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Study of the seroma volume changes in the patients who underwent Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (부분유방방사선치료(Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation) 환자의 장액종(Seroma) 체적 변화에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae Ho;Son, Sang Jun;Mun, Jun Ki;Seo, Seok Jin;Lee, Je Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2016
  • Purpose : By analyzing seroma volume changes in the patients who underwent Partial breast radiation therapy after breast conserving surgery, we try to contribute to the improvement of radiotherapy effect. Materials and Methods : Enrolled 20 patients who underwent partial breast radiation therapy by ViewRay MRIdian System were subject. After seeking for the size of the removed sample in the patients during surgery and obtained seroma volume changes on a weekly basis. On the Basis of acquired volume, it was compared with age, term from start of the first treatment after surgery, BMI (body mass index) and the extracted sample size during surgery. And using the ViewRay MRIdian RTP System, the figure was analyzed by PTV(=seroma volume + margin) to obtain a specific volume of the Partial breast radiation therapy. Results : The changes of seroma volume from MR simulation to the first treatment (a week) is 0~5% in 8, 5~10% in 3, 10 to 15% in 2, and 20% or more in 5 people. Two patients(A, B patient) among subjects showed the biggest change. The A patient's 100% of the prescribed dose volume is 213.08 cc, PTV is 181.93 cc, seroma volume is 15.3 cc in initial plan. However, while seroma volume decreased 65.36% to 5.3 cc, 100% of the prescribed dose volume was reduced to 3.4% to 102.43 cc and PTV also did 43.6% to 102.54 cc. In the case of the B patient, seroma volume decreased 42.57% from 20.2 cc to 11.6 cc. Because of that, 100% of the prescribed dose volume decreased 8.1% and PTV also did to 40%. Conclusion : As the period between the first therapy and surgery is shorter, the patient is elder and the size of sample is smaller than 100 cc, the change grow bigger. It is desirable to establish an adaptive plan according to each patient's changes of seroma volume through continuous observation. Because partial breast patients is more sensitive than WBRT patients about dose conformity in accordance with the volume change.

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What Factors Affect Mortality over the Age of 40? (40세 이후의 사망에 영향을 주는 요인에 관한 코호트내 환자-대조군 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Ku;Koh, Sang-Baek;Kim, Chun-Bae;Park, Kee-Ho;Wang, Seung-Jun;Chang, Sei-Jin;Sin, Soon-Ae;Kang, Myung-Guen
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.383-394
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    • 1999
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the factors influencing the mortality of Koreans over the age of 40 by a nested case-control study. Methods: The cohort consisted of the beneficiaries of Korea Medical Insurance Corporation for Government Employees & Private School Teachers and Staff(KMIC) who received health examinations of KMIC in 1992 and 1993 retrospectively. At that time, they were more than 40 years old. The cases were 19,258 cohort members who had died until December 31, 1997. The controls were 19,258 cohort members who were alive until December 31, 1997. Controls were matched with age and sex distribution of the cases. The data used in this study were the funeral expenses requesting files, and the files of health examinations and health questionnaires gathered in 1992 and 1993. To assess the putative risk factors of death, student t-test, chi-square test, multiple logistic regression analysis were used. Results : In multiple logistic regression analysis, independent risk factors of death were as follows; systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, blood glucose, AST, urine glucose, urine protein, alcohol drinking(frequency), cigarette smoking and perceived health status, intake of restoratives and blood transfusion showed positive associations with death; coffee consumption showed negative associations with death; and body mass index and serum total cholesterol showed J-shaped association with death. Conclusions: Regarding the direction of association, the result of analysis on the data restricted to '96-'97 was same as that of '93-'97. But in some variables such as obesity, serum cholesterol, the odds ratios of death in the data of '96-'97 were higer than those of '93-'94, which suggested that the data of '93-'94 was bearing effect-cause relationship. We concluded that it suggested further researches using long-term follow-up data to be needed in this area.

