• Title/Summary/Keyword: CM Trend

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Influences of Worm Casting Organic Fertilizer on Weed Invasion on the Creeping Bentgrass Sward (지렁이분 시비가 잡초의 침입과 벤트그라스 잔디초지에 미치는 영향)

  • Park Sung-Jun;Cho Nam-Ki;Kang Young-Kil;Song Chang-Khil;Hyun Hae Nam;Cho Young-Il
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.211-216
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted from March 21 to July 10 in 2004 at JeJu to investigate the influences of worm casting organic fertilizer rates (0, 150, 300, 450, 600 kg/10a) on creeping bentgrass sward. The result obtained were summarized as follows; plant height was getting longer as organic fertilizer increased from 0 to 600 kg/10a. But it was no significance from 450 to 600kg/10a. Root length, SPAD reading value, leave and root weight were the same trend with plant height response. Percentage of land cover and density of creeping bentgrass increased as fertilizer rate increased from 0 to 600 kg/10a. But percentage of land cover and density of weed decreased. Number of weed species were decreased as increasing of organic fertilizers. Then ranking of the dominant weeds were Chenopodium album var. cetrorubrum and Digitaria adscendens, Polygonum hydropiper (at 0kg/10a), Portulaca oleracea and Digitaria adscendens, Polygonum hydropiper (at 150kg/10a), Polygonum hydropiper and Poa annua, Digitaria adscendens (at 450 kg/10a), Polygonum hydropipr and Digitaria adscendens, Portulaca oleracea (at 600 kg/10a).

Comparison of Maternal Fatty Acid Intake and Fatty Acid Composition of Serum Phospholipids Between Singleton and Twin Pregnancies (단태아와 쌍태아 모체의 임신 분기별 지방산 섭취와 혈청 인지질 지방산 조성 비교)

  • Kwon, Seul-Ki;Lim, Soo-Jeoung;Shin, Joong-Sik;Jang, Sung-Hee;Ahn, Hong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.555-564
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    • 2008
  • Essential fatty acids are important essential nutrients during pregnancy. The objective of this study was to compare fatty acid composition of serum phospholipids and essential fatty acid intakes between Korean pregnant women with a single baby and Korean pregnant women with twins. A total of 116 pregnant women who had maintained their health without any symptoms of pregnancy complications participated in the study. The subjects consisted of 57 women of singleton pregnancy and 58 women of twin pregnancy at the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. A 24-hour dietary recall was administered to each subject to obtain dietary information. The mean ages of the singleton pregnancy group and the twin pregnancy group were 31.44 years and 32.27 years, respectively, and the mean height values were 161.86 cm and 160.64 cm, respectively. The mean daily energy intakes in the singleton pregnancy group were 1639.95 kcal, 1904.71 kcal, and 1882.82 kcal for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester group, respectively. The mean daily energy intakes in the twin pregnancy group were 1745.99 kcal, 2203.46 kcal, and 2092.26 kcal for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester group, respectively. There were no significant differences in the mean fatty acid intakes by the type of pregnancy (i.e., singleton vs. twins) and the stage of pregnancy (i.e., 1st vs. 2nd vs. 3rd trimester). However, the mean total fatty acid intake of those at the 1st trimester among the singleton pregnancy group tended to be higher than that of those at the 1st trimester among the twin pregnancy group. Such a trend seemed to be retro-versed. That is, the mean total fatty acid intakes of the twin pregnancy group were higher compared to the singleton pregnancy group for the 2nd and 3rd trimester group. The LA and total n6 concentrations of serum phospholipids of the singleton pregnancy group were significantly higher as the gestational age increased(p<0.05). The $\alpha-LNA$(p<0.05), EPA(p<0.05), and total n3(p<0.001) concentrations of serum phospholipids of the twin pregnancy group were significantly lower as the gestational age increased. The $\alpha-LNA$ concentrations of serum phospholipids in the singleton pregnancy group at the 3rd trimester were significantly higher than that in the twin pregnancy group at the same trimester(p<0.05). The serum phospholipids levels of AA and DHA of the twin pregnancy group were generally higher compared to those of the singleton pregnancy group. Particularly the differences reached at the level of statistical significance for those at the 1st trimester(p<0.01). It is concluded that the study findings imply that fatty acid metabolism may meaningfully differ by the type and stage of pregnancy. Future research needs to be conducted to more elucidate grounding etiology and possible roles of dietary fatty acid intake levels in relation to the study findings.

