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Selecting Ordering Policy and Items Classification Based on Canonical Correlation and Cluster Analysis

  • Nagasawa, Keisuke;Irohara, Takashi;Matoba, Yosuke;Liu, Shuling
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2012
  • It is difficult to find an appropriate ordering policy for a many types of items. One of the reasons for this difficulty is that each item has a different demand trend. We will classify items by shipment trend and then decide the ordering policy for each item category. In this study, we indicate that categorizing items from their statistical characteristics leads to an ordering policy suitable for that category. We analyze the ordering policy and shipment trend and propose a new method for selecting the ordering policy which is based on finding the strongest relation between the classification of the items and the ordering policy. In our numerical experiment, from actual shipment data of about 5,000 items over the past year, we calculated many statistics that represent the trend of each item. Next, we applied the canonical correlation analysis between the evaluations of ordering policies and the various statistics. Furthermore, we applied the cluster analysis on the statistics concerning the performance of ordering policies. Finally, we separate items into several categories and show that the appropriate ordering policies are different for each category.

Development of Classification Method for the Remote Sensing Digital Image Using Canonical Correlation Analysis (정준상관분석을 이용한 원격탐사 수치화상 분류기법의 개발 : 무감독분류기법과 정준상관분석의 통합 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Yong-Il;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Park, Min-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.4 no.2 s.8
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    • pp.181-193
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    • 1996
  • A new technique for land cover classification which applies digital image pre-classified by unsupervised classification technique, clustering, to Canonical Correlation Analysis(CCA) was proposed in this paper. Compared with maximum likelihood classification, the proposed technique had a good flexibility in selecting training areas. This implies that any selected position of training areas has few effects on classification results. Land cover of each cluster designated by CCA after clustering is able to be used as prior information for maximum likelihood classification. In case that the same training areas are used, accuracy of classification using Canonical Correlation Analysis after cluster analysis is better than that of maximum likelihood classification. Therefore, a new technique proposed in this study will be able to be put to practical use. Moreover this will play an important role in the construction of GIS database

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The Effects of Promotion Activities of Pharmaceutical Companies on Physicians' Prescription (제약회사의 판촉전략이 의약품 처방에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sang-Jun
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2011
  • This paper has aimed to identify marketing variables which affect physicians' prescription of drug. Based on a literature review this paper derives the three factors (indirect commercial source, direct commercial source, academic information source) of information sources that physicians rely on for medicines, the three factors (research supporting activity, marketing supporting activity, medicine information supporting activity) of promotion activities physicians prefer, and the four factors (indirect quality of medicine, direct quality of medicine, experience of using medicine, price and design of medicine) of prescription criteria physicians use. Then it investigates using canonical correlation analysis whether or not physicians' prescriptions are affected by the information sources, the promotion activities, and the type of physicians. From the canonical correlation analysis this paper derives the meaningful three canonical functions of prescription for drugs. The first function explains the prescription which is insensitive to marketing activities, the second function does the prescription which is sensitive to them, and the final function does the prescription which is not affected by them.

Distribution of phytoplankton species and associated environmental factors in the Southwestern Waters of the East Sea(Sea of Japan), Korea : A canonical correlation analysis (東海 西南海域 植物 플랑크톤 및 환경요인의 分析 : Canomcal Correlation 分析)

  • 심재형;이원호
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 1987
  • Canonical correlation analysis was applied on phytoplankton species and associated physico-chemical environmental factors of the surface mixed-later in the southwestern waters of the East Sea (Sea of Japan), Korea. Water temperature was the most significant environmental factor for the distribution of phytoplandton species among the seven factors examined in spring, and salinity in autumn. The importance of these two environmental factors was discussed with the seasonal variations of the hydrographical regime. Kuroshio indicators' and two protoperidinium species were positively associated with high water temperatures and high salinity. Small pennate diatoms and silicoflagellates seem to prefer lower temperatures, and they might compete each other for silicate nutrient resulting in lower K value in silicoflagellate species than in small diatoms. A nitrogen fixing blue-green alga, Oscillatoria erythraea, was found to be positively associated with phosphate concentration.

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TQM Performance and Job Satisfaction of Dietitians in Institutional Foodservices (단체급식소 영양사의 종합적품질경영(TQM) 수행과 직무만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Ki-Won;Yoon, Ji-Young
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.750-760
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    • 2006
  • This study was designed to investigate the correlation between perceived TQM performance and job satisfaction of dietitians. The objective of the study is to help the management of foodservice by providing a direction which will elevate perceived TQM performance of dietitians and presenting plans which will ensure effective foodservice management. The survey sample was dietitians (n = 308) who were charged with foodservice management. The questionnaires requested information about demographics self-perception of TQM importance and performance levels, and Job satisfaction. According to the TQM importance and performance analysis, the level of performance was typically high in TQM items recognized as important by dietitians and low in areas where the recognized level of importance was low. Analysis was conducted on the job satisfaction according to demographic characteristics. The level of satisfaction in terms of salary and promotion increased relatively for those working in the industries and those who were older, married, and full-time employees with longer careers. The lesser the number of working hours, the higher their satisfaction levels were. Canonical correlation analysis between TQM performance and job satisfaction indicated higher canonical correlation (canonical correlations coefficient: 0.59). In conclusion, TQM performance-job satisfaction showed higher canonical correlation. When information exchange via network is made possible and more external customer recognition is gained, it increases the level of job satisfaction. The above results suggest that further research on the scope of TQM performance is thoroughly needed and continual training is necessary for foodservice managers.

