• Title/Summary/Keyword: Business Process Integration

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The study of a full cycle semi-automated business process re-engineering: A comprehensive framework

  • Lee, Sanghwa;Sutrisnowati, Riska A.;Won, Seokrae;Woo, Jong Seong;Bae, Hyerim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.11
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents an idea and framework to automate a full cycle business process management and re-engineering by integrating traditional business process management systems, process mining, data mining, machine learning, and simulation. We build our framework on the cloud-based platform such that various data sources can be incorporated. We design our systems to be extensible so that not only beneficial for practitioners of BPM, but also for researchers. Our framework can be used as a test bed for researchers without the complication of system integration. The automation of redesigning phase and selecting a baseline process model for deployment are the two main contributions of this study. In the redesigning phase, we deal with both the analysis of the existing process model and what-if analysis on how to improve the process at the same time, Additionally, improving a business process can be applied in a case by case basis that needs a lot of trial and error and huge data. In selecting the baseline process model, we need to compare many probable routes of business execution and calculate the most efficient one in respect to production cost and execution time. We also discuss the challenges and limitation of the framework, including the systems adoptability, technical difficulties and human factors.

A Methodology for Integrating Business Process and Simulation for Business Process Redesign

  • Kim, Joong-In;Yim, Dong-Soon;Choi, Jung-Sang;Kim, Keun-Chong
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.74-97
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    • 2005
  • IDEF0 is the IEEE standard for functional enterprise modeling and has been used for business process modeling or process mapping in US and Europe. But it does not reflect the potential benefits of modeling and simulation of the dynamic aspects of an enterprise or a system. On the other hand, simulation tools concentrate mostly on the simulation of material flows and are difficult to include information flows and control flows. Additionally, the simulation models that include elements such as queues, event generators and process nodes is a visual interactive representation for the model builder, but is inconvenient for the domain expert. In an attempt to fill that void, we provide an integration of business process and simulation models in this paper. An enhancement of the IDEF0, called parameterized IDEF0, is proposed and its conversion mechanism to network simulation model is developed. Using this methodology, business process models for alternative systems can be evaluated and compared through simulation on time, cost, and quality metrics. As an application of the proposed methodology, economic evaluation of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) for time-based BPR (Business Process Redesign) is demonstrated. In addition to BPR, the developed methodology may be further integrated with ABC (Activity Based Costing), TQM (Total Quality Management), and economic evaluation of information systems.

Semantic Process Retrieval with Similarity Algorithms (유사도 알고리즘을 활용한 시맨틱 프로세스 검색방안)

  • Lee, Hong-Ju;Klein, Mark
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.267-272
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    • 2007
  • One of the roles of the Semantic Web services is to execute dynamic intra-organizational services including the integration and interoperation of business processes. Since different organizations design their processes differently, the retrieval of similar semantic business processes is necessary in order to support inter-organizational collaborations. Most approaches for finding services that have certain features and support certain business processes have relied on some type of logical reasoning and exact matching. This paper presents our approach of using imprecise matching fur expanding results from an exact matching engine to query the OWL MIT Process Handbook. In order to use the MIT Process Handbook for process retrieval experiments, we had to export it into an OWL-based format. We model the Process Handbook meta-model in OWL and export the processes in the Handbook as instances of the meta-model. Next, we need to find a sizable number of queries and their corresponding correct answers in the Process Handbook. We devise diverse similarity algorithms based on values of process attributes and structures of business processes. We perform retrieval experiments to compare the performance of the devised similarity algorithms.

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P2P Business Process Modeling Based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA기반 P2P 비즈니스 프로세스 모델링)

  • Lee, Myung-Hee;Yoo, Cheol-Jung;Chang, Ok-Bae
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2008
  • The traditional a roaches to software development, such as XP, UP, CBD and other CASE tools, are useful for constructing various software components. However, they are not designed to face the challenges of open environments that focus on service. The Service-Oriented Architecture(SOA) is a component architecture that interconnects an application's different functional units, called services. SOA provides a good way to integrate the business process through well-defined interfaces and contracts between business services. In this paper, we propose a method of business process modeling based on SOA with a P2P approach. Also, A P2P business process modeling system is presented. This, results in admitting the reality of enterprise that changes on the basis of services, and suggests more efficient and visual direction for the process integration between enterprises.

RosettaNet Overview

  • Kim, Sang-Kyun
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2001.08a
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 2001
  • ㆍ RosettaNet is one of the most rapidly expanding XML- based B2B standards aiming at lingua-franca for e-Business. ㆍ RosettaNet delivers PIP/sup TM/-based B2B process standards, dictionaries, and implementation frameworks guaranteeing interoperability among integration solutions. ㆍ RosettaNet is an evolutionary standard featuring need-based expansion, implementation-promoting development methodology, and release model based on collective agreement among members. ㆍ RosettaNet plans to continue to focus the majority of its efforts on vertical supply chain and business model specific e-commerce process standards, with an emphasis on rapid adoption and production implementation in the high technology industry.

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Development of open MMI system for integration of business computers and process computers (포항제철소 B/C-P/C 통합을 위한 개방형 MMI 개발)

  • 추영열;김경백;황화원;김영일
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.684-687
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    • 1997
  • In order to access to the Business Computer (B/C), the Process Computer(P/C), and the Database Server in one terminal, the Open Man Machine Interface (MMI) System has been developed. The testbed to develop the interface functions for B/C, P/C, DB server, and CCD camera were constructed, which consisted of Workstations and Personal Computers (PC). Graphic display programs Monitoring the process states of Tandem Cold Mill plant were developed using four Graphic User Interface tools: InTouch, FIX32, Open Interface Environment, and ILOG Views. With regard to the CPU utilization and response delay required to open new display, the performance tests have been carried out on each MMI platform.

