• Title/Summary/Keyword: Built-up Area

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An Analysis of the Characteristics of the Transition Trand of the Multi-family Housing Theory by Planning Community Units - Focused on the new town planning in Korea - (생활권 개념의 변화에 따른 주거지 계획의 시기별 특성 변화 - 국내 신도시 및 신시가지 계획을 중심으로 -)

  • Yi, Jong-Hwa;Koo, Ja-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2009
  • A planned access method on constantly-changing-community unit plan changes and develops based on the periodical situation and also plan theory. In this research, it is to present the link between the theory of complex city change and the plan factor of it, and to show how Korean residential complex plan has changed as time passed and how new concept of city plan came up and by applying new methods how can this affect our real world and the past plan. In the phase of analysis, it analyzed the flow of 'community unit plan' and its theory and investigated the factor of compositional space and built a analysis frame. The factors of community unit plan are space structure, size and shape of block, population, distribution of facilities and movement system. It chose the place that can represent the flow of community unit plan trand and that indicates the obvious development leading to Jamsil (1975), Gwa Chun (1980), Mok Dong (1983), Sang Ge (1985), Ilsan (1989), Dong tan (2001) and Eun Jung (2003) total of 7 places. And to compare a similar size of the city, it selected a small community unit. Based on the result of theoretical study and prior research, it can be said that the space composition style has change from a whole complete complex area to a linked-cross over community unit and the access of urban level was on set. Also, a pedestrian walking area was secured and the dense of building structure and pleasant environment wanting need was in balance. For facility plans, the usage of facility and functional change brought change of type, size and disposition. The walking area for pedestrian became a huge matter. Therefore, market, education, public facilities and green system collaborated to co-build a whole community unit and activated the walking environment. Also, public transportation, environment friendly city organization was built.

Spatial Configuration of Education Area in Do-dong Seowon (도동서원의 강학영역의 공간구성)

  • Tae-Joong Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2023
  • A new type of private education institute appeared starting from the 16th century, called Seowon consist of educational spaces and Jesa(a form of memorial ritual for the family's ancestors) space. Seowon Architecture is representative Confucian Architecture. Seowon is a kind of private school and it is a higher educational institute. the time of establishment was from the middle of 16th century to the end of 19th century, but the famous Seowon which remains up to now had been mainly built from the end of 16th century to the beginning of 17th century. Seowon was built on a quiet place far from the town for Students and Scholars to concentrate on their study. and it has beautiful surrounding scenery. Seowon has a place for study in the front and a place for sacrifice at the back regardless of configuration of ground. Gangdang is a building in the place for study in which teacher and students study. It is smilar place to Myongryundang of Hyanggyo. As a plan composition, there is a wide Daechong and two rooms at the both sides. Infront of Cangdang, there are Dongjae and Seojae on the right and the left side which are student' dormitory. This study argues that the Confucianist ideas and topography are the factors that determine the hierarchy Seowon. In light of this, A Study on Spatial Configuration of Education Area in Do-dong Sewon attempted to conduct an analysis by applying such backgrounds, and therefore studied the arrangement rules and construction methods for Seowons.

Using Design to Make Doffing of Personal Protective Equipment Safer for Healthcare Workers (의료종사자의 안전한 개인보호장비 탈의를 위한 공간 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Matic, Zorana;Oh, Yeinn;Lim, Lisa
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This paper presents research evidence that the environmental design of the doffing area in a biocontainment unit (BCU) can have a measurable impact on increasing the safety of frontline healthcare workers (HCW) during doffing of high-level personal protective equipment (PPE), and proposes optimized biocontainment unit design. Methods: From 2016 to 2019, The SimTigrate Design Lab conducted 3 consecutive studies, focusing on ways in which the built environment may support or hinder safe doffing. In the first study, to identify the risky behaviors, we observed 56 simulation exercises with HCWs in 4 BCUs and 1 high-fidelity BCU mockup. In the second study, we tested the effectiveness of a redesigned doffing area on improving the HCWs performance and used simulation, observation, and rapid prototyping in 1 high-fidelity mockup of a doffing area. In a follow-up study, we used simulation and co-design with HCWs to optimize the design of a safer doffing area in a full-size pediatric BCU mock-up. Results: We identified 11 specific risky behaviors potentially leading to occupational injury, or contamination of the PPE, or of the environment. We developed design strategies to create a space for safer doffing. In the second study, in a redesigned doffing area, the overall performance of HCW improved, and we observed a significant decrease in the number of risky behaviors; some risky behaviors were eliminated. There was a significant decrease in physical and cognitive load for the HCWs. Finally, we propose an optimized layout of a BCU for a safer process of PPE doffing. Implications: The proposed BCU design supports better staff communication, efficiency, and automates safer behaviors. Our findings can be used to develop design guidelines for spaces where patients with other highly infectious diseases are treated when the safety of the patient-facing HCWs is of critical importance.

