• Title/Summary/Keyword: Buccal

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Angle's Class II Division 2 Malocclusion Treated by Bioprogressive Mechanism: Report of a Case (Bioprogressive Mechanism에 의한 Angle씨 II급 2류 부정교합의 치험례)

  • Byun, Sang-Kil;Lee, Hee-Keung;Jin, Byung-Rho;Oh, Meung-Chul
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 1987
  • A 25 year and 7 month old man patient who had Angle's classII division 2 malocclusion combined with anterior crowding of upper & lower part was treated by bioprogressive mechanism. After setting our objectives through the use of V.T.O., we programmed a sequence of mechanics. The possible objectives of treatment in the classII division 2 malocclusion can be listed as follows. 1) Relief of crowding & irregularities. 2) Relief of anterior gingival trauma & correction of interincisal inclination. 3) Correction of buccal segment relationship. We'd applied the classII intermaxillary elastics, Quad helix, utility arch wire and sectional arch wire in order to achieve anticipated objectives. As compared with pre & post treatment cephalogram, the result accomplished by this mechanics showed to us that interincisal angle was improved and favorable molar relationship was achieved.

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Smokeless Tobacco (Shammah) in Saudi Arabia: A Review of its Pattern of Use, Prevalence, and Potential Role in Oral Cancer

  • Alsanosy, Rashad Mohammed
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.16
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    • pp.6477-6483
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    • 2014
  • Background: Shammah is a traditional form of chewing tobacco [smokeless tobacco, (ST)] that is commonly used in the Middle East especially in Saudi Arabia (KSA), Yemen and Sudan. The Substance Abuse Research Centre (SARC) at Jazan University noted that no adequate research and information on the prevalence of shammah use in the province of Jazan, and KSA as well, has been provided in the scientific literature. Materials and Methods: An intensive systematic review of online databases was performed, including AMED (The Allied and Complementary Medicine Database), Biological Abstracts, Cochrane Collection Plus, Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source, E-Journals Database, EBSCO Discovery Service, MEDLINE, PEMSoft, PEP Archive, PsycARTICLES, scopus, Sciencedirect and Google Scholar. Results: Shammah is a mixture of powdered tobacco, lime, ash, black pepper, oils and flavorings. ST in KSA is placed in the buccal or lower labial vestibule of the mouth. The user (or dipper) spits out insoluble debris. The importation of ST products is prohibited in KSA. Accessible information on legislative action to control the use of ST in KSA appeared in 1990. The actual percentage use may be higher, than reported since shammah is illegal in KSA and there may be some reluctance to admit to its use. Conclusions: This review paper is an initial step in a funded research project by SARC to understand the pattern of use of shammah and provide adequate epidemiological data. One goal of this review is to generate further data for public health education.


  • Kim, Sun-Kwon;Ryu, Sun-Youl
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.383-394
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    • 1997
  • This study was done to examine adherence of oral bacteria to titanium dental implant and to know the effective prophylactic antibiotics using an in vivo model. Three samples each of the implant material were set in an acrylic resin flange and placed in the maxillary buccal sulcus of twenty volunteers. At 6- and 54-hour intervals, each sample was placed on blood agar plate (BAP) and chocolate agar, and then they were incubated and identified. Also antibiotic susceptibility test was performed. The results obtained mere as follows ; 1. The microorganisms were chain-like Gram positive cocci and staphyline Gram positive cocci, Gram positive bacilli in order of frequency were found at 6-hour and 54-hour samples by Gram staining. 2. Streptococci was found predominantly at both 6-hour and 54-hour samples, but number of streptococci was decreased as compared to 6-hour samples. 3. There was no difference in the bacterial species adherent to implant between 6-hour and 54-hour samples. 4. All the microbes were sensitive to AMC (amoxacillin clavulanic acid), chloramphenicol, quinolone and vancomycin in the antibiotic susceptibility test. Above results suggest that streptococcus are mainly adhered to titanium implant after implant was placed in the oral cavity and AMC is the most recommendable antibiotics to prevent the peri-implant inflammation.

