• Title/Summary/Keyword: Broadcasting Programming

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MHP-based Multi-Step the EPG System using Preference of Audience Groups (시청자 그룹 선호도를 이용한 MHP 기반의 다단계 EPG 시스템)

  • Lee, Si-Hwa;Hwang, Dae-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.219-230
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    • 2009
  • With the development of broadcasting technology from analogue to interactive digital, the number of TV channels and TV contents provided to audiences is increasing in a rapid speed. In this multi-channel world, it is difficult to adapt to the increase of the TV channel numbers and their contents merely using remote controller to search channels. For these reasons, the EPG system, one of the essential services providing convenience to audiences, is proposed in this paper. Collaborative filtering method with multi-step filtering is used in EPG to recommend contents according to the preference of audience groups with similar preference. To implement our designed TV contents recommendation EPG, we prefer DiTV and use JavaXlet programming based on MHP. The European DVB-MHP specification will be also our domestic standard in DiTV. Finally, the result is verified by OpenMHP emulator.

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Community Should Be Invented Focusing on Maeul Media in Seoul (공동체는 발명되어야 한다 서울시 마을미디어 형성과 활동을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yeran;Kim, Yong Chan;Chae, Young Gil;Baek, Young Min;Kim, Eujong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.81
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    • pp.40-74
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    • 2017
  • Drawn upon the analysis of Seoul community media, this study make six points. The generation of community is not essentially determined but has singularity and differences. Historical context, social conditionality, cultural orientation, and the subjects' will and anticipation bring out certain forms of community. Various power relations and desires are engaged in the formation of community. The process of the construction of community is necessarily and simultaneously mediated with collective acts of communication and sharing. Community is not so much cultivated within society as articulated with precariousness, negativity and limit. Community is able to create its own cultural sensibility and language to express it. Thereby community is a dynamics between articulation and disarticulation, convergency and divergency, similitude and difference living in our actual society.

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Investigating the Influence of a Food-themed TV Program on Delivery Food Order Amount Using Big Data with Difference-in-Differences Method (빅 데이터를 이용한 음식방송의 효과 확인: 이중차이분석을 적용하여)

  • Park, Jihye;Park, Jaehong
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 2016
  • This study suggests a case for people who are unfamiliar with data analysis to equip them in using big data easily without complex programming tasks. Consequently, we investigate whether a food-themed TV program influences the number of delivery food orders with the use of the difference-in-differences method. Results show that the number of delivery food orders significantly increased after broadcasting four of five food-themed TV program episodes, each of which focuses on a particular delivery food. This study contributes to the existing literature by presenting the possibility that food-themed TV programs can positively affect not only the broadcast delivery food stores but also the entire delivery food business. In addition, this study provides practical contributions by recommending a big data analysis methodology that can be easily employed by many people.

A CORBA-Based Collaborative Work Supported Medical Image Analysis and Visualization System (코바기반 협업지원 의료영상 분석 및 가시화 시스템)

  • Chun, Jun-Chul;Son, Jae-Gi
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.1
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a CORBA-based collaborative medical image analysis and visualization system, which provides high accessibility and usability of the system for the users on distributed environment is introduced. The system allows us to manage datasets and manipulates medical images such as segmentation and volume visualization of computed geometry from biomedical images in distributed environments. Using Bayesian classification technique and an active contour model the system provides classification results of medical images or boundary information of specific tissue. Based on such information, the system can create real time 3D volume model from medical imagery. Moreover, the developed system supports collaborative work among multiple users using broadcasting and synchronization mechanisms. Since the system is developed using Java and CORBA, which provide distributed programming, the remote clients can access server objects via method invocation, without knowing where the distributed objects reside or what operating system it executes on.

Development of Realtime Bridge Safety Monitoring System (실시간 교량 안전감시시스템 개발)

  • Nam, Myung-Woo;Yang, Ok-Yul;Lee, Young-Seock;Oh, Myung-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we developed the BMSWare(Bridge Management System Middleware) for bridge safety surveillance in real time processing. The developed system operates on web and considers the general monitoring application for bridges. In various environments in geographical location of bridge, it can obtain reliably data from various logger and sensors without re-programming. The main functions of the developed system include the acquisition, processing, backup and transmission of the collected sensor data. It was proved to be the safety and effectiveness by application of Mooyeong bridge.

