• Title/Summary/Keyword: CT장치

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Development of Conformal Radiotherapy with Respiratory Gate Device (호흡주기에 따른 방사선입체조형치료법의 개발)

  • Chu Sung Sil;Cho Kwang Hwan;Lee Chang Geol;Suh Chang Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : 3D conformal radiotherapy, the optimum dose delivered to the tumor and provided the risk of normal tissue unless marginal miss, was restricted by organ motion. For tumors in the thorax and abdomen, the planning target volume (PTV) is decided including the margin for movement of tumor volumes during treatment due to patients breathing. We designed the respiratory gating radiotherapy device (RGRD) for using during CT simulation, dose planning and beam delivery at identical breathing period conditions. Using RGRD, reducing the treatment margin for organ (thorax or abdomen) motion due to breathing and improve dose distribution for 3D conformal radiotherapy. Materials and Methods : The internal organ motion data for lung cancer patients were obtained by examining the diaphragm in the supine position to find the position dependency. We made a respiratory gating radiotherapy device (RGRD) that is composed of a strip band, drug sensor, micro switch, and a connected on-off switch in a LINAC control box. During same breathing period by RGRD, spiral CT scan, virtual simulation, and 3D dose planing for lung cancer patients were peformed, without an extended PTV margin for free breathing, and then the dose was delivered at the same positions. We calculated effective volumes and normal tissue complication probabilities (NTCP) using dose volume histograms for normal lung, and analyzed changes in doses associated with selected NTCP levels and tumor control probabilities (TCP) at these new dose levels. The effects of 3D conformal radiotherapy by RGRD were evaluated with DVH (Dose Volume Histogram), TCP, NTCP and dose statistics. Results : The average movement of a diaphragm was 1.5 cm in the supine position when patients breathed freely. Depending on the location of the tumor, the magnitude of the PTV margin needs to be extended from 1 cm to 3 cm, which can greatly increase normal tissue irradiation, and hence, results in increase of the normal tissue complications probabiliy. Simple and precise RGRD is very easy to setup on patients and is sensitive to length variation (+2 mm), it also delivers on-off information to patients and the LINAC machine. We evaluated the treatment plans of patients who had received conformal partial organ lung irradiation for the treatment of thorax malignancies. Using RGRD, the PTV margin by free breathing can be reduced about 2 cm for moving organs by breathing. TCP values are almost the same values $(4\~5\%\;increased)$ for lung cancer regardless of increasing the PTV margin to 2.0 cm but NTCP values are rapidly increased $(50\~70\%\;increased)$ for upon extending PTV margins by 2.0 cm. Conclusion : Internal organ motion due to breathing can be reduced effectively using our simple RGRD. This method can be used in clinical treatments to reduce organ motion induced margin, thereby reducing normal tissue irradiation. Using treatment planning software, the dose to normal tissues was analyzed by comparing dose statistics with and without RGRD. Potential benefits of radiotherapy derived from reduction or elimination of planning target volume (PTV) margins associated with patient breathing through the evaluation of the lung cancer patients treated with 3D conformal radiotherapy.

Fabrication of High Frequency Magnetic Characteristics Measurement System Using Digital Oscilloscope and Computer Remote Control (디지털 오실로스코프와 컴퓨터 제어기법을 이용한 고주파 자기특성 측정장치 제작)

  • 김기옥;이재복;송재성;민복기
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.327-333
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    • 1997
  • We designed and constructed the high frequency magnetic characteristics measurement system to measure core loss, B-H curve, permeability of toroidal ferrite core, amorphous core and various materials for high frequency application. The system consists of universal equipments such as digitizing oscilloscope, signal generator, power amplifier, PC in order to make upgrade easily. The power source is composed of waveform synthesizer and power amplifier ranging from DC to 20 MHz, and output signal H and B from sample core are digitized by oscilloscope with sampling rate 1 GS/ s per channel. Computer controls power source and oscilloscope, reads data from oscilloscope, displays analyzed waveform and saves data with file. The entire procedures finishes within few seconds.

