• Title/Summary/Keyword: Business Environment

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A Regression-Model-based Method for Combining Interestingness Measures of Association Rule Mining (연관상품 추천을 위한 회귀분석모형 기반 연관 규칙 척도 결합기법)

  • Lee, Dongwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.127-141
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    • 2017
  • Advances in Internet technologies and the proliferation of mobile devices enabled consumers to approach a wide range of goods and services, while causing an adverse effect that they have hard time reaching their congenial items even if they devote much time to searching for them. Accordingly, businesses are using the recommender systems to provide tools for consumers to find the desired items more easily. Association Rule Mining (ARM) technology is advantageous to recommender systems in that ARM provides intuitive form of a rule with interestingness measures (support, confidence, and lift) describing the relationship between items. Given an item, its relevant items can be distinguished with the help of the measures that show the strength of relationship between items. Based on the strength, the most pertinent items can be chosen among other items and exposed to a given item's web page. However, the diversity of the measures may confuse which items are more recommendable. Given two rules, for example, one rule's support and confidence may not be concurrently superior to the other rule's. Such discrepancy of the measures in distinguishing one rule's superiority from other rules may cause difficulty in selecting proper items for recommendation. In addition, in an online environment where a web page or mobile screen can provide a limited number of recommendations that attract consumer interest, the prudent selection of items to be included in the list of recommendations is very important. The exposure of items of little interest may lead consumers to ignore the recommendations. Then, such consumers will possibly not pay attention to other forms of marketing activities. Therefore, the measures should be aligned with the probability of consumer's acceptance of recommendations. For this reason, this study proposes a model-based approach to combine those measures into one unified measure that can consistently determine the ranking of recommended items. A regression model was designed to describe how well the measures (independent variables; i.e., support, confidence, and lift) explain consumer's acceptance of recommendations (dependent variables, hit rate of recommended items). The model is intuitive to understand and easy to use in that the equation consists of the commonly used measures for ARM and can be used in the estimation of hit rates. The experiment using transaction data from one of the Korea's largest online shopping malls was conducted to show that the proposed model can improve the hit rates of recommendations. From the top of the list to 13th place, recommended items in the higher rakings from the proposed model show the higher hit rates than those from the competitive model's. The result shows that the proposed model's performance is superior to the competitive model's in online recommendation environment. In a web page, consumers are provided around ten recommendations with which the proposed model outperforms. Moreover, a mobile device cannot expose many items simultaneously due to its limited screen size. Therefore, the result shows that the newly devised recommendation technique is suitable for the mobile recommender systems. While this study has been conducted to cover the cross-selling in online shopping malls that handle merchandise, the proposed method can be expected to be applied in various situations under which association rules apply. For example, this model can be applied to medical diagnostic systems that predict candidate diseases from a patient's symptoms. To increase the efficiency of the model, additional variables will need to be considered for the elaboration of the model in future studies. For example, price can be a good candidate for an explanatory variable because it has a major impact on consumer purchase decisions. If the prices of recommended items are much higher than the items in which a consumer is interested, the consumer may hesitate to accept the recommendations.

A Study on the Development Strategy of Smart Learning for Public Education (스마트러닝의 공교육 정착을 위한 성공전략 연구)

  • Kim, Taisiya;Cho, Ji Yeon;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2015
  • Recently the development of ICT has a big impact on education field, and diffusion of smart devices has brought new education paradigm. Since people has an opportunity to use various contents anytime and communicate in an interactive way, the method of learning has changing. In 2011, Korean government has established the smart education promotion plan to be a first mover in the paradigm shift from e-learning to smart learning. Especially, government aimed to improve the quality of learning materials and method in public schools, and also to decrease the high expenditure on private education. However, the achievement of smart education policy has not emerged yet, and the refinement of smart learning policy and strategy is essential at this moment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose the successful strategies for smart learning in public education. First, this study explores the status of public education and smart learning environment in Korea. Then, it derives the key success factors through SWOT(Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis, and suggests strategic priorities through AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Priority) method. The interview and survey were conducted with total 20 teachers, who works in public schools. As a results, focusing on weakness-threat(WT) strategy is the most prior goal for public education, to activate the smart learning. As sub-factors, promoting the education programs for teachers($W_2$), which is still a weakness, appeared as the most important factor to be improved. The second sub-factor with high priority was an efficient optimizing the capability of new learning method($S_4$), which is a strength of systematic public education environment. The third sub-factor with high priority was the extension of limited government support($T_4$), which could be a threat to other public schools with no financial support. In other words, the results implicate that government institution factors should be considered with high priority to make invisible achievement in smart learning. This study is significant as an initial approach with strategic perspective for public education. While the limitation of this study is that survey and interview were conducted with only teachers. Accordingly, the future study needs to be analyzed in effectiveness and feasibility, by considering perspectives from field experts and policy makers.