Influence of UV Irradiation Interval on Mineral Content in Metatarsus of Broiler Chicks (자외선 조사간격이 브로일러 병아리의 중족골 광물질 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • 장윤환;조인호;여영수;이은택;배은경;김중달
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 1993
  • A study was conducted to investigate the concentrations of Ca, P and ash in metatarsal bone of broiler chicks exposed to UV light in different Interval. Day-old Hubbard broiler chicks (199=10 control+3 irradiation interval $\times$ 9 elapsed time $\times$ 7 replicate) were fed vitamin D3 deficient diet for 3 wk in a windowless subdued-light room and exposed to 297 nm UVB light by 0.068 mJ/$\textrm{cm}^2$ three times In 0, 12 or 24 h interval. The metatarsal bones were taken at 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 48, 96, 144 or 240 h after last irradiation, separated from adhering tissue, ether extracted, dried and ashed. The Ca concentration was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and P by ammonium metavanadate colorimetry. When the birds were continuously exposed to UVB light for 30 min without interval, the Ca content in metatarsus increased gradually according to the time after irradiation and reached the highest value 16.75% at 240 h after exposure. The P content also increased gradually until 144 h, where it was 9.75%. The ash content in metatarsus increased continuously until 240 h, the final time in this research, where 42.75% was shown. As 10 min three times irradiation in 12 h interval was applied to the chicks, the metatarsal Ca presented a small peak(13.31%) at 12 h after irradiation and a large peak(16.91%) at 144 h. P content showed a small peak(7.18%) at 12 h and a large level(8.34%) at 240 h. Ash content increased continuously until 240 h, where it was 46.53%. The small peaks in Ca and P concentration were thought to be derived from preirradiation at 12 and 24 h before final irradiation for 10 min. When 24 h interval system was treated, the peak value of Ca content(24.18%) occurred earlier(96 h) than those in 0 and 12 h interval systems. P content also showed the maximum value at 96 h(7.29%). Ash content presented an increasing trend until 240 h, where 45.75% was appeared. In respecting the method of UVB irradiation, the peak value of Ca content in metatarsus appeared earlier in 24 h interval system than in other systems. Meanwhile the ash contents in metatarsus of birds exposed to UVB light in 12 and 24 h interval procedures were higher than those in 0 h interval one. Therefore, it was concluded that a daily 10 min irradiation of UVB light would be desirable for increasing the Ca and ash content in metatarsus of brolier chicks.

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Laboratory Tests for Trichloroethylene (TCE) and Toluene Remediation in Soil Using Soil Vapor Extraction (토양증기추출(Soil Vapor Extraction)을 이용한 토양 내 Trichloroethylene (TCE)과 Toluene정화 실험)

