• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bio-film

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Comparison of Storability of Some Sprout Vegetables in MA Storage (MA저장중 몇가지 싹기름 채소의 저장성 비교)

  • Kang, Ho-Min;Kim, Il-Seop
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.415-419
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to compare the storability of some sprout vegetables; alfalfa, broccoli, radish, red-cabbage, and red-radish, packed with 50 low density polyethylene (LDPE) film in MA storage. Most of all 5 different sprout vegetable crops maintained the fresh weight higher than 99% until 10 days storage at 2 and $8^{\circ}C$. The carbon dioxide concentration in packages was higher at 8 than at $2^{\circ}C$. It was higher in radish and red-radish sprouts than other crops. As the oxygen concentration showed opposite trends to carbon dioxide, that of radish and red-radish sprouts decreased more than 3% after 3 days in 8 storage. Ethylene concentration in the packages of alfalfa was 0.1 ppm, significantly higher than other four crops with less than 1.0 ppm. Temperature treatment, however, did not influence the ethylene concentration in packages. The radish and red-radish sprouts, with lowest oxygen concentration in package, showed lowest off-flavor compared to the others. The visual quality of these sprouts in packages showed higher at $2^{\circ}C\;than\;at\;8^{\circ}C$ and was maintained the highest in radish sprouts, followed by red-radish, broccoli, red-cabbage, and alfalfa sprouts in that order. In conclusion, as the sprout vegetables have different shelf-life, of which radish was $4{\sim}5$ days longer than that of alfalfa the distributed condition of sprout vegetables should be differently controlled according to kinds of crops.

The Effect of Anaerobic Fermentation Treatment of Wheat bran on the Root-Knot Nematodes and the Quality of Melons in Plastic Film House Soil (밀기울 토양 혐기발효 처리가 멜론의 뿌리혹선충 방제 및 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Dong-Kum;Kim, Hong-Lim;Park, Kyoung-Sub;Huh, Yun-Chan;Lee, Woo-Moon;Lee, Hee-Ju
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.311-316
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of anaerobic fermentation of wheat bran to prevent root-knot nematodes which are infected in plastic house due to over 10 years continuous cultivation of fruits and vegetables. Anaerobic fermentation treatment of wheat bran was done for 20 days by mixture of 2,000 kg fresh wheat bran per 10 are and soil with water in 30 cm soil depth. Chemical treatment of fosthiazate was done by mixture of 6 kg soil for 7 days. Both treatments show suppression of density of rootknot nematodes, especially in anaerobic fermentation treatment. Anaerobic fermentation treatment keeps the low level of root-knot nematode density until 90 days of cultivation and also showed good effect of melon growth. Related with death percentage of melon plant, anaerobic fermentation treatment shows only 3% and also large size of quality fruit but control 65%. Anaerobic fermentation treatment of wheat bran have proved to control the level of root-knot nematodes instead of synthetic chemicals for at least one cropping season and it showed good effect to fruit quality.

Combined Foliar Spray of Boron, Calcium, and Silicon can Influence Quality and Shelf Life of Cherry Tomato in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (붕소, 칼슘, 규소의 복합 엽면시비가 방울토마토의 품질과 MAP 조건에서 저장성에 미치는 영향)

  • Islam, Mohammad Zahirul;Mele, Mahmuda Akter;Han, Su Jeong;Kim, Ju Young;Choi, In-Lee;Yoon, Jae Su;Yoon, Hyuk Sung;Park, Jong-Man;Kim, Il-Seop;Choi, Ki-Young;Kang, Ho- Min
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.310-316
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    • 2017
  • This study was analyzed the effects of boron (B), calcium (Ca), silicon (Si) on quality and shelf life of 'Unicorn' cherry tomato at the light red maturity-stage. The storage conditions were modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) by oxygen transmission rate (OTR) packaging film at $5^{\circ}C$, $11^{\circ}C$, and $24^{\circ}C$. Respiration and ethylene production were the lowest in B + Ca + Si -treated tomato fruits. The lowest fresh weight loss and the longest shelf life resulted from the B + Ca + Si treatment. And the firmness was enhanced by B + Ca + Si treatment at harvest time, and it was retained after storage at $5^{\circ}C$, $11^{\circ}C$, and $24^{\circ}C$. Significantly lower soluble solids, lycopene, and color development were found at B + Ca + Si-treated tomato fruits compared with control after storage. Moreover, the highest titratable acidity and vitamin C content were observed in B + Ca + Si-treated tomato fruits after storage. From the above results, it was concluded that B + Ca + Si combined treatment can delay the maturity of cherry tomato after harvesting, and retained the firmness and prolong the shelf life.