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Dose Distribution and Image Quality in the Gantry Aperture for CT Examinations (전산화단층촬영 검사 시 Gantry Aperture 내의 선량분포와 영상의 질)

  • Cho, Pyong-Kon;Kim, You-Hyun;Choi, Jong-Hak;Lee, Ki-Yeol;Kim, Hyung-Cheol;Kim, Jang-Seob;Shin, Dong-Chul;Lee, Sung-Hyun;Lee, Jun-Hyub;Shin, Gwi-Soon
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.453-460
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the dose distribution and image quality according to slice thickness and BC(beam collimation) in the gantry aperture. CT scans were performed with a 64-slice MDCT(Brilliance 64, Philips, Cleveland, USA) scanner. To determine the dose distribution according to BC, a ionization chamber was placed at isocenter and 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 cm positions from the isocenter in the 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock directions. The dose distribution for phantom scan was also measured using CT head and body dose phantom with five holes at the center of the phantom and the positions of the 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock directions. The image noise measurement for different BCs was performed using an AAPM CT phantom. Water-filled block of the phantom was moved by 5 cm or 10 cm to the 12 o'clock direction, and the image noise was measured at the center of the phantom, and the points of 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock direction respectively. Some points were placed beyond the scan field of view (SFOV), so that measurement was not possible at that points. The results are as follows: The CTDIw showed a larger decrease as the source goes farther from the iso-center or the BC became wider. The CTDIw depends on the BC width more than the number of the channel of a detector array. The value of CTDIW decreased with increasing BC, but the value decreased 16.6~31.9% in the head phantom scan in air scan and 51.0~64.5% in the body phantom scan. The value of the noise was 3.9~5.9 in the head and 5.3~7.4 in the body except for BC of $2{\times}0.5\;mm$, regardless of the degree of deviation from the iso-center. When a subject was located within the SFOV, the position did not significantly affect image quality even if the subject was out of the center.

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Implementation of Water Bolus in Patient with Large Tissue Defect (조직결손이 큰 환자에서 물 볼루스의 적용에 관한 고찰)

  • Park, Hyo-Kuk;Lee, Sang-Kyu;Yoon, Jong-Won;Cho, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Dong-Wook;Kim, Joo-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: To demonstrate that water bolus in the patient surface can decrease the dose inhomogeneity by patient surface large tissue defect when the surface is in an electron-beam field. And We tried to find a easy way to water control. Methods and Materials: To demonstrate the use of water bolus in the irregular surface clinically, the case of a patient with myxofibrosarcoma of the chest wall who was treated with electrons. We obtained dose distribution using missing tissue option of PINACLE 6.2b (ADAC, USA). We fabricate a Mev-green for water bolus in patient with defect of tissue. Then put the water bolus which is vinyl packed water into the designed Mev-green. We peformed CT scan with CT-simulator. Three-dimensional (3D) dose distributions with and without water bolus in the large irregular chest wall were calculated for a representative patient. Resulting dose distributions and dose-volume histograms of water bolus were compared with missing tissue option and non bolus plans. We fabricate a new water control device. Results: Controlled Water bolus markedly decrease the dose heterogeneity, and minimizes normal tissue exposure caused by the surface irregularities of the chest wall mass. In the test case, The non bolus plan has a maximum target dose of 132%. After applying water bolus, the maximum target dose has been reduced substantially to 110.4%. The maximum target dose was reduced by 21.6% using this technique. Conclusion: The results showed that controlled water bolus could significantly improve the dose homogeneity in the PTV for patients treated with electron therapy using water control device. This technique may reduce the incidence of normal organ complications that occur after electron-beam therapy in irregular surface. And our new device shows handiness of water control.

