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Electroless Ni Plating for Memory Device Metallization Using Ultrasonic Agitation (초음파 교반을 이용한 기억소자 Metallization용 무전해 Ni Plating)

  • 우찬희;우용하;박종완;이원해
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 1994
  • Effect of ultrasonic agitation on the contact properties was studied in Ni electroless plating and Pd activation. P-type Si bare wafers were used as substrate and DMAB was used as reducing agent due to its good electrical properties, solderability and compatibility to substrate. In activation, high density Pd nuclei of small size were formed during ultra-sonic agitation compared to that of no stirring. In electroless plating, the plating rate was enhanced by 30∼90% by using ultrasonic agitation. In elecrtoless plating, inhibitor is the most effective additives in ultrasonic agitation. In this experi-ment, thiourea was used as inhibitor. The less the amount of the inhibitor, the more ultrasonic agitation efficiency. It is confirmed by SEM that Ni-B films formed by ultrasonic were coarser, less porous, and denser than those of no stirring. In ultrasonic agitation, boron content of the films was more than those of no stirring. In this case, the more DMAB concentration, the higher the temperature, the less pH, the more boron content. Resistivity of the films formed by ultrasonic agitation was higher than that of no strirring. As the content of boron was increased, the resistivity of the films was increased exponentially.

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Preparation and characterization of boron-nitrogen coordination phenol resin/SiO2 nanocomposites

  • Gao, J.G.;Zhai, D.;Wu, W.H.
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.259-269
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    • 2014
  • The boron-nitrogen-containing phenol-formaldehyde resin (BNPFR)/$SiO_2$ nanocomposites (BNPFR/$SiO_2$) were synthesized in-situ, and structure of BNPFR/$SiO_2$ nanocomposites was characterized by FTIR, XRD and TEM. The loss modulus peak temperature $T_p$ of BNPFR/$SiO_2$ nanocomposites cured with different nano-$SiO_2$ content are determined by torsional braid analysis (TBA). The thermal degradation kinetics was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The results show that nano-$SiO_2$ particulate with about 50 nm diameter has a more uniformly distribution in the samples. The loss modulus peak temperature $T_p$ of BNPFR/$SiO_2$ nanocomposite is $214^{\circ}C$ when nano-$SiO_2$ content is 6 wt%. The start thermal degradation temperature $T_{di}$ is higher about $30^{\circ}C$ than pure BNPFR. The residual rate (%) of nanocomposites at $800^{\circ}C$ is above 40 % when nano-$SiO_2$ content is 9 %. The thermal degradation process is multistage decomposition and following first order.

Effects of C, Mo and Cr on Hardenability and Mechanical Properties of Boron-Bearing Steels (보론강의 경화능과 인장 특성에 미치는C, Mo, Cr의 영향)

  • Yim, H.S.;Jung, W.Y.;Hwang, B.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 2013
  • Hardenability and mechanical properties of boron-bearing steels containing C, Mo and Cr were investigated in this study. Using quench dilatometer, the steel specimens were cooled down to room temperature at different cooling rates to construct continuous cooling transformation diagrams and then the transformation products from austenite were examined. A critical cooling rate was introduced as an index to quantitatively evaluate the hardenability. The C addition to boron-bearing steels did not significantly affect hardenability compared to boron-free steels although it increases the hardenability. With the same content, the Mo addition largely increased the hardenability of boron-bearing steels than the Cr addition because it decreased both the transformation start and finish temperatures at low cooling rates. In particular, the Mo addition completely suppressed the formation of eutectoid ferrite even at the slow cooling rate of $0.2^{\circ}C/s$, whereas the Cr addition nearly suppressed it at the cooling rates above $3^{\circ}C/s$.

Gamma ray attenuation behaviors and mechanism of boron rich slag/epoxy resin shielding composites

  • Mengge Dong;Suying Zhou ;He Yang ;Xiangxin Xue
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.7
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    • pp.2613-2620
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    • 2023
  • Excellent thermal neutron absorption performance of boron expands the potential use of boron rich slag to prepare epoxy resin matrix nuclear shielding composites. However, shielding attenuation behaviors and mechanism of the composites against gamma rays are unclear. Based on the radiation protection theory, Phy-X/PSD, XCOM, and 60Co gamma ray source were integrated to obtain the shielding parameters of boron rich slag/epoxy resin composites at 0.015-15 MeV, which include mass attenuation coefficient (µt), linear attenuation coefficient (µ), half value thickness layer (HVL), electron density (Neff), effective atomic number (Zeff), exposure buildup factor (EBF) and exposure absorption buildup factor (EABF).µt, µ, HVL, Neff, Zeff, EBF and EABF are 0.02-7 cm2/g, 0.04-17 cm-1, 0.045-20 cm, 5-14, 3 × 1023-8 × 1023 electron/g, 0-2000, and 0-3500. Shielding performance is BS4, BS3, BS3, BS1 in descending order, but worse than ordinary concrete. µ and HVL of BS1-BS4 for 60Co gamma ray is 0.095-0.110 cm-1 and 6.3-7.2 cm. Shielding mechanism is main interactions for attenuation gamma ray by BS1-BS4 are elements with higher content or higher atomic number via Photoelectric Absorption at low energy range, and elements with higher content via Compton Scattering and Pair Production in Nuclear Field at middle and higher energy range.

