• Title/Summary/Keyword: Branches

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Vibration and Dynamic Stability of Pipes Conveying Fluid on Elastic Foundations

  • Ryu, Bong-Jo;Ryu, Si-Ung;Kim, Geon-Hee;Yim, Kyung-Bin
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.2148-2157
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    • 2004
  • The paper deals with the vibration and dynamic stability of cantilevered pipes conveying fluid on elastic foundations. The relationship between the eigenvalue branches and corresponding unstable modes associated with the flutter of the pipe is thoroughly investigated. Governing equations of motion are derived from the extended Hamilton's principle, and a numerical scheme using finite element methods is applied to obtain the discretized equations. The critical flow velocity and stability maps of the pipe are obtained for various elastic foundation parameters, mass ratios of the pipe, and structural damping coefficients. Especially critical mass ratios, at which the transference of the eigenvalue branches related to flutter takes place, are precisely determined. Finally, the flutter configuration of the pipe at the critical flow velocities is drawn graphically at every twelfth period to define the order of the quasi-mode of flutter configuration.

Eigenvalue Branches and Flutter Modes of a Cantilevered Pipe Conveying Fluid and Having a Tip Mass (말단질량을 갖는 외팔 송수관의 고유치 분기와 플러터 모드)

  • Ryu, B.J.;Ryu, S.U.;Lee, J.W.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.956-964
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    • 2003
  • The paper describes the relationship between the eigenvalue branches and the corresponding flutter modes of cantilevered pipes with a tip mass conveying fluid. Governing equations of motion are derived by extended Hamilton's principle, and the numerical scheme using finite element method is applied to obtain the discretized equations. The flutter configurations of the pipes at the critical flow velocities are drawn graphically at every twelfth period to define the order of quasi-mode of flutter configuration. The critical mass ratios, at which the transference of the eigenvalue branches related to flutter takes place. are definitely determined. Also, in the case of haying internal damping, the critical tip mass ratios, at which the consistency between eigenvalue braches and quasi-modes occurs. are thoroughly obtained.

Experimental and Computational Studies for Flow Distribution In a Rectangular Duct System with Two Branches (두 개의 분지관을 가진 직사각형 덕트 내의 유량배분에 관한 실험 및 수치계산 연구)

  • 윤영환;배택희;박원구
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.766-773
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    • 2002
  • Flow distributions in a rectangular duct with two branch ducts are measured by 5 W laser doppler velocity meter. The fluid flows are also computed by commercial soft-ware of STAR-CD for comparison between them. The Reynolds numbers in the main duct are from 4,226 to 17,491. The ratios distributed into two branches from the main duct are in-variant to Reynolds numbers according to both of numerical and experimental results. However computed velocity profiles at exit of each branch are somewhat different from measured profiles at the same location.

Breeding of an Autotetraploid, Sawonppong 28, Derived from a Thick Leaf Mulberry Variety, Huyeoprok (Morus sup.) (厚葉性 뽕품종 厚葉綠의 同質4倍體 ″4原뽕 28號″의 創成)

  • 박광준;성규병
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.56-58
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    • 2002
  • An autotetraploid, Sawonppong 28 was derived from a thick-leaf and highly productive mulberry variety, Huyeoprok, by colchicine solution treatment on growing point and its characteristics were as follows. The number of somatic chromosomes of the derived variety was 2n=56 of an autotetraploid and green tip sprouting stage was medium budding variety with triangular oval shape and thick leaves contained rich chlorophyll. The length of branches was comparatively short and the number of branches was also small. However the branches were thick and non-budding length percentage at basal part of branch was high and cold hardiness was weak.

A Technique for Paravertebral Anesthesia in Korean Cattle (한우(韓牛)의 척추측마취(脊椎側痲醉))

  • Nam, Tchi-Chou;Lee, Heung-Shik;Lee, In-Se
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.119-122
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    • 1983
  • Paravertebral anesthesia for operation of abdominal wall in Korean cattle were effectively accomplished with the following technique. Any problems in surgical procedure were not observed under the block of ventral branches of the last thoracic nerve and the first and second lumbar nerves with the administration of preanesthetic. The site of injection for blocking of ventral branches of the thirteenth thoracic nerve were approximately 5cm lateral to the midline from the posterior edge of spinous process of the 13th thoracic vertebra and about 10ml of local anesthetic was injected immediately anterior to the transverse process of the first lumbar vertebra through thin site. The block of ventral branches of the first and second lumbar nerves were obtained by injecting 10ml of local anesthetic immediately below the posterior edge of transverse process of the 2nd and 4th lumbar vertebra, respectively.

