• Title/Summary/Keyword: Binary image

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Face Detection using Orientation(In-Plane Rotation) Invariant Facial Region Segmentation and Local Binary Patterns(LBP) (방향 회전에 불변한 얼굴 영역 분할과 LBP를 이용한 얼굴 검출)

  • Lee, Hee-Jae;Kim, Ha-Young;Lee, David;Lee, Sang-Goog
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.7
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    • pp.692-702
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    • 2017
  • Face detection using the LBP based feature descriptor has issues in that it can not represent spatial information between facial shape and facial components such as eyes, nose and mouth. To address these issues, in previous research, a facial image was divided into a number of square sub-regions. However, since the sub-regions are divided into different numbers and sizes, the division criteria of the sub-region suitable for the database used in the experiment is ambiguous, the dimension of the LBP histogram increases in proportion to the number of sub-regions and as the number of sub-regions increases, the sensitivity to facial orientation rotation increases significantly. In this paper, we present a novel facial region segmentation method that can solve in-plane rotation issues associated with LBP based feature descriptors and the number of dimensions of feature descriptors. As a result, the proposed method showed detection accuracy of 99.0278% from a single facial image rotated in orientation.

Vegetation Mapping of Hawaiian Coastal Lowland Using Remotely Sensed Data (원격탐사 자료를 이용한 하와이 해안지역 식생 분류)

  • Park, Sun-Yurp
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.496-507
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    • 2006
  • A hybrid approach integrating both high-resolution and hyperspectral data sets was used to map vegetation cover of a coastal lowland area in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Three common grass species (broomsedge, natal redtop, and pili) and other non-grass species, primarily shrubs, were focused in the study. A 3-step, hybrid approach, combining an unsupervised and a supervised classification schemes, was applied to the vegetation mapping. First, the IKONOS 1-m high-resolution data were classified to create a binary image (vegetated vs. non--vegetated) and converted to 20-meter resolution percent cover vegetation data to match AVIRIS data pixels. Second, the minimum noise fraction (MNF) transformation was used to extract a coherent dimensionality from the original AVIRIS data. Since the grasses and shubs were sparsely distributed and most image pixels were intermingled with lava surfaces, the reflectance component of lava was filtered out with a binary fractional cover analysis assuming that tile total reflectance of a pixel was a linear combination of the reflectance spectra of vegetation and the lava surface. Finally, a supervised approach was used to classify the plant species based on tile maximum likelihood algorithm.

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Constant Time RMESH Algorithm for Linear Translation of Linear Quadtrees (선형 사진트리의 선형이동을 위한 상수시간 RMESH 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Woo, Jin-Woon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.10A no.3
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2003
  • Quadtree, which is a hierarchical data structure, is a very important data structure to represent binary images. The linear quadtree representation as a way to store a quadtree is efficient to save space compared with other representations. Therefore, it has been widely studied to develop efficient algorithms to execute operations related with quadtrees. The linear translation is one of important operations in image processing, which moves the image by a given distance. In this paper, we present an algorithm to perform the linear translation of binary images represented by quadtrees, using three-dimensional $n{\times}n{\times}n$ processors on RMESH (Reconfigurable MESH). This algorithm has constant-time complexity by using efficient basic operations to route the locational codes of quardtree on the hierarchical structure of n${\times}$n${\times}$n RMESH.


  • Lee, Bo An;Kim, Bong Seok;Ko, Min Seok;Kim, Kyung Youn;Kim, Sin
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2014
  • An electrical resistance tomography (ERT) technique combining the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm with the Gauss-Newton method is applied to the visualization of two-phase flows. In the ERT, the electrical conductivity distribution, namely the conductivity values of pixels (numerical meshes) comprising the domain in the context of a numerical image reconstruction algorithm, is estimated with the known injected currents through the electrodes attached on the domain boundary and the measured potentials on those electrodes. In spite of many favorable characteristics of ERT such as no radiation, low cost, and high temporal resolution compared to other tomography techniques, one of the major drawbacks of ERT is low spatial resolution due to the inherent ill-posedness of conventional image reconstruction algorithms. In fact, the number of known data is much less than that of the unknowns (meshes). Recalling that binary mixtures like two-phase flows consist of only two substances with distinct electrical conductivities, this work adopts the PSO algorithm for mesh grouping to reduce the number of unknowns. In order to verify the enhanced performance of the proposed method, several numerical tests are performed. The comparison between the proposed algorithm and conventional Gauss-Newton method shows significant improvements in the quality of reconstructed images.

Detection of Crosswalk for the Walking Guide of the Blind People (시각장애인 보행 안내를 위한 횡단보도 검출 및 방향 판단)

  • Kim, Seon-il;Jeong, Yu-Jin;Lee, Dong-Hee;Jung, Kyeong-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.45-48
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    • 2019
  • Detection of crosswalk is an important issue for the blind to walk without the help of others. There is a braille block on the sidewalk, which helps the blind to walk. On the other hand, crosswalk is more dangerous due to the moving vehicles. However, there is no appropriate means to induce the blind. In this paper, we propose a method to detect crosswalk in front of a blind and estimate its direction using an image sensor. We adopt multi-ROIs and make their binary versions. In order to determine whether it is a crosswalk, two features are extracted; one is the number of crossing in the binary image and the other is the ratio of white area. We can also estimate the direction of the crosswalk through the slope of the projection data. We evaluated the performance using experimental dataset and the proposed algorithm showed 80% accuracy of detection.

