• Title/Summary/Keyword: Borehole loading test

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Shaft Resistance Characteristics of Rock-Socketed Drilled Shafts Based on Pile Load Tests (현장 말뚝재하시험을 통한 암반에 근입된 현장타설말뚝의 주면마찰력 결정)

  • Seol, Hoon-Il;Jeong, Sang-Seom
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2007
  • Behavior of rock-socketed drilled shafts subjected to axial load was investigated on the basis of pile load tests. The emphasis was laid on analyzing the shear load transfer characteristics from the shafts to surrounding rock. Field load tests were performed on nine test shafts under various conditions such as weathering of rock mass, borehole roughness, pile diameters, and loading directions. The borehole roughness at each test site was profiled using a laser borehole profiler. In order to evaluate and to propose ultimate shaft resistance($f_{max}$) of drilled shafts in rock of Korean peninsular, also, database of pile load tests was developed by reviewing various literature and technical reports.

Grouting Effects of Microfine Cement in the Rock-based Sites (시멘트계 주입재료의 암반그라우팅 효과)

  • Kong, Jinyoung;Kim, Chanki;Park, Jinhwan;Chun, Byungsik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2010
  • The particle size of microfine cement(MC) is so small that it can be injected into silt layer. But the more particle size is miniaturized, the more the cohesion increases. This phenomenon results in the decrease of the perviousness of MC. In this study, the grouting effects of microfine cement with superplasticizer to maintain cohesion low and that of normal cement were investigated in rock. To estimate the grouting effects, TCR/RQD test for rock quality, lugeon test, borehole loading test for coefficients of elastic and deformative stress, borehole shear test for shear stress, detection p~q~t(pressure~flow~time) chart tests were carried out. The results using MC show a better permeability, modulus of elasticity, deformation, charge per unit, and recover efficiency of grouting material than those of ordinary portland cement except shear stress.

An Aanalysis of the Geotechnical Characteristics of the Uncemented Breccia at Kyeongju District (경주 지역 미고결 각력층의 공학적 특성 분석)

  • Yun Sung-Hak;Lee Kun;Sha Sang-Ho;Park Sei-Joo;Ra Il-woong;Cheon Yoon-chul;Cho Nam Jun
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.667-672
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    • 2005
  • The uncemented breccia consisted of conglomerate and breccia, which are not originated from volcanic clastics, shows wide variation of engineering properties depending on the characteristics of matrix of the uncemented breccia. These uncemented breccia have breccia and matrix irregularly distributed according to their depth and position. Clay minerals are also included in the matrix of these uncemented breccia, so they are expected to show expansive behavior and weakness against weathering process. In this study, the volumetric ratio of breccia on the cores had been calculated using digital image processing technique (performed on recovered core box and their sections). The 3-axial compressional strength test had been done with a shaping of rapid cooling method, and the shear strength (c, ${\phi}$) of uncemented breccia due to the breccia content had been calculated by applying BIMROCK model curve suggested by Goodman. A reliable analysis on the engineering properties of uncemented breccia had been also possible by using borehole density logging and borehole loading test for the accurate determination of the unit weight and the deformation constants deformation modulus.

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Three Dimensional Behaviour of the Rock Mass around a Large Rock Cavern during Excavation (지하 대공동의 3차원 굴착거동에 관한 연구)

  • 이영남;서영호;주광수
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents the results of deformation measurement and numerical analysis carried out to study the behaviour of the rock mass around large underground oil storage caverns. Displacements during excavation have been monitored using borehole extensometers which had been installed before the excavation of caverns proceeded. Numerical analysis has been carried out to examine the three-dimensional behaviour of rock and the face advance effect. The input parameters for this analysis were determined from the results of laboratory and field tests. The deformation modulus of the rock mass was determined from plate loading test at the site and in-situ stresses were measured from the overcoring method with USBM deformation gauge. The results from this study gave a clear picture for three-dimensional behaviour of the rock mass, hence would be used for the optimum design.

