• 제목/요약/키워드: Bibliography (Reference)

검색결과 21건 처리시간 0.026초

전통(傳統) 태교(胎敎)의 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察) 및 금기(禁忌) 연구(硏究) (A Study on Taboo in the Traditional Prenatal Education from the Medical Perspective)

  • 박지현;배재룡;하정아;홍승철
    • 대한의료기공학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.284-325
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to investigate the educational significance in modern education by analysis on the contents of taboo in the Korean traditional prenatal education. For this study, the concrete matters are prepared for investigation as follows: First, the contents of prenatal education are analyzed with special reference to the Chinese bibliography and the Korean bibliography related to its own traditional prenatal education. Second, the contents of taboo in prenatal education are broadly classified into Chun-ki(天忌), Chi-ki(地忌), and In-ki(人忌), and in turn, In-ki is classified into taboo related to clothing, taboo related to food, Taboo related to housing, and man's taboo, and all of them are interpreted. Third, the characteristics of taboo in the Korean traditional prenatal education and its principle are analyzed, and its significance is researched from the modern educational point of view. This study attempts to classify the contents of taboo into Chun-ki, Chi-ki, In-ki, and man's taboo based upon analysis of the documentary records related to the traditionary prenatal education in China and Korea for the successful investigation. The characteristic such as common discipline, the time limit and prevention are induced on the basis of this investigation, and its modern educational significance as follows: First, prenatal education must be conduced as a part of youth education and preparatory parents education for the married couple. Second, man or husband plays a very important role of practising taboo in prenatal education. Third, taboo in prenatal education is very suggestive in the aspect of human relationship and mental health of the pregnant woman. Fourth, it prevents her obesity and strain. Fifth, the scientific proof and education of taboo related to food must be needed.

영국(英國)의 국가도서관제도(國家圖書館制度)

  • 데니스 J. 그로간
    • 정보관리연구
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    • 제6권6호
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    • pp.164-166
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    • 1973
  • 영국(英國)에서는 대학도서관(大學圖書館), 공공도서관(公共圖書館) 및 특수도서관(特殊圖書館)을 포함하여 각종(各種)의 도서관(圖書館)이 많이 있다. 그러나 불과 몇 달전까지만 해도 국가도서관제도(國家圖書館制度)가 없었다는 것은 경이(驚異)할만한 일이며, 세계적(世界的)으로 유명(有名)한 영국박물관도서관(英國博物館圖書館)도 공식적(公式的)인 국가도서관(國家圖書館)이 아니었기 때문이다. 1972년(年)에 새로운 입법(立法)이 통과되어, 소위 "영국도서관(英國圖書館)"이라 불리우는 국립도서관(國立圖書館)이 현재(現在) 건립중(建立中)에 있는데, 이것은 영국박물관도서관(英國博物館圖書館)(British Museum Library), 국립과학발명참고도서관(國立科學發明參考圖書館)(National Reference Library of Science and Invention), 국립과학기술대출도서관(國立科學技術貸出圖書館)(National Lending Library for Science and Technology), 국립중앙도서관(國立中央圖書館)(National Central Library) 및 영국국립서지관(英國國立書誌館)(British National Bibliography)을 통합(統合)하여 3부(部)로 구성(構成)되어질 것이다.

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《황앵아(黃鶯兒)》에 관한 서지적 분석

  • 서연주
    • 중국학논총
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    • 제61호
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    • pp.181-202
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    • 2019
  • Huangying-er黃鶯兒 is regarded as one of Feng Menglong's folk song books such as Guazhi-er掛枝兒, Shange山歌, and Jiazhutao夾竹桃. However, preceding researches criticized Huangying-er as 'a fly in the ointment' for laughing at pitiable female entertainers and harming the spirit of edification. In response, there has not been a detailed research on basic items such as editions, compiler, and written time. Thus, this study tried to shed new light on bibliographic information of Huangying-er. To discuss the bibliographic information of Huangying-er, this study organized and supplemented the 8 editions featuring Huangying-er in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty periods. Most of these editions have signature of 'Fubaizhuren浮白主人' or 'Fubaizhaizhuren浮白齋主人'. After organizing the existing theories, this study came to support the theory claiming that the complier is Feng Menglong himself. Also, in reference to the works related to Huangying-er, this study concluded that Huangying-er was complied before compilation of Guazhi-er and Shange, the middle of the Wanli萬曆 reign period.