  • 이민희;강현민
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.221-227
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    • 2002
  • Column experiments were performed to evaluate the removal efficiency of soil vapor extraction (SVE) iota TCE (trichloroethylene) and toluene in soil. Homogeneous Ottawa sands and real soils collected from contaminated area were used to investigate the effect of soil properties and SVE operation conditions on the removal efficiency. In column teats with two different sizes of Ottawa sand, the maximum effluent TCE concentration in a coarse sand column was 442 mg/L and 337 mg/L in a fine sand column. However, after 20 liter gas flushing, the effluent concentrations were very similar and more than 90% of initial TCE mass were removed from the column. For two real contaminated soil columns, the maximum effluent concentration decreased 50% compared with that in the homogeneous Ottawa coarse sand column, but 99% of initial TCE mass were extracted from the column within 40 liter air flushing, suggesting that SVE is very available to remove volatile NAPLs in the contaminated soil. To investigate the effect of contaminant existing time on the removal efficiency, an Ottawa sand column was left stable for one week after TCE was injected and the gas extraction was applied into the column. Its effluent concentration trend was very similar to those for other Ottawa sand columns except that the residual TCE after the air flushing showed relatively high. Column tests with different water contents were performed and results showed high removal efficiency even in a high water content sand column. Toluene as one of BTEX compounds was used in an Ottawa sand column and a real soil column. Removal trends were similar to those in TCE contaminated columns and more than 98% of initial toluene mass were removed with SVE in both column.

Development of Correction Formulas for KMA AAOS Soil Moisture Observation Data (기상청 농업기상관측망 토양수분 관측자료 보정식 개발)

  • Choi, Sung-Won;Park, Juhan;Kang, Minseok;Kim, Jongho;Sohn, Seungwon;Cho, Sungsik;Chun, Hyenchung;Jung, Ki-Yuol
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.13-34
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    • 2022
  • Soil moisture data have been collected at 11 agrometeorological stations operated by The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). This study aimed to verify the accuracy of soil moisture data of KMA and develop a correction formula to be applied to improve their quality. The soil of the observation field was sampled to analyze its physical properties that affect soil water content. Soil texture was classified to be sandy loam and loamy sand at most sites. The bulk density of the soil samples was about 1.5 g/cm3 on average. The content of silt and clay was also closely related to bulk density and water holding capacity. The EnviroSCAN model, which was used as a reference sensor, was calibrated using the self-manufactured "reference soil moisture observation system". Comparison between the calibrated reference sensor and the field sensor of KMA was conducted at least three times at each of the 11 sites. Overall, the trend of fluctuations over time in the measured values of the two sensors appeared similar. Still, there were sites where the latter had relatively lower soil moisture values than the former. A linear correction formula was derived for each site and depth using the range and average of the observed data for the given period. This correction formula resulted in an improvement in agreement between sensor values at the Suwon site. In addition, the detailed approach was developed to estimate the correction value for the period in which a correction formula was not calculated. In summary, the correction of soil moisture data at a regular time interval, e.g., twice a year, would be recommended for all observation sites to improve the quality of soil moisture observation data.

Variations in Morphological and Geochemical Characteristics in Manganese Nodules from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf with Varying Water Depths (동시베리아해 대륙붕에서 산출되는 망가니즈단괴의 수심에 따른 형태학적·지화학적 특성 변화)

  • Hyo-Jin Koo;Hyen-Goo Cho;Sangmi Lee;Gi-Teak Lim;Hyo-Im Kim
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we explore the morphological and geochemical characteristics for 440 manganese nodules collected from two different water depths [ARA12B-St52 (150 m, n = 239) and ARA12B-St58i (73 m, n = 201)] on the continental shelf of the East Siberian Sea from the ARA12B expedition in 2021. We also discussed the variations in the characteristics of manganese nodules with varying water depths in the Arctic Sea. The sizes of the nodules are generally greater than 3 cm at both sites. However, there is an obvious difference in the morphology with water depths. For the nodules collected at 150 m, brown-black colored tabular, tube, and ellipsoidal shapes with a rough surface texture are dominant. On the other hand, yellow-brown tabular shapes with a smooth surface texture are common for the nodules collected at 73 m. Furthermore, the slope of trend line between size and weight is significantly different at both sites: particularly, the slopes of nodules at 150 and 73 m are 1.60 and 0.84, respectively. This indicates the difference in the internal structure, porosity, and constituting elements between both nodules. Micro X-ray Flourescence (µ-XRF) results clearly demonstrate that the internal textures and chemical compositions are different with water depths. The nodules at 150 m are composed of a thick Mn-layer and a thin Fe-layer centered on the nucleus, while the nodules at 73 m are alternately grown with thin Mn- and Fe- layers around the nucleus. The average chemical compositions obtained by µ-XRF are 40.6 wt% Mn, 5.2 wt% Fe, and 7.9 Mn/Fe ratio at 150 m, and 10.3 wt% Mn, 19.0 wt% Fe, and 0.6 Mn/Fe ratio at 73 m. The chemical compositions of the nodules at 150 m are similar to those of nodules from the Peru Basin in the Pacific Ocean, while the compositions of the nodules at 73 m are similar to those of nodules from the Cook Islands or the Baltic Sea. The observed morphological and geochemical characteristics of the nodules show a clear difference at the two sites, which indicates that the aqueous conditions and formation processes of the nodules in the Arctic Sea vary with the water depths.

