• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cancer, Pancreatic

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Effect of EGCG on Expression of Neurogenin 3 via the MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway in AR42J Cells, a Rat Pancreatic Tumor Cell Line (녹차 카테킨, Epigallocathechin Gallate (EGCG)의 흰쥐췌장종양 선 세포 AR42J의 MAP Kinase 세포 신호전달 기전을 통한 Neurogenin 3 발현에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung-Ok;Choe, Won-Kyung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.196-202
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    • 2011
  • Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), or epigallocatechin 3-gallate, is the ester of epigallocatechin and gallic acid, and is a type of catechin. EGCG may be therapeutic for many disorders including diabetics and some types of cancer. However it is unknown whether EGCG can induce transdifferentiation of pancreatic cells in pancreatitis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of EGCG on the expression of pancreatic regenerating related markers in pancreatic AR42J cells, a model of pancreatic progenitor cells. AR42J cells, differentiated with betacellulin and activin A, were cultured with/without EGCG in a time-dependent manner. Cell growth rate, levels of mRNA, and protein expression were examined with the MTT assay, quantitative PCR, and Western blots, respectively. The results showed that AR42J cell growth rates were inhibited by EGCG in a dose-dependent manner. mRNA and protein expression of amylase, insulin and neurogenin 3 (ngn 3) increased in AR42J cells treated with EGCG. Additionally, we demonstrated that the signal transduction pathway of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase is active in EGCG-treated AR42J cells. ERK and JNK phosphorylation decreased in cells treated with EGCG but not p38 phosphorylation. Activation of the p38 MAP kinase pathway was confirmed by specific MAP kinase pathways inhibitors: U0126 for ERK, SP600126 for JNK, and SB203580 for p38. Activated p38 phosphorylation was inhibited by the specific p38 inhibitor SB203580 but p38 phosphorylation was inhibited with increased EGCG treatment. The ERK and JNK MAP kinase pathways were not affected by EGCG treatment. Although further studies are needed, these results suggest that EGCG affects the induction of pancreatic cell regeneration by increasing the ngn 3 protein and mRNA expression and activating the p38 MAP kinase pathway.

Clinical Application of PET in Abdominal Cancers (소화기 암에서 PET의 임상적 의의)

  • Choi, Chang-Woon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2002
  • Clinical application of positron emission tomography (PET) is rapidly increasing for the defection and staging of cancer at whole-body studios performed with the glucose analogue tracer 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG). Although FDG PET cannot match the anatomic resolution of conventional imaging techniques in the liver and the other abdominal organs, it is particularly useful for identification and characterization of the entire body simultaneously. FDG PET can show foci of metastatic disease that may not be apparent at conventional anatomic imaging and can aid in the characterizing of indeterminate soft-tissue masses. Most abdominal cancer requires surgical management. FDG PET can improve the selection of patients for surgical treatment and thereby reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with inappropriate surgery. FDG PET is also useful for the early detection of recurrence and the monitoring of therapeutic effect. The abdominal cancers, such as gastroesophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer and pancreatic cancer, are common malignancies in Korea, and PET is one of the most promising and useful methodologies for the management of abdominal cancers.

Factors Associated with Ketamine Use in Pancreatic Cancer Patient in a Single Hospice Center

  • Kwon, Kyung Min;Lee, Yong Joo;Choi, Chang Jin;Kim, Chul Min;Yoon, Jo Hi;Kim, Min Hee
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: Up to 90% of pancreatic cancer patients suffer from neuropathic pain. In a palliative care setting, pain control in pancreatic cancer patient is one of the major goals. Ketamine is a N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, effective in neuropathic pain. Additionally, there have been studies about the opioid sparing effect of ketamine. This study was held in the palliative care unit among pancreatic cancer patients to determine the factors related to ketamine use and the opioid sparing effect. Methods: The medical records of pancreatic cancer patients admitted to St. Mary's hospital palliative care unit between January, 2013 and December, 2014 were reviewed. Patients were divided into 2 categories according to ketamine use. Also, opioid use before and after ketamine use was compared in the ketamine group. Results: Compared to the non-ketamine use group, patients in the ketamine group required a higher dose of opioid. The total opioid dose, daily opioid dose, number of daily rescue medications, and daily average rescue dose were statistically significantly higher in the ketamine group. The opioid requirement was increased after ketamine administration. Conclusion: In this retrospective study, ketamine was frequently considered in patients with severe pain, requiring higher amount of opioid. Studies about palliative use of ketamine in a larger number of patients with diverse types of cancer pain are required in the future.

