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검색결과 865건 처리시간 0.345초

Growth Characteristics of Several Carex L. Plants Planted on a Green Wall and Roof (벽면 및 옥상에 식재된 여러 사초류의 생육반응)

  • Shim, Myung-Syun;Kim, Young-Jae;Lee, Dong-Sok;Kwon, Yeong-Han;Kim, Sung-Sik;Kang, U-Tchang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.162-168
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to investigate the plant growth of several Carex L. plants according to light intensity and soil depth planted on a green wall and roof, and to show basic data for the use of Carex L. plants in various forms. The temperature was dropt more in the green container compared to the normal especially during the genial weather from August to September. The plant growth of Carex testaceae, Carex oshimensis Evergold, and Carex ciliatomarginata Nakai was excellent at light intensity from 0 to 1799μMm2s1, and that of Carex siderosticta Hance, Carex flagellifera Bronzita, Carex ornithopoda Variegata, and Carex morrowii Ice Dance were best in lower light intensity from 0 to 786μMm2s1. The leaf color of the plants changed vividly as the light intensity grew lower and the visible value of the plants increased. There must be more considerations about the pattern changes in additory experiments. The water content in the soil depth of 10 cm was maintained higher than the other treatments because of no drainage layer. Most Carex L. plants grew excellent in the soil depth of 10 cm. However, Carex oshimensis Evergold, Carex siderosticta Hance, and Carex testaceae showed the best plant growth in soil depth 20 cm, and Carex morrowii Ice Dance and Carex ciliatomarginata Nakai in soil depth of 40 cm. Therefore, Carex L. plants could be recommended as materials for green roof because they also grew well in light soil depth of 10~20 cm.

Effect of Non-Perforated Breathable Films on the Quality and Shelf Life of Paprika during MA Storage in Simulated Long Distance Export Condition (비천공 Breathable필름이 장거리 모의 수출 조건에서 파프리카의 MA 저장중 품질과 저장수명에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, In-Lee;Yoo, Tae-Jong;Kim, Il-Seop;Lee, Yong-Beom;Kang, Ho-Min
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.150-155
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study was investigated long distance export condition of paprika from Korea to Canada, and evaluated the effect of non-perforated breathable films on the storability of paprika during MA storage in the simulated long distance export condition. The long distance export condition of paprika from Korea to Canada was 7±1C and RH 90% during shipping for 20 days, and then the temperature of that was increased to 13C for 3 hours during transferring from refrigerated container to storage room in Canada, and decreased 34C for 3 days before distributing to local markets. The temperature and relative humidity of local markets was 16C and 60%, respectively. The packing material treatments were non-packing, as control, perforated film (6 mm diameter hole, 18holes/m2), and 3 kind of laser treated non-perforated films (oxygen transmission rate was 5,000, 20,000 and 100,000 cc/m2dayatm). Under the simulated long distance export condition; 7C and RH 90% for 15 days and then 20C and RH 55% for 7 days, the fresh weight loss of paprika was less than 1% in 3 kind of laser treated non-perforated film treatments but was more than 4% in control and perforated film treatment that showed severe deterioration of visual quality after 20 days of storage. The atmosphere of paprika packages was changed 5% oxygen and 15% carbon dioxide in 5,000 cc/m2dayatm treatment, and 16% oxygen and 4~5% carbon dioxide in 20,000 cc/m2dayatm treatment during room temperature storage after cold storage for 15 days. A carbon dioxide concentration of these 2 treatments was exceeded the optimal MA and CA condition. There was no significant difference in ethylene concentration among 3 kind of laser treated non-perforated film treatments. A paprika packed with 100,000 cc/m2dayatm non-perforated film showed the highest visual quality under the simulated long distance export condition. However, the firmness and soluble solids did not show any significant difference among 3 kind of laser treated non-perforated film treatments. Therefore, we may suggest that 100,000 cc/m2dayatm laser treated non-perforated film was the proper film for MAP of paprika under long distance export condition that was 7±1C and RH 90% for 15 days, and then 20C and RH 55% for 7 days.

