• 제목/요약/키워드: Carcass Characteristics Meat Quality

검색결과 302건 처리시간 0.021초


  • Kim, Y.S.;Lee, Y.B.;Ashmore, C.R.;Han, I.K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제1권4호
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 1988
  • Fifty-two wether lambs weighing 30 kg were randomly assigned to 5 treatment groups; 1) initial slaughter. 2) control-maintenance (CON-MT), 3) control-ad libitum (CON-AL), 4) cimaterol-maintenance (CIM-MT) and 5) cimaterol-ad libitum (CIM-AL). Ad libitum-fed animals had free access of a high-concentrate diet, whereas maintenance animals were restricted in feed intake to maintain the initial weight of 30 kg for 90 days. Cimaterol was administered in the feed at 10 mg/kg. Regardless of feeding level, the administration of CIM improved carcass weight (p < .05), dressing % (p < .01), longissimus muscle area (p < .01), leg conformation and muscling (p < .01), USDA yield and quality grades (p < .01) and protein concentration (p < .01) in carcass as well as in muscle. Cimaterol feeding decreased organ wt (p < .01), baekfat depth (p < .01), intramuscular fat and overall fatness. Cimaterol was effective for muscle accretion even under restricted feeding condition. The greater accretion of muscle was the result of the hypertrophy of both type I and type II muscle fibers but the hypertrophy of type II fiber (110%) was much greater than that of type I fiber (37%). Cimaterol feeding decreased muscle DNA concentrations but the number of nuclei per muscle fiber was not changed, indicating that the lower DNA concentration was due to the dilution effect caused by the hypertrophy of muscle fiber. As evidenced by lower flank streaking, lower marbling and darker muscle, CIM feeding adversely affected meat quality. Meat tenderness was also adversely affected, resulting in significantly (p H .01) tougher meat in CIM-fed animals.

The Effects of Total Mixed Ration Feeding with High Roughage Content on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Meat Quality of Hanwoo Steers

  • Ku, Min Jung;Mamuad, Lovelia;Nam, Ki Chang;Cho, Yong Il;Kim, Seon Ho;Choi, Young Sun;Lee, Sang Suk
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the dietary effect of total mixed ration (TMR) based on high roughage content on the growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of Hanwoo steers. Twenty-four Hanwoo steers (average body weight, 195.3±4.7 kg; age, 8.5 mon) were randomly allocated to three experimental groups according to forage and concentrate ratio (DM basis): 25:75 (control), 50:50 (T50), and 70:30 (T70). Productivity in the fattening period and final body weight were significantly higher in the control. Average daily gain and feed conversion ratio were the same among treatments. Serum parameters, cholesterol, blood urea nitrogen, and total protein were higher in the control. Carcass weight was comparable in the control and T50 but feeding more roughage was significantly correlated with a higher intramuscular fat. Shear strength and drip loss were higher while n-6/n-3 was lower in T70 compared to the other groups. However, meat color was not significantly different among treatments. In terms of free amino acid contents, glutamic acid and glycine were higher in the control than T50 and T70. Overall, feeding Hanwoo steers with high forage content TMR had the lowest n-6/n-3 ratio of fatty acid content but highest intramuscular fat, shear strength, and drip loss. High forage content TMR is the best feed for Hanwoo steers that gives more benefits for human health and consumption but also provides the best meat grade and quality, which is important in the beef market in Korea.

농후사료의 조단백질 수준차이가 거세한우의 도체 및 육질특성에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Different Crude Protein Levels in the Concentrates on Carcass and Meat Quality Characteristics of Hanwoo Steers)

  • 김병기;오동엽;황은경;송영한;이상욱;정근기;하재정
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구는 농후사료의 조단백질 수준이 거세한우의 육질에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 한우 거세 송아지 30두를 공시하여, 비육 단계별 육성기, 비육전기 및 비육후기에 농후사료의 조단백질 수준을 대조구는 육성기; 14%, 비육전기; 13% 및 비육후기; 11%, 처리구는 육성기; 16%, 비육전기; 15% 및 비육후기; 14%로 하여 도체 특성, 육질의 이화학적 특성 및 지방산 조성을 분석하였다. 육질등급에서는 대조구 대비 처리구에서 근내지방도가 유의적(p<0.05)으로 향상되었고, 육질등급을 점수화하여 환산한 결과로는 약 15.6% 정도가 처리구에서 개선되는 경향을 보였다. 도체의 이화학적 특성에서는 처리구에서 수분과 조단백질의 경우 감소하고 조지방은 증가하는 경향을 나타냈다. 지방산 조성 중 단일불포화지방산 및 올레인산에서 처리구가 대조구 대비 유의적(p<0.05)으로 증가하였다. 따라서, 본 시험의 결과로 육성 및 비육기때 농후사료내 조단백질 수준을 증가시키면 근내지방도, CIE 값의 명도, 올레인산 및 단일 불포화지방산에서 유의적(p<0.05)으로 개선되었다.