Assessment of the Urban Heat Island Effects with LANDSAT and KOMPSAT-2 Data in Cheongju (LANDSAT과 KOMPSAT-2 데이터를 이용한 청주지역 도시열섬효과의 평가)

  • Na, Sang-Il;Park, Jong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2012
  • Land surface temperature (LST) is an important factor in human health, thermal environment, heat balance, global change studies, and as control for climate change. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effects on the LST and NDVI in Cheongju, Korea. The aim was to evaluate the effect of urban thermal environment for LST comparison of satellite-derived and in situ measured temperature. In this study, LANDSAT TM and KOMPSAT scene were used. The results indicated that the minimum LST is observed over dense forest as about $21{\sim}25^{\circ}C$ and maximum LST is observed over industrial area of about $28{\sim}32^{\circ}C$. The estimated LST showed that industrial area, bare soils and built-up areas exhibit higher surface temperatures, while forest, water bodies, agricultural croplands, and dense vegetations have lower surface temperatures during the summer daytime. Result corroborates the fact that LST over land use/land cover (LULC) types are greatly influenced by the amount of vegetation and water bodies present. The LST of industrial area and urban center is higher than that of suburban area, so it is clearly proved that there are obvious UHIE in Cheongju.

Prediction of Land-cover Change Based on Climate Change Scenarios and Regional Characteristics using Cluster Analysis (기후변화 시나리오에 따른 미래 토지피복변화 예측 및 군집분석을 이용한 지역 특성 분석)

  • Oh, Yun-Gyeong;Choi, Jin-Yong;Yoo, Seung-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to predict future land-cover changes under climate change scenarios and to cluster analysis of regional land-cover characteristics. To simulate the future land-cover according to climate change scenarios - A1B, A2, and B1 of the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES), Dyna-CLUE (Conversion of Land Use Change and its Effects) was applied for modeling of competition among land-use types in relation with socioeconomic and biophysical driving factors. Gyeonggi-do were selected as study areas. The simulation results from 2010 to 2040 suggested future land-cover changes under the scenario conditions. All scenarios resulted in a gradual decrease in paddy area, while upland area continuously increased. A1B scenario showed the highest increase in built-up area, but all scenarios showed only slight changes in forest area. As a result of cluster analysis with the land-cover component scores, 31 si/gun in Gyeonggi-do were classified into three clusters. This approach is expected to be useful for evaluating and simulating land-use changes in relation to development constraints and scenarios. The results could be used as fundamental basis for providing policy direction by considering regional land-cover characteristics.

The basic study about the modeling development of dwelling house of islands in the future based on the factor of traditional culture (전통적 문화요소에 바탕을 둔 미래의 도서지역 주거 모델 개발에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Min
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.8 no.4 s.21
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    • pp.63-79
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    • 1999
  • This paper is an architectural paper which has been studied about dowelling form and culture in southwestern island area of Korea from 18C up to now. The goal of this research is to present the basic data in new modeling development of dwelling house. This area had less cultural interchange than inland area because of geographical conditions. Therefore, so far, many traditional factors have been handed down and especially, a good many commoner's traditional houses exit. The traditional houses is composed of Anchae (a central house), Sarangchae (an attached house of Anchae). Sometimes, Sarangchae was ommitted according to the circumstance of the house. Generally, the form of arrangement of house is divided into two shapes; One is 'ㅡ' shape which has only Anchae and the other is 'ㄱ' shape which has Anchae and Sarangchae. Approximately, since 1970's, new type of house has been built in this area. Usually, Inside this house are living room, kitchen, toilet, utility and 3 rooms. Wall is made of brick and roof is made of concrete's slabe. We can not find the traditional culture in this type of houses. The house in the futrue, the factors of cuture and the convenience of the present age have to be coexisted.

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대구시 공공도서관 분관 봉사권역 설정에 관한 연구-대구권을 중심으로 한 이론적 모형

  • 손정표
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.6
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    • pp.105-140
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    • 1979
  • This study is an attempt to present a model of the effective service area for branch library system planning in Dae Gu city as one of large urban public libraries in Korea. This model is built up through the analysis of the distribution of population and characteristics of community structure, based on the standard for the branch library system of a public library. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Under the circumstances of this country, each radius of the effective service area for branch libraries are as follows; $1{\sim}1.5km$. is adequate for the central library and major branches; 1km. for neighborhood branches; $0.5{\sim}0.8km$. for sub-branches. 2. Population within the radius of the effective service area of a given branch may range from 80,000 to 100,000 for major branches, from 50,000 to 60,000 for neighborhood branches, and from 20,000 to 30,000 for sub-branches. 3. The radius of the outer boundary for the effective service area may be between 4km. and 5km. from the heart of the city, and the inner boundary, 13.km. 4. Areas with the radius between 2km. and 3km. from the heart of the city may be selected as the most effective locations for branch libraries, and between 3km. and 4km. as the next priority. 5. The number of service areas may be 14, that is, 7 major branches(Sinam, Sinchun, Susung, Daemyung, Naedang, Dalsung, Rowon), 2 neighborhood branches (Pyungri, Nambu), and 5 sub-branches(Chimsan, Sangiuk, Bongduk, Hyomok, Dongchon)

