• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bird screen

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A Study on Treatment Way of a Malicious Code to injected in Windows System File (Windows 시스템 파일에 기생하는 악성코드의 치료 방법 연구)

  • Park, Hee-Hwan;Park, Dea-Woo
    • KSCI Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2006
  • A Malicious code is used to SMiShing disguised as finance mobile Vishing, using Phishing, Pharming mail, VoIP service etc. to capture of personal information. A Malicious code deletes in Anti-Virus Spyware removal programs. or to cure use. By the way, the Malicious cord which is parasitic as use a DLL Injection technique, and operate are Isass.exe, winlogon.exe. csrss.exe of the window operating system. Be connected to the process that you shall be certainly performed of an exe back, and a treatment does not work. A user forces voluntarily a process, and rebooting occurs, or a blue screen occurs, and Compulsory end, operating system everyone does. Propose a treatment way like a bird curing a bad voice code to use a DLL Injection technique to occur in these fatal results. Click KILL DLL since insert voluntarily an end function to Thread for a new treatment, and Injection did again the Thread which finish an action of DLL, and an end function has as control Thread, and delete. The cornerstone that the treatment way that experimented on at these papers and a plan to solve will become a researcher or the revolutionary dimension that faced of a computer virus, and strengthen economic financial company meeting Ubiquitous Security will become.

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Development of Traditional Cultural Products Using Persimmon Dyeing (감물염색을 활용한 전통 문화상품의 개발)

  • Lee, Eun-Jin;Kim, Sun-Kyung;Cho, Hyo-Sook
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1053-1062
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    • 2007
  • This study purposed to restructure representative traditional patterns formatively, manufacture actual cultural products with traditional dyeing technique using persimmon, and commercialize the results of the research. Traditionally in Korea, the dying of natural fiber such as cotton, flax and silk with persimmon was called Galmul dyeing, and clothes made through Galmul dyeing were called Galot. Galot was very useful because it is strong, does not pick up dirt easily, dries easily, and is cool in summer. In addition, cloth dyed with persimmon becomes stiff, so it does not need to be starched or ironed after washing. Moreover, it does not transmit heat under direct rays and is highly air-permeable, so it is cool and useful for standing the heat. In this study, we used traditional persimmon dyeing technique, printing traditional patterns fit for contemporary people's aesthetic sense not through dip-dying but through printing. When persimmon dyeing is used in expressing patterns, it produces not only visual effect but also embossing effect due to the characteristic of persimmon that makes printed patterns stiff, so we can obtain unique texture distinguished from other printing methods. We chose seven motive patterns, which were lotus pattern symbolizing eternal life, peony pattern symbolizing wealth and rank and prosperity, character Su(壽) pattern widely used as a symbol of health, bird and cloud pattern in the Goryeo Dynasty, Sahapyeoeuisohwa(四合如意小花) pattern printed on brocade in the Goryeo Dynasty, lattice pattern, cloth pattern on wall paintings from the Period of the Three Kingdoms. From each pattern chosen as a motive was extracted unit patterns and the original pattern was restored using Adobe Illustrator. Restored patterns were restructured to be applied to cultural products fit for contemporary formative sense. Fabrics used in dyeing were cotton, linen, ramie, silk, and polyester. Although the same persimmon dyeing was applied, we produced different feelings of patterns using various fabrics and in some cases gold and silver powder was added for the effect of gloss in addition to the embossing of patterns. Using printed fabrics we manufactured tea pads, place mats, cushions, wrapping cloth for gifts, wallet, lampshades.

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A Location-based Service on Smartphone Combining with Mirror World (미러월드 연계를 통한 스마트폰에서의 위치기반 서비스)

  • Oh, Gyu-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Won;Bae, Kyoung-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2011
  • Mobile based location-based service can normally be classified into four categories according to their dimensions of their screen layout: map-based, bird-eye view based, photo-based, and video-based. Specifically, video-based layout system combining AR technology has a appealing factor to users through the reality-based presence but normally requires sophisticated real-time image matching algorithms to represent the system. This paper provides a new location-based service by introducing mirror world to resolve the problem and implements its prototype. The proposed service does not need such algorithm and will effectively be useful for users to get the reality of the presence for any locations which is regardless of a user's real location.