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Estimation of Natural frequencies in Osteoporotic Mouse Femur: A finite Element Analysis and a Vibration Test (골다공증에 걸린 쥐 대퇴골의 고유진동수 예측: 유한 요소 해석 및 진동 실험)

  • Kim, Yoon-Hyuk;Byun, Chang-Hwan;Oh, Taek-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2005
  • In this study, a finite element analysis and a vibration test were performed to estimate the natural frequencies of mouse femurs with osteoporosis. Three groups of the femurs include the osteoporotic group, the treated group and the normal group. For the finite element analysis, the micro finite element model of the femur was reconstructed using the Micro-CT images and the Voxel mesh generation algorithm. In the vibration test, the natural frequencies were measured by the mobility test. from the results, the averaged natural frequencies in the osteoporotic group were the highest, followed by those in the treated group. The finite element models were validated within 15% errors by comparing the natural frequencies in the finite element analysis with those in the vibration test. The developed Micro-CT system, the Yokel mesh generation algorithm, the presented finite element analysis, and vibration test could be useful for the investigation of the structural change of the bone tissue, and the diagnosis and the treatment in the osteoporosis.

Computed Tomographic Simulation of Craniospinal Irradiation (전산화 단층 촬영 장치를 이용한 뇌척수 조사의 치료 계획)

  • Lee CI;Kim HN;Oh TY;Hwang DS;Park NS;Kye CS;Kim YS
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 1999
  • The aim of this study is to improve the accuracy of field placement and junction between adjacent fields and block shielding through the use of a computed tomography(CT) simulator and virtual simulation. The information was acquired by assessment of Alderson Rando phantom image using CT simulator (I.Q. Xtra - Picker), determination of each field by virtual fluoroscopy of voxel IQ workstation AcQsim and colored critical structures that were obtained by contouring in virtual simulation. And also using a coronal, sagittal and axial view can determine the field and adjacent field gap correctly without calculation during the procedure. With the treatment planning by using the Helax TMS 4.0, the dose in the junction among the adjacent fields and the spinal cord and cribriform plate of the critical structure was evaluated by the dose volume histogram. The pilot image of coronal and sagittal view took about 2minutes and 26minutes to get 100 images. Image translation to the virtual simulation workstation took about 6minutes. Contouring a critical structure such as cribriform plate, spinal cord using a virtual fluoroscopy were eligible to determine a correct field and shielding. The process took about 20 minutes. As the result of the Helax planning, the dose distribution in adjacent field junction was ideal, and the dose level shows almost 100 percentage in the dose volume histogram of the spinal cord and cribriform plate CT simulation can get a correct therapy area due to enhancement of critical structures such as spinal cord and cribriform plate. In addition, using a Spiral CT scanner can be saved a lot of time to plan a simulation therefore this function can reduce difficulties to keep the patient position without any movements to the patient, physician and radiotherapy technician.

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A three-dimensional finite element analysis of obturator prosthesis for edentulous maxilla (무치악 구개결손 환자를 위한 폐쇄장치의 삼차원 유한요소 분석)

  • Song, Woo-Seok;Kim, Myung-Joo;Lim, Young-Jun;Kwon, Ho-Beom
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.222-228
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to evaluate the stress distributions and the displacements of obturator for edentulous maxillectomy patients and to compare them with those of complete denture using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Materials and methods: Based on the CT image of edentulous patient, three-dimensional finite element model of edentulous maxillae was constructed. Three-dimensional finite element model of edentulous maxillae with palatal defect was also fabricated. On each model, complete denture and obturator prosthesis were created. Vertical static force of 200 N was applied on the left maxillary premolar and molar region. The von Mises stress values and the displacements of models were analyzed using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Results: Maximum von Mises stress values were recorded in the cortical bones of both models. The von Mises stress value in the complete denture model was 2.73 MPa and 2.69 MPa in the obturator model. High von Mises stress values were also observed on the tissue surface of prosthesis. The maximum value of the displacement in the obturator was higher than that of complete denture. Conclusion: The obturator showed a worse result in terms of stress distribution and displacement than complete denture. In the prosthodontic rehabilitation of edentulous maxillectomy patient accurate impression procedure based on patients'anatomy and application of prosthodontic principle should be considered.