협력형 디지털 참고서비스(CDRS) 지식정보DB 내용분석 연구 (Content Analysis of Collaborative Digital Reference Service Knowledge Information Database)

  • 장수현;남영준
    • 한국비블리아학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.101-123
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 협력형 디지털 참고서비스인 '사서에게 물어보세요'의 지식정보DB에 수록된 질문과 답변을 분석하여 이용자 요구현황을 파악해 이를 바탕으로 서비스 초창기의 정보 이용행태를 도출하였다. 지식정보DB 3,506건 중 1,124건의 DB 항목 데이터를 ① 질문의 개수와 참고 질문 여부, ② 질문의 주제와 키워드, ③ 질문의 목적, ④ 질문의 유형, ⑤ 이용자의 정보 요구, ⑥ 사서가 제공한 정보원과 참고 서비스, ⑦ 답변의 소요 일수와 상관관계, ⑧ 참여 도서관 수준, ⑨ 주제별 질문 유형, 총 9가지 기준으로 분석하였다. 그 결과, 첫째, 이용자는 유사한 주제의 질문을 한 번에 하나씩 요청하는 것이 아닌, 필요에 따라 다양한 주제의 참고 질문을 요청하였지만, 절반 이상의 전체 순수 참고질문은 문헌정보학 분야의 질문이었다. 둘째, 약 71.35%의 이용자는 '사서에게 물어보세요' 서비스를 특정 주제나 연구 문제와 관련된 정보 자원의 목록을 추천받기 위해 이용하고 있었으며 독서상황에 대한 참고 상담을 요구하는 질문도 존재하였다. 셋째, 이용자가 가장 선호하는 정보원은 서지 및 서지사항으로 나타났으며, 온라인 정보원의 경우 이용자는 상대적으로 선호하지 않았다. 넷째, 답변의 소요 일수는 질문의 유형과 참여 도서관의 수준에 따라 유의미한 차이가 남을 확인할 수 있었다. 다섯째, 총류 분야 질문의 목적을 분석한 결과 약 31.33%이 이용자 스스로가 해결 당위성을 가진 자발적 질문으로 나타났다.

러시아에서의 고려인이 생산한 한글정보자원에 관한 연구 : 1900-1937 (A Study on the Hangeul Information Resources Produced by Korean and Those Contents in Russia: 1900-1937)

  • 김정현;장우권;김홍길
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.357-379
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    • 2006
  • 해외 한민족의 정보자원의 생성과 변화는 민족공동체의 존립방식이나 사회변동에 많은 영향을 받고 있다. 이 연구의 목적은 러시아의 곳곳에 산재해 있는 고려인이 생산한 한글정보자원 현황 (1900-1937)을 조사하고 분석하는 것이다. 러시아에서 고려인의 정보자원은 고려인의 이주역사와 함께하고 있다. 이 연구에서는 고려인 사회와 정보자원, 그리고 고려인 디아스포라의 형성과 발전과정, 고려인 한글정보자원을 출판형태와 주제, 소장 기관별로 나누어 실태조사를 하였다.

