• 제목/요약/키워드: Bonus Level

검색결과 19건 처리시간 0.022초

우리나라 병원근로자의 임금체계에 대한 연구 (A study on the pay systems of the workers at hospitals in Korea)

  • 고수경
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.281-295
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data for the development of new pay system of hospitals by analyzing the status and problems of current pay system. The pay systems of 20 nationwide hospitals were analyzed and compared with the average pay level in Korea. In addition, the annual trend of pay system was analyzed. Based on this study, the following suggestions can be made. First, the pay levels of hospitals are, in some types of workers, lower than average. Hospitals should take much efforts to improve the payment capability through the effective management. Second, the effort to raise the proportion of basic pay to the total pay and to simplify the pay system on the basis of basic pay rather than the allowance and bonus should be made. Third, the pay system based on the length of service should be revised into the one based on work capability, achievement and performance in case of professional, clerical and managerial jobs. Fourth, the pay system determined depending on the power relationship between the labor unions and the management should be improved into the one, with which workers can feel reliable and satisfied through the revealing of the payment ability and the management improvement.

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충북지역 학교급식 조리종사원의 직무만족도 (Job Satisfaction of School Foodservice Employees in Chungbuk Province)

  • 임혜진;이영은
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.651-663
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data and information for the improvement of school foodservice and efficient management of cooks by surveying the working conditions and the job satisfaction of cooks at schools located in Chungbuk province. The questionnaires of 311 cooks were available for this study. 26.3% of respondents worked at elementary schools, 34.2% of respondents worked at middle schools, and 39.5% of respondents worked at high schools. 72.3% of them were in their forties, 24.4% worked during five to seven years, and 63.0% had qualification certificates. Their job satisfaction was examined from ten dimensions. Respondents were not satisfied with the wage system and working environment which scored 2 points out of 5 points(not satisfied). They gave 1 point out of 5 points to the promotion dimension(not satisfied at all) while organizational committment area received relatively high points. The overall job satisfaction level was 3.06 points. The evaluation of the factors that made their job unsatisfactory were evaluated and the bonus system, treatment system and the wage system were 3.80 points, 3.69 points, and 3.62 points, respectively. In order to improve the job satisfaction of school foodservice employees, a change of the wage system and welfare system are needed.

간호사의 비정규직 고용실태 및 관련요인에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Nurses' Contingent Employment and Related Factors)

  • 최숙자
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.477-500
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    • 1999
  • Korean labor market has showed remarkable change of the increase in the amount of unemployment and contingent employment since IMF bailout agreement. There is a theoretical position to explain this increase in contingent employment at hospitals with the notion of flexibility. The high flexibility of employment due to the increase of contingent employees is becoming very important part in new business strategy of hospitals. The types of contingent employment of the nurse are part-time employment temporary employment, fixed-term employment, and internship which was introduced in early 1999. Recently, Korean health care industry managers have paid attention to the customer oriented service, rationalization of business administration, service quality control so that they can adjust their business to outer environment. Especially their efforts concentrate on the wage reduction through efficient and scientific control of man power because wage shares about 40% of total cost. This dissertation aims at verifying the phenomena of the contingent employment of the nurse and analyzing the related factors and problems. To rephrase these aims in ordinal: First, verifying the phenomena of contingent employment of the nurse. Second, verifying the problems of that phenomena. Third, analyzing the related factors of the contingent employment of the nurse. To accomplish these research goals, a statistical survey was executed. in which 384 questionnaires-66 for manager nurses, 318 for contingent nurses - were given to nurses working at 66 hospitals-which have at least 100 beds-in Seoul. Among them, 187 questionnaires-38 from manager nurses, 149 from contingent nurses'- 'were returned. Then, the data coded and submitted to T-test, $X^2$ -test, variance analysis(ANOVA), correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, Logistic Regression with SAS program. The research results of the contingent nurses are followings: 1. The average career term at the present hospital 8.4 months: duty-on days per month are 24.2 days: working time per day is 7.9 hours. These results showed little difference from regular nurses. 2. Their wage level is about 70% of regular nurses except for internship nurses whose wage level is 41% of regular nurses. To break down the wage composition, part-time nurses and internship nurses get few allowance and bonus. And contingent nurses get very low level of additional pay except for fixed-term nurses who are under similar condition of employment to regular nurses. These results show that hospital managers are trying to reduce the labor cost not only through the direct way of wage reduction but through differential treatment of bonus, retirement allowance, and other additional pay. 3. The problem of contingent employment: low level of pay; high level of turn-over rate: weakening of union; low level of working condition: heavy burden of work; inhuman treatment. The contingent nurses consider these problems more seriously than manager nurses do. What manager nurses regard problematic is the absence of feeling-belonged and responsibility of the contingent nurses. 4. The factors strongly related with the rate of the number of contingent nurses for the number of regular nurses; gross turn-over nurses; average in-patients per day; staring wage of graduate from professional college: the type of hospital ownership; the number of beds; the gap between gross newcomer nurses and gross turn-over nurses. The factors related with their gross wage per month; the number of beds; applying of health insurance; applying of industrial casualty insurance; applying of yearly-paid leave; the type of hospital ownership; average out-patients per day; gross turn-over nurses. The meaningful factors which make difference by employment type: monthly-paid leave; physiological leave. The logistic regression analysis using these two factors shows that monthly-paid leave is related with the type of hospital ownership; the number of beds; average out-patient per day, and physiological leave is related with the gross newcomer nurses; gross turn-over nurses; the number of beds.