A Study 0n the Improvement of the domestic in producing area organizations According to the change retail environment: Focused on organized, scaled, Specialization. (농산물 소매유통환경 변화에 따른 국내 산지유통조직 개선방안에 관한 연구: 조직화·규모화·전문화를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dae-Yun
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2011
  • Opening agricultural market expansion, reduced purchases through wholesale markets, expanding the influence large retailers of consumer's market such as changes in the distribution system to the farmer's market conditions are changing rapidly. Because of this, retailers of the scaled and chain-store operations was centered on distribution environmental changes of the consumer market place. In producing area due to changes in market conditions in the agricultural production of in producing area distribution organization and the size distribution can not be put off no longer challenge is imminent. If it do not raise forces banded together, the producer is bound to remain as the weak. To support the distribution of this production was introduced in 2000 enable the Activation Project of in producing area distribution. Recent in producing area Changes of Agricultural conditions in order to cope with the Small-scale farmers and small individual farmers are becoming Scaled and specialized. Also, is specific to each item and regional is showing aspects. Government support for Activation Project of in producing area distribution is greatly improved, but in terms of competitiveness on the market still is showing the limitations. The most common of these problems, the market response if in producing area producer's organization and scale of the problem. Equipped for the purpose of consumer market place responsiveness unreasonable propelled outward from the Painter-sized weakens the organizational power. also, Difficult to succeed organizational size is a dissolution or anything within a few years, farmers around the best producer organizations, such as deviation occurs is exposed to a variety of issues. In this study, previous studies refer to the recent changes in agricultural retail environment, background and needs of organization·scaled, Determine the status of the domestic in producing area organizations and derived Problems, look into Domestic and overseas of in producing area organization with best practices for enhancing the competitiveness of the proposed improvement are intended to. In the future, in producing area distribution policy would like to provide direction to the development. The results of the study showed the follwing : 1) enhance utilization and orrganized through the diversification of the agricultural Collection systems. 2) Scaled to achieve through Items of specialized a wide area marketing. 3) Management operating units, such as installation and operating that overseas the best practices " Comite Economique Agricole Regional 'Fruits et Legumes' de Bretagne". 4) To establish a support system that in producing area distribution organization model development for appropriate domestic. In particular, in case of domestic in producing area distribution organization, through the analysis of various case study that a successful organization and scaled. The process of the various challenges arising in organizational scaled and generalization, and by the way he goes about trying to overcome is required. At the end of the study's limitations and future research directions suggested.

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The effect of technology capability of product development process on R&D sales performance: Focusing on the moderating effect of government support by the growth stage (제품개발공정의 기술능력이 R&D 매출 성과에 미치는 영향: 성장단계별 정부지원의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sunyoung;Ba, Kuk Jin;Park, Sangmoon;Choi, Yun Jeong
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.235-259
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    • 2014
  • New product or new technology developments are directly linked to a firm's survival and thus their performance and improvement are gaining attention in the midst of rapidly changing business environment and aggravating competition. However, despite SMEs' significance in the national economy, they are limited in terms of size and resources in possession, so the government provides a variety of supports as a policy. According to a study on the organizational life cycle, a firm's limits and difficulties differ by growth stage, so the supports need to be tailored. Based on the data from 2,575 firms that responded to the "2011 SMEs Technological Statistics," how technological capability level and deviation in the R&D process affect the R&D sales performance was studied. The result of analysis revealed that the technological capability has a positive impact on the R&D sales performance. It was also learned that the relationship between deviation in the technological capability and R&D sales performance was moderated by the government support. For the hypothesis that the government support would have a different moderating effect by growth stage for the impact the technology level has on the R&D sales performance, the empirical analysis showed a different meaningful moderating effect for each growth stage. The theoretical implications of the study are that, instead of a simple relation of dynamics that does not take the growth stages into account, it suggested a more realistic causal relationship model that reflects the complex environment the SMEs are in and that the need for measuring and using the deviation in technological capability as a research variable has been justified. The practical implications are that the government policy for supports can be tailored to a growth stage and that the guidelines have been suggested to effectively use the government funding by encouraging the SMEs in a different growth stage to adapt to the customized policy.

