• Title/Summary/Keyword: C 프레임

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Networked Airborne Relay-Based Positioning Scheme and Performance Enhancement Study Based on TDMA Networks (시분할다중접속 네트워크 기반의 공중 중계 기반 융합 측위 기법 및 성능 향상 연구)

  • Lee, Kyuman;Noh, Hongjun;Park, Hyungwon;Lim, Jaesung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.41 no.12
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    • pp.1824-1833
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose networked airborne relay-based positioning scheme (N-ARPS) based on time division multiple access (TDMA) networks to improve the performance of relative navigation (RelNav). To integrate the ARPS into TDMA, there are three problems such as slot allocation, selection of airborne relays, and method for signal loss to be solved. A subframe of N-ARPS is designed to assign the slots for broadcast and relay of navigation signals consecutively to minimize the effect of mobility. The selection algorithm determines the optimum set of airborne relays by selecting evenly distributed nodes depending on their distances to the master station. Finally, we uses precise position location information (PPLI) messages, which are received in data transmission period, to estimate a user position when the navigation signals are missing. The simulation results indicate that N-ARPS significantly improves user accuracy over RelNav.

3D Modeling of Self-Occluding Objects from 2D Drawings (자기폐색 물체의 2D 커브로부터의 3D모델링)

  • Cordier Frederic;Seo Hye-Won;Cho Young-Sang
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.33 no.9
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    • pp.741-750
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a method for reconstructing a 3D object (or a set of objects) from a 2D drawing provided by a designer. The input 2D drawing consists of a set of contours that may partially overlap each other or be self-overlapping. Accordingly, the resulting 3D object(s) may occlude each other or be self-occluding. The proposed method is composed of three major steps: 2D contour analysis, 3D skeleton computation, and 3D object construction. Our main contribution is to compute the 3D skeleton from the self-intersecting 2D counterpart. We formulate the 3D skeleton construction problem as a sequence of optimization problems, to shape the skeleton and place it in the 3D space while satisfying C1-continuity and intersection-free conditions. Our method is mainly for a silhouette-based sketching interface for the design of 3D objects including self-intersecting objects.

Video Player for Online SVC Stream in Android Platform (안드로이드 플랫폼에서 온라인 SVC 스트림을 재생하는 비디오 재생기의 설계 및 구현)

  • Hwang, Ki-Tae
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2012
  • This paper introduces an implementation of SVC player which runs on Android platform and can play SVC video stream on line from SVC video server. SVC(Scalable Video Coding) is a scalable video encoding technique which supports three scalability such as temporal scalability, spatial scalability, and quality scalability. To implement the SVC player on Android, we implemented a SVC decoder using JSVM open source written in C/C++ as a native part on Android and developed Android UI in Java. Also we built an SVC encoding system off line and an SVC streaming server to conduct on-line SVC streaming experiments. Finally, after we installed the SVC player developed in this paper on Motoroi mobile phone, we evaluated and analyzed on-line streaming performance of the SVC player. The result showed that the player worked well and it had no jitter in streaming with the size of QCIF and 10fps from a fully encoded SVC video source.

A Comparison Study on the Semi-empirical Analysis Approach for the Flight Characteristics of a Light Airplane (경비행기의 비행특성 분석 및 준경험적 분석 방법 비교)

  • Lee, Jung-hoon
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • In this study, for development of the MDO (Multi Disciplinary Optimization) framework, the flight dynamic characteristic parameters of the ChangGong-91, a light aircraft, were extracted by an analytical method based on various semi-empirical methods, and the flight test method was compared and evaluated. The semi-empirical analysis methods for comparative subjects were the Perkins method, McCormick method, and Smetana method. The major stability/control derivatives and dynamic factors were calculated, using each method. As the comparison criteria, the flight test derivative estimates and dynamic factors were processed, using the output error method. Additionally, the flight characteristics of the light aircraft were analyzed and evaluated according to the provisions of the Korean Airworthiness Standard (KAS) of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and MIL-F-8785C for the U.S. military.