The results of meat quality traits and sensory characteristics according to the concentration of androstenone in uncastrated pigs

  • Shah Ahmed Belal;Jong-Hyun Jung
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제66권2호
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    • pp.387-397
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    • 2024
  • Pork quality is determined by several attributes, among which odor and taste are the utmost significant. Therefore, this study was aimed to assess the effects of boar odor hormone concentration on the quality traits and sensory acceptability of pork. A total twenty-six (26) non-castrated 3-way crossbred (Landrace × Yorkshire × Duroc) pigs were selected with an average body weight (ABW) 115.6 kg before to slaughter. The three treatment groups (low, medium and high) were divided according to the androstenone concentration. In experiment 1, for meat quality traits carcass was selected based on androstenone concentration: low (LC, 0.64-0.69 ㎍/g, n = 9), medium (MC, 0.70-0.99 ㎍/g, n = 7) and high (HC, 1.00-1.69 ㎍/g, n = 10). In experiment 2, for sensory evaluation carcasses were also selected based on the abovementioned conditions. Results revealed that androstenone concentration not effect on proximate components, meat quality traits and fatty acids except palmitoleic acid. Sensory evaluation data showed that boar taint and meat boar taint were significantly increased in a concentration-dependent manner from low to high, whereas, gravy and meat flavor preference were significantly increased in LC group than HC group. In addition, correlation analysis showed that boar taint and meat boar taint were positively, and gravy and meat flavor preference were negatively correlated with boar taint hormones. In essence, our findings indicate that androstenone concentration had no effect on meat qualities, but a high concentration of androstenone had a negative effect on the sensory characteristics in uncastrated pigs.

Effects of dietary onion (Allium cepa) extract supplementation on performance, apparent total tract retention of nutrients, blood profile and meat quality of broiler chicks

  • Aditya, Siska;Ahammed, Musabbir;Jang, Seong Hun;Ohh, Sang Jip
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2017
  • Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary onion (Allium cepa) extract (OE) supplementation on growth performance, apparent total tract retention (ATTR), blood profile, carcass characteristics and meat quality in broilers. Methods: Four hundred male broiler chicks (Ross 308, 3-d old) were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments for 28 d feeding trial. Each treatment has five replications with 20 birds each. Four dietary treatments were designated according to the OE supplementation levels (0 as control, 5, 7.5, and 10 g of OE per kg of basal diet respectively). On d 28, a total of 20 birds from each treatment were subjected for ATTR, serum biochemical assay, carcass characteristic and organ weight measurement. Results: Overall weight gain of OE 7.5 g/kg group was higher (p = 0.04) than control group. The ATTRs of dietary energy (p<0.01) and ether extract (p = 0.04) linearly increased with increasing levels of dietary OE. However, no difference in ATTR of dry matter and crude protein was evident. Furthermore, serum IgG concentration increased linearly (p<0.01) and quadratically (p = 0.03) with increasing OE supplementation. No differences in carcass dressing weight and amount of abdominal fat by treatments were observed. Also, the weight of organ including immune organ was not different among the treatments. The TBARS values of 10 d stored breast meat decreased linearly (p<0.01) and quadratically (p<0.01) with increasing dietary OE levels. The meat color was also affected, with lower (p<0.01) redness score in meats from OE supplemented groups. This study showed that dietary OE improved broiler weight gain presumably by increasing feed intake and ATTR of both energy and ether extract. The dietary OE increased serum IgG level and meat anti-oxidation capacity. Conclusion: This study implies that the recommended level of dietary OE supplementation could be beneficial for improving broiler performance and meat quality.

사료의 영양소 수준과 성별이 도체 및 육질특성에 미치는 영향 (Interaction between Nutrient Density Diets and Sex on Carcass and Quality Characteristics in Finishing Pigs)