Safety and Efficacy of Gemcitabine Based Chemotherapy in Elderly Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer - Safety of Gemcitabine in Elderly (진행성 췌장암을 가진 노인환자에서 Gemcitabine 항암화학요법의 안정성과 효과 - 노인에서 Gemcitabine의 안정성 -)

  • You Ie Choi;Dong Uk Kim;Jae Hoon Cheong;Bong Eun Lee;Gwang Ha Kim;Geun Am Song
    • Journal of Digestive Cancer Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2013
  • Background/Aims: Gemcitabine is regarded as a reference regimen for advanced pancreatic cancer and shows relatively safe toxicity profiles compared with other cytotoxic agents. However, many oncologists are appeared to be still reluctant to treat elderly pancreatic cancer patients with cytotoxic chemotherapy because of predicted low response rate and potential adverse events. Methods: All patients who were received gemcitabine based chemotherapy between 2007 and 2010 were identified and clinical, laboratory, radiographic data were retrospectively reviewed. Patients were divided into two groups based on their ages: less than 65, and equal or more than 65 years old. Gemcitabine, at a dose of 1,000 mg per square meter of body surface area, was administered by intravenously over 30 minutes weekly for 3 weeks followed by 1 week rest, alone or along with other chemotherapeutic agents including cisplatin, capecitabine and erlotinib. Results: A total of 61 patients were identified and all patients were not eligible to receive operation because of advanced stage at diagnosis. Twenty three patients (37.7%) were equal or more than 65 year of age. Mean age was 56 years old and 71 years old in each group. Laboratory data including CA 19-9 were not significantly different. More gemcitabine monotherapy was delivered (56.5% vs. 26.3%, p=0.029) and less second or third line therapy was adminis- tered (17.4% vs. 50.0%, p=0.014) in elderly group. Cholangitis occurred and stent placement were performed similarly in both groups. Conclusion: Gemcitabine based chemotherapy can be administered safely to elderly pancreatic cancer patients and comparable response rate and progression free survival can be expected as young patients.

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Complications Following and Supplementary Procedures for a Pancreas-preserving Total Gastrectomy (위 전절제술에서 췌장보존 비장적출술의 합병증 및 보완술식)

  • Lee, Moon Soo;Kang, Gil Ho;Cho, Gyu Seok;Kim, Yong Jin;Kim, Sung Yong;Baek, Moo Jun;Kim, Chang Ho;Cho, Moo Sik
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: A pancreas-preserving total gastrectomy (PPTG) was introduced to decrease the postoperative complications due to pancreatic resection. However, some complications, such as leakage of pancreatic juice, are still reported. Thus, the purpose of this study was to propose a supplementary procedure based on the results of treatment for gastric cancer at our hospital. Materials and Methods: From Jan. 1997 to Dec. 2004, the cases of 141 patients who underwent a PPTG for gastric cancer were reviewed retrospectively. The patients were divided into Group A (38 cases), patients who were treated using a conventional PPTG, and Group B (103 cases), patients who were treated using a new and improved PPTG. Their postoperative complications were compared. Results: No statistically significant differences in clinicopathologic data were noted between the two groups. The comparison of complications showed for groups A and B, respectively, 4 and 0 cases of pancreatic fistula, 1 and 0 cases of intraabdominal abscess, 2 and 0 cases of intraoperative pancreatic necrosis, and 2 and 2 cases of minor leakage. The difference in the prevalence of complications between the two groups was statistically significant (P=0.0001). Conclusion: In order to reduce the risk of PPTG-related complications, we used vascular clamps to observe the necrosis of the pancreatic tail before dividing the splenic artery, and this method resulted in a significant decrease in postoperative complications. Thus, we conclude that our use of vascular clamps in a PPTG is a simple and useful method for preventing postoperative complications.

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Can Megestrol Acetate Induce Thrombosis in Advanced Oncology Patients Receiving Chemotherapy?