Tribological Characteristics of DLC-Coated Part in Compressor (컴프레서 부품의 DLC코팅 적용에 따른 트라이볼로지적 특성 연구)

  • Yoon, Joo-Yong;Seo, Kuk-Jin;Han, Jae-Ho;Chun, Jihwan;Song, Jiyoung;Koh, Youngdeog;Nam, Jahyun;Kim, Seonkyo;Kim, Dae-Eun
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2022
  • Amorphous carbon (a-C) has excellent wear resistance and, therefore is used as a coating to protect numerous mechanical components to prolong their lifetimes. Among the a-C coatings, diamond-like carbon (DLC) and DLC-containing silicon (Si-DLC) receive extensive attention owing to their enhanced wear resistance and low frictional characteristics. In this study, the friction and wear characteristics of DLC and Si-DLC coatings are analyzed. For comparative analysis, DLC-coated and Si-DLC-coated vanes are utilized with the counterpart of a roller for the friction tests. Since the lubricated mechanical components are generally vulnerable to wear when a lubricant film does not form properly, friction tests are conducted under boundary lubrication conditions to promote wear. A cylinder-on-cylinder type tribometer is used to perform the friction tests with various normal load conditions. After the friction test, a 3D laser confocal microscope is used for quantifying the wear volume to calculate the wear rate of each specimen. Consequently, the DLC-coated specimen shows a lower coefficient of friction (COF) and wear rate than the specimen without the coating, while the Si-DLC coating shows a higher COF than the bare specimen. The results of this study are expected to contribute to improving the efficiency and reliability of compressors.

The Development of the Lens of the Optical System for High Concentration Solar PV System (고집광 태양광 발전을 위한 광학시스템 렌즈 개발)

  • Ryu, Kwang-Sun;Cha, Won-Ho;Shin, Goo-Hwan;Cho, Hee-Keun;Kim, Young-Sik;Kang, Seong-Won;Kang, Gi-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 2011
  • The artificial increase in the solar intensity incident on solar cells using lenses or mirrors can allow solar cells to generate equivalent power with a lower cost. There are two types of concentration optics for solar energy conversion. One is to use mirrors, and the other is to use Fresnel lenses. The gains that can be achieved with a Fresnel lens or a parabolic mirror are compared. The result showed the gains are comparable and the two configurations were developed competitively. In application areas of Fresnel lenses as solar concentrators, several variations of design were devised and tested. Some PV systems still use commercially available flat Fresnel lenses as concentrators. A convex linear Fresnel lens to improve the concentration ratio and the efficiency is devised and flat linear Fresnel lens in thermal energy collection is utilized. In this study, we designed and optimized flat Fresnel lens and the 'light pipe' to develop 500X concentrated solar PV system. In the process, we compare the transmission efficiencies according to groove types. We performed rigorous ray tracing simulation of the flat Fresnel lenses. The computer aided simulation showed the 'grooves in case' has the better efficiency than that of 'grooves out case'. Based on the ray-trace results we designed and manufactured sample Fresnel lenses. The optical performance were measured and compared with ray-trace results. Finally, the optical efficiency was measured to be above 75%. All the design and manufacturing were performed based on that InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple junction solar cell is used to convert the photon energy to electrical power. Field test will be made and analyzed in the near future.

A Study on Image Copyright Archive Model for Museums (미술관 이미지저작권 아카이브 모델 연구)