The Effects of Leader's Attitude and Job Characteristics on Subordinate's Creative Performance (상사의 태도와 직무 특성이 창의적 성과를 일으키는 과정에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Jeong-Ran
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.129-154
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    • 2014
  • We are making products and services that we didn't easily think or even imagine when young and living using them. Consumer needs become more diversified, markets and technologies are being constantly changed, and corporate global competitiveness is getting intensified. Now, companies that don't change nor create new values cannot survive. The cycle of new products is faster, and therefore corporations should improve previous products continuously or create new values according to such a trend. This era requires 'creativity' for companies to overcome uncertainty and survive. Corporate creativity is not easily activated as financial and physical compensation unlike the work ability or performance. When there is an environment that people with various abilities, experiences and backgrounds can express their opinions freely, it becomes possible. Despite the importance, the studies have focused on creativity education so far instead of the viewpoint of corporate business administration. In addition, most studies have dealt with job characteristics and employees' personality factors rather than the process that is connected to actual performance. In other words, the studies on environmental factors that can lead motivation as situational characteristics of the employee's company in a current non-monetary and non-physical way are very insufficient. Therefore, this study aims to comprehensively examine the process of creating creative performance in the environment inside the company that the employee could approach most closely from the corporate deinstitutional perspective. As the major variables, job characteristics and supervisor's ethical leadership were selected, and the process that is connected to the creative performance was explained by means of motivation necessary to understand creativity of the organization and creative process engagement(CPE). The summary of the verification results is following. First, job characteristics and supervisor's attitude(ethical leadership) had positive effects on intrinsic motivation and creativity process engagement. Second, intrinsic motivation and creativity process engagement had positive effects on creative performance. Third, intrinsic motivation and creativity process engagement had mediated the relationship between job characteristics, supervisor's attitude and intrinsic motivation, creativity process engagement

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A Comparison of Species Composition and Stand Structure of the Forest Vegetation between Inhabited and Uninhabited Island in the South Sea, Korea (유인도서와 무인도서 산림식생의 종조성 및 군락 구조 비교)

  • Kim, Jun-Soo;Jeon, Chul-Hyun;Jung, Sung-Cheol;Kim, Chan-Soo;Won, Hyun-Gyu;Cho, Joon-Hee;Cho, Hyun-Je
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.771-782
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    • 2016
  • For basic information collection for the ecological management of forest vegetation in Korean island areas, forest vegetation between inhabited(Daemodo) and uninhabited(Gudo) island was classified in the Z-M phytosociological method and their ecological characteristics in terms of both floristic composition and structure analyzed. Forest vegetation of Daemodo and Gudo were divided into a total of 11 units and 8 units, respectively. Total cover and species diversity index(H') of forest vegetation showed significant differences between the two island, Daemodo has a high value in the tree layer, but, Gudo has a high value in the shrub layer. Composition of Life forms, Daemodo was N-$R_5-D_2$-e and Gudo MM-$R_5-D_2$-e. Family importance value(FIV), Daemdo has a high value in Theaceae(12.2) and Pinaceae(12.0) and Gudo in Lauraceae(16.5) and Fagaceae (11.6). The percentage of the total number of species in the family level, Daemodo is Asteraceae(4.5%) was the highest and Gudo is Liliaceae(7.3%). Indicator species of forest vegetation of the two islands, Daemodo is Nanophanerophytes(N) including Smilax china, Ligustrum japonicum and Eurya japonica was significant inicator species and Gudo is Megaphanerophytes(MM) including Dendropanax morbiferus, Castanopsis sieboldii and Actinodaphne lancifolia.

Analysis of Slope Stability Considering the Saturation Depth Ratio by Rainfall Infiltration in Unsaturated Soil (불포화토 내 강우침투에 따른 포화깊이비를 고려한 사면안정해석)

