• Title/Summary/Keyword: Box-Behnken design method

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Performance of Cu-SiO2 Aerogel Catalyst in Methanol Steam Reforming: Modeling of hydrogen production using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neuron Networks

  • Taher Yousefi Amiri;Mahdi Maleki-Kakelar;Abbas Aghaeinejad-Meybodi
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.328-339
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    • 2023
  • Methanol steam reforming (MSR) is a promising method for hydrogen supplying as a critical step in hydrogen fuel cell commercialization in mobile applications. Modelling and understanding of the reactor behavior is an attractive research field to develop an efficient reformer. Three-layer feed-forward artificial neural network (ANN) and Box-Behnken design (BBD) were used to modelling of MSR process using the Cu-SiO2 aerogel catalyst. Furthermore, impacts of the basic operational variables and their mutual interactions were studied. The results showed that the most affecting parameters were the reaction temperature (56%) and its quadratic term (20.5%). In addition, it was also found that the interaction between temperature and Steam/Methanol ratio is important on the MSR performance. These models precisely predict MSR performance and have great agreement with experimental results. However, on the basis of statistical criteria the ANN technique showed the greater modelling ability as compared with statistical BBD approach.

Simulation-based Prediction Model of Draw-bead Restraining Force and Its Application to Sheet Metal Forming Process (유한요소법을 이용한 드로우비드 저항력 예측모델 개발 및 성형공정에의 적용)

  • Bae, G.H.;Song, J.H.;Huh, H.;Kim, S.H.;Park, S.H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2006
  • Draw-bead is applied to control the material flow in a stamping process and improve the product quality by controlling the draw-bead restraining force (DBRF). Actual die design depends mostly on the trial-and-error method without calculating the optimum DBRF. Die design with the predicted value of DBRF can be utilized at the tryout stage effectively reducing the cost of the product development. For the prediction of DBRF, a simulation-based prediction model of the circular draw-bead is developed using the Box-Behnken design with selected shape parameters such as the bead height, the shoulder radius and the sheet thickness. The value of DBRF obtained from each design case by analysis is approximated by a second order regression equation. This equation can be utilized to the calculation of the restraining force and the determination of the draw-bead shape as a prediction model. For the evaluation of the prediction model, the optimum design of DBRF in sheet metal forming is carried out using response surface methodology. The suitable type of the draw-bead is suggested based on the optimum values of DBRF. The prediction model of the circular draw-bead proposes the design method of the draw-bead shape. The present procedure provides a guideline in the tool design stage for sheet metal forming to reduce the cost of the product development.

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Optimal design of car suspension springs by using a response surface method (반응 표면 분석법을 활용한 자동차용 현가스프링 최적화 설계)

  • Yoo, Dong-Woo;Kim, Do-Yeop;Shin, Dong-Gyu
    • Proceeding of EDISON Challenge
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    • 2016.03a
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    • pp.246-255
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    • 2016
  • When spring of the suspension is exerted by an external load, a car should be designed to prevent predictable damages and designed for a ride comfort. We used experiments design to design VON-MISES STRESS and K, a constant, of spring of suspension which is installed in a car as a goal level. We analyzed the result from Edison's Elastic - Plastic Analysis SW(CSD_EPLAST) by setting D, d, n as external diameter of coil, internal diameter of coil, the number of total coil respectively. The experiment design let the outcome be as Full-second order by using Box-Behnken which is one of response surface methods. Experimented and analyzed results based on the established experiments design, We found out design parameter which has desired VON-MISES STRESS and the constant K. Additionally, we predicted life time of when the external load was exerted by repeated load by using fatigue equation, and verification of plastic deformation has also been made. Additionally we interpreted a model, which is formed by optimized design parameter, with linear analysis and non-linear analysis, at the same time we also analyzed plastic deformation with the values from the both models. Finally, we predicted fatigue life of optimized model by using fatigue estimation theory and also evaluated a ride comfort with oscillation analysis.