A Study on New Treatment Way of a Malicious Code to Use a DLL Injection Technique (DLL injection 기법을 이용하는 악성코드의 새로운 치료 방법 연구)

  • Park, Hee-Hwan;Park, Dea-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.11 no.5 s.43
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 2006
  • A Malicious code is used to SMiShing disguised as finance mobile Vishing, using Phishing, Pharming mail, VoIP service etc. to capture of personal information. A Malicious code deletes in Anti-Virus Spyware removal programs, or to cure use. By the way, the Malicious cord which is parasitic as use a DLL Injection technique, and operate are Isass.exe, winlogon.exe, csrss.exe of the window operating system. Be connected to the process that you shall be certainly performed of an exe back, and a treatment does not work. A user forces voluntarily a process, and rebooting occurs, or a blue screen occurs, and Compulsory end, operating system everyone does. Propose a treatment way like a bird curing a bad voice code to use a DLL Injection technique to occur in these fatal results. Click KILL DLL since insert voluntarily an end function to Thread for a new treatment, and Injection did again the Thread which finish an action of DLL, and an end function has as control Thread, and delete. The cornerstone that the treatment wav that experimented on at these papers and a plan to solve will become a researcher of the revolutionary dimension that faced of a computer virus, and strengthen economic financial company meeting Ubiquitous Security will become.

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A Study on Best Management Practices in Byulmicheon Watershed Using SWAT Model (SWAT 모형을 이용한 별미천 유역의 최적관리기법 적용 연구)

  • Park, Hye-Sun;Kim, Sang-Ho;Jung, Hyuk;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.781-781
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 수문-수질 모의가 가능한 SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) 모형을 이용하여 경안천 상류의 별미천 유역($1.21km^2$)을 대상으로 최적관리기법(Best Management Practice, BMP) 적용에 따른 비점오염원 저감효과를 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위해, 별미천 유역내 논($0.049km^2$)과 밭($0.018km^2$) 지역에 대한 BMP 시나리오를 작성하였다. 먼저, 논에서는 계단식(Terrace) 재배 방법을 적용하였으며, 밭에서는 등고선(Contour farming) 재배 방법과 볏짚지표피복 시나리오를 적용하였다. 여기서, 볏짚지표피복 시나리오는 현재 $1276.6m^2$, 경사도 약 3.2%의 콩 재배가 이루어지고 있는 시험포장에서 수행된 결과를 이용하여 SWAT 모형의 지표유출관련 매개 변수를 조정하였다. SWAT 모형의 적용성 평가를 위해, 1:5,000 수치지도로부터 2m DEM(Digital Elevation Model) 및 QuickBird(2006.05.01) 위성영상으로부터 스크린 디지타이징기법(On-Screen Digitizing Method)을 이용하여 총 21개 토지이용항목의 1:5,000급 정밀토지이용도를 작성하고, 농촌진흥청에서 제공하는 1:25,000 정밀토양도를 구축하였다. 또한, 유역출구점에서 자동수위 및 강우량 계측기, 수질측정을 위한 오토샘플러를 설치하여 시간당 수위(유량), 강우 자료와 강우발생에 따른 수질자료(Sediment, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus)를 이용하여 모형의 검보정(2011.06.08 ~ 2011.10.31)을 실시하였다. 모형의 검보정 후, 논에서의 Terrace 및 밭에서의 Contour farming, 밭 시험포장에서의 저감효과가 분석된 지표피복시나리오의 적용을 위한 SWAT 모형의 관련 매개변수를 정의하고, 각 BMP 시나리오별 비점오염원 저감효과를 분석하였다.

