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Effects of Row Cover Materials on the Micro Environment and the Growth of Leafy Vegetables (엽채류 간이 터널 재배 시 피복자재별 미기상 환경 및 생육)

  • Lee, Jae-Wook;Lee, An-Hee;Seong, Ki-Cheol;Um, Young-Cheol;Park, Dong-Kum
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.326-331
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of row cover materials supported by flexible FRP frames with three kinds of non-woven fabric, and five kinds of net in leaf vegetable cultivation. Leaf radish (Raphanus sativus L.), Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) were sown on May 21, 2003, and leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was planted at the same date in Agricultural Research Center for Climate Change, Jeju, Korea. Net coverings showed higher light transmittance than in non-woven fabric coverings. The average air and soil temperatures increased by 0.31.0C0.31.0C in net coverings and 0.53.0C0.53.0C in non-woven fabric coverings, respectively. There was no difference in relative humidity among the covering materials. All the vegetables showed higher growths and yields in non-woven coverings than in non-covering. The yields increased 81% in leaf lettuce, 58% in leaf radish, and 93% in Chinese cabbage, respectively. In addition, the insect damages were considerably reduced in the row covering plots than in the control, especially in non-woven fabric coverings.

Effect of Plant Growth Regulators and Seed Priming Treatment on the Germination and Early Growth of Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.) (식물생장조절제 및 priming 처리가 금어초 종자의 발아와 초기생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang Jum-Soon;Choi In-Soo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.16 no.3 s.76
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    • pp.493-499
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we investigated the effect of growth regulators, seed priming, and light condition for the germination and early growth in Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.). The optimum concentration of growth regulator for the promotion of germinability turned out to be 250 uM of GA3GA3. The germination enhancement in combination of GA3+BAPGA3+BAP was not significant. The optimum priming condition for the maximum germinability was 2 day treatment of 200 mM of KNO3KNO3. which increased germination by 14% and shortened the day to germination by 3.5 days. The optimum temperature for germination was 1525C1525C. The germination frequency was decreased to lower than 20% at 30C30C, which showed that seeds of Snapdragon germinates better at low temperature than high temperature. The germination frequency was different at light condition; it was low at dark condition, but was increased by 15201520 at red light condition. The combination of GA3GA3 and seed priming showed better germinability than the single treatment of GA3GA3 and seed priming.

Structural Safely Analysis of a Modified 1-2W Type Greenhouse Enhanced for Culturing Paprika (착색단고추 재배용 1-2W형 개조온실 구조의 안정성 검토)

  • Suh, Won-Myung;Choi, Man-Kwon;Bae, Yong-Han;Lee, Jong-Won;Yoon, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to check the structural safety of modified 1-2W Greenhouses to be utilized fur growing Paprika. This type of greenhouse was derived from being remodeled by enhancing the column height of conventional 1-2W type greenhouses. According to the results of structural analysis performed by SAP-2000, there was not significant change in critical snow depth in spite of increasing the column height of 1.2 m by welding. But the critical wind velocities were shown to be 26.04l.0m/s26.04l.0m/s, which were 318318 lower wind velocities compared with those critical velocities estimated for typical type of 1-2W greenhouse. Under the wind loads, those maximum section forces such as shear force, axial force, and bending moment, together with the deformed frame shape of strained greenhouse, were almost similar in both typical type and modified type. Maximum bending moment of column was found at eave's height of column on windward side. Under the snow loads, those maximum section forces such as shear farce, axial force, and bending moment, together with the deformed frame shape of strained greenhouse, were almost similar in both typical type and modified type. Maximum section forces except axial force was found at eave's height of column. Maximum axial force was found at inner column. Soil bearing capacity together with the total foundation resistance against wind upheaval was found to be consistently safe enough to resist to both wind load and snow load.

Investigation of the Crop Load for Tomato and Paprika in the Greenhouse (온실내 재배작물인 토마토 및 파프리카의 작물하중 검토)

  • Choi, Man Kwon;Yun, Sung Wook;Yu, Chan;Lee, Si Young;Yoon, Yong Cheol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.234-240
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data used in greenhouse design, and for this purpose, the crop loads of tomato and paprika which have high crop load among crops cultivated in greenhouse were measured. The maximum differences in lowest and mean temperatures between cultivation year and normal years for winter season were -5.6 and 4.9C4.9C, respectively and those for summer season were 3.0 and 1.5C1.5C, respectively. The calibration of push & pull gauge indicated approximate 0.99 of coefficient of determination, representing very high association. The planting densities of paprika and tomato were 3.43, 3.56 and 2.13plantsm22.13plantsm2, respectively. The yields were 4.1, 4.3 and 16.2kgplant116.2kgplant1, corresponding to 14.1, 15.2 and 34.5kgm234.5kgm2 of yield per unit area. The maximum loads were 1.3, 1.5 and 3.3kgplant13.3kgplant1, respectively. When the paprika were hanged on cross beam, the total crop load applied to it was estimated to be 15.315.9kgm215.315.9kgm2, and when the weights of gutters supporting the cultivation beds, the total weights were 26.026.9kgm226.026.9kgm2.

