• Title/Summary/Keyword: CAD환경

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On a Design and Implementation Technique of a Universal ATPG for VLSI Circuits (VLSI 회로용 범용 자동 패턴 생성기의 설계 및 구현 기법)

  • Jang, Jong-Gwon
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.425-432
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    • 1995
  • In this paper we propose a design and implementation technique of a universal automatic test pattern generator(UATPG) which is well suited for VLSI digital circuits. UATPG is designed to extend the capabilities of the existing APTG and to provide a convenient environment to computer-aided design(CAD) users. We employ heuristic techniques in line justification and fault propagation for functional gates during test pattern generation for a target fault. In addition, the flip-flops associated with design for testability (DFT) are exploited for pseudo PIs and pseudo POs to enhance the testabilities of VLSI circuits. As a result, UATPG shows a good enhancement in convenient usage and performance.

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Development of Drawing & Specification Management System Using 3D Object-based Product Model (3차원 객체기반 모델을 이용한 설계도면 및 시방서관리 시스템 구축)

  • Kim Hyun-nam;Wang Il-kook;Chin Sang-yoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.1 no.3 s.3
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    • pp.124-134
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    • 2000
  • In construction projects, the design information, which should contain accurate product information in a systematic way, needs to be applicable through the life-cycle of projects. However, paper-based 2D drawings and relevant documents has difficulties in communicating and sharing the owner's and architect's intention and requirement effectively and building a corporate knowledge base through on-going projects due to Tack of interoperability between specific task or function-oriented software and handling massive information. Meanwhile, computer and information technologies are being developed so rapidly that the practitioners are even hard to adapt them into the industry efficiently. 3D modeling capabilities in CAD systems are enormously developed and enables users to associate 3D models with other relevant information. However, this still requires a great deal of efforts and costs to have all the design information represented in CAD system, and the sophisticated system is difficult to manage. This research focuses on the transition period from 2D-based design Information management to 3D-based, which means co-existence of 2D and 3D-based management. This research proposes a model of a compound system of 2D and 3D-based CAD system which presents the general design information using 3D model integrating with 2D CAD drawings for detailed design information. This research developed an integrated information management system for design and specification by associating 2D drawings and 3D models, where 2D drawings represents detailed design and parts that are hard to express in 3D objects. To do this, related management processes was analyzed to build an information model which in turn became the basis of the integrated information management system.

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Multi-Constant Modulus Algorithm for Blind Decision Feedback Equalizer (블라인드 결정 궤환 등화기를 위한 다중 계수 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Jung-Su;Chong, Jong-Wha
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.709-717
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    • 2002
  • A new multi constant modulus algorithm (MCMA) for a blind decision feedback equalizer is proposed. In order to avoid the error propagation problem in the conventional DFE structure, Feed-Back Filter coefficients are updated only after Feed-Forward Filter coefficients are sufficiently converged to the steady state. Therefore, it has the problem of slow convergence speed characteristics. To overcome this drawback, the proposed MCMA algorithm uses not only new cost function considering the minimum distance between the received signal and the representative value containing the statistical characteristics of the transmitted signal, but also adaptive step-size according to the equalizer outputs to fast convergence speed of FBF. Simulations were carried out under the certified communication channel environment to evaluate a performance of the proposed equalizer. The simulation results show that the proposed equalizer has an improved convergence and SER performance compared with previous methods. The proposed techniques offer the possibility of practical equalization for cable modem and terrestrial HDTV broadcast (using 8-VSB or 64-QAM) applications.

Development of a Combustor in Portable Pellet Stoves Using Wood Pellets to Improve Combustion Efficiency and to Reduce Carbon Monoxide (CO) Emission (목재 펠릿(pellet)을 활용하는 휴대용 펠릿 난로의 연소 효율 향상과 일산화탄소(CO) 배출 저감을 위한 연소기 개발)

  • Min, Kyoung-Soon;Lim, Dae-Eun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.315-320
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    • 2020
  • Pellets are manufactured using wood by-products. The combustion efficiency of pellets depends on the pellet manufacturing process, the types of materials mixed while manufacturing and the wood pellet stoves themselves. In this study, we developed a multi-layer combustor to be used in a wood pellet stove, for the purpose of reducing environmental pollution and energy waste due to incomplete combustion. The multi-layer combustor was designed to compensate for the shortcomings of existing combustors. A CAD (Computer Aided Design) model was verified using a 3D printer and a prototype was developed. The combustion experiments were conducted on commercial and proposed combustors using pellets of the same brand, manufacturing date, place and specifications. From the experiments, it was found that the proposed combustor produced the lowest carbon monoxide (CO) emission and highest thermal efficiency.

Association of Clusterin Polymorphisms (-4453T<G, 5608T<C) with Coronary Heart Disease in Korean Population (한국인에서의 Clusterin의 유전자다형성(-4453T<G, 5608T<C)과 관상동맥질환과의 연관성)

  • Kim, Su-Won;Yoo, Min
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.584-588
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    • 2010
  • Clusterin is an 80 kDa heterodimetric glycosylated protein which plays diverse biological roles in various tissues and organs. Clusterin is reported to be associated with the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis. Therefore, we investigated the genotype for the T

A Study of Augmented Reality based Visualization using Shape Information of Building Information Modeling (BIM 형상정보를 이용한 증강현실기반 가시화 사례)