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Optimization of Laccase Production from Bacillus sp. PK4 through Statistical Design of Experiments

  • Rajeswari, Murugesan;Bhuvaneswari, Vembu
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.330-342
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    • 2017
  • Statistical design of experiments was employed to optimize the media composition for the production of laccase from Bacillus sp. PK4. In order to find the key ingredients for the best yield of enzyme production from the selected eleven variables viz yeast extract, glucose, zinc sulphate, copper sulphate, potassium chloride, magnesium sulphate, calcium chloride, ferrous sulphate, sodium chloride, potassium dihydrogen phosphate ($KH_2PO_4$) and dipotassium hydrogen phosphate ($K_2HPO_4$), Plackett-Burman design was applied. The $MgSO_4$, $FeSO_4$, and $CuSO_4$ showed positive estimate, and their concentration optimized further. The steepest ascent method and Box-Behnken method revealed that 1.5 mM $MgSO_4$, 0.33 g/l $FeSO_4$ and 1.41 mM $CuSO_4$ were optimal for the laccase production by Bacillus sp. PK4. This optimization strategy leads to enhancement of laccase production from 2.13 U/ml to 40.79 U/ml. Agro-wastes residues replace the carbon source glucose in the optimized media namely sugarcane bagasse, wheat bran, rice husk, and groundnut shell, among these groundnut shells (117 U/ml) was found to enhance the laccase production significantly. The laccase produced by Bacillus sp. PK4 was found to have the potential to degrade persistent organic pollutant benzo[a]pyrene.

The Shape Optimal Design of Shaft Serration Using Design of Experiment and Finite Element Method (실험계획법과 유한요소법을 이용한 주축계의 세레이션 형상 최적설계)

  • Kim, Eui-Soo;Kim, Byung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2008
  • To meet demand of big capacity and high speed rotation for washing machine, more stress from bending and twisting are complexly loaded onto the shaft supporting the horizontal drum, causing problems in fracture strength and fatigue life. Shafting system is mainly divided into flange and shaft. Shaft and flange connected by inserting shaft serration into flange on the process of die casting. When the system is operating, the gap is formed between serration and flange. But, Serration has various design factors and the optimal values can't be easily determined. Using a design of experiment (DOE) based on the FEM (Finite Element Method), this study was performed investigating the interaction effect between the various design factors as well as the main effect of the each design factor under bending, twist and vibration and proposed optimum design using box-behnken method among response surface derived from regression equation of simulation-based DOE.

Application of response surface design for the optimization of producing lightweight aerated concrete with blast furnace slag (반응표면설계법(反應表面設計法)을 이용한 고로(高爐)슬래그 경량기포(輕量氣泡)콘크리트 제조(製造)의 최적화(最適化))

  • Kim, Sang-Woo;Oh, Su-Hyun;Jung, Moon-Young
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to optimize a mixing design of lightweight aerated concrete with the blast furnace slag(BFS) using Box-Behnken method, one of response surface designs. The lightweight aerated concrete with the BFS was made on the conditions of steam curing method at atmospheric pressure. The experimental factors were unit Water(W)/total powder($P_d$) ratio, BFS replacement percentage and Al powder addition based on the total powder (${P_d}^*$%). From the results of the response surface analysis, regression models for dried specific gravity and compressive strength of the lightweight aerated concrete were derived. When the target values for dried specific gravity and compressive strength of the lightweight aerated concrete were set at 0.72 and 4.42 MPa respectively, its optimized mixing conditions driven from the regression models were 0.62 of $W/P_d$ ratio, 35.5% of BFS replacement and 0.05% of Al powder addition. This experimental design model was found to be credible by measuring the dried specific gravity and compressive strength of the sample made from the above mixing conditions.

A study on the optimization of three-dimensional auxetic pyramid structure by using EDISON program (EDISON 프로그램을 사용한 3차원 팽창 피라미드 구조의 최적화 연구)

  • Kim, Gyu-Young;Kim, Soo-ho;Yun, Gi-Won;Kim, Hyun-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.45 no.9
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    • pp.807-815
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    • 2017
  • Auxetic structures with negative Poisson's ratio can be used to achieve high mechanical properties in energy absorption and destruction toughness. In this paper, we aim to design an auxetic structure which has a high negative Poisson's ratio and a stiffness over 50N/mm by using an optimization method. Length(L), thickness(t) and angle(${\theta}_1$, ${\theta}_2$) of an auxetic pyramid are the design parameters, and also stress, Poisson's ratio and stiffness are thr reaction factors. We used Box-Behnken method and conducted 4 factors - 3 levels experiment design. Finite element models are analyzed by using Edison program CSD_EPLAST.

