• Title/Summary/Keyword: C/A code

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Code Construction Methods for Error Discriminating and Unidirectional Error Control Codes

  • Ahn Tae Nam;Sakaniwa Kohichi;Rao T. R. N.
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.56-77
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    • 1989
  • A new concept, namely the error discrimination of a code defined as the capability to not only detect errors from two distinct error sets but also to distinguish between them has been introduced in [SAKA 89a]. Consider $E_+\;and\;E_-$ as the two distinct error sets, namely the positive error set and the negative error set respectively. If a code C is not only capable of detecting any error e in {$E_+,\;E_-$}, but also able to identify the error set to which e belongs then the code is said to be an $E_+\;&\;E_-$ error discriminating code. The error discriminating property enables construction of unidirectional error detecting/correcting codes using asymmetric error control code. We derive here theory for asymmetric t error correcting and d error detecting codes. Furthermore, unidirectional error control code construction methods are introduced using asymmetric error control codes and $E_+\;&\;E_-$ error discriminating codes.

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A Novel Scheme to Mitigate a GPS L1 C/A Signal Repeat-back Jamming Effect, According to a Code Tracking Bias Estimation, Using Combined Pseudo-random Noise Signals (통합 의사잡음신호 기반 부호추적편이 추정에 따른 GPS L1 C/A 신호의 재방송재밍 영향 완화 기법)

  • Yoo, Seungsoo;Yeom, Dong-Jin;Jee, Gyu-In;Kim, Sun Yong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.869-875
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, a novel scheme with which to mitigate a repeat-back jamming effect is proposed for the GPS L1 coarse/acquisition signal. The proposed scheme estimates the code tracking bias caused by repeat-back jamming signals using a Combined Pseudo-random noise signal. It then mitigates the repeat-back jamming effect by subtracting the estimated code timing on a normal correlation channel from the estimated value. Through a Monte-Carlo simulation, the proposed scheme can diminish the running average of code tracking bias to less than 10% of the bias using the conventional scheme.

A New Efficient Acpuisition Method and Its Implementation using the Phase Offset of Binary Code (이원부호 위상 오프셋를 이용한 새로운 방식의 동기 획득 시스템 구현)

  • 김동희;한영열
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.11-14
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    • 1998
  • This paper introuces a new efficient method of synchronization acquisition which is the most important element in DS-CDMA system using the phase offset of binary code. This approach uses the binary code function which can easily estimate the phase offset from the received spreading waveforms which respect to the receiver-stored replica of the spreading code. This paper proposes the initial acquisition model with repeat error control device that is good for perfomance. The hardware is implemented by TMS320c30

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A Standard [UC;AG] Vertical Block Code of Genetic Information 64 Trigram Codon (유전정보 64 Trigram Codon의 표준 [UC;AG] 수직 블록 Code)

  • Park, Ju-Yong;Lee, Sung-Kook;Lee, Moon-Ho
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we analyze the [UC;AG] code which is genetic information standard DNA code, with 64 trigram. DNA which contains human genetic information, is a shape of adding three billion pairs of four bases which are A(adenine), C(cytosine), G(guanine) and T(thymine) to phosphoric acid and glucose. We present standard DNA code to 64 trigram which is $64{\times}4$ matrix with Kronecker product. This $64{\times}4$ matrix has double helix duplex property, and we can get the $4{\times}4$ matrix RNA code by removing the duplex of it. We present the DNA double helix to matrices and analysis the trigram array code of genetic information and the examples of it are presented in example 5, 6.

CFD Code Development for a Two-phase Flow with an Interfacial Area Transport Equation (계면면적 수송방정식을 적용한 이상유동 해석코드 개발)

  • Bae, B.U.;Yoon, H.Y.;Euh, D.J.;Song, C.H.;Park, G.C.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05b
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    • pp.2696-2701
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    • 2007
  • For the analysis of a two-phase flow, the interaction between two phases such as the interfacial momentum or heat transfer is proportional to the interfacial area. So the interfacial area concentration (IAC) is one of the most important parameters governing the behavior of each phase. This study focuses on the development of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code for investigating a boiling flow with a one-group IAC transport equation. It was based on the two-fluid model and governing equations were calculated by SMAC algorithm. For checking the robustness of the developed code, the experiment of a subcooled boiling in a vertical annulus channel was analyzed to validate the capability of the IAC transport equation. As the results, the developed code was confirmed to have the capability in predicting multi-dimensional phenomena of vapor generation and propagation in a subcooled boiling.