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A Comparative Study of Influencing BMD Factors in Postpartum and General Women in Their Twenties and Thirties (2030대 여성의 골밀도 영향 인자에 대한 출산 후 여성과 일반여성과의 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Geun;Oh, Chan-Ho;Kweon, Dae-Cheol
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2007
  • This study is to evaluate the factors that affect to the bone mineral density(BMD) of postpartum women by comparing BMD between postpartum and general women who are ages from 20 to 39, and to identify correlation between various factors weight, height, body mass index(BMI), hemoglobin(Hb) and BMD. Study subjects were postpartum(n=159) and general(n=180) women. We checked the BMD of femoral neck and lumbar spine by using dual energy X-ray bone densitometry. The mean age was 30.69±3.32 in postpartum care group and 31.22±5.66 in general women group. In postpartum care group, the mean BMD of femoral neck and lumbar spine were -0.187 and -0.076. In general women group, the mean BMD of femoral neck and lumbar spine were -0.029, and -0.169. According to BMI level, each group was divided into two subgroups. One was 23 or more BMI subgroup, and the other was under 23 BMI subgroup. There was a significant difference in BMD of femoral neck and lumbar spine between two subgroups in general women group, but only a significant difference in BMD of lumbar spine is noted between two subgroups of postpartum group. According to Hb level, each group was divided into two subgroups. One was 11g/dl or more subgroup, and the other was under 11g/dl subgroup. There was not a statistically significant difference of BMD in all subgroups. BMD of femoral neck and lumbar spine showed a significant correlation with weight, height, BMI in both groups. There was a significant correlation between BMD and Hb level in postpartum care group, but a significant correlation was not noted in general women group. The postpartum women showed a significant correlation between BMD and various factors such as weight, height, BMI just like in general women. There was a significant correlation between BMD and Hb in postpartum women, but not in general women.

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Association between Genetic Polymorphism of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha Leu162Val and Metabolioc Syndrome in Korean (한국인에서 peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha Leu162Val 유전자 다형성과 대사증후군간의 관련성)

  • Shin Soung-Cheal;Song Hye-Soon;Hong Young-Seoub;Kwak Jong-Young;Yoo Byung-Chul;Lee Yong-Hwan
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.16 no.2 s.75
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2006
  • Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)-α of three PPAR subtypes (α,β/γ,δ), which are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors, plays a key role in lipoprotein and glucose homeostasis. A variation in the PPAR-a gene expression has been suggested to influence the development of metabolic syndrome through alterations in lipid concentrations. The aim of our study was to investigate the association between the PPAR-a and metabolic syndrome among South Korean. A total of 542 health screen examinees were enrolled in this study who were examined in Kosin University Gospel Hospital from December, 2004 to July, 2005. The height, weight, waist circumference, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure of the subjects were examined and fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglyceride were measured by-sampling in venous blood. The metabolic syndrome was defined as the presence of three or more of the following : waist circumference men 90cm, women 80cm, blood pressure 130/85mmHg, fasting glucose 110mg/dL, HDL cholesterol men <40 mg/dL, women <50 mg/dL, triglyceride 150mg/dL. The blood pressure, fasting glucose, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride were evaluated by using the criteria of NECP ATP III and waist circumference was assessed by using the criteria of WHO Asia-Western Pacific. And the author compared the frequency of the PPAR-α mutation of L162V (CG variant in exon 5) in a sample of 542 subjects with and without the metabolic syndrome by polymerase chain reaction allele-specific oligonucleotide (PCR-ASO) method. One (0.2%) hetero-isotype among high risk of metabolic syndrome was identified. The values of waist circumference, body mass index and low density lipoprotein cholesterol of the mutant were 100 cm, 28.6 kg/m2 and 120 mg/dL, respectively. Although the author failed to see significant association between the presence of the PPAR-α L162V polymorphism and metabolic syndrome, one PPAR-α L162V polymorphism in metabolic syndrome patients was found.