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류성룡(柳成龍) 저술 『침경요결(鍼經要訣)』의 전승 연구 (A study on transmission of Chimgyeongyogyeol by Ryu, Seong-ryong)

  • 朴薰平
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2023
  • Objectives : In this paper, the characteristics and significance of Chimgyeongyogyeol (=Chimguyogyeol) were analyzed. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to examine which books were based on the origin of the medical knowledge enjoyed by Ryu, Seongryong at the time. Methods : The bibliography of each transmitted version of Chimgyeongyogyeol is considered, then the items are compared, and finally, the citations of the relevant contents are examined. Cited literature was analyzed by item, and sources were identified where the contents were cited. Results : 1. Chimgyeongyogyeol was published three times. 2. At present, it is not known which tradition text is the oldest. The transmission relationship between several transmission versions is not clear. 3. Chimgyeongyogyeol was written with reference to various other medical books, centered on Uihagibmun. 4. There is no information about 'Choose a day to perform acupuncture' and 'Zaoyuju acupuncture', which were widely popular in Joseon at the time. This reflects the purpose of writing to convey medical knowledge to the general public. Conclusions : Chimgyeongyogyeol was an acupuncture book written for the purpose of conveying medical knowledge to the common people by reflecting the latest medical achievements in China. Through this, the knowledge of acupuncture enjoyed by the author and what he aimed for through it were confirmed. However, it was impossible to completely compose the system of the first draft only with the extant version.

두통처방에 대한 문헌 예비연구 (Preliminary Documents Study on Herb Medicines of Headaches)

  • 박보라;박인숙;김지훤;류영수;강형원;김태헌
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.15-33
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : To study for classifying indications and procedure of historical changes, as a preliminary study, we collected and arranged prescriptions of headaches in medical documents after "Hwang-Je-Nae-Gyeong". Methods : 1. The researcher reviewed books, as a bibliography, recording to associate with a headaches in "UI-Bu-Jeon-Rok". 2. In reference books, we collected and arranged the herb medicines related to headaches in chapter of them. 3. In case of no chapter associated with headaches in books, we found prescriptions related to headaches and rearranged them. 4. Applied or added herb medicines were excluded, if the chief virtue was not primarily for headaches. 5. Prescriptions for signs to headaches related to dizziness were excluded. 6. Prescriptions for signs to associated with tremor were excluded. 7. We excluded prescriptions of headaches for dermatological disease. Results and conclusions : 1. Thirty seven documents were referred to the section of a headche in "UI-Bu-Jeon-Rok". 2. Prescriptions of "Sang-Han-Ron", which were related to headaches, were repeatedly quoted in chinese medical publications. 3. Nameless prescriptions of headaches were recorded from earlier books to later publications. 4. It started to record prescriptions of headaches separately from "Hawl-In-Seo" in 1107. 5. Described how to discriminate Naesang from Oegam, but prescriptions of headache were not listed in Dongwon Yi's "Nae-Oe-Sang-Byeon-Hok-Ron" which was published in 1247.

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韓.洋方 協診治療를 위한 三叉神經痛의 文獻的 硏究 (Study of literature on the Trigeminal Neuralgia for cooperative treatment of Oriental and Occidental medicine)