  • Heo, Kyung-Jin;Lee, Seok-Jun;Jung, Soon-Ki
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2012
  • In the current construction planning and designing process, an architectural miniature model was designed to verify the interior or exterior spatial sense of a building structure, but building of the miniature model is demand much more effort and time; in addition to this it has limitation to identify interior information of the building. For a complement of it, CAD would be used in the existing planning and designing process to visualize the building information, but its visualization is not satisfactory for the 3D volume which could be easily verified with the miniature model. CAD is the specific software for designing building structures and the 3D results are usually rendered on 2D monitor screen. Therefore, there is a shortage of cognitive immersion for the 3D space. In this paper, we introduce the conversion process of BIM shape data into the Augmented Reality contents by using a series of softwares. As a result of modification on construction plan or design we reduced the cost and time to reconstruct the final visualization. We have shown that the interior or exterior information of the building structures are easily visualized with BIM shape data on augmented reality environment. Several proposed interaction methods, such as rem oval of building components, and slice-cut operation, provide the user for the effective manipulation of models on the augmented reality environment.

Construction of Virtual Environment for a Vehicle Simulator (자동차 시뮬레이터의 가상환경 구성에 대한 연구)

  • Chang, Chea-Won;Son, Kwon;Choi, Kyung-Hyun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.158-168
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    • 2000
  • Vehicle driving simulators can provide engineers with benefits on the development and modification of vehicle models. One of the most important factors to realistic simulations is the fidelity given by a motion system and a real-time visual image generation system. Virtual reality technology has been widely used to achieve high fidelity. In this paper the virtual environment including a visual system like a head-mounted display is developed for a vehicle driving simulator system by employing the virtual reality technique. virtual vehicle and environment models are constructed using the object-oriented analysis and design approach. Accordint to the object model a three dimensional graphic model is developed with CAD tools such as Rhino and Pro/E. For the real-time image generation the optimized IRIS Performer 3D graphics library is embedded with the multi-thread methodology. Compared with the single loop apprach the proposed methodology yields an acceptable image generation speed 20 frames/sec for the simulator.

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제조업에서의 설계변경관리 시스템

  • 주관정;김정남;이진규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1993.04b
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    • pp.338-348
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    • 1993
  • 최근 기업활동에 있어서 설계부문의 합리화 TOOL로서 CAD/CAM이 장착 되어가고 있으며, 또 이를 중심으로 한 기술정보시스템이 개발 활용되고 있다. 그러나 지금까지의 기술정보 시스템은 도면관리정보, 각종부품정보, 설계자동화 및 문서 편집 처리등에 중점을 둔 ,주로 단기적 설계 공수절감을 위한ENGINEERING DATA BASE 구축과 활용이었다. 그러나 최근 제조업에서는 제조에관한 모든 업무를 켬퓨터 네 트워크와 데이타베이스로 통합하는 CIM구축에 큰 관심이 모아지고 있다. CIM은 제조업의 전략정보 시스템으로서 개발, 생산, 퍄ㄴ매기능을 유기적으로 결합하여 경영적인 효과를 목표로 하고 있다. 이와같은 CIM환경에 대응하기 위해 설계와 생산과의 강한 연계성을 지닌 설계 변경관리 시스템의 개발 필요성이 요구되고 있는 시점이라고 할 수 있다. 본 설계변경관리 시스템은 제품개발에 관련된 다양한 정보 를 통합적 환경으로, 개발, 생산,판매등에 유통시킴으로써 신속한 정보전달및 업무 처리가 가능하다.

Development of a Real-time Collaborative Engineering System that supports CPC (CPC 환경을 지원하는 실시간 협업설계 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Il-Joong;Choi, Hong-Gun;Jung, Yong-Moon;Cho, Hak-Rae
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2002.11c
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    • pp.2371-2374
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    • 2002
  • 많은 기업들은 협업 시스템을 사용하여 제품을 보다 효율적으로 개발하기 위해서 조직과 조직 또는 기업과 기업간의 동시성 협업을 실시간으로 지원하는 시스템에 대한 연구와 개발이 진행되고 있다. 협업설계 시스템은 가상 협동 공간에서의 공동작업을 통해 지역적으로 떨어져 있는 개발자들이 직접 만나지 않고 CAD, VR, Web, 오피스문서와 같은 기업내의 다양한 데이터를 손쉽게 공유할 수 있는 시스템으로 제품의 다양화 및 신속한 출시를 가능케 한다. 본 논문에서는 실시간 협업설계 시스템 개발에 필요한 요소기술과 주요 구성원을 먼저 소개하고 CPC (Collaborative Product Commerce) 환경을 지원하는 방안과 시스템 구축사례를 소개한다.

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Effect of Biofilter Operation Parameters on Dimethyl Disulfide Removal : Loading, Time, and Concentration

  • Arpacioglu, Bora C.;Kim, Jo-Chun;Allen, Eric R.;Kim, Seoung-Hyun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.783-791
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    • 2002
  • A laboratory-scale dual-column biofilter system was used to study the biofiltration of dimethyl disulfide(DMDS). The biofiltration of DMDS was found to depend on the pollutant loadings rather than the inlet concentrations. It was estimated that the pollutant was only inhibitory to the operation of the biofilters at DMDS concentrations greater than 5500 ppmv A residence time of 30 seconds(120 m$^3$/m$^2$/h volumetric loading) was determined as appropriate for efficient operation(>90%). The maximum elimination capacity for both compost mixtures under the current experimental conditions was found to range from 7.5 to 10 g-DMDS/m$^3$/h. A lower DMDS maximum elimination capacity was exhibited under acidified conditions.