, Jee-Hee;Kim, Gyoung-Yong;Kang, Shin-Woo;Bang, Sung-Hwan;Yun, Jong-Geun;Roh, Sang-Gyun
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the CPR within ambulance. The Subjects were 890 emergency medical technicians in fire department in Gyeonggido. After continuing education program, the emergency medical technicians completed the questionnaires from January to February, 2012. Questionnaire consisted of demographic characteristics, method of chest compression (one handed or two handed), chest compression - ventilation ratio, and hands only CPR. Data were analyzed by frequency analysis and Chi-square test, t-test. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was followed by Scheffe post-hoc test to analyze changes in all parameters between all groups. One handed chest compression accounted for 14.0% and two handed chest compression accounted for 86.0%. Hands only CPR accounted for 71.7% and standard CPR (30:2) accounted for 28.3%. In order to perform the high quality CPR, as least three persons must be dispatched in the ambulance. The flexible management of manpower may improve the survival from the cardiac arrest. A systemic approach for educating and training EMT's in CPR is needed.

The changes of symptom, EKG and hemodynamic in healty firefighters after delivering multiple cycles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (반복적인 심폐소생술 시행 후 건강한 소방대원에서 나타나는 증상, 심전도 및 혈역학적 변화)

  • Lee, Hyo-Ju;Kim, Ho-Jung;Jung, Eun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.381-388
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    • 2017
  • The CPR guidelines emphasize the delivery of effective chest compressions but do not address the effects of chest compressions on CPR providers. This study determined the effects of chest compressions on healthy adult firefighters' symptoms, hemodynamics, and electrocardiography after performing multiple cycles of CPR. Healthy adult firefighters were trained in CPR and performed CPR on mannequins. The provider vital signs, electrocardiography, and fatigue scores were determined immediately before CPR, after 5cycles of CPR, and after 10 cycles of CPR. In addition, the presence of clinical symptoms among the providers was determined after CPR; 39 firefighters participated in the study. Their mean age was $35.54{\pm}10.26years$. Many providers developed fatigue, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Significant changes in heart rate (p=0.000), respiratory rate (p=0.010), end-tidal CO2(p=0.000), O2 saturation(p=0.000), and pulse pressure (p=0.000) were observed after both 5 and 10 cycles of CPR. One participant developed sinus dysrhythmia and premature ventricular contractions after 10 cycles of CPR. The delivery of chest compression results in fatigue and hemodynamic alterations in many young healthy adults after performing 5 or 10 cycles of CPR. The CPR guidelines and education should take into consideration the effects of chest compressions on CPR providers.

Factors Affecting Recovery of Spontaneous Circulation in Patients Before Cardiac Arrest in Emergency Department: 2012~2016 Focused on Medical Records Data (응급실 도착 전 심정지 환자의 자발순환 회복 여부에 미치는 요인 -2012~2016 의무기록 자료를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Seok-hwan
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.209-233
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether or not to recover the spontaneous circulation of patients with cardiac arrest before arrival in the emergency room for 5 years (2012 to 2016), and try to investigate the factors affecting this. In this research, we used the "raw material for acute cardiac arrest survey" conducted in "Disease management headquarters" from 2012 to 2016 for the whole country of our country as the main material. In this study, 136,212 cardiac arrest patients were analyzed in the study data of the cardiac arrest in the country during the 5 years from 2012 to 2016. We performed a Chi-square analysis to analyze the recovery of spontaneous circulation before arrival in the emergency room according to general characteristics, social·demographic characteristics, and developmental characteristics. and We performed a Binary logistic regression analysis to determine the factors affecting the recovery of spontaneous circulation. The analysis results of this study show that whether CPR sustained transport before endoplasmic reticulum arrival, whether to witness an acute cardiac arrest before arrival in the emergency room, the type of general cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the location of acute cardiac arrest, the acute heart Causes of stoppage cause factor of whether spontaneous circulation recovery recovers before arrival of the endoplasmic reticulum(P<0.001, P<0.01). Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen systematic government health policy implementation and dissemination and health education focusing on factors that affect recovery of spontaneous circulation of cardiac arrest patients.