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A clinico-radiographic and histomorphometric analysis of alveolar ridge preservation using calcium phosphosilicate, PRF, and collagen plug

  • Tarun Kumar, AB;Chaitra, N.T.;Gayatri Divya, PS;Triveni, M.G.;Mehta, Dhoom Singh
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.41
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    • pp.32.1-32.7
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    • 2019
  • Background: Tooth extraction commonly leads to loss of residual alveolar ridge, thus compromising the room available for the implant placement. To combat the post-extraction alveolar loss, alveolar ridge preservation is practiced, with the advent of the biomaterial available. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficiency of calcium phosphosilicate biomaterial in alveolar ridge preservation. Twenty patients indicated for extraction were selected followed by socket grafting using calcium phosphosilicate. Implant placement was done 6 months postoperatively during which a core was harvested from the preserved sockets. Clinico-radiographic measurements of hard and soft tissues were taken at baseline and 6 months post-grafting. Results: There were no significant changes in the radiographic and soft tissue parameters while significant changes in hard tissue parameters with 1.9 mm (p = 0.013) gain in mid-buccal aspect and 1.1 mm (p = 0.019) loss in horizontal bone width were observed. The histomorphometric evaluation depicted the vital bone volume of 54.5 ± 16.76%, non-mineralized tissue 43.50 ± 15.80%, and residual material 2.00 ± 3.37%. Conclusion: The implants placed in these preserved ridges presented 100% success rate with acceptable stability after a 1-year follow-up, concluding calcium phosphosilicate is a predictable biomaterial in alveolar ridge preservation.


  • PARK CHANG SUCK;You Dong Soo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.29-73
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    • 1983
  • The age related changes in the life cycle of the progenitor cell population of murine oral epithelia was studied. Using radioautographic methods which have been adopted in previous cell cycle studies, the age-related changes of different phases in renewing cells of the palatal, buccal and lingual mucosae were determined. The results confirm published findings on cell cycle changes of epithelia with aging and illustrated further that mitotic phase which has hither to been considered stationary, also changes with aging. The major parts revealed by this study are as follows: 1) The basal progenitor cells in different regions of oral mucosa have different generation times. 2) The basal cell cycle time increases as a function of aging and the region most affected by aging appears to be the epithelium of the cheek. 3) The phases of the cell cycle affected by the process of aging are in increasing order of magnitude: M-, S- and G₁-phase. 4) The age elated change in the number of DNA synthesizing basal progenitor cells occurs at two age periods. Between 1 and 12 months of life it decreases, while from 12 to 20 months it increases.

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  • CHOI Soon-Chul;LEE Sam-Sun;Lee Geon-Ill
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.7-21
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    • 1994
  • Fifty-two cases of traumatic bone cysts in 50 patients were analysed clinically and radiologically. The obtained results were as follows; 1. Women showed a slightly higher incidence than did men (56% of patients) and the average age proved to be 18.6 years. 2. The majority of the cases were asymptomatic. being detected incidentally. and over the half of the cases occurred in the mandibular symphyseal region. 3. All cases were unilocular and the largest diameter of the lesions varied from 1 to 10㎝, mean 3㎝. 4. Some degree of marginal condensation was present in 28 cases and 23 cases presented pencil-sketch appearance. 5. Many anatomical cortical plates (especially, mandibular inferior cortex and lamina durae) consisted of the margin of the lesions partly. 6. Erosive change of the mandibular inferior cortex was caused by 12 cysts, but cortical expansion only by 3 cysts including 2 cases of buccal expansion. 7. The lesion enveloped the roots of the adjacent teeth in 27 cases and scalloping was present between roots in 17 cases. 8. Lamina dura of the teeth was destroyed by only 1 cyst, and in 1 case root resorption was noticed. But there was no divergence of the roots of teeth.