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Differences on specified and actual concrete strength for buildings on seismic zones

  • De-Leon-Escobedo, David;Delgado-Hernandez, David Joaquin;Arteaga-Arcos, Juan Carlos;Flores-Gomora, Jhonnatan
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.349-357
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    • 2017
  • The design of reinforced concrete structures strongly depends on the value of the compression concrete strength used for the structural components. Given the uncertainties involved on the materials quality provided by concrete manufacturers, in the construction stage, these components may be either over or under-reinforced respect to the nominal condition. If the structure is under reinforced, and the deficit on safety level is not as large to require the structure demolition, someone should assume the consequences, and pay for the under standard condition by means of a penalty. If the structure is over reinforced, and other failure modes are not induced, the builder may receive a bonus, as a consequence of the higher, although unrequested, building resistance. The change on the building safety level is even more critical when the structure is under a seismic environment. In this research, a reliability-based criteria, including the consideration of expected losses, is proposed for bonification/penalization, when there are moderated differences between the supplied and specified reinforced concrete strength for the buildings. The formulation is applied to two hypothetical, with regular structural type, 3 and 10 levels reinforced concrete buildings, located on the soft soil zone of Mexico City. They were designed under the current Mexican code regulations, and their responses for typical spectral pseudoaccelerations, combined with their respective occurrence probabilities, are used to calculate the building failure probability. The results are aimed at providing objective basis to start a negotiation towards a satisfactory agreement between the involved parts. The main contribution resides on the explicit consideration of potential losses, including the building and contents losses and the business interruption due to the reconstruction period.

경주시에 대한 중저준위 방사성폐기물처분장 건설 프로그램의 장기적 효과 (A Long Term Effect Prediction of Radioactive Waste Repository Facility in Gyeongju)

  • 오영민;정창훈
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.105-128
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    • 2008
  • City of Gyeongju's referendum finally offered the long-waited low-level radioactive waste disposal site in November 2005. Gyeongju's positive decision was due to the various economic rewards and incentives the national government promised to the city. 300 billion won for an accepting bonus, the location of the headquarter building of the Korean Hydro and Nuclear Power Co., and the accelerator research center and 3.25 trillion won for supporting regional development program implementation. All of the above will affect the city's infrastructure and the citizens' economic and social lives. Population, land use, economic structure, SOC and quality of life will be affected. Some will be very positive, and some will be negative. This research project will see the future of the city and forecast the demographic, economic, physical and environmental changes of the city via computer simulation's system dynamics technique. This kind of simulation will help City of Gyeongju's what to prepare for the future. The population forecasting of the year 2046 will be 662,424 with the waste disposal site, and 327,274 without the waste disposal site in Gyeongju. The waste disposal site and regional supporting program will increase 184,246 Jobs more with 1,605 agriculture and fishery, 5,369 manufacturing shops and 27,577 shops. The population increase will bring 96,726 more houses constructed in the city. Land use will also be affected. More land will be developed. And road, water plant and waste water plant will be expanded as much. The city's financial structure will be expanded, due to the increased revenues from the waste disposal site, and property tax revenues from the middle-class employees of the company, and the high-powered scientists and technologists from the accelerator research center. All in all, the future of the city will be brighter after operating the nuclear waste disposal site inside the city.