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A Study on the Effects of Management Strategy, Collaboration Process and SCM Integration on Corporate Performance in Small and Midsize Parts Manufacturers (중소부품제조업체의 경영전략, 협업프로세스 및 SCM통합이 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seol-Bin;Park, Ju-Gyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.448-466
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    • 2019
  • Today, companies are increasingly focused on SCM (Supply Chain Management) as a means for cost-cutting and efficient operation. The company's ultimate objective is to win and maintain a sustained dominant position in the uncertainties of the global environment and future competitiveness. In this respect, this study examined the effects of management strategy, collaboration process and SCM integration on corporate performance in small and midsize parts manufacturers. The results of empirical analysis are summarized as follows. Management strategy, collaboration process and SCM integration had positive effects on corporate performance in domestic small and midsize parts manufacturers, and all hypotheses were supported. Consequently, it can be confirmed that quality, cost and flexibility for management strategy, and strategic objective perception, support policy, problem solution and knowledge information sharing for delivery and collaboration as small and midsize parts manufacturers are mechanisms for improving quality reliability, decreasing cost, delivery obedience and information system operation of SCM integration, and boosting corporate quantitative and qualitative performance.

An Empirical Study about the Impacts of Object-Oriented Diagrams On the Inter-Organizational Process Integration (객체지향 다이어그램을 이용한 기업간 프로세스의 통합에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Nam, Jee-Won;Kim, Jin-Woo
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 1998
  • Recently, as the importance placed on the design phase of system development has increased, the use of diagrams to design the overall system before implementing the actual program code has seen a proportionate increase. This study focuses on the diverse diagrams depicting organizational processes when integrating multiple processes of individual organizations to form an Inter-Organizational System(IOS). In this study, we attempt to identify the critical representation features of process diagrams that enable the effective integration of Inter-Organizational processes. In particular, the effect of the mapping relationship between the representation features of different diagrams to be integrated was tested empirically in a laboratory setting. The experimental task consisted of integrating the processes of two organization based upon the given process diagrams. Actual business processes were selected from real world cases and process diagrams were formulated based upon existing object-oriented notation. An analysis of the errors committed by the subjects during the integration process indicated that the mapping relationship between the diagram features representing the respective organizational processes had a significant impact upon the final integration outcome. Based upon these results, the present study provides a guideline for process diagrams that are crucial to effective Inter-Organizational process implementation and maintenance.

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Enhancing the Customer Service Process through Information Technologies and Customer Knowledge in Call Centers : The Moderating Role of Computer Self-Efficacy (콜센터에서 정보기술과 고객지식을 이용한 고객서비스 프로세스 향상 : 컴퓨터 자기효능감의 조절역할)

  • Choi, Sujeong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.185-203
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    • 2017
  • Call center service is enabled by the use of a firm's various information technologies (IT) and accumulated knowledge. IT and knowledge resources have been considered a fundamental infrastructure for developing a firm's business capabilities. Recognizing this, this study examines whether a firm's IT and customer knowledge resources enhance its customer service process capability and thereby contribute to creating superior customer service, at the level of customer service representatives (CSRs). That is, constructs in this study were measured on a basis of CSRs' perception. Moreover, this study verifies the moderating role of CSRs' computer self-efficacy on the relationships between IT and customer knowledge resources and customer service process capability. To test the proposed hypotheses, this study conducted partial least squares (PLS) analysis with a total of 234 data which were collected on CSRs working at four call centers. The key findings are as follows: first, IT infrastructure integration and customer knowledge integration are positively associated with customer service process capability. Second, customer service process capability is a key determinant of customer service performance. Finally, CSRs' computer self-efficacy has a moderating effect on the relationship between IT infrastructure integration and customer service process capability. The details of the findings and implications are presented.

The Impact of Omnichannel Shopping Experience and Channel Integration on Customer Retention: Empirical Evidence from China

  • WANG, Junbin;JIANG, Xinyu
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.229-242
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    • 2022
  • Creating a new retailing environment to meet the seamless experience requirements of consumers is a challenge for Omnichannel-related businesses. Based on the "appraisal-emotion-response" chain, the purpose of this research is to explore the psychological mechanism of omnichannel integration influencing customer retention and the moderating effect of customer showrooming experience. This research uses a structural equation model in partial least square software to analyze a two-stage survey (Study 1: n = 210; Study 2: n = 342) conducted in China. The results show that channel control experience has three dimensions: perceived channel attribute familiarity, channel type matching, and cross-channel access convenience; consistent interactive experience has two dimensions: information cross-channel consistency and cross-channel service support. Furthermore, both channel control experience and consistent interactive experience are favorable for customer retention through increased customer satisfaction (transactional and retailer satisfaction). Finally, customer showrooming experience positively moderates the relationship between consistent interactive experience and customer satisfaction. This research proposes a self-regulation process model to explain how omnichannel integration enhances consumers' experience, finally leading to consumer retention. The findings contribute to the omnichannel retail business literature and provide management implications for Asian retailers to implement an omnichannel business strategy.