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Anti-inflammatory Polymethoxyflavones Isolated from the Branches of Shiranuhi Tree

  • Jo, Yeon Jeong;Lee, Nam Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.65 no.5
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    • pp.327-332
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    • 2021
  • Shiranuhi is a fruit of Citrus species widely cultivated in Jeju Island, Korea. From an extract of Shiranuhi tree branches were identified five polymethoxyflavones possessing anti-inflammatory effects; nobiletin (1), sinensetin (2), tetramethylscutellarein (3), 6-hydroxy-5,7,3',4'-tetramethoxyflavone (4) and 5-desmethylsinensetin (5). Evaluation of the activities was conducted by monitoring the production of nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandin E2 and pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6) as well as the levels of iNOS and COX-2 protein expression in LPS-induced RAW264.7 cells. Among the isolates, the compound 4 exhibited the most significant NO inhibition, and suppressed the levels of iNOS and related cytokines. Therefore, it was suggested that the extract and constituents from Shiranuhi tree branches could be useful as anti-inflammatory ingredient.

Occurrence of bacterial canker of sweet cherry caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum

  • Kim, G. H.;I. S. Nou;Y. J. Koh
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Plant Pathology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.98.2-99
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    • 2003
  • Bacterial canker of sweet cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) was observed in farmers' orchard in Goesan, Chungbuk in 2003. Typical canker symptom occurred on the branches or twigs of sweet cherry in early spring and bacterial exudates oozed out of the cracked barks of diseased trees. Watersoaked brown symptom appeared on the leaves and severe infection caused thorough defoliation on the branches or twigs of sweet cherry. When cut the severely infected branches or twigs, irregular and rusty-colored symptoms in sapwood and heartwood were clearly found, indicating that they could serve as specific symptoms of bacterial canker of sweet cherry. The gram negative, aerobic bacterium isolated from the lesion produced fluorescent pigments on King's B agar medium but did not grow at 37$^{\circ}C$ The bacterium formed Levan-type colonies, and showed negative reactions in oxidase reaction, arginine dihydrolysis test, and pectolytic activity Based on the biochemical and pathological characteristics, the causal organism was identified as Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum. This is the first report on bacterial canker of sweet cherry in Korea.

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A Study on the twelve earthly branches' Yin Yang, Five elements, Six Qi, viscera combination, Mutual collision and Mutual combination. (십이지지(十二地支)의 음양(陰陽) 오행(五行) 육기(六氣) 장부(臟腑)의 배합(配合) 및 상충(相沖) 상합(相合)에 관한(關) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, hung Joo;Jeon, yun ju;Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : Ten heavenly stems(10天干) and Twelve earthly branches(12地支) are symbols exposing change order in heaven and earth, and are a very important sign in studying oriental philosophy and oriental medicine. Especially, 10 heavenly stems(10天干) and 12 earthly branches(12地支) are indispensable for the study of Five Circuits And Six Qi(오운육기), and a deep study is needed. Methods : I have examined Yin Yang combination(음양배합), Five elements combination(오행배합), Six Qi 3Yin 3Yang combination(육기삼음삼양배합), viscera combination(장부배합), Mutual collision(상충), Six combination(육합), Three combination(삼합), etc. of 12 earthly branches(12지지) by referring to books such as "Yellow Emperor Internal Classic" ("黃帝內經") and "Principle of universe change" ("우주변화의 원리"). Results & Conclusions : Zi Yin Chen Wu Shen Xu(子 寅 辰 午 申 戌) become Yang(陽), Chou Mao Si Wei You Hai(丑 卯 巳 未 酉 亥) become Yin(陰), Zi Si Yin Mao Chen Si(子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳) become Yang, and Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai(午 未 申 酉 戌 亥) become Yin. Twelve earthly branches can be divided into five movements by its original meaning, where YinMao(인묘) is tree, SiWu(사오) is a fire, ShenYou(신유) is a gold, HaiZi(해자) is water, and ChenXuChouWei(진술축미) mediate in the middle of four movements So they become soil(土). SiHai(巳亥) is JueYin Wind Tree(궐음 풍목), ZiWu(子午) is ShaoYin Monarch Fire(소음 군화), ChouWei(丑未) is TaiYin Humid Soil(태음 습토), YinShen(寅申) is ShaoYang Ministerial Fire(소양 상화), MaoYou(卯酉) is YangMing Dry Gold(양명 조금), and ChenXu(辰戌) is TaiYang Cold Water(태양 한수). Viscera combination(장부배합) combines Zi(子) and Bile(膽), Chou(丑) and Liver(肝), Yin(寅) and Lung(肺), Mao(卯) and Large intestine(大腸), Chen(辰) and Stomach(胃), Si(巳) and Spleen(脾), Wu(午) and Heart(心), Wei(未) and Small intestine(小腸), Shen(申) and Bladder(膀胱), You(酉) and Kidney(腎), Xu(戌) and Pericardium(心包), Hai(亥) and Tri-energizer(三焦), Which means that the function of the viscera and channels is the most active at that time. Twelve earthly branches mutual collisions collide with Zi(子) and Wu(午), Chou(丑) and Wei(未), Yin(寅) and Shen(申), Mao(卯) and You(酉), Chen(辰) and Xu(戌), and Si(巳) and Hai(亥). The two colliding earthly branches are on opposite sides, facing each other and restricting each other by the relation of Yin-Yin and Yang-Yang it rejects each other so a collision occurs. Six Correspondences(六合) coincide with Zi(子) and Chou(丑), Yin(寅) and Hai (亥), Mao(卯) and Xu(戌), Chen(辰) and You(酉) and Si(巳) and Shen(申) Wu(午) and Wei(未). Three combination(三合) is composed of ShenZiChen(申子辰), SiYouChou(巳酉丑), YinWuXu(寅午戌), and HaiMaoWei(亥卯未). Three combination(三合) is composed of ShenZiChen(申子辰), SiYouChou(巳酉丑), YinWuXu(寅午戌), and HaiMaoWei(亥卯未). This is because the time Six Qi(六氣) shifts in these three years are the same.