Effects of Temperature and Irrigation Intervals on Photosynthesis, Growth and Growth Analysis of Pot-grown Cucumber Seedlings (온도와 관수 주기가 오이 포트 묘의 광합성, 생육 및 생장 해석에 미치는 영향)

  • Jin Hee An;Eun Yong Choi;Yong Beom Lee;Ki Young Choi
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.148-156
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted in an indoor cultivation room and chamber where environmental control is possible to investigate the effect of temperature and irrigation interval on photosynthesis, growth and growth analysis of potted seedling cucumber. The light intensity (70 W·m-2) and humidity (65%) were set to be the same. The experimental treatments were six combinations of three different temperatures, 15/10℃, 25/20℃, and 35/25℃, and two irrigation intervals, 100 mL per day (S) and 200 mL every 2 days (L). The treatments were named 15S, 15L, 25S, 25L, 35S, and 35L. Seedlings at 0.5 cm in height were planted in pots (volume:1 L) filled with sandy loam and treated for 21 days. Photosynthesis, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance at 14 days after treatment were highest in 25S. These were higher in S treatments with a shorter irrigation interval than L treatments. Total amount of irrigation water was supplied evenly at 2 L, but the soil moisture content was highest at 15S and lowest at 25S > 15L > 25L, 35S and 35L in that order. Humidity showed a similar trend at 15/10℃ (61.1%) and 25/20℃ (67.2%), but it was as high at 35/25℃ (80.5%). Cucumber growth (plant height, leaf length, leaf width, chlorophyll content, leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight) on day 21 was the highest in 25S. Growth parameters were higher in S with shorter irrigation intervals. Yellow symptom of leaf was occurred in 89.9% at 35S and 35L, where the temperature was high. Relative growth rate (RGR) and specific leaf weight (SLA) were high at 25/20℃ (25S, 25L), RGR tended to be high in the S treatment, and SLA in the L treatment. Water use efficiency (WUE) was high in the order of 25S, 25L > 15S > 15L, 35S, and 35L. As a result of the above, the growth and WUE were high at the temperature of 25/20℃.

Study on Forage Cropping System Using Summer Forage Crops with Italian Ryegrass at Paddy Land of Gangjin Region in South Korea (남부지역 논에서 이탈리안 라이그라스와 하계 사료작물을 연계한 작부체계에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong Sung Jung;Se Young Lee;Mirae Oh;Hyung Soo Park;Ana Yun;Ki Choon Choi
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2023
  • This experiment was carried out to examine double cropping system using Italian ryegrass (IRG) 'Kowinearly', whole crop rice 'Yeongwoo' and barnyard millet 'Jeju native' during the Oct. 2020 to Oct. 2022. Three kinds of forage crops were cultivated at paddy field in Livestock Institute, Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Jeollanamdo, South Korea. Whole crop rice (WCR) was sown in late May and barnyard millet (BM) sown early June each year after harvesting IRG. We examined dry matter yield and feed value of forage crops depending on harvest time of forage crops during the experimental period. The plant height in heading stage of IRG ranged from 108 to 112cm and dry matter yield ranged from 6,783 to 11,530 kg ha-1. The crude protein (CP) of IRG ranged from 6.0 to 8.44%, acid detergent fiber (ADF) ranged from 55.6 to 60.2% and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) ranged from 32.58 to 36.7%, The dry matter yield of WCR increased as the harvest stage was delayed (14,310 kg ha-1 in milk, 16,167 kg ha-1 in yellow ripen, and 18,891 kg ha-1 in mature). Similar to results of dry matter yield of WCR, dry matter yield of BM increased as the harvest stage was delayed (11,194 kg ha-1 in late heading. and 14,308 kg ha-1 in mature), However nutrient content of WCR and BM showed a decreasing trend. As shown in above results, the productivity of WCR after harvesting IRG was shown to be high at paddy field in the southern region. However, BM also was appeared to have potential as summer forage crops.