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A Two-Dimensional Pseudo-balanced Code for Holographic Data Storage Systems (홀로그래픽 데이터 저장 시스템을 위한 2차원 코드)

  • Kim, Na-Young;Lee, Jae-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.11C
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    • pp.1037-1043
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we introduce a two-dimensional modulation code for holographic data storage systems(HDSS), which is a candidate for the next generation data storage system. The two-dimensional(2D) intersymbol interference(ISI) induces higher bit error rate(BER). The balanced number of zeros(dark) and ones(light) in each page reduces inter-page interference(IPI). The code rate is 519. Although the proposed code has higher code rate than other 2D code with rate 4/9, the BER performances of two codes are similar.


  • Jeon, H.J.;Yang, K.S.;Choi, C.B.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.508-516
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    • 2010
  • An efficient code has been developed to predict dispersion of indoor air pollutants The computing capability of the code has been compared with that of a commercial code inn a benchmark test. After that, the code has been employed to compute dispersion of a pollutant released from a new furniture, a kind of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). A sofa which generates formaldehyde is implemented by using an immersed boundary method. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is employed to obtain time-dependent velocity and scalar fields. LES has bee regarded as an academic tool, but the newly-developed code reveals a possibility of application of LES to practical problems, especially dispersion of indoor pollutants.

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Implementation and Performance Analysis of High Performance Computing Library for Parallel Processing (병렬처리를 위한 고성능 라이브러리의 구현과 성능 평가)

  • 김영태;이용권
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.379-386
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    • 2004
  • We designed a portable parallel library HPCL(High Performance Computing Library) with following objectives: (1) to provide a close relationship between the parallel code and the original sequential code that will help future versions of the sequential code and (2) to enhance performance of the parallel code. The library is an interface written in C and Fortran programming languages between MPI(Message Passing Interface) and parallel programs in Fortran. Performance results were determined on clusters of PC's and IBM SP4.

A Survey of Code Dissemination Mechanisms on Sensor Networks (센서 네트워크에서 코드분배 메커니즘에 대한 조사 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Hui;Kim, Ji-Sun;Kim, Jee-Hyun;Lim, Ji-Young;Chae, Ki-Joon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.16C no.4
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    • pp.423-438
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    • 2009
  • The sensor network is highlighted because it is one of the essentialbase networks in the ubiquitous computing realization. Researches for providing security and efficiency are being perfomed in the various isuues because of the characteristics of sensor nodes and sensor networks. Recently, code dissemination mechanism is recognized as an important research issue since sensor nodes are in the need of updating new software or the need of modifying bugs in dynamically. Generally lots of nodes are in the sensor networks and they are ramdomly deployed in hostile environments. Thus it is especially important that the code dissemination from the base station to nodes should be processed efficienctly and securely. In this paper, we check up the recent existing code dissemination mechanisms, and comparatively analyze the requirements of the code dissemination and the characteristicsof existing mechanisms. Through the analysis, we present future research issues for the code dissemination area. This research can expedite the research on the code dissemination and improve the usability of sensor networks with efficiency and security.

Probability-Based USD Code for Reinforced Concrete (확률이론(確率理論)에 기초(基礎)한 철근(鐵筋)콘크리트 강도설계규준(强度設計規準))

  • Cho, Hyo Nam;Chang, Dong Il;Shin, Jae Chul
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 1986
  • This study is directed to propose a probability based LRFD design code, which could possibly replace the traditional USD provisions of the current code, based on the AFOSM reliability theory. The uncertainties of resistances and load effects for each R.C. structural elements are evaluated and adopted considering our practice, and a set of rational target reliability indices are selected based on the calibration with the reliability of the current R.C. design code and by considering the desired hierarchy of safety level. Then, a set of common load factors are chosen from the results of load and resistance factors which are computed by AFOSM method using the Rackwitz-Fiessler's efficient practical algorithm which is to transform the non-normal variables into the equivalent normal variables. It may be asserted that the proposed LRFD code for the R.C. building structures may have to be incorporated into the current RC. design codes as a design provision corresponding to the USD provisions of the current R.C. design code.

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