Local Feature Learning using Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis for Heterogeneous Face Recognition (이질적 얼굴인식을 위한 심층 정준상관분석을 이용한 지역적 얼굴 특징 학습 방법)

  • Choi, Yeoreum;Kim, Hyung-Il;Ro, Yong Man
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.848-855
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    • 2016
  • Face recognition has received a great deal of attention for the wide range of applications in real-world scenario. In this scenario, mismatches (so called heterogeneity) in terms of resolution and illumination between gallery and test face images are inevitable due to the different capturing conditions. In order to deal with the mismatch problem, we propose a local feature learning method using deep canonical correlation analysis (DCCA) for heterogeneous face recognition. By the DCCA, we can effectively reduce the mismatch between the gallery and the test face images. Furthermore, the proposed local feature learned by the DCCA is able to enhance the discriminative power by using facial local structure information. Through the experiments on two different scenarios (i.e., matching near-infrared to visible face images and matching low-resolution to high-resolution face images), we could validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of recognition accuracy using publicly available databases.

Canonical Correlation between Lifestyle and Benefit Sought of Rural Healing Tourists (농촌 치유관광객의 라이프스타일과 추구편익의 관계)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee;Min, Jae Han;Lee, Hye Young
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to investigate relationships between lifestyle and benefit sought of rural healing tourists. For data collection, a total of 3,000 copies of questionnaires were collected by nationwide online survey. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 26.0. The factor analysis identified seven dimensions of the lifestyle : conservative, sports activity orientation, health orientation, consumption orientation, achievement orientation, adventure orientation, and personal orientation. Five dimensions of benefit sought were identified as psychological recovery, outdoor activities, rest, rural experience, and exercise. The results of the canonical correlation analysis indicated that adventure orientation of lifestyle and psychological recovery, outdoor activities, rural experience, exercise of benefit sought were highly correlated. This means it is important to place an emphasis on psychological recovery, outdoor activities, rural experience, and exercise for tourists looking for an adventure away from everyday life. Rural healing tourism marketers should consider lifestyle aspects as the most important factors affecting benefit sought of rural healing tourism.

Improving Interpretability of Multivariate Data Through Rotations of Artificial Variates

  • Hwang, S.Y.;Park, A.M.
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.297-306
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    • 2004
  • It is usual that multivariate data analysis produces related (small number of) artificial variates for data reduction. Among them, refer to MDS(multidimensional scaling), MDPREF(multidimensional preference analysis), CDA(canonical discriminant analysis), CCA(canonical correlation analysis) and FA(factor analysis). Varimax rotation of artificial variables which is originally invented in FA for easy interpretations is applied to diverse multivariate techniques mentioned above. Real data analysisis is performed in order to manifest that rotation improves interpretations of artificial variables.

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Exploring COVID-19 in mainland China during the lockdown of Wuhan via functional data analysis

  • Li, Xing;Zhang, Panpan;Feng, Qunqiang
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.103-125
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we analyze the time series data of the case and death counts of COVID-19 that broke out in China in December, 2019. The study period is during the lockdown of Wuhan. We exploit functional data analysis methods to analyze the collected time series data. The analysis is divided into three parts. First, the functional principal component analysis is conducted to investigate the modes of variation. Second, we carry out the functional canonical correlation analysis to explore the relationship between confirmed and death cases. Finally, we utilize a clustering method based on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to run the cluster analysis on the counts of confirmed cases, where the number of clusters is determined via a cross-validation approach. Besides, we compare the clustering results with some migration data available to the public.

A Study on the discase pattern and current status of geriatric inpatients who are over 60 years of age through the Canonical Correlation (정준상관분석을 통한 60세 이상 노인에서 질병유형과 양상에 관한 연구 -의무기록정보를 활용하여-)

  • Kim, Yong-Ha;Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.432-437
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    • 2009
  • This paper has investigated disease structure and pattern against 9,955 (34.6%) elderly patients aged 60 or older at 'K' University Hospital from January 1 to December 31, 2007 through canonical correlation analysis. According to this investigation, the variable with the biggest correlation coefficient has been whether or not surgery has been performed. Since the aged are weaker than the young physically and mentally in general, a surgical operation has been considered. I hope that the result of this paper would be used as basic data for establishment of systematic geriatric health program and disease statistics.