Effects of Cutting Size and Planting Depth on Growth and Yield in Late-Cultivation of Sweet Potato (고구마 만기재배에서 생육 및 수량에 미치는 삽수크기 및 삽식깊이의 영향)

  • Lee, Seung-Yeob;Kim, Tae-Hwan;Lee, Na-Rha;Lee, Ear-Jin;Bae, Jong-Hyang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2010
  • To obtain the basic information for late-cultivation of sweet potato [Ipomoea hatalas (L.) Lam. cv. 'Jinhongmi'], vine growth and storage root yield were investigated in variously cutting sizes (10, 20, and 30 cm) and planting depths (1~4 nodes in 30 cm vine) using black-film vinyl mulching cultivation ($75{\times}25\;cm$ planting density, June 20). At 30 days after planting, main vine length, number of node, and vine fresh weight were significantly affected by the cutting length, and these were significantly different 10 and 30 cm at 120 days. The vine elongation affected by planting depths showed the best growth in 2-nodes planting depth and the lowest growth in 4-nodes planting depth at 30 days, but the vine growth was not significantly different among planting depths at 120 days. Number of storage root per plant, weight of storage root per plant, mean weight of storage root and yield of storage root were increased in longer cutting length, and those in 10 cm cutting length were significantly reduced compared to the 20 and 30 cm cutting length. Number of storage root per plant in the deeper planting was much increased, but mean weight of storage root was much decreased. Yield of storage root per 10a was highest in 3-nodes planting depth. Therefore, planting methods by cutting length over 20 cm and planting depth of 2~3 nodes in late-cultivation of sweet potato will be more efficient to improve the vine growth and storage root yield.

Preparation of Bio-Chemical Sensor Electrodes by Using Electrical Impedance Properties of Carbon Nanotube Based Bulk Materials (탄소나노튜브 기반 벌크 소재의 전기적 임피던스 특성을 이용한 생화학 센서용 전극 개발 연구)

  • So, Dae-Sup;Huh, Hoon;Kim, Hee-Jin;Lee, Hai-Won;Kang, In-Pil
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.495-499
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    • 2010
  • To develop chemical and biosensors, this paper studies sensing characteristics of bulk carbon nanotube (CNT) electrodes by means of their electrical impedance properties due to their large surface area and excellence chemical absorptivity. The sensors were fabricated in the form of film and nano web style by using composite process for mass production. The bulk composite electrodes were fabricated with singlewall and multi-wall carbon nanotubes based on host polymers such as Nafion and PAN, using a solution-casting and an electrospinning technique. The resistance and the capacitance of electrodes were measured with LCR meter under the various amounts of buffer solution to study the electrical impedance change properties of them. On the experimental of sensor electrode, impedance characteristics of the composite electrode are affected by its host polymer and nanofiller and its sensing response showed saturated result after applying some amounts of buffer solution for test chemical. Especially, the capacitance values showed drastic changes while the resistance values only changed within few percent range. It is deduced that the ions in the solution penetrated and diffused into the electrodes surface changed the electrical properties of the electrodes much like a doping effect.

The Uplift Capacity of Plane and Corrugated Piles for Pipe Frame Greenhouse (파이프 골조온실의 민말뚝과 주름말뚝의 인발저항력)

  • Yong Cheol Yoon;Won Myung Suh;Jae Hong Cho
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.148-154
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    • 2001
  • The uplift capacity of a pile for improving the wind resistance of the 1-2 W type plastic film pipe on greenhouses was tested using the plane and corrugated piles with various shapes and diameters. First, the resistant uplift capacity was measured by using the uplift loading on plane piles. As the uplift loading on plane piles increased, the resistant uplift capacity also increased until the loading was reached to ultimate uplift capacity. After ultimate uplift capacity was appeared the uplift displacement, the uplift capacity was decreased gradually. Secondly, the resistant uplift capacity was measured by using the uplift loading on corrugated piles. After the uplift capacity was reached the uplift displacement, the uplift capacity was continually increased or decreased. In general, the ultimate uplift capacity was independent of pile shapes, pile diameter length, and embedded pipe depth. However, the ultimate uplift capacity of a corrugated pile was twice more than that of a plane pile without regard to its diameter and embedded depth. The ultimate uplift capacity per unit pile area was increasing in deeper embedded depth. However, the longer a pile diameter was, the less ultimate uplift capacity. The uplift capacity of a plane pile, used in conjunction with the design wind velocity (26.9m.s$^{-1}$ ) of the project area, was unsatisfiable without regard to diameters and embedded depths of piles, while most of corrugated piles were well appeared uplift capacity under various experimental conditions.

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Studies on the Thermomechanical Characteristics of the Blend Film of Chitosan/Gelatin (키토산/젤라틴 블랜드 필름의 열적특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Byung-Ho;Park, Jang-Woo;Hong, Ji-Hyang
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.567-573
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    • 2005
  • Compatability of films made of chitosan, gelatin, and their blends prepared by aqueous solution casting was investigated using a thermogravimetric analyzer(TGA) and a dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA). TGA showed gelatin is more thermally stable than chitosan, and thermal stability of chitosan in blends was higher than that of pure chitosan due to interaction among functional groups of component polymers in blend. Glass transition temperature $(T_g)$ of blends was dependent on chitosan content of blends. Blend films exhibited good miscibility. Moisture and glycerol contents of blend strongly affected thermal properties of two component polymers.