Media Education in Higher Learning Institutions in Korea: Changes and Realities Reflected in Curricula

  • Lee, Mina
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2018
  • Over the years, the types of media and media usage patterns have rapidly changed and communication channels in society have diversified. The courses in the universities on "media" have accordingly been altered to adapt to these changes. To investigate the ways in which the higher learning institutions in Korea have adapted to the changes in the media environment, this study analyzed the curriculum provided by the communication/media departments in the areas of Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. For the curricula analysis,names of the course soffered at the selected universitie swere analyzed; then keywords were extracted from morphological analysis of thes enames. Also, to investigate the changes over time, the courses offered in the years 2008 and 2017 were selected. The network analysis was done by using Netminer; the shape, main components, and major nodes of the network were compared. The results showed that firstly, overall shape of network from 2008 and 2017 looked similar. Due to the existence of concentrations within the major, the overall shape of the network showed several independent components, rather than one network. However, the analysis revealed differences in major nodes in the 2008 case from 2017. In the 2008 case, 'programming,' 'media,' 'introduction' among others were the major nodes; in 2017, 'editing' was the most important node. This signifies that in 2017, the curricula in the selected universities emphasized more practical and technical media education. In other words, the universities have adapted to the changing environments by including new topics, paying more attention to video media, and providing students with more direct field experiences.

A Cultural Approach to the Digital transition (지상파 TV의 디지털 전환에 대한 문화적 인식과 접근)

  • Kim, Pyung-Ho
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.21
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    • pp.63-86
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    • 2003
  • Digital TV is expected to usher in a new era of TV. Thanks to digital and network technologies, TV will no more be a dumb terminal as it is today. It will incorprate the computer and thus become an intelligent device which serves not only high quality broadcast programming, but a variety of information services much like the current networked-computer. However, the real world picture of digital TV is clearly different from such a rosy vision. Albeit too early to tell, the cases in Europe and the US attest that the digital transition suffers a setback in terms of technology, policy, business, marketing, and the users. As such, the digital transition is generally problematized in terms of policy, business model, marketing strategy, and so on. Comparatively speaking, the issues of technology, policy, business and marketing are not so complicated than that of digital TV users because of the cultural issues involved in the adoption of digital TV. In other words, the technological transition to digital TV is far easier than its cultural transition. The cultural transition demands policy makers and industries of different approaches to successfully facilitating the digital transition.

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Prediction of a hit drama with a pattern analysis on early viewing ratings (초기 시청시간 패턴 분석을 통한 대흥행 드라마 예측)

  • Nam, Kihwan;Seong, Nohyoon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2018
  • The impact of TV Drama success on TV Rating and the channel promotion effectiveness is very high. The cultural and business impact has been also demonstrated through the Korean Wave. Therefore, the early prediction of the blockbuster success of TV Drama is very important from the strategic perspective of the media industry. Previous studies have tried to predict the audience ratings and success of drama based on various methods. However, most of the studies have made simple predictions using intuitive methods such as the main actor and time zone. These studies have limitations in predicting. In this study, we propose a model for predicting the popularity of drama by analyzing the customer's viewing pattern based on various theories. This is not only a theoretical contribution but also has a contribution from the practical point of view that can be used in actual broadcasting companies. In this study, we collected data of 280 TV mini-series dramas, broadcasted over the terrestrial channels for 10 years from 2003 to 2012. From the data, we selected the most highly ranked and the least highly ranked 45 TV drama and analyzed the viewing patterns of them by 11-step. The various assumptions and conditions for modeling are based on existing studies, or by the opinions of actual broadcasters and by data mining techniques. Then, we developed a prediction model by measuring the viewing-time distance (difference) using Euclidean and Correlation method, which is termed in our study similarity (the sum of distance). Through the similarity measure, we predicted the success of dramas from the viewer's initial viewing-time pattern distribution using 1~5 episodes. In order to confirm that the model is shaken according to the measurement method, various distance measurement methods were applied and the model was checked for its dryness. And when the model was established, we could make a more predictive model using a grid search. Furthermore, we classified the viewers who had watched TV drama more than 70% of the total airtime as the "passionate viewer" when a new drama is broadcasted. Then we compared the drama's passionate viewer percentage the most highly ranked and the least highly ranked dramas. So that we can determine the possibility of blockbuster TV mini-series. We find that the initial viewing-time pattern is the key factor for the prediction of blockbuster dramas. From our model, block-buster dramas were correctly classified with the 75.47% accuracy with the initial viewing-time pattern analysis. This paper shows high prediction rate while suggesting audience rating method different from existing ones. Currently, broadcasters rely heavily on some famous actors called so-called star systems, so they are in more severe competition than ever due to rising production costs of broadcasting programs, long-term recession, aggressive investment in comprehensive programming channels and large corporations. Everyone is in a financially difficult situation. The basic revenue model of these broadcasters is advertising, and the execution of advertising is based on audience rating as a basic index. In the drama, there is uncertainty in the drama market that it is difficult to forecast the demand due to the nature of the commodity, while the drama market has a high financial contribution in the success of various contents of the broadcasting company. Therefore, to minimize the risk of failure. Thus, by analyzing the distribution of the first-time viewing time, it can be a practical help to establish a response strategy (organization/ marketing/story change, etc.) of the related company. Also, in this paper, we found that the behavior of the audience is crucial to the success of the program. In this paper, we define TV viewing as a measure of how enthusiastically watching TV is watched. We can predict the success of the program successfully by calculating the loyalty of the customer with the hot blood. This way of calculating loyalty can also be used to calculate loyalty to various platforms. It can also be used for marketing programs such as highlights, script previews, making movies, characters, games, and other marketing projects.