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Thermo-mechanical simulations of pillar spalling for in-situ heater test by FRACOD

  • Lee Hee-Suk;Shen Baotang;Mikael Rinne
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.244-251
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    • 2003
  • A two-dimensional BEM code, $FRACOD^{2D}$, was applied to simulate fracture initiation and propagation processes in a rock pillar during an in situ heater test of a rock pillar planned at the $\"{A}sp\"{o}$ Underground Rock laboratory of SKB, in Southern Sweden. To take the advantage of conventional BEM for simulating fracturing processes, but without efforts for domain integral transformation, a hybrid approach is developed to simulate the fracturing processes in rock pillar under coupled thermo-mechanical loading. The code FRACOD was used for simulating the fracture initiation and propagation processes with its boundary tractions reflecting the effects of the initial and redistributed thermomechanical stresses in the domain of interest at multiple excavation and heating steps were produced by a special algorithm of stress inversion, based on resultant thermo-mechanical stress fields at each excavation and heat loading step by a FEM code without considering fracturing processes. This hybrid approach can take the advantages of both types of numerical methods and avoids their shortcomings for fracturing process simulation and domain effects, respectively. In this paper, we present the hybrid approach for the stress, displacements, and fracturing processes at sequential excavation and heating steps of the in situ heater test as a predictive modelling, the formulation of the fracturing models and the predictive results. Two sections of borehole depth, 0.5 m and 1.5 m below the tunnel floor are considered. The pillar area is modelled with the FRACOD and the stress field produced by excavation and heating is transferred with corresponding boundary stresses. From the modelling results, the degree of fracturing and damage are evaluated for 120 days of heating. Dominated shear fracturing in the vicinity of the central pillar was observed from the models at both sections, but spalled area appears to be limited. Based on the modelling results, a sensitivity study for the effect of pre-existing fractures in the vicinity of the holes is also conducted, and the initiation and evolution of EDZ around the deposition holes are investigated using this particular numerical technique.

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Estimation of Deformation Modulus of Basaltic Rock Masses in Northeastern and Northwestern Jeju Island (제주도 북동부 및 북서부 현무암반의 변형계수 추정)

  • Yang, Soon-Bo;Boo, Sang-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the in situ deformation moduli, which were measured by borehole loading tests at basaltic rock masses located in the northeastern onshore and offshore and the northwestern onshore of Jeju Island, were examined in relation to RQD and RMR. The measured deformation moduli were also compared with the estimated deformation moduli from conventional empirical formulas using RQD and RMR. In addition, the measured deformation moduli were analyzed with respect to both the velocity ratio ($V_P/V_S$) and dynamic Poisson's ratio, which were obtained from the elastic wave velocities measured by velocity logging tests. As results, with only RQD, it was inappropriate to evaluate the quality of the Jeju island basaltic rock masses, which are characterized by vesicular structures, to select a measurement method of in situ deformation moduli, and to estimate the deformation moduli. On the other hand, it was desirable to evaluate the quality of the Jeju Island basaltic rock masses, and to estimate the deformation moduli by using RMR. The conventional empirical formulas using RMR overestimated the deformation moduli of the Jeju Island basaltic rock masses. There was qualitative consistency in the relation between velocity ratio and deformation moduli. To estimate appropriately the deformation moduli of the Jeju Island basaltic rock masses, empirical formulas were proposed as the function of RMR and velocity ratio, respectively.

Investigating the supporting effect of rock bolts in varying anchoring methods in a tunnel

  • Wang, Hongtao;Li, Shucai;Wang, Qi;Wang, Dechao;Li, Weiteng;Liu, Ping;Li, Xiaojing;Chen, Yunjuan
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.485-498
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    • 2019
  • Pre-tensioned rock bolts can be classified into fully anchored, lengthening anchored and point anchored bolts based on the bond length of the resin or cement mortar inside the borehole. Bolts in varying anchoring methods may significantly affect the supporting effect of surrounding rock around a tunnel. However, thus far, the theoretical basis of selecting a proper anchoring method has not been thoroughly investigated. Based on this problem, 16 schemes were designed while incorporating the effects of anchoring length, pretension, bolt length, and spacing, and a systematic numerical experiment was performed in this paper. The distribution characteristics of the stress field in the surrounding rock, which corresponded to various anchoring scenarios, were obtained. Furthermore, an analytical approach for computing the active and passive strengthening index of the anchored surrounding rock is presented. A new fully anchoring method with pretension and matching technology are also provided. Then, an isolated loading model of the anchored surrounding rock was constructed. The physical simulation test for the bearing capacity of the model was performed with three schemes. Finally, the strengthening mechanism of varying anchoring methods was validated. The research findings in this paper may provide theoretical guidelines for the design and construction of bolting support in tunnels.