Evaluating the Quality of Basic Life Support Information for Primary Korean-Speaking Individuals on the Internet (국내 인터넷 웹 페이지에 나타난 기본심폐소생술 정보의 질 평가)

  • Kang, Hee Do;Moon, Hyung Jun;Lee, Jung Won;Choi, Jae Hyung;Lee, Dong Wook;Kim, Hyun Su;Kang, In Gu;Kim, Doh Eui;Lee, Hyung Jung;Lee, Han You
    • Health Communication
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the quality of basic life support (BLS) information for primary Korean-speaking individuals on the internet. Methods: Using the $Google^{(C)}$ search engine, we searched for the terms 'CPR', 'cardiopulmonary resuscitation (in Korean)' and 'cardiac arrest (in Korean)'. The accuracy, reliability and accessibility of web pages was evaluated based on the 2015 American heart association(AHA) guidelines for CPR & emergency cardiovascular care, the health on the net foundation code of conduct and Korean web content accessibility guidelines 2.1, respectively. Results: Of the 178 web pages screened, 50 met criteria for inclusion. The overall quality of BLS information was not enough (median 5/7, IQR 4.75-6). 23(36%) pages were created in accordance with 2010 AHA guidelines. Only 24(48%) web pages educated on how to use the automated electrical defibrillator. The attribution and transparency of the reliability of pages was relatively low, 20(40%) and 16(32%). The web accessibility score was relatively high. Conclusion: A small of proportion of internet web pages searched by Google have high quality BLS information for a Korean-speaking population. Web pages based on past guideline were still being searched. The notation of the source of CPR information and the transparency of the author should be improved. The verification and evaluation of the quality of BLS information exposed to the Internet are continuously needed.

Efficiency and continuancy of basic CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) education for the higher grade students of elementary schools (초등학교 고학년생의 기본심폐소생술 교육효과 및 지속성)

  • Kim, Hee-Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : This study was designed to figure out the necessity of continuing basic CPR education for the higher grade students of elementary school. The assessment contents were knowledge, practice ability, precision level of CPR skills and continuation of the educational efficiency. Methods : Twenty two students of 4th and 5th grade of elementary school in K city in Chungcheongnam-do were recruited for this study. The study method was a control group of non-synchronized design. A preliminary study was done on October 27 in 2006. The main study was performed from February 14 to May 11 in 2007. The researcher adopted the method of Kyung-hui, Kang (1998) such as awareness, attitude and knowledge in control group, emergency medical technician test protocol, Anne/SkillReporter$^{(R)}$ in case of the basic CPR knowledge. Four times of measures were done in shortly after practicing CPR, 4 weeks after the education, 8 weeks after the education, and 12 weeks after the education. By using SPSS/PC+ (version 12.0), the researcher analyzed the collected data based on frequency, percentage, repeated measurement, ANOVA (analysis of variance), and sidak (multiple comparison - sidak). Results : 1) The confidence of people in the control group in terms of practicing CPR showed a statistically meaningful difference (t = 10.230, p = .000) before/after CPR education. Therefore, hypothesis No.1-1 was accepted. 2) The educational necessity of people in the control group showed no statistically meaningful difference (t = -1.695, p = 0.105) before/after CPR education. Therefore, hypothesis No.1-2 was rejected. 3) The knowledge points of people in the control group showed a statistically meaningful difference (t = -7.731, p = .000) before/after CPR education. Therefore, hypothesis No.2 was accepted. 4) The confidence of people in the control group in terms of practicing CRP showed no meaningful difference (F = 2.789, p = 0.072) as time passed. Therefore, hypothesis No.3 was rejected. 5) The knowledge of people in the control group showed a meaningful difference (F = 9.090, p = .000) as time passed. Therefore, hypothesis No.4 was accepted. 6) The capability of people in the control group in terms of practicing CPR showed a statistically meaningful difference (F = 42.795, p = .000) as time passed. Therefore, hypothesis No.5 was accepted. 7) The precision level of CPR skill of people in the control group showed a statistically meaningful difference (F = 25.198, p = .000) as time passed. Therefore, hypothesis No.6-1 was accepted. 8) The precision level of chest compression skill of people in the control group showed a statistically meaningful difference (F = 5.188, p = .003). Therefore, hypothesis No.6-2 was accepted. Conclusion : In a nutshell, CPR education for the 4th and 5th graders of elementary schools had an influence on their confidence in practicing CPR and on their knowledge. This study showed that as time passed. the educational effect declined in terms of knowledge point, capability of practicing CPR, and the precision level of CRP skill. The results of the study could be postulated into the fact that re-education within 8 weeks after the first education was essential to retaining the educational effect. Therefore, we need to vitalize the CPR education for elementary school students repeatedly on a regular basis in order to continue the educational effect after they were grown-ups and to make them play their roles as a first aider.

