• 제목/요약/키워드: Bonded Materials

검색결과 964건 처리시간 0.03초

Flexural Strength of RC Beam Strengthened by Partially De-bonded Near Surface-Mounted FRP Strip

  • Seo, Soo-yeon;Choi, Ki-bong;Kwon, Young-sun;Lee, Kang-seok
    • International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents an experimental work to study the flexural strength of reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened by partially de-bonded near surface-mounted (NSM) fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) strip with various de-bonded length. Especially, considering high anchorage capacity at end of a FRP strip, the effect of de-bonded region at a central part was investigated. In order to check the improvement of strength or deformation capacity when the bonded surface area only increased without changing the FRP area, single and triple lines of FRP were planned. In addition, the flexural strength of the RC member strengthened by a partially de-bonded NSM FRP strip was evaluated by using the existing researchers' strength equation to predict the flexural strength after retrofit. From the study, it was found that where de-bonded region exists in the central part of a flexural member, the deformation capacity of the member is expected to be improved, because FRP strain is not to be concentrated on the center but to be extended uniformly in the de-bonded region. Where NSM FRP strips are distributed in triple lines, a relatively high strength can be exerted due to the increase of bond strength in the anchorage.

결합제 변화에 따른 상온 경화성 접착형 $MoS_2$ 고체윤활 피막의 마찰.마모 특성 (An Experimental Study on Friction and Wear Characteristics of Air Curable $MoS_2$ Bonded Films with Polymeric Binder Materials)

  • 한흥구;공호성;윤의성;권오관
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 1998
  • In this work, the effects of binder materials on the tribological behavior were experimentally evaluated for air curable MoS$_2$bonded film lubricants. The binders tested were basically alkyd and acryl based resins, and also were modified by nitro-cellulose in various weight percentages. Effects on the binder ratio to solid lubricants and the molecular weight of binders were also investigated in all aspects of the tribological behavior. For the tests, LFW-1 and Falex tester were used to measure mainly the endurance life and load carrying capacity of bonded lubricants. Results showed that lubricants of methacrylic resin has the better performance than those of other resins, and also the properties of lubricants both of alkyd and acrylic resins could be improved by modification with nitro-cellulose. It was also shown that the optimum ratio of nitro-cellulose related closely to the binder material and the testing machine.

Hybrid 복합재료 보강 철근콘크리트 보의 광섬유센서를 이용한 부착파괴 모니터링 (Monitoring of Debonding Failure of Reinforced Concrete(RC) Beams Retrofitted with Hybrid Composites by Optical FBG Sensor)

  • 김기수;김종우;조윤범;민정현;신영수;정철
    • 한국복합재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복합재료학회 2002년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.208-211
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    • 2002
  • In RC beams strengthened with Epoxy-Bonded Fiber, debonding failure happens frequently. Moreover, through the life cycle, it is difficult to recognize clacks and deflections on the surface of concrete members strengthened with Epoxy- Bonded Fiber. For these reasons, we must always monitor the state of RC beams. The Optical FBG sensor is broadly accepted as a structural health monitoring device. The main objective of this paper is that it's possible to monitoring the debonding failure of R.C. beams strengthened with Epoxy-Bonded Fiber. For that, we fixed two Optical FBG sensors at the center of the beam and another two sensors in the end of Epoxy-Bonded Fiber, According to the comparison micro-strain between embeded sensor in concrete and that on the fiber surface, we can find the point which debonding failure occurs

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$Si_3N_4/SM45C$ 접합부의 응력해석 및 파괴특성 (Fracture Characteristics and Stress Analysis of $Si_3N_4/SM45C$ Joint)

  • 김기성
    • 한국공작기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국공작기계학회 1998년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.248-253
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    • 1998
  • Recently, the uses of Ceramic/metal bonded joints, resin/metal joints, adhesive joints, composite materials which are composed of dissimiliar materials have increased in various industry fields. Since the ceramic/metal bonded joints material is made at a high temperature, residual stress distributions due to differences in material properties were investigated by varying material parameters. The two dimensional finite element analysis was performed to study residual stress distribution in Si3N4/SM45C bonded joint with a copper interlayer between the silicon nitride(Si3N4) and the structural carbon steel(SM45C) and 4-point bending tests were carried out under room temperature. Fracture surface and crack propagation path were observed using scanning electron microscope and characteristics of its fracture was discussed.

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탄소섬유 에폭시 복합재료 연삭숫돌 선정에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Grinding Characteristics of the Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composite Materials with the Vitrified Bonded Wheel)

  • 한흥삼
    • Composites Research
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.44-49
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    • 2000
  • Although the net-shape molding of composites is generally recommended, molded composites frequently requires cutting or grinding due to the dimensional inaccuracy for precision machine elements. The surface roughness and cutting force were also measured to investigate the surface grinding characteristics of the composites using the vitrified bonded wheel (WA, GC). The experiments were performed dry grinding conditions with respect to cutting speed, feed speed, depth of cut of the stacking sequence $[O]_{nT.}$ From the experimental investigation, the optimal conditions both the vitrified bonded wheel WA and GC for the surface grinding are suggested.