Nutrient Absorption Pattern by Analysis of Drainage through Growth Stages in Cucumber Coir Bag Culture (오이 코이어 자루재배시 배액분석을 통한 생육단계별 적정 양분흡수패턴 구명)

  • Kim, Sung Eun;Lee, Jae Eun;Sim, Sang Youn;Kim, Young Shik
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2014
  • We analyzed drainage water from coir substrate in which cucumber plants were grown in winter and elucidated changes in pH, EC, and major nutrients according to the growth stages to recommend nutrient solution management appropriate to each growth stage. From the analysis of drainage solution the growth stages of cucumber were desirable to be divided into two, planting to fruit setting and fruit setting to harvest in case of nutrient solution management. The time required was about 3 weeks from planting to the first fruit setting and thereafter 7~10 days more until the first harvest. Approximately every 3~4 days were needed until the upper flowers bloomed. The time required from fruit setting to harvest was not different much among flowers as cucumber plants grew. From the experimental results, EC of supplied solution was recommended to maintain a little high to 3.0dSm1 until before fruit setting and lower a little to 2.02.3dSm1 after that. Of course, the amount of solution supply should be increased as plants grew. In case of each nutrients, the recommendation of concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium were 700, 60, and 110mgL1 each until before fruit setting, and then 660, 50, and 100mgL1 each after fruit setting. The concentrations of potassium and magnesium are recommended to start from 400 and 80mgL1 until fruit setting and lower a little after that.

Effect of Media on the Growth of 'Pechika' Strawberry Grown in Hydroponics on Highland in Summer (사계성 페치카' 딸기의 고랭지 여름철 양액재배시 배지선택)

  • Rhee Han-Cheol;Kang Nam-Jun;Rho Il-Rae;Jung Ho-Jung;Kwon Joon-Kook;Kang Kyung-Hee;Lee Jae-Han;Lee Sung-Chan
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.257-263
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    • 2006
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the optimal media for 'Pechika' ever-bearing strawberry grown in hydroponic culture system in summer highland. Three mixed media (1:1, v/v) of peatmoss with perlite, rice hull, and granular rockwool, and four solution strengths of EC 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25dSm1 were tested. Root zone temperature in peatmoss+perlite media was 1 to 3C lower than in the other media. The culture medium of mixing to peat moss and perlite was most effective in producing good yield and fruit quality. The culture medium of mixing to peat moss and perlite was the highest about 1,632kg/10a to yield yearly average, but was very undulating 732 kg/10a to yield in 2004 year and 3,013kg/10a in 2003 year. The deformed fruits were increased when the solution strength was increased, especially in EC 1.25dSm1. The soluble solids and the acidity content of fruits were increased with higher solution strength regardless of media. The uptake of Ca and Mg was inhibited at higher solution strength, and the uptake of N, P and K was promoted. Therefore, the culture medium of mixing to peat moss and perlite was the most suitable culture medium to product strawberry in summer, because it had the highest yield even though fruit quality among treatments was not significant.

Growth and Fresh Bulb Weight Model in Harvest Time of Southern Type Garlic Var. 'Namdo' based on Temperature (온도에 따른 난지형 마늘 '남도'의 생육과 수확기 구생체중 모델 개발)

  • Wi, Seung Hwan;Moon, Kyung Hwan;Song, Eun Young;Son, In Chang;Oh, Soon Ja;Cho, Young Yeol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to investigate optimal temperature of garlic and develop bulb weight model in harvest time. Day and night temperature in chambers was set to 11/7C, 14/10C, 17/12C, 20/15C, 23/18C, 28/23C(16/8h). Bulb fresh and dry weight was heaviest on 20/15C. In 11/7C and 14/10C, leaf number and total leaf area increased slowly. But in the harvest, leaf number and total leaf area were not significant, except 28/23C. Models were developed with fresh bulb weight. As a result of analyzing the model, 1820C certified optimal mean temperature. And the growing degree day base temperature estimated 7.1C, upper temperature threshold estimated 31.7C. To verify the model, mean temperature on temperature gradient tunnel applied to the growth rate model. Lineal function model, quadric model, and logistic distribution model showed 79.0~95.0%, 77.2~92.3% and 85.0~95.8% accuracy, respectively. Logistic distribution model has the highest accuracy and good for explaining moderate temperature, growing degree day base temperature and upper temperature threshold.