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Cognition about First Aid Education in Elementary School Students (초등학생의 응급처치 교육에 대한 인식)

  • Kim, Shin-Jeong;Lee, Jung-Eun;Kang, Kyung-Ah;Song, Mi-Kyung;Moon, Sun-Young;Chang, Eun-Young;Kim, Sung-Hee;Lee, Sook-Kyung
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide basic data to develop first aid education programs for elementary school students. Method: A self-report questionnaire was used to collect data from 720 5th and 6th grade elementary school students. Results: 1) The mean score for cognition of first aid education of the students was high with a score of 2.64 $({\pm}.30)$. 2) The mean scores for the 11 categories were, "Fire & Burns", 2.78 $({\pm}.40)$, "Poisoning", 2.77 $({\pm}.47)$, "Thermal injuries", 2.75 $({\pm}.51)$, "Rescue & moving", 2.73 $({\pm}.37)$, "Bites", 2.72 $({\pm}.44)$, "General first aid", 2.64 $({\pm}.37)$, "Wounds", 2.59 $({\pm}.39)$, "Removing foreign bodies", 2.58 $({\pm}.46)$, "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation", 2.57 $({\pm}.59)$, and "Musculoskeletal injuries" and "Others", 2.54 $({\pm}.51,\;{\pm}.53)$. 3) There was a significant difference in the cognition of first aid education according to student's gender (t=-3.012, p=.003), and judgement about the emergency situation (F=3.411, p=.034). Conclusion: The results indicate the necessity of developing effective first aid education programs for elementary school students.

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Effect of Musical Rhythm on the CPR education of Adolescent (청소년 대상 심폐소생술 교육에서 음악적 리듬 적용의 교육효과)

  • Tak, Yang Ju
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.417-421
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    • 2014
  • We conducted this study to verify effect of applying musical rhythm during the cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) education. From June to October, 2013, we recruited participants of CPR education among mem's high school students. We divided total 57 participants to 2 groups. For experimental group we use musical rhythm during cardiac compression practice to assist adequate cardiac compression rate and for control group do not apply musical rhythm. The group with musical rhythm show more adequate compression rate(16.4sec) than non-rhythmic group(14.4sec). 90% of rhythmic group keep adequate compression rate, but only 44% of non-rhythmic group keep adequate rate. In conclusion, applying musical rhythm to CPR education is more effective to keep correct cardiac compression rate.

