• Title/Summary/Keyword: Binary image

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Hierarchical CNN-Based Senary Classification of Steganographic Algorithms (계층적 CNN 기반 스테가노그래피 알고리즘의 6진 분류)

  • Kang, Sanhoon;Park, Hanhoon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.550-557
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    • 2021
  • Image steganalysis is a technique for detecting images with steganographic algorithms applied, called stego images. With state-of-the-art CNN-based steganalysis methods, we can detect stego images with high accuracy, but it is not possible to know which steganographic algorithm is used. Identifying stego images is essential for extracting embedded data. In this paper, as the first step for extracting data from stego images, we propose a hierarchical CNN structure for senary classification of steganographic algorithms. The hierarchical CNN structure consists of multiple CNN networks which are trained to classify each steganographic algorithm and performs binary or ternary classification. Thus, it classifies multiple steganogrphic algorithms hierarchically and stepwise, rather than classifying them at the same time. In experiments of comparing with several conventional methods, including those of classifying multiple steganographic algorithms at the same time, it is verified that using the hierarchical CNN structure can greatly improve the classification accuracy.

Heterogeneous Parallel Architecture for Face Detection Enhancement

  • Albssami, Aishah;Sharaf, Sanaa
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 2022
  • Face Detection is one of the most important aspects of image processing, it considers a time-consuming problem in real-time applications such as surveillance systems, face recognition systems, attendance system and many. At present, commodity hardware is getting more and more heterogeneity in terms of architectures such as GPU and MIC co-processors. Utilizing those co-processors along with the existing traditional CPUs gives the algorithm a better chance to make use of both architectures to achieve faster implementations. This paper presents a hybrid implementation of the face detection based on the local binary pattern (LBP) algorithm that is deployed on both traditional CPU and MIC co-processor to enhance the speed of the LBP algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed implementation achieved improvement in speed by 3X when compared to a single architecture individually.

Medical Image Classification and Keyword Annotation Using Combination of Random Forests and Relation Weight (Random Forests와 관계 가중치 결합을 이용한 의료 영상 분류 및 주석 자동 생성)

  • Lee, Ji-hyun;Kim, Seong-hoon;Ko, Byoung-chul;Nam, Jae-Yeal
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.596-598
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    • 2010
  • 본 논문에서는 의료영상 중 X-ray 영상을 대상으로 영상을 분류하고 분류 결과에 따라 다중 키워드를 생성하는 방법을 제시한다. X-ray영상은 대부분 그레이 영상임으로 Local Binary Patterns (LBP)을 이용하여 픽셀간의 연관성을 특징으로 추출하고, 실시간 학습 및 분류가 가능한 Random Forests 분류기로 영상들을 30개의 클래스로 분류한다. 또한, 미리 정의된 신체 부위간의 관계 가중치를 분류 스코어에 결합하여 신뢰값을 생성하고 이를 기반으로 영상에 대해 다중 주석을 부여하게 된다. 이렇게 부여된 다중 주석은 키워드 기반의 의료영상을 가능케 함으로 보다 쉽고 효율적인 검색 환경을 제공할 수 있다.


    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.146-159
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    • 2023
  • This paper proposes a hybrid algorithm combining K-means clustering and watershed algorithms for flower segmentation and counting. We use the K-means clustering algorithm to obtain the main colors in a complex background according to the cluster centers and then take a color space transformation to extract pixel values for the hue, saturation, and value of flower color. Next, we apply the threshold segmentation technique to segment flowers precisely and obtain the binary image of flowers. Based on this, we take the Euclidean distance transformation to obtain the distance map and apply it to find the local maxima of the connected components. Afterward, the proposed algorithm adaptively determines a minimum distance between each peak and apply it to label connected components using the watershed segmentation with eight-connectivity. On a dataset of 30 images, the test results reveal that the proposed method is more efficient and precise for the counting of overlapped flowers ignoring the degree of overlap, number of overlap, and relatively irregular shape.

Precise segmentation of fetal head in ultrasound images using improved U-Net model

  • Vimala Nagabotu;Anupama Namburu
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.526-537
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    • 2024
  • Monitoring fetal growth in utero is crucial to anomaly diagnosis. However, current computer-vision models struggle to accurately assess the key metrics (i.e., head circumference and occipitofrontal and biparietal diameters) from ultrasound images, largely owing to a lack of training data. Mitigation usually entails image augmentation (e.g., flipping, rotating, scaling, and translating). Nevertheless, the accuracy of our task remains insufficient. Hence, we offer a U-Net fetal head measurement tool that leverages a hybrid Dice and binary cross-entropy loss to compute the similarity between actual and predicted segmented regions. Ellipse-fitted two-dimensional ultrasound images acquired from the HC18 dataset are input, and their lower feature layers are reused for efficiency. During regression, a novel region of interest pooling layer extracts elliptical feature maps, and during segmentation, feature pyramids fuse field-layer data with a new scale attention method to reduce noise. Performance is measured by Dice similarity, mean pixel accuracy, and mean intersection-over-union, giving 97.90%, 99.18%, and 97.81% scores, respectively, which match or outperform the best U-Net models.