  • Chae, Byung-Gon;Park, Kyu-Bo;Park, Hyuck-Jin;Choi, Jung-Hae;Kim, Man-Il
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.343-351
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    • 2012
  • This study proposes a modified equation to calculate the factor of safety for an infinite slope considering the saturation depth ratio as a new variable calculated from rainfall infiltration into unsaturated soil. For the proposed equation, this study introduces the concepts of the saturation depth ratio and subsurface flow depth. Analysis of the factor of safety for an infinite slope is conducted by the sequential calculation of the effective upslope contributing area, subsurface flow depth, and the saturation depth ratio based on quasi-dynamic wetness index theory. The calculation process makes it possible to understand changes in the factor of safety and the infiltration behavior of individual rainfall events. This study analyzes stability changes in an infinite slope, considering the saturation depth ratio of soil, based on the proposed equation and the results of soil column tests performed by Park et al. (2011 a). The analysis results show that changes in the factor of safety are dependent on the saturation depth ratio, which reflects the rainfall infiltration into unsaturated weathered gneiss soil. Under continuous rainfall with intensities of 20 and 50 mm/h, the time taken for the factor of safety to decrease to less than 1.3 was 2.86-5.38 hours and 1.34-2.92 hours, respectively; in the case of repeated rainfall events, the time taken was between 3.27 and 5.61 hours. The results demonstrate that it is possible to understand changes in the factor of safety for an infinite slope dependent on the saturation depth ratio.

Heating Performance of Hot Water Supplying System in Greenhouse (온수배관을 이용한 온실의 난방성능)

  • Yoon, Yong-Cheol;Shin, Yik-Soo;Kim, Hyeon-Tae;Bae, Seoung-Beom;Choi, Jin-Sik;Suh, Won-Myung
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2012
  • This research was conducted to obtain basic data with regard to the heating performance that would be produced by installing an aluminum hot water pipe inside the greenhouse with the goal of reducing the heating energy in greenhouse. The research results are summarized as follows. The degree of difference in relation to the temperature by height within the greenhouse during the entire experiment was significant - within the range of 4.0~$7.0^{\circ}C$. The temperature difference between incoming and outgoing water was about $3.3^{\circ}C$ greater when FCU was activated compared to when it was not activated. Meanwhile, the amount of energy consumed increased about 36.2~40.1%. The amount of pyrexia per hour also increased by 44.6~52.0%. During the experiment period, circulated flux was within the range of 0.48~$0.49L{\cdot}s^{-1}$ while average fluid speed was 1.53~$1.56m{\cdot}s^{-1}$. The average temperature difference between incoming and outgoing water was 6.24~$11.50^{\circ}C$. The amount of heating value by each set temperature within the minimum outdoor temperature range of -14.0~$-0.6^{\circ}C$ was 135,930~307,150 kcal, and the range was within the 9,610~$19,630kcal{\cdot}h^{-1}$ per hour. This demonstrated that about 23~53% heating energy of the maximum heating load could be supplied. Total radiating value and amount of energy consumed were 2,548,306 kcal and 3,075.7 kWh, respectively. When heating takes place using oil, which is a fossil fuel, the total amount of light oil consumed was 281.6 L while the cost was 321,000 won. When the electricity cost for farms is applied, the total cost was about 110,730 won, which is about 33.5% of the cost required compared to oil consumption. The temperature at in the experiment area was about 8.3~$14.6^{\circ}C$ higher compared to that of the control area.

Study on the creative development of China Cartoon & Animation - Focusing on changes in a production environment with supporting the policy of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China - (중국 만화 애니메이션 창작과 발전 방향에 관한 연구 -국가광전총국(國家廣電總局) 지원정책에 따른 제작환경 변화를 중심으로-)

  • Xie, Shu-Fu;Kim, Jong-Du
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.35
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    • pp.209-226
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    • 2014
  • Chinese cartoon industry lately was able to see a rapid development which changed cartoon creative personnel associated with increased production technology development, new technologies, government support policy and a variety of environments. It was likely to have high expectations for changes in the policy environment of the country supported the comic creators and authors to develop its own comic industry. The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China promoted the production for the development of Chinese animation with "domestic little video about the development of the animation industry's opinion", and "documents Documents". Animation industrial base and animation education was established in institutions such as the organization one after another. In the meantime, the spread of Japanese comics picture on the creative activation admitted but their comic creation and activation was slump. It would produce that the creation of its traditional culture based activation strategy to built comics. Since 2004, It was well represented for the creators of the cartoon creation of the tradition and uniqueness of Chinese history. In the prior to 2004, comics and strategies was to be differentiated. Today, China is an important source of comic marked the fact that the tradition was recognized and it was further developed with combining creativity of the past and the present production system. Comic creators comic story of traditional culture were excavated in order to have a sense of awareness and modern. The difference between China Cartoon and comics in other Asian countries is true that cartoon story came out naturally in a traditional culture. In this study, It would lead in the future to allow directional presented for the digital cartoon making development policy awareness through the comic creation and production of new media content industry enabled to China. Now, in the new media industry for the development of China's neighboring countries coped with climate change for the active exchange of information. It poured out ceaseless technical development and a range of policies to support business expansion. New China Cartoon was leaped to re-fit the industry.

