• Title/Summary/Keyword: Boundary Area

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Enhanced Boundary Partition Color Descriptor for Deformable Object Retrieval (비정형객체 검색을 위한 향상된 분할영역 색 기술자)

  • Jung, Hyun-il;Kim, Hae-kwang
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.778-781
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    • 2015
  • The paper presents a new way of visual descriptor for deformable object retrieval on the basis of partition based description. The proposed descriptor technology partitions a given object into boundary area and interior area and extracts a descriptor from each area. The final descriptor combines these descriptors. From a given image, deformable object is segmented. The center position of the deformable object is calculated. The object is partitioned into N × N blocks on the basis of the given center position. Blocks are classified as boundary area and interior area depending on the pixels in the block. The proposed descriptor consists of extracted MPEG-7 dominant descriptors from both the boundary and interior area. The performance of proposed method is tested on a database of 1,973 handbag images constructed with view point changes. ARR (Average Retrieval Rate) is used for the retrieval accuracy of the proposed algorithm, compared with MPEG-7 dominant color descriptor.

The Boundary Delimitation of Busan Metropolitan Area using Network Analysis (네트워크 분석기법을 이용한 광역도시권 설정방안 - 부산광역권 설정사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Shim, Jae-Heon;Cho, Yeon-Ho
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes a modified way to delimit the boundary of Busan metropolitan area and compares the empirical analysis with the existing metropolitan area boundary. More specifically, the present state of the metropolitan transportation network is reflected by service area analysis in our study area. The analysis of the linkage between the central city and its fringes considers various travel behaviors as well as commuting to work and school, based on origin-destination trip information. In addition, more diverse indices are applied to the analysis of urban characteristics, and the land cover map is used as well. Compared with the current Busan metropolitan area boundary, our empirical analysis captures the status quo of the undergoing spatial dynamics such as the newly form ed homogeneous sphere of living in our study area.


  • Kim, Young Ik
    • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2003
  • The boundary of a typical period-2 component in the degree-3 bifurcation set is formulated by a parametrization of its image which is the unit circle under the multiplier map. Some properties on the geometry of the boundary are investigated including the root point, the cusp and the length as well as the area bounded by the boundary curve. The centroid of the area for the period-2 component was numerically found with high accuracy and compared with its center. An algorithm drawing the boundary curve with Mathematica codes is proposed and its implementation exhibits a good agreement with the analysis presented here.

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Variations of Surface Ozone Concentration by Vertical Downward Mixing of Ozone in the Residual Layer of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer at the Busan Coastal Area (부산연안역의 대기경계층내 잔류 오존의 연직하향혼합에 의한 지표 오존농도의 변화 특성)

  • 전병일
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 2001
  • The vertical structure of atmosphere was observed In investigate the variation of surface ozone concentration by vertical downward mixing of residual ozone in the atmospheric boundary layer at the Busan coastal area. Airsonde and pilot balloon measurements were made at Gamcheondong and the Kimhae airport for April 26~27, 1996. The vertical potential of potential temperature showed a residual layer between 510m and 1800m from 2100LST April 26 to 0900LST April 27. The downward mixing of ozone in the residual layer of the atmospheric boundary layer was confirmed from vertical profile of mixing ratio near 600m in the morning. The thickness of the sea breeze layer was 900m at 1500LST April 26. Thereafter, it become to be lowered with time A low level jet was measured near 900m at 0300LST on April 27 from a pibal measurement. Early morning sharp increase of surface ozone concentration at the Busan coastal area was caused by vertical downward mixing of ozone concentration rather than by photochemical reaction In the atmospheric boundary layer.

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Analysis of Multi-Layered Structural Systems Using Nonlinear Finite Elements-Boundary Elements (반무한 다중 구조계의 비선형 유한요소 - 경계요소 해석)

  • 김문겸;장정범;이상도;황학주
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1992.04a
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 1992
  • It is usual that underground structures are constructed within multi-layered medium. In this paper, an efficient numerical model ling of multi-layered structural systems is studied using coupled analysis of finite elements and boundary elements. The finite elements are applied to the area in which the material nonlinearity is dominated, and the boundary elements are applied to the far field area where the nonlinearity is relatively weak. In the boundary element model 1 ins of the multi-layered medium, fundamental solutions are restricted. Thus, methods which can utilize existing Kelvin and Melan solution are sought for the interior multi-layered domain problem and semi infinite domain problem. Interior domain problem which has piecewise homogeneous layers is analyzed using boundary elements with Kelvin solution; by discretizing each homogeneous subregion and applying compatibility and equilibrium conditions between interfaces. Semi-infinite domain problem is analyzed using boundary elements with Melan solution, by superposing unit stiffness matrices which are obtained for each layer by enemy method. Each methodology is verified by comparing its results which the results from the finite element analysis and it is concluded that coupled analysis using boundary elements and finite elements can be reasonable and efficient if the superposition technique is applied for the multi-layered semi-infinite domain problems.