Effects of Ethylacetate Fraction of Plantago asiatica L. on Hypercholesterolemia Induced by High Cholesterol Diet in Rats (질경이(Plantago asiatica L.) 에틸아세테이트분획이 흰쥐의 고콜레스테롤혈증에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee Jae-Joon;Lee Jeong-Hwa;Jeong Chang-Ju;Choi Hyun-Sook;Lee Myung-Yul
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.624-630
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    • 2005
  • Plantain was extracted with ethanol and fractionated systemically with n-hexane, chloroform, ethylacetate, n-butanol and water to study inhibitory effect on cholesterol synthesis in vitro. To screen the effect, inhibitory activities on 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase obtained from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were examined using the five fractions of Plantain. The HMG-CoA reductase activity was inhibited most by ehylacetate fraction among the fractions, although the all five fractions had the effect To see the hypocholesterolemic effect of the ethylacetate fraction of Plantanin (PAE) in vivo, male Sprague-Dawley rats were received 5 types of diets for 6 weeks: normal diet group (NOR), high cholesterol diet group(1% cholesterol and 0.25% sodium cholate, CON), normal diet and PAE 70 mg/kg administered group(S1), high cholesterol diet and PAE 140 mg/kg administrated group(S2), and high cholesterol diet and PAE 140 mg/kg administered group(S3). Body weight gains of the CON were significantly increased compared to those of S1, S2 and S3. Activities of serum AST and ALT were tended to be increased in CON compared with NOR and reduced by the PAE administration. Concentrations of serum total cholesterol, free cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride and the atherogenic index were tended to be decreased in the PAE administered groups compared with the CON. HDL-cholesterol and phospholipid concentrations were significantly decreased in the CON and markedly increased by the PAE administered groups. Taten together, it is suggested that the ethylacetate fraction of Plantanin exerts antiatherosclerotic effect by reducing serum cholesterol concentrations in rats fed high cholesterol diets.

Study on Sound Production and Phonotaxis of Some Fishes and Crabs (몇가지 어류 및 갑각류의 발음과 주음성에 관한 연구)

  • 김상한
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.15-36
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    • 1978
  • Underwater sounds of some fishes and crabs were analyzed in the laboratory. The behavioral responses to the playback sounds of their feeding and croaking sound were investigated. The samples used in the experiment were as follows: Nibea albiflora, seriola quinqueradiata, Navodon modestus, Fugu xanthopterus, chrysophrys major, Scylla serrata, Telmessus acutidens, Charybdis japonica, and Portunus trituberculatus. The feeding and croaking sounds of the samples were recorded by a tape recorder through a hydrophone in an anechoic aquarium. The sound intensity level was measured by means of a sound level meter at an anechoic chamber. The frequency, intensity and wave form of various sounds were analyzed with an analyzing system consisting of a 1/3 octave filter set, a high speed level recorder, an amplifier, an octave band analyzer and an oscilloscope. The most successful recording was edited into a sequence of sound track which repeats sound emitting for 5 to 7 seconds after pausing for 5 to 7 seconds. The sequence was then reproduced into an anechoic aquarium through the under water speaker. The experimental anechoic aquarium used for the sample fishes was divided into the four sections with any three screens selected from 40×40mm, 60×60mm, 80×80mm and 100×100mm mushes according to the species of the fishes, besides that for crabs were not sectioned. The results of the investigation are as follows: 1. Of the feeding sound of fish, the frequency of wave from of the sound produced by Nibea albiflora and seriola quinqucradiata was 125~250Hz, that by Navodon modestus 63~125Hz, and that by Fugu xanthopterus 400~500Hz. The pressure level of the feeding sound produced by Nibea albiflora and Seriola quinqueradiata was 56~62db, that by Navodon modestus 57~59db, and that by Fugu xanthopterus 60~64db. 2. Of the croaking sound of Nibea albiflora, the frequency of the sound was 125~250Hz almost equivalent to that of feeding sound, and the pressure level was 62~63db, slightly higher than that of feeding sound. 3. Of the croaking sounds of crabs, the frequency of the sound produced by scylla serrata was 125~250Hz, that by Charybdis japonica and Telmessus acutidens 500~1,000Hz, and that by Portunus trituberculatus 250~500Hz. The pressure level of the croaking sound by Scylla serrata was 68~70db, and that by Charybdis japonica, Telmessus acutidens and Portuens trituberculatus 50~62db. 4. Phonotactic responses of Nibea albiflora and Seriola quinqueradiata to the feeding sounds produced by their own species, the same body length were conspicuous with the phonotactic index of 56~87%, but that of Navodon modestus, Chrysophrys major and Fugu xanthopterus were hardly recognized. 5. Phonotactic responses of the sample fishes to the sinusoidal sound with the frequency range of 50 to 9,000 Hz were observed not conspicuous. 6. Phonotactic responses of Portunus trituberculatus to the croaking sounds produced by their own species was varied in the range of 40~100%, according to the carapace length and the sex.