Optimization of Color Sorting Process of Shredded ELV Bumper using Reaction Surface Method (반응표면법을 이용한 폐자동차 범퍼 파쇄물의 색채선별공정 최적화 연구)

  • Lee, Hoon
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2019
  • An color sorting technique was introduced to recycle End-of-life automobile shredded bumpers. The color sorting is a innovate method of separating the differences in the color of materials which are difficult to separate in gravity and size classification by using a camera and an image process technique. Experiments were planned and optimal conditions were derived by applying BBD (Box-Behnken Design) in the reaction surface method. The effects of color sensitivity, feed rate and sample size were analyzed, and a second-order reaction model was obtained based on the analysis of regression and statistical methods and $R^2$ and p-value were 99.56% and < 0.001. Optimum recovery was 94.1% under the conditions of color sensitivity, feed rate and particle size of 32%, 200 kg/h, and 33 mm respectively. The recovery of actual experiment was 93.8%. The experimental data agreed well with the predicted value and confirmed that the model was appropriate.

A Study on the Properties of Foamed Concrete with Plaster Using the Experimental Design (실험계획법을 이용한 석고 혼입 기포콘크리트의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-An;Kim, Wha-Jung;Yoon, Sang-Chun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.130-137
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    • 2013
  • This research was performed through the experimental design to get the statistical analysis on foamed concrete mixed plaster with hydrogen peroxide. In this experiment, we set the ratio of each material, which part of lightweight concrete, as experimental factors and evaluated on the mechanical properties by statistical analysis for response variables obtained from experiments. Experimental factors are plaster replacement, water binder ratio, and hydrogen peroxide ratio. Response variables are dry density, compressive strength, and flexural strength. Mixing design of the foamed concrete set up a total of 15 experimental points by Box-Behnken (BB) method of the response surface analysis. Thus, the results of a study were summarized as follows. Values of the probability in experimental factors (plaster replacement, water binder ratio and hydrogen peroxide ratio) on the response variables were estimated to be significant at the 95% of confidence limit. On response surface analysis for dry density of foamed concrete, water binder ratio and hydrogen peroxide ratio were estimated to be significant (${\alpha}$ = 0.05), and the relationship between the amount of void and the water content for dry density is inverse proportional. On response surface analysis for the compressive strength of foamed concrete, water binder ratio, hydrogen peroxide ratio and (hydrogen peroxide ratio)$^2$ was estimated to be significant (${\alpha}$ = 0.05). On response surface analysis for the flexural strength of foamed concrete, water binder ratio, hydrogen peroxide ratio was estimated to be significant (${\alpha}$ = 0.05). Through multi response surface analysis, we found the optimal area that meets performance goals.

A Study on the Multi-Objective Optimization of Impeller for High-Power Centrifugal Compressor

  • Kang, Hyun-Su;Kim, Youn-Jea
    • International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.143-149
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    • 2016
  • In this study, a method for the multi-objective optimization of an impeller for a centrifugal compressor using fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and response surface method (RSM) was proposed. Numerical simulation was conducted using ANSYS CFX and Mechanical with various configurations of impeller geometry. Each design parameter was divided into 3 levels. A total of 15 design points were planned using Box-Behnken design, which is one of the design of experiment (DOE) techniques. Response surfaces based on the results of the DOE were used to find the optimal shape of the impeller. Two objective functions, isentropic efficiency and equivalent stress were selected. Each objective function is an important factor of aerodynamic performance and structural safety. The entire process of optimization was conducted using the ANSYS Design Xplorer (DX). The trade-off between the two objectives was analyzed in the light of Pareto-optimal solutions. Through the optimization, the structural safety and aerodynamic performance of the centrifugal compressor were increased.