Analysis of Respiratory Motional Effect on the Cone-beam CT Image (Cone-beam CT 영상 획득 시 호흡에 의한 영향 분석)

  • Song, Ju-Young;Nah, Byung-Sik;Chung, Woong-Ki;Ahn, Sung-Ja;Nam, Taek-Keun;Yoon, Mi-Sun
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2007
  • The cone-beam CT (CBCT) which is acquired using on-board imager (OBI) attached to a linear accelerator is widely used for the image guided radiation therapy. In this study, the effect of respiratory motion on the quality of CBCT image was evaluated. A phantom system was constructed in order to simulate respiratory motion. One part of the system is composed of a moving plate and a motor driving component which can control the motional cycle and motional range. The other part is solid water phantom containing a small cubic phantom ($2{\times}2{\times}2cm^3$) surrounded by air which simulate a small tumor volume in the lung air cavity CBCT images of the phantom were acquired in 20 different cases and compared with the image in the static status. The 20 different cases are constituted with 4 different motional ranges (0.7 cm, 1.6 cm, 2.4 cm, 3.1 cm) and 5 different motional cycles (2, 3, 4, 5, 6 sec). The difference of CT number in the coronal image was evaluated as a deformation degree of image quality. The relative average pixel intensity values as a compared CT number of static CBCT image were 71.07% at 0.7 cm motional range, 48.88% at 1.6 cm motional range, 30.60% at 2.4 cm motional range, 17.38% at 3.1 cm motional range The tumor phantom sizes which were defined as the length with different CT number compared with air were increased as the increase of motional range (2.1 cm: no motion, 2.66 cm: 0.7 cm motion, 3.06 cm: 1.6 cm motion, 3.62 cm: 2.4 cm motion, 4.04 cm: 3.1 cm motion). This study shows that respiratory motion in the region of inhomogeneous structures can degrade the image quality of CBCT and it must be considered in the process of setup error correction using CBCT images.

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A Study on Stereo Visualization of the X-ray Scanned Image Based on Dual-line Sensors (듀얼센서 기반 X-선 검색영상 스테레오 가시화 연구)

  • Lee, Nam-Ho;Hwang, Young-Gwan;Park, Jong-Won;Lim, Yong-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.2083-2090
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a 3-D visualization technique using stereo radioactive images to provide efficient inspection of fast moving cargo objects. The proposed technique can be used for such objects which CT or MRI cannot inspect due to restricted scan environment. Stereo radioactive images are acquired from a specially designed equipment which consists of a X-ray source, linear radioactive sensors, and a moving stage. Two radioactive sensors are installed so that rectified stereo X-ray images of objects are acquired. Using the stereo X-ray images, we run a matching algorithm to find the correspondences between the images and reconstruct 3-D shapes of real objects. The objects are put in a parallelepiped box to simulate cargo inspection. Three real objects are tested and reconstructed. Due to the inherent ambiguity in the stereo X-ray images, we reconstruct 3-D shapes of the edges of the objects. The experimental results show the proposed technique can provide efficient visualization for cargo inspection.

Assessment of the Optic-guided Patient Positioning for Spinal Stereotactic Radiosurgery Using Novalis ExacTrac System (노발리스 ExacTrac system을 이용한 척추 정위 방사선수술 방법 평가)

  • 이동준;손문준;최광영;이기택;최찬영;황금철;황충진
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.218-223
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    • 2002
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery for intracranial lesion is well established since the Lars Leksell first introduced radiosurgery concept in 1951 Its use in the treatment of spinal lesion has been limited by the availability of effective immobilization devices. The first clinical experience of the spinal stereotactic radiosurgery technique was reported by Hamilton AJ. in 1995. Recently, Optic-guided patient positioning technique for extracranial stereotactic radiosurgery was developed and reported. This study is for assess the target positioning accuracy of the optic guided patient positioning system Exactrac (BrainLab., Inc, Germany). We have designed phantom for assess the accuracy of spinal stereotactic radiosurgery The infrared reflective body markers attached to the relatively immobile part of the body and a series of 2 mm CT images was taken. The image sets were transferred to the planning computer. During the radiosurgery treatment, we measure the real-time display showing the positioning values from Exactrac computer. And we compare the isocenter deviation from irradiated center point of the film which was mounted on the lesion site of the phantom and pin hole site of that film. The accuracy of the ExacTrac system in positioning a target point shows enough for the clinical applications.

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