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FES Exercise Program for Independent Paraplegic Walking (하반신 마비환자의 FES 독립보행을 위한 근육 강화 프로그램)

  • Khang, Seon-Hwa;Khang, Gon;Choi, Hyun-Joo;Kim, Jong-Moon;Chong, Soon-Yeol;Chung, Jin-Sang
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 1998
  • This research was designed to investigate how the exercise program affects paraplegic standing and walking employing functional electrical stimulation(FES). Emphasis was also given to fatigue of major lower extremity muscles induced by different types of electrical stimulation. We applied continuous and intermittent rectangular pulse trains to quadriceps of 10 normal subjects and 4 complete paraplegic patients. The frequencies were 20Hz and 80Hz, and the knee angle was fixed at 90and 150to investigate how muscle fatigue is related to muscle length. The knee extensor torque was measured and monitored. We have been training quadriceps and gastrocnemius of a male paraplegic patient by means of electrical stimulation for the past two year. FES standing was initiated when the knee extensors became strong enough to support the body weight, and then the patient started FES walking utilizing parallel bars and a walker. We used an 8-channel constant-voltage stimulator and surface electrodes. The experimental results indicated that paralyzed muscles fatigued rapidly around the optimal length contrary to normal muscles and confirmed that low frequency and intermittent stimulation delayed fatigue. Our exercise program increased muscle force by approximately 10 folds and decreased the fatigue index to half of the initial value. In addition, the exercise enabled the patient to voluntarily lift each leg up to 10cm, which was of great help to the swing phase of FES walking. Both muscle force and resistance to fatigue were significantly enhanced right after the exercise was applied every day instead of 6 days a week. Up to date, the patient can walk for more than two and half minutes at 10m/min while controlling the on/off time of the stimulator by pushing the toggle switch attached to the walker handle.

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Relations Between the Dietary Habit and Academic Achievement, Subjective Health Judgement, Physical Status of High School Students (고등학생의 식습관과 학업성취도, 주관적 건강상태 및 체격과의 관계 연구)

  • 최정숙;전혜경;정금주;남희정
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.627-635
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    • 2003
  • This study was performed to investigate the relations between dietary habit and academic achievement, subjective health judgement, and physical status. The subjects consisted of freshmen in university and answered to questionnaires through the Internet. The questionnaire consists of the dietary habit, academic achievement (College Scholastic Ability Test), subjective health judgement, and physical status during their 3rd grade in high school days. Data were collected from 3,612 people. Over 33% of respondents had their breakfast daily. Subjects who had breakfast below twice per week were 37.9%. The major reason of skipping breakfast was lack of time to eat breakfast (62.8%). The subjects who recognized the importance of breakfast were 80.6% (p<0.001). More than half (52.7%) thought that dinner was most tasty. People who ate breakfast regularly had a tendency to recognize their health state were in good health (p<0.01). There was no significant difference of BMI (body mass index) according to the frequency of breakfast per week. The subjects who had their breakfast regularly and well-balanced dietary habit reported higher marks in the College Scholastic Ability Test. In contrast, the subjects who rarely had breakfast showed poor marks of academic achievement and subjective health judgement. According to these results, a good dietary habit is considered to be important to academic achievement and confidence in health. Therefore we suggest the school breakfast program and nutrition education program should be required for teenagers. In addition, the findings from this study would provide the basic information for nutrition education in Korean teenagers..