A Report on Educative Effect of Basic Life Support Training for Students in a College of Korean Medicine: Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills (한의과대학생 대상 기본심폐소생술 교육 효과: 태도, 지식 및 술기 영역에서)

  • Kim, Mi-Kyung;Seo, Jun-Seok;Lee, Seung-Chul;Park, Hee-Ok;Han, Chang-Ho
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.215-229
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : Basic life support (BLS) is considered one of the essential clinical skills medical students should master. Nevertheless, neither the current state of education nor the educative effect of and attitudes toward BLS in Korean medical students have yet been reported. The aim of this study was to examine the educative effect of BLS training for Korean medical students in terms of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Methods : Surveys concerning attitudes toward BLS and its education, and tests for knowledge and scheme performance were conducted with 85 students in a college of Korean medicine under training for American Heart Association (AHA) BLS course for healthcare providers. Results : Before training, 70.6% of students answered they felt the necessity to be trained in the BLS course. The levels of confidence to perform and self-presumed knowledge on BLS were low at first. After training, however, the level of confidence and knowledge increased significantly. In the final test, the mean scores of written test and scheme performance significantly decreased, while the level of confidence didn't. Most of the participants answered they wanted to be re-trained under regular re-education system. Conclusions : To evaluate the current state of BLS education and its educative effect in Korean medical schools, it's required to expand the target of research to larger number of colleges and students over the country.

The Effect of Patient-centered CPR Education for Family Caregivers of Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases

  • Kim, Hyun Sun;Kim, Hyun-Jin;Suh, Eunyoung E.
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.463-474
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: For cardiovascular patients, family caregivers play a vital role in daily nursing and cardiac emergencies. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of patient-centered CPR education (PCE) for family caregivers of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Methods: Fifty-four participants were randomly assigned to the PCE or control group. The PCE group received tailored counseling on overall cardiovascular disease information and CPR followed by interactive instructor-guided CPR training and re-education follow-up by telephone 2 weeks later. The control group received only video-based CPR self-education and booklets. Cardiovascular disease and CPR knowledge and self-efficacy were measured before (pre-test), immediately after (post-test 1), and 4 weeks after the PCE (post-test 2). CPR skills and performance were measured pre-test and at post-test1. Results: The PCE group demonstrated significant improvements in knowledge (F=91.09, p<.001), self-efficacy (F=15.19, p<.001) and CPR skills and performance (F=8.10, p=.008), as well as significant differences over time (knowledge: F=364.25, p<.001; self-efficacy: F=1162.28, p<.001; CPR skills and performance: F=1798.81, p<.001). There were significant group-by-time interactions for knowledge (F=8.10, p=.001), self-efficacy (F=4.30, p =.019) and CPR skills and performance (F=4.81, p=.036) by repeated measures ANOVA. Conclusion: This is the first study to demonstrate the effects of a patient-centered intervention with CPR education tailored for patients' and family caregivers' preferences, needs, and lifestyles. The results of this study encourage the use of tailored, patient-centered interventions in cardiovascular nursing practice.

Analysis of RN-BSN Students' Clinical Nursing Competency (RN-BSN 과정 학생의 간호실무 수행능력 분석)

  • Son, Jung-Tae;Park, Myong-Hwa;Kim, Hye-Ryoung;Lee, Woo-Sook;Oh, Ka-Sil
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.655-664
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate RN-BSN students' clinical nursing competency in order to establish baseline data for developing nursing competency based clinical education for RN-BSN students. Method: A survey of 1,453 RN-BSN students from 21 nursing schools was conducted using a self administered questionnaire. Result: The mean score of the clinical nursing competency was 2.93. The scores for competency were shown as 2.91 for nursing management, 2.94 for developing professionalism & legal implementation, 2.95 for critical thinking, 2.96 for teaching & leadership, and data collection, basic nursing care, and communication were above 3.00. The items perceived as insufficient competency were physical examination and observation & monitoring in data collection, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, psycho-social care, spiritual care, hospice in basic nursing care, application of knowledge and theory, formulating nursing diagnosis, nursing care planning in critical thinking, education material development, leadership, delegation in teaching and leadership, analysis of organization, planning, infection control, role & job description, evaluation of nursing activities in nursing management, quality improvement, and research in developing professionalism and legal implementation. Conclusion: This study will contribute to developing a nursing competency based on clinical education for RN-BSN students who have various education needs and clinical backgrounds.