Characteristics of Flowering and Fruit According to Bearing Branch length and Flower Bud Position in Apples (사과의 결과지 길이와 꽃눈 위치에 따른 개화 및 과실 특성)

  • Kim, Ho-Cheol;Hong, Dae-In;Bae, Jong-Hyang;Leem, Kyu;Kim, Tae-Choon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.264-268
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    • 2007
  • Flower and fruit characteristics, in 'Hongro' and 'Galaxy Gala' apples, were investigated by bearing branch lengths and flower bud position such as blow 5 cm, 1015cm1015cm and above 20 cm length with terminal bud, and above 20 cm length with axillary bud for investigation on possibility of alternative use of long bearing branch and axillary bud in case of die-back of spur flower bud. In flowering characteristics by flower bud position in the above 20 cm length, the terminal bud was later and was short in flowering period, and also was little in number of flower per bud. Fruit weight, number of seeds, and sugar-acid ratio, in characteristics of ripening fruit, were more the blow 5 cm and 1015cm1015cm length, but soluble solid and malic acid contents was the opposite tendency. In fruit characteristics by flower bud position in the above 20 cm length, the terminal bud had high tendency expected far number of seed in 'Hongro' and Hunter a value of 'Galaxy Gala' apple but had not significant difference. Correlation between fruit weight and number of seed was high. As the results, value of alternative use of long bearing branch in apples had a little expected for fruit weight, especially was more 'Galaxy Gala' and the axillary bud.

Growth, Deficiency Symptom and Tissue Nutrient Contents of Leaf Perilla (Perilla frutesens) as Influenced by Nitrogen Concentrations in the Fertigation Solution (질소 시비농도가 잎들깨의 생육, 생리장해 발현 및 무기원소 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jong-Myung;Park, Jong-Yoon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.365-371
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    • 2007
  • Objective of this research was to investigate the effect of nitrogen concentrations in the fertilizer solution on growth and development of nutrient deficiency in leaf perilla (Perilla frutesens). The nutrient concentrations in above-ground plant tissue, petiole sap and soil solution of root media were also determined. Nitrogen deficiency resulted in dwarfed growth, small leaves, and bright yellow color of older leaves. The leaves of deficient plants became uniform yellowing in color and finally necrosis occurred on the deficient leaves. Elevation of N concentrations in the fertigation solution from 0 to 20 mM increased the crop growth in leaf length and width as well as fresh and dry weights of above ground plant tissue. That also resulted in the increase of chlorophyll contents. However, light toxicity symptoms such as abnormal leaf surface appeared on crops grown in 20 mM N fertilization. The plant growth was commercially acceptable in the treatments of 10 and 15 mM N. The plants with acceptable growth had 0.9 to 1.25% in N contents of above-ground plant tissue, 800 to 3,300mgkg13,300mgkg1 in the NO3NNO3N concentrations of petiole sap, and 28.7 to 47.3mgkg147.3mgkg1 in the NO3NNO3N concentrations of soil solution (1:2 extract) at 75 days after transplanting.

Effect of Packaging and Storage Temperature on the Shelf-life Extension of Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (풋꼬투리 강낭콩 보관온도가 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Dong-Jin;Cheung, Jong-Do;Sim, Yong-Gu;Choi, Kyung-Bae;Yoon, Jae-Tak;Jun, Ha-Joon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.96-100
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    • 2008
  • To extend the shelf-life of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) after harvest, we investigated the effect of packaging material and storage temperature. In case of film package, there was no weight loss during storage, but in paper-box package, remarkable weight loss occurred as storage period extended and storage temperature risen. Firmness of kidney bean was greater in low temperature than ambient temperature storage. Content of vitamin C was decreased rapidly during storage, and in paper package, low temperature storage group had lower decrease of vitamin C than that of room temperature. Total chlorophyll content was not difference among storage temperatures in film package treatments. However, in paper-box package, decrease of chlorophyll in room temperature storage was greater than that of low temperature (810C810C). In terms of freshness of kidney bean, we suggest that shelf-life by low temperature storage (810C810C) after PP film or paper package was 8 days, but that by room temperature storage after paper package was 4 days.