Anatomical studies on pattern of branches of hepatic arteries in Korean native cattle (한우간동맥(韓牛肝動脈)의 분지(分枝)에 관한 해부학적(解剖學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chong-sup
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.511-521
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    • 1992
  • The distribution of the hepatic arteries within the liver in 30 Korean native cattle were observed. Vinylite solution was injected into the hepatic arteries of 10 livers for cast preparation. The angiography was prepared in 20 livers by injected 30% barium sulfate solution into the hepatic arteries and then radiographed on X-ray apparatus. The results were summarized as follow ; 1. The hepatic arteries were divided into the Ramus (R.) sinister, R. dexter and R. intermedius. The intrahepatic arteries were derived from the R. sinister and R. dexter. The R. intermedius divided into the Arteria(A.) gastrica dextra, A. gastroduodenalis and A. cystica. 2. The right branch (ramus dexter) of the hepatic artery supplies the right lobe and caudate process. It consisted of the A. dorsalis lobi dextri, A. ventralis lobi dextri and A. lobi caudati. They formed one common trunk with three arteries(6 cases, 20%), and two arteries formed common trunk with the A. ventralis lobi dextri and A. lobi caudati (16 cases, 52.8%), or with A. dorsalis lobi dextri and A. lobi caudati (5 cases, 16.5%). The three arteries arose from the A. hepatia independently(3 cases, 10%). 3. The left branch (ramus sinister), larger than the right and often double (6 cases, 20%), supplies the caudate, quadrate and left lobes, and often gives origin to the A. gastrica dextra. 4. The branches of hepatic artery in the left lobe were derived from A. dorsalis lobi sinistri, A. ventralis lobi sinistri and A. intermedius lobi sinistri. The A. intermedius lobi sinistri were absent in some cases (3 cases, 10%). They almostly originated a single branch and often two branches. 5. The A. cystica arose from the R. intermedius(27 cases, 90%) and A. hepaica(3 cases, 10%). 6. The Rami processus papillarum arose from dorsal border of the Pars transversa of the left branch(19 cases, 62.7%), the left branch and right branch (9 cases, 30%) or A. hepatica(2 cases, 6.6%). 7. The A. lobi quadrata arose from either the Pars transversa of left branch (12 cases, 40%) or A. hepatica(4 cases, 13.2%). It also arose from both Pars transversa of left branch and A. ventralis lobi sinistri (3 cases, 10%). 8. The anastomosis on the branches of A. hepatica was observed in intrahepatic and cystic arteries. The left and right branches ramified several secondary radiating branches within the liver. 9. The hepatic arteries formed a very short common trunk of the right branch ($18.75{\pm}11.89$ : 2.20~44.8mm) and a long Pars transversa of the left branch($72.85{\pm}20.04$ : 28.2~104.1mm). 10. The ramified angles at the A. dorsalis lobi dextri, A. ventralis lobi dextri, A. lobi sinistri, A. ventralis lobi sinistri, A. lobi quadrata, A. cystica and Rami processus papillarum were 50-80, 270-300, 340-20, 120-160, 160-290, 200-230, 250~290, 230~280 and 80~120 degrees, respectively.

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Morphological Characteristic of the Rust Fungi, Uromyces truncicola, and Histological Changes in the Infected Host Tree, Sophora japonica (회화나무 녹병균(Uromyces truncicola)의 형태적 특징과 감염 기주의 조직해부학적 변화)

  • Gil, Hee-Young;Koo, Chang-Duck
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.99 no.3
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2010
  • rust fungus, Uromyces truncicola, infected stems, branches and leaves of Sophora japonica trees, and 78% of planted host depending on investigated sites. Teliospores of this fungus were reddish brown, global to oval and $29-37{\times}24-27\;{\mu}m$. The urediniospores were yellowish brown, elliptical to oval with spiny surface and $28-39{\times}19-22\;{\mu}m$. In the infected branches cork layers were thickened, ray parenchymatous cells were distorted, branched or combined and increased in numbers. While ray parenchymatous cells in healthy branches were one or two layers, the cells in the infected branches were three or more layers to shape fusiform. In the infected branches xylem tissues also distorted and yellowish pigments formed in the intercellular space. In the less infected trees the hairs on the branches were dense and long, and the thickness of upper epidermal cell walls were ca 23.3 ${\mu}m$, while in the highly infected trees the hairs were less dense and short, and the thickness of upper epidermal cell walls was ca 17.4 ${\mu}m$. We think individual host trees resistant to this fungus are present.