  • Ordu, Cetin;Pilanci, Kezban Nur;Koksal, Ulkuhan Iner;Okutur, Kerem;Saglam, Sezer;Tecimer, Coskun;Demir, Gokhan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.23
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    • pp.10165-10169
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    • 2015
  • Background: Megestrol acetate (MA) is a steroid origin medicine often used for control of cachexia in oncologic palliative care. Thrombosis is a common problem in oncology patients. One question is whether MA can cause thrombosis. This retrospective, registry-based analysis was therefore conducted to assess thrombotic processes in oncology patients using MA concurrent with chemotherapy. Materials and Methods: Data on oncology patients at the metastatic stage using MA were obtained from the archives of our center. Outcomes of patients were evaluated for thromboembolic events (VTEs) during treatment. Results: Ninety-seven oncology patients with a median age of 62 (33-84) years were included. During the median follow-up of 17 months, 58 (59.8%) died leaving 39 (31.2%) still alive. Median overall survival (OS) was 19 months (6-180). Mean time of MA use was 8.69 months(${\pm}3.53$), with a median dose of 160mg (range 160-480mg). Eleven VTEs were detected after MA use, 4 of these in pancreatic cancer cases. The patients with thrombosis non-significantly had worse OS, than those without thrombosis (p=0.106). Conclusions: This trial revealed that the 11.3% of all patients developed thrombosis,who had been treated with MA and chemotherapy concomittantly. There was no statistically significant difference regarding to occurrence of thrombotic process, among the patients receiving different chemotherapy regimens with MA concomittantly. Pancreatic cancer seemed to be related to thrombosis rather than MA use.

Early Gastric Cancer with Neurofibroma Mimicking a Metastatic Node: A Case Report

  • Kim, Sungsoo;Kim, Yoo Seok;Kim, Ji Hoon;Min, Yong Don;Hong, Ran
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.185-187
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    • 2013
  • Neurofibromas are benign tumors that originate from the peripheral nerves, including neurites and fibroblasts. Generally, a solitary neurofibroma is located in the skin and rarely in other places. A 72-year-old female suffered from epigastric discomfort for 2 months. Endoscopic findings showed an early gastric cancer type IIc at the antrum. Abdominal computed tomography revealed early gastric cancer with a 1.6 cm-sized metastatic node posterior to the duodenum. Laparoscopic assisted distal gastrectomy and retro-pancreatic dissection were performed uneventfully. Histological examination revealed gastric adenocarcinoma, invading the mucosa without nodal metastasis, and a neurofibroma. Herein, we present a case of a gastric cancer patient with a solitary retroperitoneal neurofibroma which mimicked a distant metastatic node.

Laparoscopic Whipple's Operation for Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer Invading the Pancreas and Duodenum: a Case Report

  • Lee, Chang Min;Yoon, Sam-Youl;Park, Sungsoo;Park, Seong-Heum
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.484-492
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    • 2019
  • Few surgeons have adopted pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) for the treatment of advanced gastric cancer (AGC) invading the pancreas or duodenum because it remains controversial whether its prognostic benefits outweigh the high morbidity rates in such advanced cases. However, recent technical advances have revived diverse surgical procedures in minimally invasive approaches. Inspired by this trend, laparoscopic PD procedures have been performed for AGC in our institute since 2014. We recently performed a laparoscopic Whipple's operation in a case of cT4b gastric cancer with invasion of the pancreatic head and duodenum.

The Study on Risk Factor of Metabolic Diseases in Pancreatic Steatosis (췌장지방증에서 대사성질환의 위험 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Jin-Young;Ye, Soo-Young;Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2016
  • The body of the fat tissue increased in obese represented by risk factors such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, metabolic disease and dyslipidemia. Such metabolic diseases and the like of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, increase in the adipose tissue of the pancreas is known to be a risk factor of these diseases. Study on the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer was conducted actively, case studies on pancreatic steatosis is not much. In this study, divided into a control group diagnosed with pancreatic steatosis as a result of ultrasonography to evaluation the physical characteristics and serologic tests and blood pressure and arterial stiffness. The control group and the test pancreas steatosis age and waist circumference, body mass index, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, arterial elasticity is higher in pancreatic steatosis. And the lower ankle brachial stenosis and HDL-cholesterol were lower than the normal control group, so the pancreatic steatosis harmful to blood vessels.(P <0.05). The difference between the control group and it was confirmed that the pancreatic jibanggun statistically significant. In conclusion, pancreatic steatosis at abdominal ultrasound can predict the risk of metabolic diseases, and there was a correlation with cardiovascular disease.