The Effects of Brand Extension of Terrestrial Broadcasting Channels on Parent Brand Evaluation: Focusing on Brand Extended Channel Evaluation, Pre-Brand Extension Parent Brand Evaluation, Perceived Fit, Brand Portfolio Quality Variance, and Perceived Number of Brand Extensions (지상파채널의 브랜드 확장이 모 브랜드 평가에 미치는 영향: 확장된 채널 브랜드 평가, 확장 전 모 브랜드 평가, 적합성, 브랜드 포트폴리오 품질 변량, 브랜드 확장 수에 대한 지각을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sun-Hee;Baek, Sang-Ki;Chang, Byeng-Hee;Yun, Hae-Jin;Moon, Sung-Chul
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.61
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    • pp.28-51
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    • 2013
  • The present study analyzed the effects of brand extension on the existing parent brand by applying the media brand extension model which previous studies had suggested based on consumer based brand equity model. Based on previous studies, the present study constructed a research model in which pre-brand extension parent brand evaluation, brand portfolio quality variance, perceived number of brand extensions, perceived fit between parent brand and brand extended channel, and brand extended channel evaluation are supposed to affect post-brand extension brand extension evaluation, and tested the media brand extension feedback effects model through structural equation modeling. The analysis results show that pre-brand extension parent brand evaluation, brand portfolio quality variance, perceived fit, and brand extended channel evaluation affect post-brand extension parent brand evaluation while the effect of perceived number of brand extensions is not significant.

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A Comparative Study on Government Policy for Animation Industry between Korea and China (한국과 중국의 문화콘텐츠 산업정책 비교 : 애니메이션 산업정책을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young-Jae
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.13
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    • pp.45-65
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    • 2008
  • The animation industries of Korea and China shares the effort for transition from work-for-hire Industry Into creative industry. In spite of similar industry background and characteristics, and the aggressive government policy to support this industry transition at the same point of time, the current status of animation industries in Korea and China are showing very different statistics as of the end of 2007. The production amount of Chinese original animation has grown rapidly since 2004, which has made China the top class country in the world in original animation production amount, and more than 600 million audience of Chinese TV animation has firmly established the Chinese domestic animation market basis. On the other hand, despite the Korean government support, original animation production of Korea has been showing a slow and sluggish growth, and Korean animations are losing the domestic market basis with only 1% TV ratings due to unfavourable Korean TV stations' programming practices against Korean animations. This different status of animation Industries of two countries are the result of different government policies and the fallacy of Korean government. While the Chinese government has focused its industry policy on the facilitating the domestic market by establishing the stable broadcasting TV distribution and encouraging the animation production through organic cooperation between related government agencies, Korean government spent lots of effort into facilitating the development of original animation projects, without cooperative structure In the government, and without sincere consideration on the importance of establishment of domestic market consumer basis.

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