Blur Detection in Defocused Images using Teacher-Learner based Optimization (교사-학생 기반 최적화를 이용한 디포커스 영상의 흐림 검출)

  • Muhammad Tariq Mahmood;Young Kyu Choi
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2024
  • Defocus blur frequently appears in images from optical devices. In applications like image restoration or object detection, distinguishing between blurred and sharp regions in partially blurred images is often very important. In general, blur detection performance is greatly affected by how features are combined. In this paper, we propose a parameter-free metaheuristic optimization strategy known as teacher-learner based optimization to find an optimal weight vector for combination of blur maps. After generating multi-scale blur maps using a local binary pattern based blur metric, we apply a regularization scheme to refine them. Finally, our parameter-free metaheuristic optimization is employed to find the optimal weight vectors of each refined blur map for the linear feature combination. The comparative analysis reveals that our method performs significantly better qualitatively and quantitatively against five state-of-the-art methods.

  • PDF

A Study on Chinese Folk Paper-Cutting Modeling in the Field of Primitive Thinking

  • Wang Su
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2024
  • Artistic creation is a cognitive endeavor, with primitive art embodying early human thought and forming the foundation of folk art. Chinese folk art, particularly paper-cutting, preserves primitive art's essence due to cultural originality and regional distinctiveness. This paper examines how primitive thinking shapes Chinese folk paper-cutting. The "direct image" aspect of primitive thinking enables transcendent imagery, inspired by nature and employing techniques like transparent perspective and decorative symbolism. The "interosmotic" characteristic fosters creative overlap in designs, seen in composite shapes like the "Chickenhead Fish," and imbues works with anthropomorphic traits. The belief that "all things have spirituality" integrates themes of worship and totemic symbolism, such as the "Tree of Life" and dragon patterns, reflecting cosmic harmony. Additionally, the yin-yang-inspired "binary opposites" principle creates balance and dynamism through contrasting techniques like "yin shear" and "yang shear." Lastly, "group consciousness" is evident in recurring cultural motifs like suns and fish, symbolizing collective memory while enabling creative variation. Primitive thinking reveals the vitality and cultural depth of Chinese folk paper-cutting.

Subimage Detection of Window Image Using AdaBoost (AdaBoost를 이용한 윈도우 영상의 하위 영상 검출)

  • Gil, Jong In;Kim, Manbae
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.578-589
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    • 2014
  • Window image is displayed through a monitor screen when we execute the application programs on the computer. This includes webpage, video player and a number of applications. The webpage delivers a variety of information by various types in comparison with other application. Unlike a natural image captured from a camera, the window image like a webpage includes diverse components such as text, logo, icon, subimage and so on. Each component delivers various types of information to users. However, the components with different characteristic need to be divided locally, because text and image are served by various type. In this paper, we divide window images into many sub blocks, and classify each divided region into background, text and subimage. The detected subimages can be applied into 2D-to-3D conversion, image retrieval, image browsing and so forth. There are many subimage classification methods. In this paper, we utilize AdaBoost for verifying that the machine learning-based algorithm can be efficient for subimage detection. In the experiment, we showed that the subimage detection ratio is 93.4 % and false alarm is 13 %.

Splitting between Region of Chromatic and Achromatic by Brightness and Chroma (명암과 채도에 의한 색상영역과 비색상영역의 분할)

  • Kwak, Nae-Joung;Hwang, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2010
  • Color is a sense signal for human to perceive being through light, and the color is divided into chromatic color and achromatic color. Chromatic color has hue, intensity, and saturation, but achromatic color has only intensity among the properties of chromatic color and doesn't have hue and saturation. Therefore it is important to split colors of image into area for human to perceive colors and not to perceive ones based on vision of human being. In this paper, we find a function to split colors of image into chromatic region of chromatic color region and achromatic region of achromatic color region. First, the input image of RGB color space is converted into the image of HSI color space in consideration of human vision and get a binary image from the converted image. After then, a function to split colors into ROC(ROC: Region of chromatic.) and ROA(ROA:Region of achromatic) is yield. It is difficult to split color of a general image into ROC and ROA. Therefore, to get the chromatic area and achromatic area, we make gradient images to have all range of intensity and range of saturation and to have a little range of hue and yield the function. The evaluation is tested using subjective-quality by 50 non-experts for result images of test images and general images. The results of the proposed method get better 27.5~32.96% than these of the conventional method

An Effective Extraction Algorithm of Pulmonary Regions Using Intensity-level Maps in Chest X-ray Images (흉부 X-ray 영상에서의 명암 레벨지도를 이용한 효과적인 폐 영역 추출 알고리즘)

  • Jang, Geun-Ho;Park, Ho-Hyun;Lee, Seok-Lyong;Kim, Deok-Hwan;Lim, Myung-Kwan
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.1062-1075
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    • 2010
  • In the medical image application the difference of intensity is widely used for the image segmentation and feature extraction, and a well known method is the threshold technique that determines a threshold value and generates a binary image based on the threshold. A frequently-used threshold technique is the Otsu algorithm that provides efficient processing and effective selection criterion for choosing the threshold value. However, we cannot get good segmentation results by applying the Otsu algorithm to chest X-ray images. It is because there are various organic structures around lung regions such as ribs and blood vessels, causing unclear distribution of intensity levels. To overcome the ambiguity, we propose in this paper an effective algorithm to extract pulmonary regions that utilizes the Otsu algorithm after removing the background of an X-ray image, constructs intensity-level maps, and uses them for segmenting the X-ray image. To verify the effectiveness of our method, we compared it with the existing 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional Otsu algorithms, and also the results by expert's naked eyes. The experimental result showed that our method achieved the more accurate extraction of pulmonary regions compared to the Otsu methods and showed the similar result as the naked eye's one.