A Web-based Internet Program for Nutritional Assessment and Diet Prescription by Renal Diseases (웹기반의 신장질환별 영양평가 밑 식사처방 프로그램)

  • 한지숙;김종경;전영수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.847-885
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a web-based internet program for nutritional assessment and diet Prescription by renal diseases. Renal diseases were classified by nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. The system consisted of five parts according to their functions and contents. The first part is to assess the general health status such as body weight, obesity index, basal metabolic rate and total energy requirement by the input of age, sex, height, weight and degree of activity. The second part was designed to investigate dietary history of patient, that is, to find out his inappropriate dietary habit and give him some suggestions for appropriate dietary behavior by investigating his dietary history. This part also offers the diet and nutrition management by personal status with renal disease, and the information for food selection, snacks, convenience foods, dine-out, behavioral modification, cooking methods, food exchange lists and terms. The third part is evaluating their energy and nutrients intake by comparing with recommended dietary allowance for Koreans or standardized data for patient with renal disease. In this part, it is also analyzing energy and nutrients of food consumed by food group and meals, and evaluating the status of nutrient intake. The fort]1 one, a major part of the system, is implementing the diet and menu planning by using food exchange lists. This Part Provides the patient with menus lists and I day menu suitable to his weight, activity and the status of renal disease. The fifth part is providing information on energy and nutrients of foods and drinks, and top 20 foods classified by nutrients. These results are finally displayed as tabular forms and graphical forms on the computer screen.

Effects of YK-209 Mulberry Leaves on HMG-CoA Reductase and Lipid Composition of Liver in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats (YK-209 뽕잎이 Streptozotocin 유발 당뇨쥐 간조직에서의 HMG-Coa Reductase 활성과 지질조성에 미치는 영향)

  • 홍정희;이순재;박모라
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.826-833
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of YK-209 mulberry leaves on HMG-CoA reductase activity and lipid composition of liver in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Sprague-Dawley male rats weighing 100 ± 10 B were randomly assigned as a normal group and four STZ-induced diabetic groups according to the level of dietary mulberry leaves supplement. The experimental diets were fed ad libidum, so that diabetes was experimentally induced by intravenous injection of STZ 55 mg/kg of body weight after feeding for 3 weeks. Animals were sacrificed on the 9th day of diabetic states. The levels of serum triglyceride, total-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in DM group were higher than mulberry leaves supplemented groups and normal group, but those of the mulberry leaves supplemented groups were significantly decreased to normal level. In contrast, the leavels of serum HDL-cholesterol in DM group was significantly reduced than that of normal group, but mulberry leaves supplemented groups were increased to normal level. Atherogenic index in DM group was higher about 3 fold than the normal group but the DM-0.1Y and DM-0.2Y groups were maintained the normal level. Contents of total lipid and triglyceride of liver in DM group were significantly lower than that of normal group, but the mulberry Leaves supplemented groups increased than that of DM group. The contents of hepatic cholesterol in DM group was 160% higher than that of normal group, but the mulberry leaves supplementation groups maintained the normal level. The activity of hepatic 3-hydroxy -3-methylglutaryl Coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase in DM group was 43% lower than that of normal group, but had no significant difference between DM-0.1Y, DM-0.2Y and normal groups. In conclusion, YK-209 mulberry loaves has improving effect of the lipid metabolism in STZ-induced diabetic rats through hepatic HMG-CoA reductase activity, and the change of lipids contents in serum and liver.