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The Analysis on Causes of Areas with Public Appeals to the Ecosystem and Nature Map (생태·자연도 이의신청지역의 원인 분석)

  • Jung, Tae-Jun;Song, Il-Bae;Lee, Ji-Seon;Lee, Sung-Je;Cho, Kwang-Jin;Song, Kyo-Hong;Kim, Ki-Dong;Cha, Jin-Yeol;Cho, Jang-Sam;Leem, Hyosun;Joung, Hae-Joung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study is to seek for improvement measures to make the Ecosystem and Nature Map by analyzing causes for grade changes and distributional characteristics of areas with public objections to the Ecosystem and Nature Map notified by e-official gazette from 2014 to June 2016. The receipt of public appeals has been recently increased from average 23 cases a year(2007-2013) to average 33 cases a year(2014-June 2016) while there were 42 areas with public appeals for less than the minimum area($62,500m^2$) for the evaluation of grade of the Ecosystem and Nature Map. Most of the public appeals focused on the 1st grade zone of the Ecosystem and Nature Map. Before grade changes by public appeals, the 1st grade zone of the Ecosystem and Nature Map were 76.0% of the whole areas with public appeals. However, after grade changes by public appeals, it was rapidly decreased to 25.2%, which means that a lot of the 1st grade zone with public appeals were lowered. In the results of analyzing the distributional characteristics of areas with public appeals, they were mostly distributed in lowland(less than 250m altitude), section with $10{\sim}20^{\circ}$ slope, and areas close to or within 100m from built-up area. Regarding areas with public appeals, the biggest time difference between the period of the existing research by National Ecosystem Survey and the period of notice after completing the treatment of public appeals was 18 years while areas showing 6-15 years of time difference were about 70%. Thus, there were huge differences in time of research and notice. Also, the biggest causes for grade changes were boundary errors caused by small-scale survey, and then followed by changes in evaluation of endangered species and occurrence of built-up area and damaged land. Analyzing areas with public appeals in each evaluation item of the Ecosystem and Nature Map, vegetation part was 73.0%, and endangered species area was 23.1% while topography and wetland was less.

The Estimation of Temporal Change Patterns associated with Economic Growth and Urban Areas in a Border Region using DMSP-OLS Nighttime Imagery Data: The Case Study of Jilin Province, China (DMSP-OLS 야간영상자료를 이용한 접경지역의 경제성장과 시가지 면적의 시계열 변화 패턴 추정: 중국 지린성을 사례로)

  • Kim, Minho;Joh, Young-Kug
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.458-471
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    • 2019
  • DMSP-OLS nighttime satellite imagery could be used to derive the sum of lights (SOL) and built-up area, and the two indices have been widely employed to make the estimation of socio-economic variables and the dynamics of urban developments. Considering it, this research investigated the spatiotemporal patterns of economic growth and urbanized area in Jilin Province, China, using DMSP-OLS data for a time span between 1992 and 2012. This study found the SOLs of both the province and most cities to tend to grow during the period. While SOL-weighted centroids' means moved towards northwestern direction, urban-area centroids' means followed the trend of south-eastern migration. These directional patterns could be associated with the Northeast Revitalization Plan of Chinese governments. Nonetheless, a future study will need to consider SNPP VIIRS DNB imagery in order to overcome temporal limitation of DMSP-OLS data. In addition, it is also necessary to estimate socio-economic indices, e.g., growth regional domestic product, using a regression model developed with correlation relationship between economic statistics ad SOL.

Building structural health monitoring using dense and sparse topology wireless sensor network

  • Haque, Mohammad E.;Zain, Mohammad F.M.;Hannan, Mohammad A.;Rahman, Mohammad H.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.607-621
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    • 2015
  • Wireless sensor technology has been opened up numerous opportunities to advanced health and maintenance monitoring of civil infrastructure. Compare to the traditional tactics, it offers a better way of providing relevant information regarding the condition of building structure health at a lower price. Numerous domestic buildings, especially longer-span buildings have a low frequency response and challenging to measure using deployed numbers of sensors. The way the sensor nodes are connected plays an important role in providing the signals with required strengths. Out of many topologies, the dense and sparse topologies wireless sensor network were extensively used in sensor network applications for collecting health information. However, it is still unclear which topology is better for obtaining health information in terms of greatest components, node's size and degree. Theoretical and computational issues arising in the selection of the optimum topology sensor network for estimating coverage area with sensor placement in building structural monitoring are addressed. This work is an attempt to fill this gap in high-rise building structural health monitoring application. The result shows that, the sparse topology sensor network provides better performance compared with the dense topology network and would be a good choice for monitoring high-rise building structural health damage.