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Broadening the Understanding of Sixteenth-century Real Scenery Landscape Painting: Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion (16세기(十六世紀) 실경산수화(實景山水畫) 이해의 확장 : <경포대도(鏡浦臺圖)>, <총석정도(叢石亭圖)>를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Soomi
    • MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal
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    • v.96
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    • pp.18-53
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    • 2019
  • The paintings Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion were recently donated to the National Museum of Korea and unveiled to the public for the first time at the 2019 special exhibition "Through the Eyes of Joseon Painters: Real Scenery Landscapes of Korea." These two paintings carry significant implications for understanding Joseon art history. Because the fact that they were components of a folding screen produced after a sightseeing tour of the Gwandong regions in 1557 has led to a broadening of our understanding of sixteenth-century landscape painting. This paper explores the art historical meanings of Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion by examining the contents in the two paintings, dating them, analyzing their stylistic characteristics, and comparing them with other works. The production background of Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion can be found in the colophon of Chongseokjeong Pavilion. According to this writing, Sangsanilro, who is presumed to be Park Chung-gan (?-1601) in this paper, and Hong Yeon(?~?) went sightseeing around Geumgangsan Mountain (or Pungaksan Mountain) and the Gwandong region in the spring of 1557, wrote a travelogue, and after some time produced a folding screen depicting several famous scenic spots that they visited. Hong Yeon, whose courtesy name was Deokwon, passed the special civil examination in 1551 and has a record of being active until 1584. Park Chung-gan, whose pen name was Namae, reported the treason of Jeong Yeo-rip in 1589. In recognition of this meritorious deed, he was promoted to the position of Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, rewarded with the title of first-grade pyeongnan gongsin(meritorious subject who resolved difficulties), and raised to Lord of Sangsan. Based on the colophon to Chongseokjeong Pavilion, I suggest that the two paintings Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion were painted in the late sixteenth century, more specifically after 1557 when Park Chung-gan and Hong Yeon went on their sightseeing trip and after 1571 when Park, who wrote the colophon, was in his 50s or over. The painting style used in depicting the landscapes corresponds to that of the late sixteenth century. The colophon further states that Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion were two paintings of a folding screen. Chongseokjeong Pavilion with its colophon is thought to have been the final panel of this screen. The composition of Gyeongpodae Pavilion recalls the onesided three-layered composition often used in early Joseon landscape paintings in the style of An Gyeon. However, unlike such landscape paintings in the An Gyeon style, Gyeongpodae Pavilion positions and depicts the scenery in a realistic manner. Moreover, diverse perspectives, including a diagonal bird's-eye perspective and frontal perspective, are employed in Gyeongpodae Pavilion to effectively depict the relations among several natural features and the characteristics of the real scenery around Gyeongpodae Pavilion. The shapes of the mountains and the use of moss dots can be also found in Welcoming an Imperial Edict from China and Chinese Envoys at Uisungwan Lodge painted in 1557 and currently housed in the Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies at Seoul National University. Furthermore, the application of "cloud-head" texture strokes as well as the texture strokes with short lines and dots used in paintings in the An Gyeon style are transformed into a sense of realism. Compared to the composition of Gyeongpodae Pavilion, which recalls that of traditional Joseon early landscape painting, the composition of Chongseokjeong Pavilion is remarkably unconventional. Stone pillars lined up in layers with the tallest in the center form a triangle. A sense of space is created by dividing the painting into three planes(foreground, middle-ground, and background) and placing the stone pillars in the foreground, Saseonbong Peaks in the middle-ground, and Saseonjeong Pavilion on the cliff in the background. The Saseonbong Peaks in the