Growth and Photomorphogenesis of Cucumber Plants under Artificial Solar and High Pressure Sodium Lamp with Additional Far-red Light (태양광 파장 유사 조합광과 원적색광이 추가된 고압나트륨등 하에서의 오이의 생육과 광형태형성)

  • Kang, Woo Hyun;Kim, Jae Woo;Son, Jung Eek
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.86-93
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    • 2019
  • Plant growth and morphology are affected by light environments. The morphogenesis and growth of the plants growing in plant factories are different from those grown under sunlight due to the effect of far-red light included in sunlight. The objective of this study was to compare the morphogenesis and growth of cucumber plants grown under artificial sunlight, high pressure sodium lamp (HPS), and HPS with additional far-red light (HPS+FR). The artificial solar (AS) with a spectrum similar to sunlight was manufactured using sulfur plasma lamp, incandescent lamp, and green-reducing optical film. HPS was used as a conventional electrical light source and far-red LEDs were added for HPS+FR. The optical properties of each light source was analyzed. The morphogenesis, growth, and photosynthetic rate were compared in each light source. The ratio of red to far-red lights and phytochrome photostationary state were similar in AS and HPS+FR. There were significant differences in morphology and growth between HPS and HPS+FR, but there were no significant differences between AS and HPS+FR. SPAD was highest in HPS, while photosynthetic rate was higher at AS and HPS. Although the photosynthetic rate in HPS+FR was lower than HPS, the growth was similar in AS. It was because canopy light interception was increased by longer petioles and larger leaf areas induced by FR. It is confirmed that the electrical light with additional far-red light induces similar photomorphogenesis and growth in sunlight spectrum. From the results, we expect that similar results will be obtained by adding far-red light to electrical light sources in plant factories.

Optimal Planting Density on Growth and Quality Characteristics of Kohlrabi in a Closed-type Plant Factory System (완전제어형 식물공장에서 콜라비의 생육과 품질에 대한 적정 재식밀도)

  • Uoon, Chan-Il;Cho, Young-Yeol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 2019
  • The crops recommended for the plant factory system are diverse. The importance of planting density in the plant factory is being recognized. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal planting density for growth and quality of kohlrabi in a closed-type plant factory system. The kohlrabi was grown under fluorescent lamps and nutrient film technique system. The growth and quality of kohlrabi were investigated under four different planting densities ($22plants/m^2(15{\times}30cm)$, $27plants/m^2(15{\times}25cm)$, and $33plants/m^2(15{\times}20cm)$). There were no significant interactions between Shoot fresh and dry weights per plant or bulb stem fresh and dry weights per plant and planting density. Shoot fresh and dry weight per area or bulb stem fresh and dry weight per area were the highest at $33plants/m^2$. There were no significant interactions between plant height, leaf area, photosynthetic rate, hardness, and chlorophyll content and planting density. Significant differences in Bulb stem height and diameter, and brix were observed. Bulb stem height and diameter and brix of kohlrabi were the highest at $22plants/m^2$. Based on our results, we conclude that the optimal planting density is $33plants/m^2$ for growth of kohlrabi, however, the optimal planting density is $22plants/m^2$ for quality of kohlrabi in a closed-type plant factory system.

Proper Installation Distance for Heating Effect of Nano-Carbon Fiber Infrared Heating Lamp for Stable Production of Watermelon Grafted Seedlings in Winter Season (동절기 수박 접목묘의 안정적 생산을 위한 나노탄소섬유적외선 램프의 난방효과에 대한 적정 설치간격)

  • Kim, Hye Min;Jeong, Hyeon Woo;Hwang, Hee Sung;Hwang, Seung Jae
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2022
  • This study was carried out to investigate the proper wattage and installation distance for the efficient use of nano-carbon fiber infrared heating lamp (NCFIHL), a heating device advantageous for heating energy saving, when the production of watermelon plug seedlings in the plug seedling nursery in winter season. Six small beds were divided into plastic film, and 700 W and 900 W nano-carbon fiber infrared heating lamps were installed at 100 cm above the bed. 1 lamp at central (control), 60 cm interval (2 lamps), and 40 cm interval (3 lamps) heating lamps were installed in each bed inside the greenhouse. All treatments, except the control, were set to keep the night air temperature at 20℃ after lighting the NCFIHL. The leaf temperature showed a tendency to increase fast as the install distance was narrow. The leaf length and leaf width tended to increase as the installation distance of the 700 W heating lamp was narrow. The compactness was high in 700 W heating lamp with 40 cm of installation distance. Therefore, in consideration of maintaining the set temperature at night, installing 700 W electric lamps at 40 cm was an efficient power and installation distance for watermelon grafted seedlings considering economic feasibility.