A Study on Public Nuisance in Seoul, Pusan and Daegu Cities Part I. Survey on Air Pollution and Noise Level (공해(公害)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) 제일편(第一編) : 서울, 부산(釜山), 대구(大邱) 지역(地域)의 대기오염(大氣汚染) 및 소음(騷音)에 관(關)한 비교조사(比較調査) 연구(硏究))

  • Cha, Chul-Hwan;Shin, Young-Soo;Lee, Young-Il;Cho, Kwang-Soo;Choo, Chong-Yoo;Kim, Kyo-Sung;Choi, Dug-Il
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.41-64
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    • 1971
  • During the period from July 1st to the end of November 1970, a survey on air pollution and noise level was made in Seoul, Pusan and Taegu, the three largest cities in Korea. Each city was divided into 4-6 areas; the industrial area, the semi-industrial area, the commercial area, the residential area, the park area and the downtown area. Thirty eight sites were selected from each area. A. Method of Measurement : Dustfall was measured by the Deposit Gauge Method, sulfur oxides by $PbO_2$ cylinder method, suspended particles by the Digital Dust Indicator, Sulfur dioxide ($SO_2$) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) by the MSA & Kitakawa Detector and the noise levels by Rion Sound Survey meter. B. Results: 1. The mean value of dustfall in 3 cities was $30.42ton/km^2/month$, ranging from 8.69 to 95.44. 2. The mean values of dustfall by city were $33.17ton/km^2/month$ in Seoul, 32.11 in Pusan and 25.97 in Taegu. 3. The mean values of dustfall showed a trend of decreasing order of semi-industrial area, downtown area, industrial area, commercial area, residential area, and park area. 4. The mean value of dustfall in Seoul by area were $52.32ton/km^2/month$ in downtown, 50.54 in semi-industrial area, 40.37 in industrial area, 24,19 in commercial area, 16.25 in park area and 15.39 in residential area in order of concentration. 5. The mean values of dustfall in Pusan by area were $48.27ton/km^2/month$ in semi-industrial area, 36.68 in industrial area 25.31 in commercial area, and 18.19 in residential area. 6. The mean values of dustfall in Taegu by area were $36.46ton/km^2/month$ in downtown area, 33.52 in industrial area, 20.37 in commercial area and 13.55 in residential area. 7. The mean values of sulfur oxides in 3 cities were $1.52mg\;SO_3/day/100cm^2\;PbO_2$, ranging from 0.32 to 4.72. 8. The mean values of sulfur oxides by city were $1.89mg\;SO_3/day/100cm^2\;PbO_2$ in Pusan, 1.64 in Seoul and 1.21 in Taegu. 9. The mean values of sulfur oxides by area in 3 cities were $2.16mg\;SO_3/day/100cm^2\;PbO_2$ in industrial area, 1.69 in semi-industrial area, 1.50 in commercial area, 1.48 in downtown area, 1.32 in residential area and 0.94 in the park area, respectively. 10. The monthly mean values of sulfur oxides contents showed a steady increase from July reaching a peak in November. 11. The mean values of suspended particles was $2.89mg/m^3$, ranging from 1.15 to 5.27. 12. The mean values of suspended particles by city were $3.14mg/m^3$ in Seoul, 2.79 in Taegu and 2.25 in Pusan. 13. The mean values of noise level in 3 cities was 71.3 phon, ranging from 49 to 99 phon. 14. The mean values of noise level by city were 73 phon in Seoul, 72 in Pusan, and 69 in Taegu in that order. 15. The mean values of noise level by area in 3 cities showed a decrease in the order of the downtown area, commercial area, industrial area and semi-industrial area, park area and residential area. 16. The comparison of the noise levels by area in 3 cities indicated that the highest level was detected in the downtown area in Seoul and Taegu and in the industrial area in Pusan. 17. The daily average concentration of sulfur dioxides ($SO_2$) in 3 cities was 0.081 ppm, ranging from 0.004 to 0.196. 18. The daily average concentrations of sulfur dioxides by city were 0.092 ppm in Seoul, 0.089 in Pusan and 0.062 in Taegu in that order. 19. The weekly average concentration of carbon monoxides(CO) was 27.59 ppm. 20. The daily average concentrations of carbon monoxides by city were 33.37 ppm. in Seoul, 25.76 in Pusan and 23.65 in Taegu in that order. 21. The concentration of $SO_2$ and CO reaches a peak from 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. 22. About 3 times probably the daily average concentration of CO could be detected in the downtown area probably due to heavy traffic emission in comparison with that in the industial area. 23. As for daily variation of the concentration of $SO_2$ and CO it was found that the concentration maintains relatively higher value during weekdays in the industrial area and on the first part of the week in the downtown area.