center occupy an overwhelming proportion of the picture plane. However, the vertical stone pillars fail to form an organic relation and are segmented and flat. The painter of Chongseokjeong Pavilion had not yet developed a three-dimensional or natural spatial perception. The white lower and dark upper portions of the stone pillars emphasize their loftiness. The textures and cracks of the dense stone pillars were rendered by first applying light ink to the surfaces and then adding fine lines in dark ink. Here, the tip of the brush is pressed at an oblique angle and pulled down vertically, which shows an early stage of the development of axe-cut texture strokes. The contrast of black and white and use of vertical texture strokes signal the forthcoming trend toward the Zhe School painting style. Each and every contour and crack on the stone pillars is unique, which indicates an effort to accentuate their actual characteristics. The birds sitting above the stone pillars, waves, and the foam of breaking waves are all vividly described, not simply in repeated brushstrokes. The configuration of natural features shown in the above-mentioned Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion changes in other later paintings of the two scenic spots. In the Gyeongpodae Pavilion, Jukdo Island is depicted in the foreground, Gyeongpoho Lake in the middle-ground, and Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Odaesan Mountain in the background. This composition differs from the typical configuration of other Gyeongpodae Pavilion paintings from the eighteenth century that place Gyeongpodae Pavilion in the foreground and the sea in the upper section. In Chongseokjeong Pavilion, stone pillars are illustrated using a perspective viewing them from the sea, while other paintings depict them while facing upward toward the sea. These changes resulted from the established patterns of compositions used in Jeong Seon(1676~1759) and Kim Hong-do(1745~ after 1806)'s paintings of Gwandong regions. However, the configuration of the sixteenth-century Gyeongpodae Pavilion, which seemed to have no longer been used, was employed again in late Joseon folk paintings such as Gyeongpodae Pavilion in Gangneung. Famous scenic spots in the Gwandong region were painted from early on. According to historical records, they were created by several painters, including Kim Saeng(711~?) from the Goryeo Dynasty and An Gyeon(act. 15th C.) from the early Joseon period, either on a single scroll or over several panels of a folding screen or several leaves of an album. Although many records mention the production of paintings depicting sites around the Gwandong region, there are no other extant examples from this era beyond the paintings of Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion discussed in this paper. These two paintings are thought to be the earliest works depicting the Gwandong regions thus far. Moreover, they hold art historical significance in that they present information on the tradition of producing folding screens on the Gwandong region. In particular, based on the contents of the colophon written for Chongseokjeong Pavilion, the original folding screen is presumed to have consisted of eight panels. This proves that the convention of painting eight views of Gwangdong had been established by the late sixteenth century. All of the existing works mentioned as examples of sixteenth-century real scenery landscape painting show only partial elements of real scenery landscape painting since they were created as depictions of notable social gatherings or as a documentary painting for practical and/or official purposes. However, a primary objective of the paintings of Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion was to portray the ever-changing and striking nature of this real scenery. Moreover, Park Chung-gan wrote a colophon and added a poem on his admiration of the scenery he witnessed during his trip and ruminated over the true character of nature. Thus, unlike other previously known real-scenery landscape paintings, these two are of great significance as examples of real-scenery landscape paintings produced for the simple appreciation of nature. Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion are noteworthy in that they are the earliest remaining examples of the historical tradition of reflecting a sightseeing trip in painting accompanied by poetry. Furthermore, and most importantly, they broaden the understanding of Korean real-scenery landscape painting by presenting varied forms, compositions, and perspectives from sixteenth-century real-scenery landscape paintings that had formerly been unfound.