Effect Boron and Silicon on Various Properties of Dental Cobalt-Chromium Alloys (치과용 Co-Cr 합금의 제성질에 미치는 Boron과 Silicon의 영향)

  • Jung, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 1992
  • This paper aims to investigate the effect of B and Si upon the mechanical properties, microstructure and corrosion resistance of Co-Cr base alloy. Ten groups of alloy ingot ingot with various contents of B and Si were remelted by high frequency electrical induction furnace and cast into tensile specimen of ADA Specification No. 14 Tensile and hardness test were carried out by Amsler and Rockwell hardness tester(R-30N), respectively. The microstructures of specimen were observed by SEM. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. As B content is increased, tensile strength, yield strength and Rockwell hardness number(R-30N) are also increased significantly, while the elongation is decreased significantly. 2. As Si contect os increased, no significant chang in tensile strength is noticed, yield strength is slightly decreased, but Rockwell hardness number(R-30N) is moderately in creased, Elongation marks maxium value with 1% Si content while with more than 1% Si it is decreased. 3. As B content is increased corrosion resistance is decreased and is at best with 1.5% B content. Corrosion resistance is increased with the increase of Si content and the alloys with Si over 3.0% showed corrosion resistance. 4. As B content increased, precipitates are increased in number at grain boundaries. The grain size tends to become coarse with the increase of Si content. 5. Co rich-Cr alloy is present through matrix whereas at the grain boundaries Cr base precipitates are primarily formed.

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A Study on Fatigue strength by hardenability of Boron Addition Steel (보론 첨가강의 경화기구에 따른 기계적 성질에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyung;Yoo, Duck-Sang;Park, Shin-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.299-305
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    • 2003
  • This research is for the relationship with heat treatment cooling temprature and the characteristic of Mechanical properties of Boron-Addition-Steel, the main material and SM25C steel, the sub material, structure viewing fractography, hardness test, tensite test and are carried out after the manufacturing small-specimen treated with heat of $750^{\circ}C$, $850^{\circ}C$, $1050^{\circ}C$. The influence to the Mechanical properties accompanied by AISI51B20, Boron-Addition-steel shows the following result. 1. The influenc of heat treatment by the content of cabon-steel is dominant. Addition of boron result is Strengthening structure effectively by segregation and improving over all mechanical characters such as good. it results from the increase of temacity by the stability of inter granular with improvement of harden-ability. 2. Boron-Addition-Steel exist in the from of martensite structure accompanied by the ferrite precipitition centering around grain boundary, and is improved to Hv 200. 3. The height of harden-ability and fatigue stress the influence of heat results from crystal structure of martensite by difference of strength level in the structure of ferrite and doesn't have am effect on sensibility of temperature, and turns out to defend on production and growth of Matrix-structure-factor.

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Composite Coating of Nickel-Boron Nitride-Phosphours and Nickel-Boron Nitride-Boron Ternary System on Aluminum (알루미늄에 니켈-질화붕소-인과 니켈-질화붕소-붕소의 3원계 복합도금)

  • Kuak Woo-Sup;Yoon, Byung-Ha;Kim, Dai-Ryong
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 1986
  • Codeposited of boron nitride(BN) particle dispersed into electroless nickel-phosphours (Ni-P) and nickel-boron(Ni-B) platings were studied for the purpose of developing the wear resistance and lubricity. BN can be codeposited from electroless nickel plating bath with $NaH_2PO_2$ and $NaBH_4$ as the reducing agents. Most dispersolids were distributed uniformly in the Ni-P and Ni-B matrix. Abrasion loss decreased with increasing amount of codeposits and reached a constant value 2.4 percent by volume percent of BN particle. The wear resistance and the friction coefficient of the heat treated BN composite coatings were improved about three times than that of as-coatings. The BN composite coatings were more wear resistance than hard chromium. Ni-B-BN composite coatings showed lower wear resistance and friction coefficient than Ni-P-BN. The BN content of the deposite was found to be 2.4 v/o for these optium conditions.