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이종재료 접착제 접합부의 환경 피로강도 평가 (Evaluation of Environmental Fatigue Strength in Adhesive Bonding of Different Materials)

  • 임재규;이중삼;윤호철;유성철
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2002
  • One of the important advantage of adhesive bonded joint can combine the different materials. The joint that bonded by structural adhesive bond must keep a large force and its strength is affected by some environmental factors such as temperature and submergence time in water. In order to advance the fatigue strength of adhesive bonded joint, mostly put a surface treatment on the surface. This study was researched the effect of air temperature, submergence time, submergence temperature and surface treatment on the fatigue strength. We found that submergence temperature has the most effect and low plasma treatment specimens have the most fatigue strength.

일방향 복합재료 Single Lap접합 조인트의 파손 모드 및 강도 I. 실험 (Failure Mode and Strength of Unidirectional Composite Single Lap Bonded Joints I. Experiments)

  • 김광수;유재석;안재모;장영순
    • Composites Research
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    • 제17권6호
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구에서는 몇 가지 접합 방법에 따라 일방향 복합재료 단일 겹치기 접합 조인트의 파손 과정, 모드 및 강도를 실험적으로 평가하였다 접합 방법으로는 접착제 없는 동시성형, 접착제를 사용한 동시성형 및 이차 접합의 세 가지를 고려하였다 또한 이차 접합 조인트에서 몇 가지 파라미터의 영향도 살펴보았다. 접착제 없는 동시성형 시편은 가장 우수한 조인트 강도를 나타내었다. 이차접합 조인트에서는 접착제 층의 점진적인 파손이 발생하였다. 접착제의 재료 및 접합 강도가 상대적으로 강한 필름 접착제의 동시성형 조인트는 갑작스런 층간분리 파손이 발생하였으며 이차 접합 조인트보다 더 낮은 파손 강도를 나타내었다. 이차 집합 조인트에서 층간분리 파손이 발생하지 않은 것은 접착제 층에서의 균열 진전 및 점진적 파손이 층간분리 파손을 방지한 것으로 보인다. 따라서 복합재료 접합 조인트의 파손 강도는 접착제의 재료 강도 또는 접착 성능과 항상 비례하지 않으며 이것은 복합재료가 층간 분리 파손에 약하기 때문이다.

Magnetostrictive Properties of Polymer-Bonded Fe-Co Based Alloy Composites

  • S. M. Na;S. J. Suh;K. H. Shin;Lee, Y. S.;S. H. Lim
    • 한국자기학회:학술대회 개요집
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    • 한국자기학회 2002년도 동계연구발표회 논문개요집
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    • pp.138-139
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    • 2002
  • Polymer-bonded magnetostrictive composites have some distinct advantages over conventional type materials in being cost effective and suitable for high frequency applications due to high electrical resistivity. Composites of rare earth based alloys were reported to show good magnetostrictive characteristics both in static and dynamic conditions [1]. It was originally thought that the application of the polymer-bonding technique to transition metal alloys is straightforward. (omitted)

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세라믹 접합부재에 대한 파괴역학인자 및 파면 해석 (Analysis of Fracture Mechanics Parameter and Fracture Surface in Bonded Ceramic Joints)

  • 김기성
    • 한국공작기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국공작기계학회 1997년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 1997
  • Recently, attempts have been made to be join ceramics to metals in order to make up for the brittleness of ceramics. The difference in the coefficients of linear expansion of the two materials joined at high temperature will cause residual stress, which has a strong influence on the strength of the bonded joints. In this paper, the residual stress distribution and stress intensity factors of the ceramic/metal bonded joints were analyzed by 2-dimensional elastic boundary element method. Fracture toughness tests of ceramic/metal bonded joints with an interface crack were carried out. So the advanced method of quantitative strength evaluation for ceramic/metal bonded joints is to be suggested. Fracture surface and crack propagation path were observed using scanning electron microscope.

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Non-tubular bonded joint under torsion: Theory and numerical validation

  • Pugno, Nicola;Surace, Giuseppe
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.125-138
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    • 2000
  • The paper analyzes the problem of torsion in an adhesive non-tubular bonded single-lap joint. The joint considered consists of two thin rectangular section beams bonded together along a side surface. Assuming the materials involved to be governed by linear elastic laws, equilibrium and compatibility equations were used to arrive at an integro-differential relation whose solution makes it possible to determine torsional moment section by section in the bonded joint between the two beams. This is then used to determine the predominant stress and strain field at the beam-adhesive interface (stress field along the direction perpendicular to the interface plane, equivalent to the applied torsional moment and the corresponding strain field) and the joint's elastic strain (absolute and relative rotations of the bonded beam cross sections). All the relations presented were obtained in closed form. Results obtained theoretically are compared with those given by a three dimensional finite element numerical model. Theoretical and numerical analysis agree satisfactorily.