토양 및 지하수 Investigation 과 Remediation에 대한 현장적용

  • Wallner, Heinz
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.44-63
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    • 2000
  • Situated close to Heathrow Airport, and adjacent to the M4 and M25 Motorways, the site at Axis Park is considered a prime location for business in the UK. In consequnce two of the UK's major property development companies, MEPC and Redrew Homes sought the expertise of Intergeo to remediate the contaminated former industrial site prior to its development. Industrial use of the twenty-six hectare site, started in 1936, when Hawker Aircraft commence aircraft manufacture. In 1963 the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Company purchased part of the site. Ford commenced vehicle production at the site in the mid-1970's and production was continued by Iveco Ford from 1986 to the plant's decommissioning in 1997. Geologically the site is underlain by sand and gravel, deposited in prehistory by the River Thames, with London Clay at around 6m depth. The level of groundwater fluctuates seasonally at around 2.5m depth, moving slowly southwest towards local streams and watercourses. A phased investigation of the site was undertaken, which culminated in the extensive site investigation undertaken by Intergeo in 1998. In total 50 boreholes, 90 probeholes and 60 trial pits were used to investigate the site and around 4000 solid and 1300 liquid samples were tested in the laboratory for chemical substances. The investigations identified total petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil up to 25, 000mg/kg. Diesel oil, with some lubricating oil were the main components. Volatile organic compounds were identified in the groundwater in excess of 10mg/l. Specific substances included trichloromethane, trichloromethane and tetrachloroethene. Both the oil and volatile compounds were widely spread across the site, The specific substances identified could be traced back to industrial processes used at one or other dates in the sites history Slightly elevated levels of toxic metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were also identified locally. Prior to remediation of the site and throughout its progress, extensive liaison with the regulatory authorities and the client's professional representatives was required. In addition to meetings, numerous technical documents detailing methods and health and safety issues were required in order to comply with UK environmental and safety legislation. After initially considering a range of options to undertake remediation, the following three main techniques were selected: ex-situ bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils, skimming of free floating hydrocarbon product from the water surface at wells and excavations and air stripping of volatile organic compounds from groundwater recovered from wells. The achievements were as follows: 1) 350, 000m3 of soil was excavated and 112, 000m3 of sand and gravel was processed to remove gravel and cobble sized particles; 2) 53, 000m3 of hydrocarbon contaminated soil was bioremediated in windrows ; 3) 7000m3 of groundwater was processed by skimming to remove free floating Product; 4) 196, 000m3 of groundwater was Processed by air stripping to remove volatile organic compounds. Only 1000m3 of soil left the site for disposal in licensed waste facilities Given the costs of disposal in the UK, the selected methods represented a considerable cost saving to the Clients. All other soil was engineered back into the ground to a precise geotechnical specification. The following objective levels were achieved across the site 1) By a Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) methodology it was demonstrated that soil with less that 1000mg/kg total petroleum hydrocarbons did not pose a hazard to health or water resources and therefore, could remain insitu; 2) Soils destined for the residential areas of the site were remediated to 250mg/kg total petroleum hydrocarbons; in the industrial areas 500mg/kg was proven acceptable. 3) Hydrocarbons in groundwater were remediated to below the Dutch Intervegtion Level of 0.6mg/1; 4) Volatile organic compounds/BTEX group substances were reduced to below the Dutch Intervention Levels; 5) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals were below Inter-departmental Committee for the Redevelopment of Contaminated Land guideline levels for intended enduse. In order to verify the qualify of the work 1500 chemical test results were submitted for the purpose of validation. Quality assurance checks were undertaken by independent consultants and at an independent laboratory selected by Intergeo. Long term monitoring of water quality was undertaken for a period of one year after remediation work had been completed. Both the regulatory authorities and Clients representatives endorsed the quality of remediation now completed at the site. Subsequent to completion of the remediation work Redrew Homes constructed a prestige housing development. The properties at "Belvedere Place" retailed at premium prices. On the MEPC site the Post Office, amongst others, has located a major sorting office for the London area. Exceptionally high standards of remediation, control and documentation were a requirement for the work undertaken here.aken here.

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