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MSER-based Character detection using contrast differences in natural images (자연 이미지에서 명암차이를 이용한 MSER 기반의 문자 검출 기법)

  • Kim, Jun Hyeok;Lee, Sang Hun;Lee, Gang Seong;Kim, Ki Bong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a method to remove the background area by analyzing the pattern of the character area. In the character detection result of the MSER(Maximally Stable External Regions) method which distinguishes a region having a constant contrast background regions were detected. To solve this problem, we use the MSER method in natural images, the background is removed by calculating the change rate by searching the character area and the background area which are not different from the areas where the contrast values are different from each other. However, in the background removed image, using the LBP(Local Binary Patterns) method, the area with uniform values in the image was determined to be a character area and character detection was performed. Experiments were carried out with simple images with backgrounds, images with frontal characters, and images with slanted images. The proposed method has a high detection rate of 1.73% compared with the conventional MSER and MSER + LBP method.

CNN-Based Malware Detection Using Opcode Frequency-Based Image (Opcode 빈도수 기반 악성코드 이미지를 활용한 CNN 기반 악성코드 탐지 기법)

  • Ko, Seok Min;Yang, JaeHyeok;Choi, WonJun;Kim, TaeGuen
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.933-943
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    • 2022
  • As the Internet develops and the utilization rate of computers increases, the threats posed by malware keep increasing. This leads to the demand for a system to automatically analyzes a large amount of malware. In this paper, an automatic malware analysis technique using a deep learning algorithm is introduced. Our proposed method uses CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) to analyze the malicious features represented as images. To reflect semantic information of malware for detection, our method uses the opcode frequency data of binary for image generation, rather than using bytes of binary. As a result of the experiments using the datasets consisting of 20,000 samples, it was found that the proposed method can detect malicious codes with 91% accuracy.

Image Analysis of Micro Lesions According to Grid Frequency After Removal of Moire Artifact (Moire artifact 제거 후 그리드 주파수에 따른 미세병변의 영상분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho;Kim, Gyoo-Hyung;Yang, Oh-Nam
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.463-469
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    • 2018
  • Morphological information such as shape and margin of micro lesion is important information for diagnosis of disease in clinical imaging. In this study, we investigated the morphological changes of the micro lesions by comparing the contrast and area in grid suppressed DR images according to grid frequency. In the profile analysis of the image, the mass showed an average intensity variation of 8.6 ~ 72.4 after suppression, The higher the grid frequency, the more the contrast was increased. However, in the images obtained using 103 lp / inch, which is a grid frequency less than the sampling frequency, the contrast of the mass in the vertical direction decreased after suppression. In the binary image, the area change of the mass was also large. As a result, the shape, size, and margin of the mass changed. In the case of very small calcification, the higher the grid frequency is the larger the change in contrast, so that a clear image can be obtained in the post-suppression image. However, we could confirm that the margin of the lesion was blurred and the lesion was lost in some of the images using the 103 lp / inch grid. The higher the frequency of the grid, The change of the contrast of fiber occurred largely and clear boundary was confirmed. The decrease of the number of pixels was small and morphological change was small. In conclusion, when using a grid frequency that is not suitable for the sample frequency, morphological changes or lesion loss of micro lesions in the post- suppression image may give the possibility of misdiagnosis in diagnosis and differentiation of the image.

Copyright Protection for the Video image with Coded Watermarking (암호화 워터마킹을 사용한 비디오 영상의 저작권 보호)

  • Park, Young;Kim, Hang-Rae;Rhu, Ho-Joon;Kim, Jae-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.120-123
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a digital watermarking scheme whichis effective in protecting a copyright of video image under an image transformation and impulse noise is proposed. The proposing scheme is to use a coded watermark that insert the personal ID of copyrighter. The recovery ability is improved by the coded watermark. Also the coded watermark is abel to trace the illegal distributors. Binary image is used as watermark image, the value of PSNR and recovered rates of watermark are obtained in order to confirm the required invisibility and robustness in watermark system. The experimental results show that image quality is less degraded as the PSNR of 98.21 ㏈. It is also observed that excellent watermark recovery is achieved under the image transformation and impulse noise.

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Implementation for Texture Imaging Algorithm based on GLCM/GLDV and Use Case Experiments with High Resolution Imagery

  • Jeon So Hee;Lee Kiwon;Kwon Byung-Doo
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.626-629
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    • 2004
  • Texture imaging, which means texture image creation by co-occurrence relation, has been known as one of useful image analysis methodologies. For this purpose, most commercial remote sensing software provides texture analysis function named GLCM (Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix). In this study, texture-imaging program for GLCM algorithm is newly implemented in the MS Visual IDE environment. While, additional texture imaging modules based on GLDV (Grey Level Difference Vector) are contained in this program. As for GLCM/GLDV texture variables, it composed of six types of second order texture function in the several quantization levels of 2(binary image), 8, and 16: Homogeneity, Dissimilarity, Energy, Entropy, Angular Second Moment, and Contrast. As for co-occurrence directionality, four directions are provided as $E-W(0^{\circ}),\;N-E(45^{\circ}),\;S-W(135^{\circ}),\;and\;N-S(90^{\circ}),$ and W-E direction is also considered in the negative direction of E- W direction. While, two direction modes are provided in this program: Omni-mode and Circular mode. Omni-mode is to compute all direction to avoid directionality problem, and circular direction is to compute texture variables by circular direction surrounding target pixel. At the second phase of this study, some examples with artificial image and actual satellite imagery are carried out to demonstrate effectiveness of texture imaging or to help texture image interpretation. As the reference, most previous studies related to texture image analysis have been used for the classification purpose, but this study aims at the creation and general uses of texture image for urban remote sensing.

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