  • Nam, Hyun Woo;Jeong, Seong In
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.23
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this multi-disciplinary convergent study is to establish Image Copyright Archive Model for Museums to protect image copyright and vitalize the use of images out of necessity of research and development on copyright services over the life cycle of art contents created by the museums and out of the necessity to vitalize distribution market of image copyright contents in creative industry and to formulate management system of copyright services. This study made various suggestions for enhancement of transparency and efficiency of art contents ecosystem through vitalization of use and recycling of image copyright materials by proposing standard system for calculation, distribution, settlement and monitoring of copyright royalty of 1,000 domestic museums, galleries and exhibit halls. First, this study proposed contents and structure design of image copyright archive model and, by proposing art contents distribution service platform for prototype simulation, execution simulation and model operation simulation, established art contents copyright royalty process model. As billing system and technological development for image contents are still in incipient stage, this study used the existing contents billing framework as basic model for the development of billing technology for distribution of museum collections and artworks and automatic division and calculation engine for copyright royalty. Ultimately, study suggested image copyright archive model which can be used by artists, curators and distributors. In business strategy, study suggested niche market penetration of museum image copyright archive model. In sales expansion strategy, study established a business model in which effective process of image transaction can be conducted in the form of B2B, B2G, B2C and C2B through flexible connection of museum archive system and controllable management of image copyright materials can be possible. This study is expected to minimize disputes between copyright holder of artwork images and their owners and enhance manageability of copyrighted artworks through prevention of such disputes and provision of information on distribution and utilization of art contents (of collections and new creations) owned by the museums. In addition, by providing a guideline for archives of collections of museums and new creations, this study is expected to increase registration of image copyright and to make various convergent businesses possible such as billing, division and settlement of copyright royalty for image copyright distribution service.

FPGA-based One-Chip Architecture and Design of Real-time Video CODEC with Embedded Blind Watermarking (블라인드 워터마킹을 내장한 실시간 비디오 코덱의 FPGA기반 단일 칩 구조 및 설계)

  • 서영호;김대경;유지상;김동욱
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.8C
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    • pp.1113-1124
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we proposed a hardware(H/W) structure which can compress and recontruct the input image in real time operation and implemented it into a FPGA platform using VHDL(VHSIC Hardware Description Language). All the image processing element to process both compression and reconstruction in a FPGA were considered each of them was mapped into H/W with the efficient structure for FPGA. We used the DWT(discrete wavelet transform) which transforms the data from spatial domain to the frequency domain, because use considered the motion JPEG2000 as the application. The implemented H/W is separated to both the data path part and the control part. The data path part consisted of the image processing blocks and the data processing blocks. The image processing blocks consisted of the DWT Kernel fur the filtering by DWT, Quantizer/Huffman Encoder, Inverse Adder/Buffer for adding the low frequency coefficient to the high frequency one in the inverse DWT operation, and Huffman Decoder. Also there existed the interface blocks for communicating with the external application environments and the timing blocks for buffering between the internal blocks The global operations of the designed H/W are the image compression and the reconstruction, and it is operated by the unit of a field synchronized with the A/D converter. The implemented H/W used the 69%(16980) LAB(Logic Array Block) and 9%(28352) ESB(Embedded System Block) in the APEX20KC EP20K600CB652-7 FPGA chip of ALTERA, and stably operated in the 70MHz clock frequency. So we verified the real time operation of 60 fields/sec(30 frames/sec).

Parallel clustering technology for real-time LWIR band image processing (실시간 LWIR 밴드 영상 처리를 위한 병렬 클러스터링 기술)