Study on the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine (景祐宮圖) (국립문화재연구소 소장 '경우궁도(景祐宮圖)'에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung Mee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.196-221
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    • 2011
  • The Royal Private Shrines or the Samyo(私廟), were dedicated to members of Choseon's royal family who could not be enshrined at the (official) Royal Ancestral Shrine, the Jongmyo(宗廟). The Samyo were constructed at the national level and were systematically managed as such. Because these private Shrines were dedicated to those who couldn't belong to the Jongmyo but were still very important, such as the ruling king's biological father or mother. The details of all royal constructions were included in the State Event Manuals, and with them, the two-dimensional layouts of the Samyo also. From the remaining "Hyunsa-gung Private Tomb Construction Layout Record(顯思宮別廟營建都監儀軌)" of 1824, which is the construction record of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine(景祐宮) dedicated to Subin, the mother of King Sunjo(純祖), it became possible to investigate the so far unknown "The Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine", in terms of the year produced, materials used and other situational contexts. The investigation revealed that the "The Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine" is actually the "Hyunsa-gung Private Tomb Layout" produced by the Royal Construction Bureau. The bureau painted this to build Hyunsa-gung Private Shrine in a separately prepared site outside the court in 1824, according to the royal verdict to close down and move the temporary shrine inside the courtyard dedicated to Subin who had passed away in 1822. As the Construction Bureau must have also produced the Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine Layout, the painter(s) of this layout should exist among the official artists listed in the State Event Manual, but sadly, as their paintings have not survived to this day, we cannot compare their painting styles. The biggest stylistic character of the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine is its perfect diagonal composition method and detailed and neat portrayalof the many palace buildings, just as seen in Donggwoldo(東闕圖, Painting of a panoramic view for Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung Palaces). A well-perceiving architectural painting employs a specific point of view chosen to fit the purpose of the painting, or it can opt to the multi-viewpoint. Korean traditional architectural paintings in early ages utilized the diagonal composition method, the bird-eye viewpoint, or the multi-viewpoint. By the 18th century, detailed but also artistic architectural paintings utilizing the diagonal method are observed. In the early 19th century, the peak of such techniques is exhibited in Donggwoldo(Painting of a panoramic view for Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung Palaces). From the perfect diagonal composition method employed and the details of the palace buildings numbering almost two hundreds, we can determine that the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine also belongs to the same category of the highly technical architectural paintings as Donggwoldo(Painting of a panoramic view for Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung Palaces). We can also confirm this hypothesis by comparing the painting techniques employed in these two paintings in detailthe way trees and houses are depicted, and the way ground texture is expressed, etc. The unique characteristic of the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine is, however, that the area surrounding the central shrine building(正堂), the most important area of the shrine, is drawn using not the diagonal method but the bird-eye viewpoint with the buildings lying flat on both the left and right sides, just as seen in the "Buildings Below the Central Shrine(正堂以下諸處)" in the State Event Manual's Painting Method section. The same viewpoint method is discovered in some other concurrent paintings of common residential buildings, so it is not certain that this particular viewpoint had been a distinctive feature for shrine paintings in general. On the other hand, when the diagonalmethod pointing to the left direction is chosen, the top-left and bottom-right sections of the painting become inevitably empty. This has been the case for the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine, but in contrast, Donggwoldo shows perfect screen composition with these empty margins filled up with different types of trees and other objects. Such difference is consistent with the different situational contexts of these two paintings: the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine is a simple single-sheet painting, while Donggwoldo is a perfected work of painting book given an official title. Therefore, if Donggwoldo was produced to fulfill the role of depiction and documentation as well as the aesthetic purpose, contrastingly, the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine only served the purpose of copying the circumstances of the architecture and projecting them onto the painting.