The Change of Compositions and Antioxidant Effect in Soybean Cultivars Pickled in Persimmon Vinegar (콩 품종별 감식초 절임 중 성분의 변화와 항산화 효과)

  • Bang, Hyo-Pil;Choi, One-Kyun;Cho, Gyu-Seong;Son, Jong-Youn;Ryu, Gi-Hyung
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.398-409
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    • 2006
  • Changes of component(amino acid, free sugar, fatty acid and mineral) and antioxidant effect by pickling of soybeans we.e investigated. Soybean cultivars, Daewon, Pungsannamul, Hwaeum(yellow bean), Ilpum Black and Zynuni(black bean) were soaked in persimmon vinegar for 10 days at 20C20C. The major amino acids of raw soybeans were glutamic acid, aspartic acid, lysine and leucine. The content of total amino acid decreased by pickling. The major free sugar of raw soybeans were glucose, fructose and sucrose. Sucrose decreased and glucose and fructose increased by pickling. Maltose was found only in pickled Daewon and Ilpum Black. Linoleic and linolenic acid content of raw soybeans were 49.349.3, and the fatty acid contents did not change by pickling. The major mineral elements were K, P and Mg, and their compositions except for Na did not change by pickling. Total phenolic compound, vitamin B1B1 and C content increased during pickling. The antioxidant effects, electron donating abilities, nitrite-scavenging abilities increased by pickling.

Effects of Water Temperature and Ambient Ammonia Concentration on Oxygen Consumption and Ammonia Excretion of Greenling Hexagrammos otakii Jordan et Stalks (환경수의 수온과 암모니아 농도 변화에 따른 쥐노래미(Hexagrammos otakii Jordan et Starks) 육성어의 산소소비와 암모니아 배설)

  • Kim, You-Hee;Kim, Pyong-Kih;Kim, Hyeon-Ju;Jo, Jae-Yoon;Han, Won-Min;Park, Jeong-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 2009
  • This study investigated oxygen consumption rate (OCR), Q10Q10 coefficient and ammonia excretion rate of the greenling, Hexagrammos otakii Jordan et Starks with the average body weight of 250 g in a semi-recirculated respiratory measuring system. The experiment was done under three different water temperatures (10, 15, 20C20C) and five different ambient ammonia concentrations (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 mg/L). As the water temperature and ambient ammonia concentration increased the OCR has significantly increased (P<0.05). Given experimental conditions, the OCR of greenling were 50.8159.4mgO2kg1hr150.8159.4mgO2kg1hr1 and the relationship of water temperature (T) and ambient ammonia concentration (C) on the OCR were following: OCR = 41.3 - 1.87T - 7.38C + 0.463T20.463T2 + 0.66lC20.66lC2 + 0.642TC - 0.011T30.011T3 - 0.010C20.010C2 - 0.031TC20.031TC2 - 0.001T20.001T2C (r2r2= 0.9226). Q10Q10 coefficients were 1.883.501.883.50 for 10C10C to 15C15C, 1.032.731.032.73 for 15C15C to 20C20C and 1.401.901.401.90 for 10C10C to 20C20C, respectively. In general, the ammonia excretion rate tended to increase with increasing of the water temperature within normal ambient ammonia concentration. However, interestingly, it was observed that ammonia was absorbed rather than excreted above the ambient ammonia concentration of 2.5mgL12.5mgL1, regardless of the water temperature. Thus, the largest ammonia absorption rate (AAR) was obserbed at the level of 98.4mgTANkg1hr198.4mgTANkg1hr1. The relationship ambient ammonia concentration (C) on AAR was following: Y = 1.61 + 10.9X0.710.9X0.7 (r2r2 = 0.889).

Measurements of Greenhouse Gas from the Manure in the Piggery (축산 돈사에서 온실가스 측정 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Kam, D.H.;Park, K.H.;Choi, D.Y.;Jung, M.S.;Min, B.R.;Lee, D.W.;Kim, J.K.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to suggest the measurement procedure and to build up national greenhouse gas inventory database of animal agricultural sector by assessing methane and nitrous oxide emissions according to IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventory report in order to correspond to the Climate Change Convention. Ten house-made steady-state Half dome floating chambers were used to collect air samples emitted from slurry stored in the pit under the slat. Those chambers were spread out in order that air samples might represent the whole area of slurry under the slat. Fresh air was pumped into the chambers by 59/min59/min and air inside the chambers was sampled by 1/min1/min. Surplus air by the higher flow rate of fresh air than sampling flow rate was passed through a hole on the top of chambers. Nitrous oxide fluxes measured from 10 locations would be negligible as concentrations between background air and sampled air from the chambers were within the error range. However, mean CH4CH4 fluxes were 0.151.02mg/m2s0.151.02mg/m2s. The application of continuous greenhouse gas measurement techniques would be preferred if the patterns of greenhouse gas emissions are considered.