• Title/Summary/Keyword: C-arm

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Removal of Broken Instruments in Soft Tissue at Mandibular Area Using a Dental Mini C-arm: Case Reports (치과용 소형 C자형 투시장치를 이용한 하악 연조직에 위치한 부러진 기구의 제거: 증례보고)

  • Park, Sung-Soo;Yang, Hoon-Joo;Hwang, Soon-Jung
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.567-572
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    • 2010
  • Intraoperative breakage of instruments can be occurred unexpectedly. To prevent damage of neighboring important anatomic structures and consequent complications, broken instruments should be removed as soon as possible. There have been several methods to remove broken instruments. One of them is the Carm fluoroscopy which is commonly used for locating metal foreign bodies. However, its application for removal of broken instruments in the oral and maxillofacial area is not common. In our experiences with the removal of two broken instruments in mandibular area, the newly developed dental mini C-arm was used to find broken instrument in soft tissue, because it gives real-time in situ information for the intraoperative location. We report two cases with broken instruments, a broken dental needle in the pterygomandibular space and a broken straight bur in the mandibular angle area. They were identified and could be removed safely using a dental mini C-arm.

Virtual ARM Machine for Embedded System Development (임베디드 시스템의 가상 ARM 머신의 개발)

  • Lee, So-Jin;An, Young-Ho;Han, Alex H;Hwang, Young-Si;Chung, Ki-Seok
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2008
  • To reduce time-to-market, more and more embedded system developers and system-on-chip designers rely on microprocessor-based design methodology. ARM processor has been a major player in this industry over the last 10 years. However, there are many restrictions on developing embedded software using ARM processor in the early design stage. For those who are not familiar with embedded software development environment or who cannot afford to have an expensive embedded hardware equipment, testing their software on a real ARM hardware platform is a challenging job. To overcome such a problem, we have designed VMA (Virtual ARM Machine), which offers easier testing and debugging environment to ARM based embedded system developers. Major benefits that can be achieved by utilizing a virtual ARM platform are (1) reducing development cost, (2) lowering the entrance barrier for embedded system novices, and (3) making it easier to test and debug embedded software designs. Unlike many other purely software-oriented ARM simulators which are independent of real hardware platforms, VMA is specifically targeted on SYS-Lab 5000 ARM hardware platform, (designed by Libertron, Inc.), which means that VMA imitates behaviors of embedded software as if the software is running on the target embedded hardware as closely as possible. This paper will describe how VMA is designed and how VMA can be used to reduce design time and cost.

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A Chromosomal Study on the Genus Cobitis (Pisces : Cobitidae) in the Southern Part of Korea (한국 남부지방에 서식하는 기름종개속(Cobitis) 어류의 핵형 비교)

  • KIM Ik-Soo;LEE Ji-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 1986
  • The Chromosomes of five cobitid fishes, Cobitis taenia taenia, C. taenia lutheri, C. taenia striata, C. longicorpus and C. koreensis were studied. The karyotypic studies were based on the observations from the flame-drying preparations. The results obtained such as the number of somatic chromosomes, the type of chromosomes according to the centromeric loci and the number of chromosomal arm(AN) were as follows: C. longicorpus, 2n=50, 12m-8sm-30a, AN=70; C. koreensis, 2n=50, 10m-12sm-28a, AN=72; C. taenia taenia, 2n=48, 14m-4sm-30a, AN=66: C. taenia lutheri, 2n=50, 10m-6sm-34a, AN=66; and C. taenia striata, 2n=50, 10m-6sm-34a, AN=66. Peculiarly, in the case of C. taenia lutheri the chromosome number of somatic diploid was found to be 48-51, however, the number of chromosomal arm was 66, irrespective of the difference in the numbers of each somatic genome. It was confirmed there exists the Robertsonian event, one of the chromosomal polymorphism in C.t. lutheri. It was remarked taxonomically that the karyotype of C. taenia taenia of Korea having 48 diploid chromosomes was not identical with that of Europe and Japan with 50 chromosomes. Based on the karyotype analysis the Korean cobitid fishes can be classified roughly into three species groups according to arm numbers and diploid numbers; 1) C. taenia taenia, C. taenia lutheri, C. taenia striata 2) C. koreensis, C. longicor pus, C. rotundicaudata and 3) C. granoei.

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The Performance Measurement and Comparison for Real-Time Control Application of ARM920T (ARM920T의 Real-Time 제어적용을 위한 성능 측정 및 비교)

  • Kim, Taek-Ki;Park, Sang-Hyuk;Lim, Jae-Sik;Lee, Young-Il
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.59-60
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we investigate the ability of the ARM processor to implement an industrial controller with or without embedded operating system. Discrete-time PID controllers are implemented and tested under various settings e.g. cache on/off, different clock frequencies using S3C2410X chip. A method of real-time application of discrete-time PID controller in WinCE environment is proposed. Based on the test result, we provide the maximum sampling frequencies of PID controller using ARM processor.

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Application Study of Nonlinear Transformation Control Theory for Link Arm System (링크 암에 대한 비선형 변환 제어 이론의 응용 연구)

  • Baek, Y.S.;Yang, C.I.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 1996
  • The equations of motion for a basic industrial robotic system which has a rigid or a flexible arm are derived by Lagrange's equation, respectively. Especially, for the deflection of the flexible arm, the assumed mode method is employed. These equations are highly nonlinear equations with nonlinear coupling between the variables of motion. In order to design the control law for the rigid-arm robot, Hunt-Su's nonlinear transformation method and Marino's feedback equivalence condition are used with linear quadratic regulator(LQR) theory. The control law for the rigid-arm robot is employed to input the desired path and to provide the required nonlinear transformations for the flexible-arm robot to follow. By using the implicit Euler method to solve the nonlinear equations, the comparison of the motions between the flexible and the rigid robots and the effect of flexibility are examined.

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Development of a New 5 DOF Mobile Robot Arm and its Motion Control System

  • Choi Hyeung-Sik;Lee Chang-Man;Chun Chang-Hun
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.1159-1168
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, a new revolute mobile robot arm with five degree of freedom (d.o.f) was developed for autonomous moving robots. As a control system for the robot arm, a distributed control system composed of the main controller and five motor controllers for arm joints was developed. The main controller and the motor controllers w ε re developed using the ARM microprocessor and the TMS320c2407 microprocessor, respectively. A new trajectory tracking algorithm for the motor controllers was devised employing pre-generated off-line trajectory data. Also, a 3-D simulator based on the openGL software to simulate the motion of the robot arm was developed. To validate the performance of the robot system, experiments to track a specified trajectory were performed.

End-point control of a flexible arm under base fluctuation

  • Chonan, Seiji;Sato, Hidehiro
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1989.10a
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    • pp.600-605
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    • 1989
  • A theoretical study is presented for the end-point holding control of a one-link flexible arm, whose base is subjected to a lateral fluctuation. The arm is clamped on a rigid hub mounted directly on the shaft of d.c. servomoter. The tip position is measured by a gap sensor fixed in space isolated from the system vibration. The arm is controlled so as to make the end point stay precisely at its initial position even if the base is fluctuated.

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