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AHP기법을 이용한 상용여객의 항공사 선택의 평가기준에 관한 연구 (On the Application of AHP to the evaluation criteria of business travellers for choosing airline)

  • 유용재;허희영
    • 산학경영연구
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    • 제12권
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    • pp.239-254
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    • 1999
  • 무형의 서비스상품이 거래되는 항공운송시장은 일반 제조산업과 달리 이미 1980년초부터 글로벌 시장을 형성해 오고 있는 동질적 단일경쟁시장의 특성을 지니고 있다. 특히 우리나라는 1988년 여행자유화 조치와 이후 지속된 복수 민항체제와 시장개발조치 등으로 인해 수요증가와 함께 소비자 선택의 폭이 매우 다양해 졌다. 본 연구에서는 항공여객의 서비스상품 선택시 중요한 요소로 간주되어 온 평가기준을 실증적으로 분석하였다. 분석방법으로는 최근 사회과학 연구에서 폭넓게 이용되고 있는 계층화 의사결정(AHP)기법을 이용하였으며, 실증결과 상용여객들의 항공사 선택시 우선적으로 고려되는 평가요소들이 기대했던대로 유의적인 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같이 요약된다. 첫째, 항공사 선택의 평가 상위 기준으로 스케줄 관련사항과 기내서비스가 매우 높은 평가를 받았는데 항공사는 자사의 상품구성에 있어서 이 부분을 심도있게 고려해야 할 것이다. 둘째, 하위기준 중에서는 기내승무원의 태도와 외모, 기내식, 기내음악 및 영화의 다양성 및 품질수준, 좌석확보 가능성, 항공사의 명성, 과거의 탑승경험의 순으로 중요도가 평가되었다. 셋째, 대안에 대한 평가에 있어서는 각 노선에서 모두 K항공사가 가장 높은 중요도를 기록하고 있다. 특히 스케줄 관련사항과 상용고객 우대프로그램에서 매우 높은 선호도를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

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방사성 페기물 처분장 입지 후 지역 변화 모델 구축 (Local Community Development Model Building Study after Radioactive waste disposal facility Siting on GyeongJu)

  • 오영민;유재국
    • 한국시스템다이내믹스연구
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.119-146
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    • 2006
  • City of Gyeongju's referendum finally offered the long-waited low-level radioactive waste disposal site in November 2005. Gyeongju's positive decision was due to the various economic rewards and incentives the national government promised to the city. 300 million won for an accepting bonus, 8.5 billion won, annual revenue fro the entry quantity of waste into the city's disposal site, the location of the headquarter building of the Korean Hydro and Nuclear Power Co., and the accelerator research center. All of the above will affect the city's infrastructure and the citizens' economic and cultural lives. Population, land use, economic structure, environment and quality of life will be affected. Some will be very positive, and some will be positive. This research project will see the future of the city and forecast the demographic, economic, physical and environmental changes of the city via computer simulation's system dynamics technique. This kind of simulation will help City of Gyeongju's what to prepare for the future. The population forecasting of the year 2026 will be 289,069 with the waste disposal site, and 279,131 without the waste disposal site in Gyeongju. The waste disposal site and the relocation of the company headquarters and location of the accelerator research center will attract 9,938 individuals more with 511 manufacturing shops and 1944 service jobs. The population increase will bring 3,550 more houses constructed in the city. Land use will also be affected. More land will be developed. However, mad, water plant and waste water plant will not be expanded as much. The city's financial structure will be expanded, due to the increased revenues from the waste disposal site, and property tax revenues from the middle-class employees of the company, and the high-powered scientists and technologists from the accelerator research center. All in an, the future of the city will be brighter after operating the nuclear waste disposal site inside the city.