  • 성병곤;오춘근;임규상
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.112-139
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    • 2000
  • I examined and referred to literatures of every generations on the nicknames, causes, herb medications and acupucture treatments of ptosis(上胞下垂). And then the results were obtained as follows. We've compared and analyzed Occidental and Oriental medical causes, symptoms and treatments of Primary trigeminal neuralgia and wanted to get better effects by a cooperative analysis. So the examination and analysis of the recent treatment tendency and reference bibliography show the following results. 1. Trigeminal neuralgia is nerve systematic disease appearing in the distribution scope of trigeminal nerve. It's characterized by extreme pain accompanying with a repeated and simultaneous fit from several seconds to 1-2 minutes. 2. Though there are many hypothesis on the trigeminal neuralgia, but now many doctors agree that when trigeminal nerve is under the local out of sheath conditions resulting from receiving a chronic stimulus, and the nucleus of trigeminal nerve fire, owing to decrease of pain control function and abnormal occurrence of action potential, it would be appeared. 3. The Oriental medical name of trigeminal neuralgia is generally Dootong, Doopoong, Myuntong, Pyundootong, Pyundoopoong, and Myuntong is the nearest in Occidental medicine. 4. The Oriental medical cause of trigeminal neuralgia is usually divided into Wekam and Naesang. The first one is caused by Poonghan, Poongyul, Damhwa and wicked energy enter into the body, the mechanical energy is obstructed and can't move any more, so the pain appears by them. The other cause is the hurt by emotion. And it would be loss of the transportain of liver and obstructed, so result into Kanwulhwahwa, Kanpoongnaedong and the pain appears. 5. There are two methods of curing trigeminal neuralgia. As a medication, primary method is prescribing Carbamazepine and the second is using Phenytoin or Baclofen. And as a operation, Drug injection of trigeminal nerve, Amputation of branches of trigeminal nerve, Retrogasserian glycerol rhizotomy, Radiofrequency gangliolysis, Neurovascular decompression can be used. 6. There are several herb medicines for Trigeminal neuralgia. First, Chungung is good for Hwaejeetong, Keopoongjedam, Hwalhyuljeetong. Second, Jeongal, Jiryong, Okong is used for Sikpoonghekyung, Tongkyungjeetong. Third, Baekjee, Sesin, Cheonma, Manhyungja is efficacious in Sinonhepyo. Sanpoongjeetong. Fourth, for falling of liver's Wulhwa, Yongdamcho, Hyungge, Kukwha can be used. And also Saengjihwang, Hwangkm is good for going down the fever of Yangmyungwiyul and finally, Baekkangjam. Moryu can be effective for Jaumjamyang, Haekyungjitong. The other medicines can be used as assistant analgesics, and it also efficacious. 7. Generally the points of pain on the face and the points of Soyangkyung and Yangmyungkyung is used for Acupuntual therapy, because the two meridians passed on the face. Hakwan. Sabaek, Kwanryo, Keoryo, Hyubkeo, Taeyang, Jeechang, Younghyang, Eoyo, Chanjuk. Yangbaek. Sajukkong. Dooyoo, Kwangsangjum, Sengjang, Poongjee is used for taking near point and Joksamlee, Naejung, Habkok is used for taking distant point. 8. Dansam or Danggui injection which have a effect for Hwalhyulhwaeo, Sokyunghwalak and Vit B1, Vit B2, Vit B12, $2\%$ Hydrochloroprocaine, $1\%$ Lidocaine injection to pain point for local analgesics had so good effect. And external application and moxibustion are used for another treatment. 9. It proved that through mouse model, both Herb medication group and Drug medication group are efficacious for trigeminal neuralgia similarly and also the cooperative medication group shows more effective result than the only drug medication group.

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소자본계통(小字本系統) 『금궤요략(金匱要略)』 오천본(吳遷本)의 특징(特徵)에 대한 고찰(考察) - 등진본(鄧珍本)과의 비교(比較)를 중심(中心)으로 - (A Study on the Characteristics of the Wuqian Edition(吳遷本) of Jinguiyaolue(金匱要略) written in Small Letters)

  • 김동휘;정창현;백유상;김상현;안진희;박성진;장우창
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.397-416
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    • 2013
  • Objective : The recently reported Wuqian edition(吳遷本) Jinguiyaolue(金匱要略) is known to be written in small letters unlike other large lettered versions of the book. The Wuqian edition(吳遷本) takes after the name of Wuqian who copied an ancient version that was found at the time(Ming dyanasty, 1395). It is known to differ in organization and contents to other versions. In this study, I would like to examine how the small-lettered version of the Jinguiyaolue had been created, through a thorough examination of the Wuqian edition, and evaluate its value as a new version of the Jinguiyaolue. Method : First, the systems of both large-lettered and small-lettered versions of the "Jinguiyaolue" were briefly examined, followed by comparison from chapter 1 to 22, of organization, contents, and formulas between the oldest version of the large-lettered versions, the Deng-zhen edition, and the newly discovered Wuqian edition of which examples of each item are listed. The original source was identified for parts that were different. Result & Conclusion : 1. The Deng-zhen edition and Wuqian edition show vast differences in the organization, table of contents, name of chapter, location of each verse or line, existence of certain verses or lines, name of formula, quantity of medicinal ingredients, processing methods and other aspects. 2. The small-lettered edition was published based on the large-lettered edition of the Jinguiyaolue published by the Jiaozheng-yishuju(校正醫書局) after a general cross-examination process followed by selection, modification and supplementation of the large-lettered edition. Reference texts used in cross-examination were Qianjinyaofang(千金要方), Waitaimiyao(外臺秘要), Maijing(脈經), and Shanghanlun(傷寒論). 3. Considering Wuqian's own annotations and preface, it is clear that he wanted to create the best version of the "Jinguiyaolue". Wuqian himself seems to have had professional knowledge of bibliography and medicine.