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The Parametrized Boundary of a Period-2 Component in the Degree-3 Bifurcation Set

  • 김영익
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.5.3-5
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    • 2003
  • The boundary of a typical period-2 component in the degree-3 bifurcation set is formulated by a parametrization of its image which is the unit circle under the multiplier map, Some properties on the geometry of the boundary are investigated including the root point, the cusp, the component center and the length as well as the area bounded by the boundary curve. An algorithm drawing the boundary curve with Mathematica codes is proposed and its implementation exhibits a good agreement with the analysis presented here.

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A Method to Extract Vehicle Number Plates by Applying Signal Processing Techniques (신호처리 기법을 응용한 차량번호판 추출방법)

  • 전병태;윤호섭
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.30B no.7
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 1993
  • This paper describes algorithms to extract license plates in vehicle images. Conventional methods perform preprocessing on the entire vehicle image to produce the edge image and binarize it. Hough transform is applied to the binary image to find horizontal and vertical lines, and the license plate area is extracted using the charateristics of license plates (the boundary information of license plates). Problems with this approach are that real-time processing is not feasible due to long processing time and that the license plate area is not extracted when lighting is irregular such as at night or when the plate boundary does not show up in the image. This research uses the gray level transition characteristics of license plates to verify the digit area by examining the digit width and the gray level difference between the background area the digit area, and then extracts the plate area by testing the distance between the verified digits. This research solves the probelm of failure in extracting the license plates due to degraded plate boundary as in the conventional methods and resolves the provlem of the time requirement by processing in real time such that practical application is possible.

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A Finite Element Hydrodynamic Model far Moving Boundary Problems (이동경계를 고려한 유한요소 해수류동모형)

  • 정태성;김창식
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.146-155
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    • 1992
  • It has been conventional to treat the land boundary as a fixed one in numerical modeling of tidal flows, particularly in the finite element scheme. However conventional models using the fixed land boundary result in unrealistic tidal flows in inter-tidal zones which exist over wide coastal area in Korea. In this study, a 2-dimensional hydrodynamic model, using finite element method for moving boundary problems was developed. The performance of the model was tested in a rectangular channel with an open boundary at one end and a moving boundary at the other end. The model was applied to calculate the tidal currents in Maro Hae, located in the southwestern part of Korea where wide tidal flats develop. The behavior of tidal currents in the Udolmok and near the tidal flats in the study area was satisfactory when compared with the observed data. Variation of tidal currents due to the construction of Kochunam sea-dyke which barrages large area of tidal flat was presented. The results of this study confirm the efficiency of moving boundary treatment in coastal numerical models.

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Building Boundary Extraction from Airborne LIDAR Data (항공 라이다자료를 이용한 건물경계추출에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Suk Kun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6D
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    • pp.923-929
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    • 2008
  • Due to the increasing need for 3D spatial data, modeling of topography and artificial structures plays an important role in three-dimensional Urban Analysis. This study suggests a methodology for solving the problem of calculation for the extraction of building boundary, minimizing the user's intervention, and automatically extracting building boundary, using the LIDAR data. The methodology suggested in this study is characterized by combining the merits of the point-based process and the image-based process. The procedures for extracting building boundary are three steps: 1) LIDAR point data are interpolated to extract approximately building region. 2) LIDAR point data are triangulated in each individual building area. 3) Extracted boundary of each building is then simplified in consideration of its area, minimum length of building.The performance of the developed methodology is evaluated using real LIDAR data. Through the experiment, the extracted building boundaries are compared with digital map.

A Development and utilization of Geotechnical Information System(GTIS) of the Rock Mass in Seoul Metropolitan Area(2) (서울일대 암반을 대상으로 한 Geotechnical Information System (GTIS)의 개발 및 활용 (2))

  • 김정엽;박형동
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 1996
  • Geotechnical Information System (GTIS) for efficient management of three dimensional borehole data has been developed. Geotechnical maps in the vicinity of Bulkwangdong, Seoul station, Itaewon, Han river near Yuido, and Jungrangchon were constructed by Kriging method. In Bulkwangdong and Jungrangchon area where boundary between granite and gneiss is present, gneiss has been more weathered than granite, but in Seoul station and Itaewon area where the boundary is also present, granite has been more weathered than gneiss. It has been inferred that when Seoul granite intruded, the strength of gneiss in Bulkwangdong and Jungrangchon area was lowered by the attitude of foliation plane than in Seoul station and Itaewon area, so the gneiss has been easily fractured and weathered in Bulkwangdong and Jungrangchon area. Geotechnical map in the vicinity of Yuido showed that there is an NW-SE trend weakness zone that might be affected by major faults under Han river and it is expected that the fault zone may be present in construction area of Kyoungbu Highspeed Railway that lies below the Han river like the Subway Line No.5.

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