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한국 노인장기요양시설 및 재가 요양보호사들의 노동환경과 노동조건 개선방안 (The Strategy for Improving Work Environment and Working Conditions among Long-term Health Care Workers in Korea)

  • 손미아;김태운;예상은;황은아;최민서;윤재원
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.368-379
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    • 2022
  • Background: This study aimed to establish a strategy to improve the poor working environment and working conditions among long-term healthcare workers in Korea. Methods: A total of 600 questionnaires with which long-term health care workers participated in the targeted base areas of each city and province nationwide were distributed directly and 525 responses were collected and 506 responses were analyzed. Surveys, on-site field visits, and in-depth interviews were also conducted to understand the working environment as well as conditions and establish a strategy for improving the working environment among long-term healthcare workers to understand the demands of working conditions and working conditions. Results: Korean long-term care workers firstly and mostly enumerated their risk factors for ill-health when lifting or moving elderly recipients directly by hand (69.9%), followed by increased physical workload with old beds, tools, and facilities (42.3%) in the workplaces, shortage of manpower (32%), and source of infection (30%). To improve the working environment as well as conditions, Korean long-term care workers considered improving low-wage structures, ergonomic improvements to solve excessive physical loads, and increasing various bonus payments as well as implementing the salary system, positive social awareness, and increasing resting time. Of 506 responses, 92.3% replied that the long-term care insurance system for the elderly should be developed to expand publicization at the national level. Conclusion: This study proposes to improve the low-wage structure of Korean long-term care workers, automation and improvement of facilities, equipment, and tools to eliminate excessive physical loads (beneficiary elderly lifting), and reduction of night labor.

Compressed Demographic Transition and Economic Growth in the Latecomer

  • Inyong Shin;Hyunho Kim
    • 분석과 대안
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.35-77
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to solve the entangled loop between demographic transition (DT) and economic growth by analyzing cross-country data. We undertake a national-level group analysis to verify the compressed transition of demographic variables over time. Assuming that the LA (latecomer advantage) on DT over time exists, we verify that the DT of the latecomer is compressed by providing a formal proof of LA on DT over income. As a DT has the double-kinked functions of income, we check them in multiple aspects: early maturation, leftward threshold, and steeper descent under a contour map and econometric methods. We find that the developing countries (the latecomer) have speedy DT (CDT, compressed DT) as well as speedy income such that DT of the latecomers starts at lower levels of income, lasts for a shorter period, and finishes at the earlier stage of economic development compared to that of developed countries (the early mover). To check the balance of DT, we classify countries into four groups of DT---balanced, slow, unilateral, and rapid transition countries. We identify that the main causes of rapid transition are due to the strong family planning programs of the government. Finally, we check the effect of latecomer's CDT on economic growth inversely: we undertake the simulation of the CDT effect on economic growth and the aging process for the latecomer. A worrying result is that the CDT of the latecomer shows a sharp upturn of the working-age population, followed by a sharp downturn in a short period. Compared to early-mover countries, the latecomer countries cannot buy more time to accommodate the workable population for the period of demographic bonus and prepare their aging societies for demographic onus. Thus, we conclude that CDT is not necessarily advantageous to developing countries. These outcomes of the latecomer's CDT can be re-interpreted as follows. Developing countries need power sources to pump up economic development, such as the following production factors: labor, physical and financial capital, and economic systems. As for labor, the properties of early maturation and leftward thresholds on DTs of the latecomer mean that demographic movement occurs at an unusually early stage of economic development; this is similar to a plane that leaks fuel before or just before take-off, with the result that it no longer flies higher or farther. What is worse, the property of steeper descent represents the falling speed of a plane so that it cannot be sustained at higher levels, and then plummets to all-time lows.