An Comparison of Storability of Several Cultivars Chicon Grown in Different Regions (품종과 재배지역에 따른 치콘의 저장성 비교)

  • Kang, Ho-Min;Kim, Hyuk-Su;Seo, Hyun-Taek;Won, Jae-Hee
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.291-296
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to compare the storability of 6 chicory cultivars for producing chicon; 'Vintor', 'Focus', 'Metafora', 'Kibora', 'Nobus', and 'Redoria Red' grown in 2 regions: Chuncheon (plain region) and Pyeongchang (high land region). Chicons were produced from chicory roots that grown for 120days and then stored for over 120days at 2C and 90% of RH conditions. To produce chicon, chicory root was forced at 18C for 22days with suppling the nutrient solution (KNO30.54gL1, Ca(NO3)21.02gL1, MgSO40.36gL1, KH2PO40.21gL1, K2SO40.10gL1, pH 7.0). Chicons produced from 6 different chicory cultivars packed with 25μm ceramic film and stored for 25days at 8C. The fresh weight of chicon in MAP was maintained to 99.5% of pre-storage weight. The fresh weight of 'Redoria Red' was lowest in all cultivars, and that of Chuncheon region cultivated treatment was lower than Pyeongchang treatment. The CO2 and O2 concentration in chicon MAP were 2% and 1017. There were not significantly different among cultivars and between regions, although 'Redoria Red' cultivar showed highest CO2 and lowest O2 concentrations. The ethylene concentration in chicon MAP was 1.0μιι1 and also didn't show any significant difference among all treatments. Chicon detoriorated visual quality with appearing russet spotting that result from ethylene gas. The visual quality of 'Redoria Red' cultivar decreased faster than the other cultivars. 'Metafora', 'Focus', and 'Kibora' maintained higher firmness of their leaf than the others, and the firmness was higher grown in Pyeongchang region cultivated treatments than in Chuncheon region.

The Effect of Nutrient Solution Concentration on Growth of Potato Plantlet in Microponic System (Microponic system에서 배양액의 농도변화가 감자 소식물체 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Sun A;Choi, Ki Young;Lee, Yong-Beom
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.144-147
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    • 2014
  • It was intended to closely examine an effect that a change in the concentration of culture medium had on the potato(Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlet growth in the microponic system so as to mass-produce the virus-free plant of new variety 'Saebong' for potato processing. The adjusted concentration of potato culture medium was 0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 1.4, 1.8, and 14.0dSm1. And potato seedling was cut into pieces of 1.5 cm in length, which included 2 growth points and leaves. And each was explanted in glass vial of 50 mL. And experiments were carried out twice for 18 days or 21days. Culture medium of 2ml was put in the container respectively. And 1 mL was added after 10 days. And in terms of cultivation environment, the experiment was carried out at the day length of 16 hours at the temperature of 23±1C under the white LED light of 40μmolm2s1. The concentration of culture medium in the experiment I was EC 0.2, 1.0, 14dSm1 and was adjusted to 0.6, 1.0, 1.4, 1.8dSm1 in the experiment II. The results showed that the survival rate of plantlet was 90% at 0.2dS2m1, 100% at 0.6dS2m1, 100% at 1.0dS2m1. 0% at 1.4dSm1, 0% at 1.8dSm1. and 0% at 14.0dSm1 after 7 days. With regard to the explanted potato seedling, in case of the treatment where the electrical conductivity of culture medium was adjusted to 1.0dSm1, root developed 2 days after transplantation. And the plantlet vigorously grew into strong plant that had 7 leaves, length of 5cm, and fresh weight of 0.5 g after 18 days. In case of the treatment where the concentration of culture medium was adjusted to 0.6dSm1, the root plantlets developed 4 days after transplantation. And those grew into plant that had 7 leaves and fresh weight of 0.2 g after 21 days. Therefore, we found that it is effective to control potato culture medium by adjusting its electrical conductivity to 0.61.0dSm1 for the mass production of virus-free potato seedling in the microponic system.

Improvement of Heat Pump Heating Performance by Selective Heat Storage Using Air Heat of Inside and Outside Greenhouse (온실 내외부 공기열의 선택적 축열에 의한 히트펌프 난방성능 개선)