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Studies on the Cause and Control for Non-Sprouting in the Mulberry Field of Kyung-pook Province (경북지방의 뽕밭에 발생한 발아불량현상의 원인 및 방제에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Geun-Seop;Kim, Gyu-Rae;Kim, Nak-Sang
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1986
  • This study was conducted to bring light on inducing factors for non-sprouting occured in the mulberry field of Kyungpook Province in 1983. The results are as follws ; 1. In spring, winter buds were suddenly died during germination, necrosis appeared in pholem and cortex of non-sprouting stem and measles at the bottom of non-sprouting stem. 2. The depth of available of soil was more shallow in the non-sproutiong field than in healthy field. 3. There was no signifioant difference between the healthy field and non-sprouting field in siol PH, the content of organic matter, available phosphorous and exchangeble cations. 4. Available boron content in soil was significantly more in healthy field than in non-sprouting field. 5. Boron content in leaf and bark was significantly lower in the non-sproutiong tree than in the healthy tree. 6. The non-sprouting fields were completely controlled by the application of 6kg/10a borax. 7. Cold tolerance of the mulberry tree was higher in the mulberry tree with boron than in the mulberry tree without boron. 8. Mulberry tree in Kyungpook Province in 1983 may absorb water earlier compared with the average year because of high temperature at the end of March, 1983 and they had been damaged by frost injuary due to the lowest temperature (-6.4$^{\circ}C$) on the grass at the beginning of April 1983. As the above results, non-sprouting bud in the mulberry fields of Kyungpook Province in 1983 had been occured by low temperature and boron deficiency and boron deficiency of mulberry trees accelerared the frost injury.

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Examination of the Characteristics of Mortar Mixed with Boron Compounds Presenting Various Levels of Alkalinity (다양한 알칼리도를 가진 붕소화합물이 혼입된 모르타르의 특성 검토)

  • Lee, Binna;Lee, Jong-Suk;Min, Jiyoung;Lee, Jang Hwa
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2017
  • This study examines the characteristics of mortar mixed with various boron compounds. The adapted boron compounds, classified into acid, slightly alkaline and strongly alkaline with respect to the value of the pH are acid-based boron (AA), low-alkaline-based boron (AB), and high-alkaline-based boron (HB). The pH test, setting test and compressive strength test are performed to evaluate the physical and chemical properties of mortar, and SEM imaging is conducted to analyze the microstructure of mortar. The measured pH shows that the specimens mixed with boron compounds have lower pH than the basic mortar without boron and that loss of pH occurs according to time. The setting test reveals that the initial and final setting times of the specimens mixed with boron compounds occur later than the basic mortar, which disagrees slightly with the previous literature stating that the setting time can be shortened according to the alkalinity. From the compressive strength test and SEM imaging results, it is recommended to determine the optimal content of boron considering type and composition of the boron compounds.

Effects of Microalloying Elements on Microstructures and Toughness of Simulated HAZ in Quenched and Tempered Steels

  • Chang, W.S.;Yoon, B.H.
    • International Journal of Korean Welding Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2003
  • A series of experiments has been carried out to investigate the effect of titanium, boron and nitrogen on the microstructure and toughness of simulated heat affected zone (HAZ) in quenched and tempered (QT) type 490MPa yield strength steels. For acquiring the same strength level, the carbon content and carbon equivalent could be lowered remarkably with a small titanium and boron addition due to the hardenability effect of boron during quenching process. Following the thermal cycle of large heat input, the coarsened grain HAZ (CGHAZ) of conventional quenched and tempered (QT) type 490MPa yield strength steels exhibited a coarse bainitic or ferrite side plate structure with large prior austenite grains. While, titanium and boron bearing QT type 490MPa yield strength steels were characterized by the microstructure in the CGHAZ, consisting mainly of the fine intragranular ferrite microstructure. Toughness of the simulated HAZ was mainly controlled by the proper Ceq level, and the ratio of Ti/N rather than titanium and nitrogen contents themselves. In the titanium­boron added QT steels, the optimum Ti/N ratio for excellent HAZ toughness was around 2.0, which was much lower than the known Ti/N stoichiometric ratio, 3.4. With reducing Ti/N ratio from the stoichiometric ratio, austenite grain size in the coarse grained HAZ became finer, indicating that the effective fine precipitates could be sufficiently obtained even with lower Ti/N level by adding boron simultaneously. Along with typical titanium carbo­nitrides, various forms of complex titanium­ and boron­based precipitates, like TiN­MnS­BN, were often observed in the simulated CGHAZ, which may act as stable nuclei for ferrite during cooling of weld thermal cycles

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