The Way of Connecting to Tradition through Content (콘텐츠를 통해 전통을 잇는 방식 - 단원미술관 전시사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sangmi
    • Trans-
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    • v.9
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    • pp.17-36
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    • 2020
  • This study is aimed at discussing the possibility of content production, utilization and expansion, focusing on the exhibition case of Danwon Art Museum run by Ansan Cultural Foundation. In 1991, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism named Ansan as the City of Danwon since it is believed to be the hometown of Danwon Kim Hong-do (1745~?), a painter of the late Joseon Dynasty and a well-known master of genre painting. As a result, Ansan is making various efforts to utilize Danwon Kim Hong-do for its unique resource through internal and external business such as the creation of Danwon Sculpture Park, the operation of Danwon Art Museum, and the planning of Danwon Kim Hong-do Festival. However, the biggest problem with Ansan is that there are not many collections of Kim Hong-do. Ansan has owned a total of six works as of May this year: a deer and a boy, flowers and a bird, A view of clouds on the water, Daegwallyeong, Yeodongbin, A way to Singwangsa. Accordingly, Danwon Contents Center has set up a vision to systematically collect, preserve, and display various visual and artistic materials related to Kim Hong-do, offering high-quality information based on digital data. In other words, it is a complex cultural information agency of One-Source Multi-Use, which combines the functions of libraries, archives and art galleries so that visitors' desire is satisfied. It reflects the contemporary trend of overcoming the limitations of the ancient paintings and satisfying the role and function of the art museum. From the opening of the Danwon Contents Hall, the original work of Kim Hong-do has been interpreted and produced as media contents or recreated as a new form of art by modern artists. Exhibition using technologies such as touch screen and 'deep zoom' helps visitors to heighten their experience of the archives and get inside the world of the genius painter.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2021
  • Jagyeokru, an automatic striking water clock described in the Sejong Sillok (Veritable Records of King Sejong) is essentially composed of a water quantity control device and a time-signal device, with the former controlling the amount or the flow rate of water and the latter automatically informing the time based on the former. What connects these two parts is a signal generating device or a power transmission device called the 'Jujeon' system, which includes a copper rod on the float and ball-racked scheduled plates. The copper products excavated under Gongpyeong-dong in Seoul include a lot of broken plate pieces and cylinder-like devices. If some plate pieces are put together, a large square plate with circular holes located in a zigzag can be completed, and at the upper right of it is carved 'the first scheduled plate (一箭).' Cylinder-like devices generally 3.8 cm in diameter are able to release a ball, and have a ginkgo leaf-like screen fixed on the inner axis and a bird-shaped hook of which the leg fixes another axis and the beak attaches to the leaf side. The lateral view of this cylinder-like device appears like a trapezoid and mounts an iron ball. The function of releasing a ball agrees with the description of Borugak Pavilion, where Jagyeokru was installed, written by Kim Don (1385 ~ 1440). The other accounts of Borugak Pavilion's and Heumgyeonggak Pavilion's water clocks describe these copper plates and ball releasing devices as the 'Jujeon' system. According to the description of Borugak Pavilion, a square wooden column has copper plates on the left and right sides the same height as the column, and the left copper plate has 12 drilled holes to keep the time of a 12 double-hours. Meanwhile, the right plate has 25 holes which represent seasonal night 5-hours (Kyeong) and their 5-subhours (Jeom), not 12 hours. There are 11 scheduled plates for seasonal night 5-hours made with copper, which are made to be attached or detached as the season. In accordance with Nujutongui (manual for the operation of the yardstick for the clepsydra), the first scheduled plate for the night is used from the winter solstice (冬至) to 2 days after Daehan (大寒), and from 4 days before Soseol (小雪) to a day before the winter solstice. Besides the first scheduled plate, we confirm discovering a third scheduled plate and a sixth scheduled plate among the excavated copper materials based on the spacing between holes. On the other hand, the width of the scheduled plate is different for these artifacts, measured as 144 mm compared to the description of the Borugak Pavilion, which is recorded as 51 mm. From this perspective, they may be the scheduled plates for the Heumgyeonggak Ongru made in 1438 (or 1554) or for the new Fortress Pavilion installed in Changdeokgung palace completed in 1536 (the 31st year of the reign of King Jungjong) in the early Joseon dynasty. This study presents the concept of the scheduled plates described in the literature, including their new operating mechanism. In addition, a detailed model of 11 scheduled plates is designed from the records and on the excavated relics. It is expected that this study will aid in efforts to restore and reconstruct the automatic water clocks of the early Joseon dynasty.