  • Kwon, Jin Kyung;Kim, Seung Hee;Jeon, Jong Gil;Kang, Youn Koo;Jang, Kab Yeol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the design and performance test of the air to water heat pump capable of producing hot water for greenhouse heating by using the surplus solar heat inside the greenhouse and the air heat outside greenhouse as the selective heat source were conducted. The heat storage operations using the surplus solar heat and the outside air heat were designed to be switched according to the setting temperature of the greenhouse in consideration of the optimum temperature range of the crop. In the developed system, it was possible to automatically control the switching of heat storage operation, heating and ventilation by setting 12 reference temperatures on the control panel. In the selective heat storage operation with the surplus solar heat and outside air heat, the temperature of thermal storage tank was controlled variably from 35C to 52C according to the heat storage rate and heating load. The heat storage operation times using the surplus solar heat and outside air heat were 23.1% and 30.7% of the experimental time respectively and the heat pump pause time was 46.2%. COP(coefficient of performance) of the heat pump of the heat storage operation using the surplus solar heat and outside air heat were 3.83 and 2.77 respectively and was 3.24 for whole selective heat storage operation. For the comparative experiment, the heat storage operation using the outside air heat only was performed under the condition that the temperature of the thermal storage tank was controlled constantly from 50 to 52C, and COP was analyzed to be 2.33. As a result, it was confirmed that the COP of the heat storage operation using the surplus solar heat and outside air heat as selective heat source and the variable temperature control of the thermal storage tank was 39% higher than that of the general heat storage operation using the outside air heat only and the constant temperature control of the thermal storage tank.

Physico-Chemical Properties of Rainfall Interception Culture and Open Field Culture Soils of Rubus sp. In Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do (고창지역 복분자 비가림하우스 토양과 노지토양의 물리·화학적 특성)

  • Chung, Byung-Yeoup;Lee, Kang-Soo;Kim, Myung-Kon;Choi, Young-Hee;Kim, Moo-Key;Cho, Jae-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 2008
  • The physico-chemical properties of the rainfall interception culture (85 sites) and the open field culture soils (85 sites) in the area of Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do were surveyed. Soil textural distribution of the rainfall interception culture and the open field culture soils was 74% and 64% for silt loam, 16% and 35% for loam, and 10% and 1% for clay, respectively. The percentage of aggregate rates was higher in the open field culture soils (60.06%) than rainfall interception culture soils (55.84%). Electrical conductivity, exchangeable cations, and anions in the rainfall interception culture soils were higher than those in open field soils. Specially, accumulated amount of anion in rainfall interception culture soils was remarkably higher 2~3 times than open field culture soils. The results from the analyses of rainfall interception culture soils suggested that the most critical problem is the salts accumulation caused by over-fertilization of chemical fertilizer and compost. Therefore, application rates of chemical fertilizer and compost should be controlled in order to conservation of soil and water for sustainable agriculture.

Development of Control Algorithm for Greenhouse Cooling Using Two-fluid Fogging System (이류체 포그 냉방시스템의 제어알고리즘 개발)

  • Nam, Sang-Woon;Kim, Young-Shik;Sung, In-Mo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.138-145
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    • 2013
  • In order to develop the efficient control algorithm of the two-fluid fogging system, cooling experiments for the many different types of fogging cycles were conducted in tomato greenhouses. It showed that the cooling effect was 1.2 to 4.0C and the cooling efficiency was 8.2 to 32.9% on average. The cooling efficiency with fogging interval was highest in the case of the fogging cycle of 90 seconds. The cooling efficiency showed a tendency to increase as the fogging time increased and the stopping time decreased. As the spray rate of fog in the two-fluid fogging system increased, there was a tendency for the cooling efficiency to improve. However, as the inside air approaches its saturation level, even though the spray rate of fog increases, it does not lead to further evaporation. Thus, it can be inferred that increasing the spray rate of fog before the inside air reaches the saturation level could make higher the cooling efficiency. As cooling efficiency increases, the saturation deficit of inside air decreased and the difference between absolute humidity of inside and outside air increased. The more fog evaporated, the difference between absolute humidity of inside and outside air tended to increase and as the result, the discharge of vapor due to ventilation occurs more easily, which again lead to an increase in the evaporation rate and ultimately increase in the cooling efficiency. Regression analysis result on the saturation deficit of inside air showed that the fogging time needed to change of saturation deficit of 10gkg1 was 120 seconds and stopping time was 60 seconds. But in order to decrease the amplitude of temperature and to increase the cooling efficiency, the fluctuation range of saturation deficit was set to 5gkg1 and we decided that the fogging-stopping time of 60-30 seconds was more appropriate. Control types of two-fluid fogging systems were classified as computer control or simple control, and their control algorithms were derived. We recommend that if the two-fluid fogging system is controlled by manipulating only the set point of temperature, humidity, and on-off time, it would be best to set up the on-off time at 60-30 seconds in time control, the lower limit of air temperature at 30 to 32C and the upper limit of relative humidity at 85 to 90%.