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Continuous Positive Airway Pressure during Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Patients with Severe Hypoxemia (심한 저산소혈증 환자에서 기관지폐포세척술 시 안면마스크를 이용한 지속성 기도양압의 유용성)

  • An, Chang Hyeok;Lim, Sung Yong;Suh, Gee Young;Park, Gye Young;Park, Jung Woong;Jeong, Seong Hwan;Lim, Si Young;Oui, Misook;Koh, Won-Jung;Chung, Man Pyo;Kim, Hojoong;Kwon, O Jung
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2003
  • Background : A bronchoalveolar lavage(BAL) is useful in diagnosing the etiology of bilateral pulmonary infiltrations, but may worsen the oxygenation and clinical status in severely hypoxemic patients. This study assessed the safety and efficacy of the continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) using a conventional mechanical ventilator via a face mask as a tool for maintaining the oxygenation level during BAL. Methods : Seven consecutive patients with the bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and severe hypoxemia ($PaO_2/FIO_2$ ratio ${\leq}200$ on oxygen 10 L/min via mask with reservoir bag) were enrolled. The CPAP 5-6 $cmH_2O(F_IO_2\;1.0)$ was delivered through an inflatable face mask using a conventional mechanical ventilator. The CPAP began 10 min before starting the BAL and continued for 30 min after the procedure was completed. A bronchoscope was passed through a T-adapter and advanced through the mouth. BAL was performed using the conventional method. The vital signs, pulse oxymetry values, and arterial blood gases were monitored during the study. Results : (1) Median age was 56 years(male:female=4:3). (2) The baseline $PaO_2$ was $78{\pm}16mmHg$, which increased significantly to $269{\pm}116mmHg$(p=0.018) with CPAP. After the BAL, the $PaO_2$ did not decrease significantly but returned to the baseline level after the CPAP was discontinued. The $SpO_2$ showed a similar trend with the $PaO_2$ and did not decrease to below 90 % during the duration of the study. (3) The $PaCO_2$ increased and the pH decreased significantly after the BAL but returned to the baseline level within 30 min after the BAL. (5) No complications directly related to the BAL procedure were encountered. However, intubation was necessary in 3 patients(43 %) due to the progression of the underlying diseases. Conclusion : In severe hypoxemic patients, CPAP using a face mask and conventional mechanical ventilator during a BAL might allow minimal alterations in oxygenation and prevent subsequent respiratory failure.