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  • Hwang, Ju-Hong;Kim, Tae-Wan;Lee, Jeong-Keun;Song, Seung-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.380-383
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    • 2009
  • Osteoma is a slow growing benign osteogenic lesion characterized by proliferation of compact or cancellous bone. Osteomas may be classified as peripheral, central, or extraskeletal. Central osteoma arise from the endosteum, pheripheral osteoma from the periosteum, and extraskeletal soft tissue osteoma within a muscle. Peripheral osteoma of the mandible is uncommon. They manifest as asymptomatic, fixed tumors of bony-hard consistency that may be sessile or pedunculated. Radiographically, a well circumscribed round or oval radiopaque mass is seen. Here, we report a case of a huge solitary peripheral osteoma of the buccal posterior mandible in a 40-year-old woman who was otherwise in good health. The patient visited at the dental clinic because the lesion makes esthetic problem. Treatment was performed by surgical esthetic recontouring and histological examination. The patient remains free of recurrence after surgical esthetic recontouring operation.


  • Kim In-Sup;Kang Dong-Wan
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.30-41
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    • 2002
  • This study was to evaluate the fabrication method and marginal adaptation of the conical inner crown fabricated with CAD/CAM. The informations on abutment teeth were transferred to a computer with a micro contact digitizer, which had a $50{\mu}m$ accuracy on the master die. A conical inner crown was designed on a computer and a real crown was machined based on this design using CAM. The marginal fit of a computer-machined conical inner crown was assessed using electron microscopy Measurement of the marginal gap between the conical inner crown and the abutment was performed on four different locations (mesial, distal, buccal, and lingual surfaces) of the finish line. The evaluation was based on 10 test specimens. The results were as follow. 1 The mean marginal gap between the conical inner crown and abutment tooth was $83.2{\pm}43{\mu}m$, 28.9% of the specimen showed marginal gap over $100{\mu}m$. 2. The fabrication method using CATRS and CAM provided clinically acceptable marginal fitness compared to conventional casting method (P<0.05).


  • Lee Chang-Ho;Kim Kwang-Nam;Chang Ik-Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.203-224
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution developed in supporting structures by distal extension removable partial denture with 4-types of direct retainer. The direct retainers examined were Akers clasp, RPI clasp, RPA clasp and RPL clasp in bilateral & unilateral free end case. 3-dimensional photoelastic stress analysis was used to record the isochromatic fringe patterns and to calculate the compressive stress at measuring points. The results were as follows. 1. In bilateral free end case, RPI clasp exhibited the similar stress distribution on distal and mesial alveolar crest but Akers clasp exhibited higher stress concentration on distal alveolar crest than mesial alveolar crest. 2. In bilateral free end case, RPA clasp and RPL clasp exhibited the similar stress distribution on distal and mesial alveolar crest and RPL clasp exhibited higher stress concentration on buccal alveolar crest than lingual alveolar crest. 3. Akers clasp produced high stress concentration on residual alveolar ridge distally, but RPI clasp, RPA clasp and RPL clasp produced even stress distribution on residual alveolar ridge. 4. Removable partial denture in unilateral free end case exerted higher stress on abutment tooth root apex than bilateral distal extension removable partial denture.

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Stress distribution of oval and circular fiber posts in amandibular premolar: a three-dimensional finite element analysis

  • Er, Ozgur;Kilic, Kerem;Esim, Emir;Aslan, Tugrul;Kilinc, Halil Ibrahim;Yildirim, Sahin
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.434-439
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSE. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of posts with different morphologies on stress distribution in an endodontically treated mandibular premolar by using finite element models (FEMs). MATERIALS AND METHODS. A mandibular premolar was modeled using the ANSYS software program. Two models were created to represent circular and oval fiber posts in this tooth model. An oblique force of 300 N was applied at an angle of $45^{\circ}$ to the occlusal plane and oriented toward the buccal side. von Mises stress was measured in three regions each for oval and circular fiber posts. RESULTS. FEM analysis showed that the von Mises stress of the circular fiber post (426.81 MPa) was greater than that of the oval fiber post (346.34 MPa). The maximum distribution of von Mises stress was in the luting agent in both groups. Additionally, von Mises stresses accumulated in the coronal third of root dentin, close to the post space in both groups. CONCLUSION. Oval fiber posts are preferable to circular fiber posts in oval-shaped canals given the stress distribution at the postdentin interface.