  • 하영주;이정일;이제룡;이진우;정재두;곽석준;송영민;도창희
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제47권1호
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    • pp.57-72
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    • 2005
  • The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of nutrient density diets and sex on carcass and pork quality characteristics in finishing pigs. A total of 96 pigs(58.04 $\pm$ 6.85 kg) were divided into 2 groups(gilts and barrows), each sex group was assigned to 3 nutrient density(high : 18.5%, middle : 16.0% and low: 14.0% CP, respectively) and raised up to 1l0kg live weight. Each treatment had four replicates with three or five pigs per replicate. The treatments comprised the feeding regimes of 1) the low density diet for 60 days, 2) the middle nutrient density diet for the 30 days followed by a low nutrient density diet for the remaining 30 days and 3) the high nutrient density diet for the 30 days followed by a middle nutrient density diet for the remaining 30 days. Pigs were conventionally slaughtered, and then chilled overnight. Carcass characteristics and grades were determined on those carcasses, and pork loin muscle was removed from each left side at 5th to 13th rib for quality evaluation were evaluated. There were no differences in the carcass weight between sex and nutrient density. Dressing percent of L-L(gilts) treatment was significantly higher than that of other treatments(P< 0.05). Barrows showed a thicker back fat thickness than gilts. There were no difference in intramuscular fat, subcutaneous fat and springiness between sex and nutrient density. Intermuscular fat of barrows groups was significantly higher than the gilts groups(P < 0.05). In the meat quality characteristics, there were no difference in general composition, meat and fat color between sex and nutrient density. pH of L-L(gilts) treatment was significantly higher than that of other treatments(P < 0.05). Cooking loss and shear force value of H-M(barrows) treatment were significantly higher than those of other treatments(P< 0.05). Purge loss of barrows groups was significantly higher than the gilts groups(P < 0.05). Myoglobin content of H-M treatment was significantly lower than L-L and M-L treatments(P< 0.05). Texture of H-M treatment was higher than L-L and M-L treatments. The content of myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic and oleic acid were significantly higher in the barrows groups(P< 0.05). However, stearic, linoleic and arachidonic acid were significantly higher in the gilts(P < 0.05). Amino acid content of L-L treatment was significantly higher than M-L and H-M treatments(P < 0.05). In conclusion, carcass and pork quality characteristics were affected by sex and nutrient density.

Growth, Feed Efficiency, Behaviour, Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Goats Fed Fermented Bagasse Feed

  • Ramli, M.N.;Higashi, M.;Imura, Y.;Takayama, K.;Nakanishi, Y.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제18권11호
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    • pp.1594-1599
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    • 2005
  • The effects of long-term feeding of diets based on bermudagrass hay supplemented with lucerne hay cube (LH) or fermented bagasse feed (FBF) on the growth rate, feed efficiency, behaviour, gut development, carcass characteristics and meat quality of goats were investigated. Six spring-born 8-month-old male crossbred (Japanese Saanen${\times}$Tokara native goats) bucks weighing mean 21.6 kg were allotted to 2 treatment groups (3 animals each) and each animal had ad libitum access to feeds, i.e. bermudagrass hay (basal diet)+LH or FBF throughout the experiment. The FBF was produced by the solid-state fermentation of substrates containing dried sugarcane bagasse mixed with wheat bran in a ratio of 1:3 (w/w DM) with Aspergillus sojae. The live body weight, final weight and average daily gain were not different between treatments. Average basal diet intake of goats fed FBF diet was significantly higher than that fed LH diet (p<0.05), but average dry matter intake (DMI; g/day and g/$W^{0.75}$), feed conversion ratio, digestible crude protein (DCP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) intake of experimental diets were not significantly different between treatments. Goats fed on LH and FBF diets had similar eating, rumination, resting and drinking behaviours, and blood constituents except for phosphorus content. Slaughter and carcass weights, net meat percentage [(total meat/carcass weight)${\times}$100], loin ratio [(loin/total meat)${\times}$100] and rib-eye area were not different between treatments. However, goats fed FBF diet had lower dressing percentage and higher bone/muscle ratio compared with goats fed LH diet (p<0.01). Empty gut and guts fill of goats fed FBF diet were significantly greater (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively) than those fed LH diet. The weights of rumen and abomasum were also significantly heavier in goats fed FBF diet (p<0.05), but the length and density of papillae of rumen in goats were not different between treatments. Although meat composition of loin was not different in both groups, the meat of goats fed FBF diet was superior to that of LH diet in flavor, aroma and overall quality of loin (p<0.01). In conclusion, the nature of the diet consumed voluntarily did not affect subsequent growth, nutrient intake and behaviour of goats but had an influence on carcass traits and sensory evaluation of meat partly, when either of LH or FBF was fed with bermudagrass hay.

Comparison of Live Performance and Meat Quality Parameter of Cross Bred (Korean Native Black Pig and Landrace) Pigs with Different Coat Colors

  • Hur, S.J.;Jeong, T.C.;Kim, G.D.;Jeong, J.Y.;Cho, I.C.;Lim, H.T.;Kim, B.W.;Joo, S.T.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제26권7호
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    • pp.1047-1053
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    • 2013
  • Five hundred and forty crossbred (Korean native black pig${\times}$Landrace) F2 were selected at a commercial pig farm and then divided into six different coat color groups: (A: Black, B: White, C: Red, D: White spot in black, E: Black spot in white, F: Black spot in red). Birth weight, 21st d weight, 140th d weight and carcass weight varied among the different coat color groups. D group (white spot in black coat) showed a significantly higher body weight at each weigh (birth weight, 140th d weight and carcass weight) than did the other groups, whereas the C group (red coat color) showed a significantly lower body weight at finishing stage (140th d weight and carcass weight) compared to other groups. Meat quality characteristics, shear force, cooking loss and meat color were not significantly different among the different coat color groups, whereas drip loss was significantly higher in F than in other groups. Most blood characteristics were not significantly different among the different groups, except for the red blood cells.