  • Cho, Yongjin;Lee, Kyou-seung;Hong, Seongha;Oh, Jong-woo;Lee, DongHoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.158-158
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    • 2017
  • 비닐포장 하부에 위치한 콩의 생장 초기에 발생한 초엽을 인식하기 위한 연구를 수행중이다. 선행 연구에서 비닐포장에 접촉한 콩 초엽으로 인해 비닐포장 상부 표면의 열 반응 분포에 변화가 있음을 발견하였다. 현장에서 주행 중에 콩 초엽의 위치를 실시간으로 인식하고 연동된 선형 또는 회전형 엑츄에이터를 제어하여 정확한 위치에 천공을 수행하기 위해서는 계측 시스템과 제어 시스템간의 시간적 차이를 최소할 수 있는 실시간 신호 처리 기술이 필수적이다. 선행 연구에서 사용한 다중 IR 센서의 분해능은 $16{\times}4pixel$이며 주파수는 3 Hz로, 폭이 30cm 내외인 비닐포장 상부의 정밀 분석에 한계가 있음을 발견하였다. 이를 해결하기 위하여 분해능과 계측 주기를 개선할 수 있는 초소형 ($1cm{\times}1cm{\times}1cm$) 열화상 센서를 이용하였다. LWIR(Longwave infrared)영역에 해당하는 $8{\mu}m{\sim}14{\mu}m$의 영역에서 $0.05^{\circ}C$의 분해능을 보이는 $ Lepton^{TM}$ (500-0690-00, FLIR, Goleta, CA)모델을 사용하였다. 프레임당 $80{\times}60$ 픽셀의 정보가 2 Byte의 단위로 계측이 되며 9 Hz의 주파수로 대상면의 열 분포를 측정할 수 있다. 이론적으로 초당 정보 전송량은 86,400 Byte ($80{\times}60{\times}2{\times}9$)이며, 1 m를 진행하는 주행형 천공기에 적용할 경우 1 프레임당 10cm 정도의 면적을 측정하므로, 최대 위치 판정 분해능은 약 10 cm / 60 pixel = 0.17 cm/pixel로 상대적으로 정밀한 위치 판별이 가능하다. $80{\times}60{\times}2Byet$의 정보를 0.1초 이내에 분석해야 하는 기술적 과제를 해결하기 위하여 천공 작업기에 적합한 상용 SBC(Single board computer)의 클럭 속도(1 Ghz)로 처리 가능한 공간 분포 분석 알고리즘을 개발하였다. 전체 이미지 도메인을 한 번에 분석하는데 소요되는 시간을 최소화하기 위하여 공간정보 행렬을 균등히 배분하고 별도의 프로세서에서 Feature를 분석한 후 개별 프로세서의 결과를 경합식으로 판정하는 기술을 연구하였다. 오픈 소스인 MPICH(www.mpich.org) 라이브러리를 이용하여 개발한 신호 분석 프로그램을 클러스터링으로 연동된 개별 코어에 설치/수행 하였다. 2D 행렬인 열분포 정보를 공간적으로 균등 분배하여 개별 코어에서 행렬의 Spatial domain analysis를 수행하였다. $20{\times}20$의 클러스터링 단위를 이용할 경우 총 12개의 코어가 필요하였으며, 초당 10회의 연산이 가능함을 확인하였다. 병렬 클러스터링 기술을 이용하여 1m/s 내외의 주행 속도에 대응이 가능한 비닐포장 상부 열 분포 분석 시스템을 구현하였다.

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Development and Application of Slime Meter for Evaluation of Slime Thickness in Borehole (굴착공 내 슬라임 두께 평가를 위한 슬라임미터의 개발 및 적용)

  • Hong, Won-Taek;Woo, Gyuseong;Lee, Jong-Sub;Song, Myung Jun;Lim, Daesung;Park, Min-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2018
  • The slime formed at the bottom of the borehole causes the excessive displacement and loss of the bearing capacity of the drilled shaft. In this study, the slime meter is developed for the evaluation of the slime based on the electrical properties of the fluid and the slime in the borehole. The slime meter is composed of a probe instrumented with electrodes and temperature sensor and a frame with rotary encoder, so that the slime meter profiles the electrical resistivity compensated with temperature effect along the depth. For the application of the slime meter, three field tests are conducted at a borehole with a diameter of 3 m and a depth of 46.9 m with different testing time and locations. For all the tests, the experimental results show that while electrical resistivities are constantly measured in the fluid, the electrical resistivities sharply increase at the surface of the slime. Therefore, the slime thicknesses are estimated by the differences in the depths of the slime surface and the ground excavation. The experimental results obtained at the same testing point with different testing time show that the estimated thickness of the slime increases by the elapsed time. Also, the estimated slime at the side of the borehole is thicker than that at the center of the borehole. As the slime meter estimates the slime in the borehole by measuring the electrical resistivity with simple equipment, the slime meter may be effectively used for the evaluation of the slime formed at the bottom of the borehole.