주제목록을 위한 한국용어열색인 시스템의 기능 (Function of the Korean String Indexing System for the Subject Catalog)

  • 윤구호
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제15권
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    • pp.225-266
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    • 1988
  • Various theories and techniques for the subject catalog have been developed since Charles Ammi Cutter first tried to formulate rules for the construction of subject headings in 1876. However, they do not seem to be appropriate to Korean language because the syntax and semantics of Korean language are different from those of English and other European languages. This study therefore attempts to develop a new Korean subject indexing system, namely Korean String Indexing System(KOSIS), in order to increase the use of subject catalogs. For this purpose, advantages and disadvantages between the classed subject catalog nd the alphabetical subject catalog, which are typical subject ca-alogs in libraries, are investigated, and most of remarkable subject indexing systems, in particular the PRECIS developed by the British National Bibliography, are reviewed and analysed. KOSIS is a string indexing based on purely the syntax and semantics of Korean language, even though considerable principles of PRECIS are applied to it. The outlines of KOSIS are as follows: 1) KOSIS is based on the fundamentals of natural language and an ingenious conjunction of human indexing skills and computer capabilities. 2) KOSIS is. 3 string indexing based on the 'principle of context-dependency.' A string of terms organized accoding to his principle shows remarkable affinity with certain patterns of words in ordinary discourse. From that point onward, natural language rather than classificatory terms become the basic model for indexing schemes. 3) KOSIS uses 24 role operators. One or more operators should be allocated to the index string, which is organized manually by the indexer's intellectual work, in order to establish the most explicit syntactic relationship of index terms. 4) Traditionally, a single -line entry format is used in which a subject heading or index entry is presented as a single sequence of words, consisting of the entry terms, plus, in some cases, an extra qualifying term or phrase. But KOSIS employs a two-line entry format which contains three basic positions for the production of index entries. The 'lead' serves as the user's access point, the 'display' contains those terms which are themselves context dependent on the lead, 'qualifier' sets the lead term into its wider context. 5) Each of the KOSIS entries is co-extensive with the initial subject statement prepared by the indexer, since it displays all the subject specificities. Compound terms are always presented in their natural language order. Inverted headings are not produced in KOSIS. Consequently, the precision ratio of information retrieval can be increased. 6) KOSIS uses 5 relational codes for the system of references among semantically related terms. Semantically related terms are handled by a different set of routines, leading to the production of 'See' and 'See also' references. 7) KOSIS was riginally developed for a classified catalog system which requires a subject index, that is an index -which 'trans-lates' subject index, that is, an index which 'translates' subjects expressed in natural language into the appropriate classification numbers. However, KOSIS can also be us d for a dictionary catalog system. Accordingly, KOSIS strings can be manipulated to produce either appropriate subject indexes for a classified catalog system, or acceptable subject headings for a dictionary catalog system. 8) KOSIS is able to maintain a constistency of index entries and cross references by means of a routine identification of the established index strings and reference system. For this purpose, an individual Subject Indicator Number and Reference Indicator Number is allocated to each new index strings and new index terms, respectively. can produce all the index entries, cross references, and authority cards by means of either manual or mechanical methods. Thus, detailed algorithms for the machine-production of various outputs are provided for the institutions which can use computer facilities.

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