A comparative study of carcass characteristics and meat quality in genetic resources Pekin ducks and commercial crossbreds

  • Kokoszynski, Dariusz;Piwczynski, Dariusz;Arpasova, Henrieta;Hrncar, Cyril;Saleh, Mohamed;Wasilewski, Rafal
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제32권11호
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    • pp.1753-1762
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The study was aimed to compare carcass traits, physicochemical and textural properties of meat in two different genotypes of Pekin ducks with regard to sex effect. Methods: The study involved 120 Pekin ducks: 30 males and 30 females of strain P33 (Polish native Pekin ducks) and 30 males and 30 females of Star 53 HY (commercial hybrid Pekin ducks). At 49 d of age, 48 birds (12 males and 12 females of each genotype) were selected for dissection. After the dissection, meat samples were collected to determine meat quality traits. Results: The studied Pekin ducks of different genotype showed significant differences in body weight, carcass weight, dressing percentage, as well as percentages of breast muscles, skin with subcutaneous fat, abdominal fat, neck, and remainders of eviscerated carcass with neck. Duck genotype influenced the content of crude protein, crude fat, Na, K, P, Zn, $pH_{24}$, electric conductivity ($EC_{24}$), cooking loss, $L^{\star}$, $a^{\star}$, most textural traits of breast muscle, and also Na, Mg and Fe content, $EC_{24}$, drip loss, cooking loss and $L^{\star}$, $a^{\star}$, and $b^{\star}$ colour coordinates of leg muscles. Regardless of genetic origin, males exhibited higher BW, carcass weight and carcass neck percentage, as well as lower redness, hardness, chewiness and gumminess of breast muscle compared to females. The genotype${\times}$sex interaction was significant for the crude fat content and cooking loss of breast muscle, and for the yellowness of leg muscle. Conclusion: Star 53 HY ducks are more suited for broiler production due to their higher body weight and dressing percentage. Their breast and leg meat are characterized by more beneficial chemical composition but has poorer sensory and textural properties compared to the meat of P33 ducks.

Meat Quality Characteristics of Small East African Goats and Norwegian Crosses Finished under Small Scale Farming Conditions

  • Hozza, W.A.;Mtenga, L.A.;Kifaro, G.C.;Shija, D.S.N.;Mushi, D.E.;Safari, J.G.;Shirima, E.J.M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제27권12호
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    • pp.1773-1782
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    • 2014
  • The aim of the experiment was to study the effect of feeding system on meat quality characteristics of Small East African (SEA) goats and their crosses with Norwegian ($SEA{\times}N$) goats finished under small scale farming conditions. Twenty four castrated goats at the age of 18 months with live body weight of $16.7{\pm}0.54kg$ from each breed (SEA and $SEA{\times}N$) were distributed in a completely randomized design in a $2{\times}3$ factorial arrangement (two breed, and three dietary treatments). The dietary treatments were; no access to concentrate (T0), 66% access to ad libitum concentrate allowance (T66) and 100% access to ad libitum concentrate allowance with 20% refusal (T100) and the experimental period was for 84 days. In addition, all goats were allowed to graze for 2 hours daily and later fed grass hay on ad libitum basis. Daily feed intakes were recorded for all 84-days of experiment after which the animals were slaughtered. Feed intake of T100 animals was 536 g/d, which was 183 g/d higher than that of T66 group. Supplemented goats had significantly (p<0.05) better feed conversion efficiency. The SEA had higher (p<0.05) hot carcass weight (8.2 vs 7.9 kg), true dressing percentage (54.5 vs 53.3) and commercial dressing percentage (43.3 vs 41.6) compared to $SEA{\times}N$. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) for dressing percentage and carcass conformation among supplemented goats except fatness score, total fat depots and carcass fat which increased (p<0.05) with increasing concentrate levels in the diet. Increasing level of concentrate on offer increased meat dry matter with subsequent increase of fat in the meat. Muscle pH of goats fed concentrate declined rapidly and reached below 6 at 6 h post-mortem but temperature remained at $28^{\circ}C$. Cooking loss and meat tenderness improved (p<0.05) and thawing loss increased (p<0.05) with ageing period. Similarly, meat tenderness improved (p<0.05) with concentrate supplementation. Shear force of muscles varied from 36 to 66, the high values been associated with Semimembranosus and Gluteobiceps muscles. The present study demonstrates that there are differences in meat quality characteristics of meat from SEA goats and their crosses with Norwegian breeds finished under small scale farming conditions in rural areas. Therefore, concentrate supplementation of goats of both breeds improves meat quality attributes.