• 제목/요약/키워드: Bias Tire

검색결과 16건 처리시간 0.018초

경상용차용 타이어의 진동특성 (Vibration Characteristics of Tires for Light Truck)

  • 김용우
    • 한국공작기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국공작기계학회 2000년도 춘계학술대회논문집 - 한국공작기계학회
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2000
  • Due to the rapid increase of long-distance transportation, particular attentions have been paid to truck tires, especially to their dynamic characteristics. In this research, experimental modal analysis on two kinds of light-truck tires, i.e., radial tire and bias tire, are performed by using GRFP(global rational fraction polynomial) method to investigate differences of the dynamic behavior of the two tires. The test results have shown that the modal frequencies of bias tire are much higher than their corresponding values of radial tire with a similar mode shape, which is in accordance with the fact that the radial rigidity of bias tire is higher than that of radial tire. And most of the modal decay rates of bias tire are larger than those of radial tire within the scope of this experiment. In the frequency domain range of test, the bias tire has extra modes, which do not occur in the radial tire. This difference is based on the fact that the circumferential rigidity of the bias tire is quite low whereas that of radial tire is so high that the frequencies of the corresponding modes are out of the frequency range of test.

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자유상태에서 경상용차용 타이어의 진동특성 (Vibration Characteristics of Tires for Light-duty Truck under Free Suspension)

  • 김용우;최동수
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2000
  • Due to the rapid increase of long-distance transportation, particular attentions have been paid to truck tires, especially to their dynamic characteristics. In this research, experimental modal analysis on two kinds of light-duty truck tires, i.e., radial tire and bias tire, are performed by using GRFP(global rational fraction polynomial) method to investigate differences of the dynamic behavior of the two tires. The test results have shown that the modal frequencies of bias tire are much higher than the corresponding values of radial tire with a similar mode shape, which is in accordance with the fact that the radial rigidity of bias tire is higher than that of radial tire. And most of the modal decay rates of bias tire are larger than those of radial tire within the scope of this experiment. In the frequency domain range of test, the bias tire has extra modes, which do not occur in the radial tire. This difference is based on the fact that the circumferential rigidity of the bias tire is quire low whereas that of radial tire is so high that the frequencies of the corresponding modes are out of the frequency range of test.

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미국의 타이어 품질등급제(UTQGS)-BIAS PLY 타이어

  • 대한타이어공업협회
    • 타이어
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    • 통권88호
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 1980
  • Bias Ply 타이어의 타이어 품질등급제 (UTQGS: Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standard)가 작년 4월 1일부로 발효되었다. 한편 Belted Bias 타이어의 UTQGS도 79년 10월1일 부터 발효되었으며, Radial타이어의 UTQGS는 80년 4월에 발효되었다.

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미국의 타이어 품질등급제(UTQGS)-BELTED BIAS 타이어

  • 대한타이어공업협회
    • 타이어
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    • 통권89호
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 1980
  • Belted Bias 타이어의 타이어 품질등급제 (UTQGS: Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standard)가 79년 10월1일 발효되었다. 다음 일람표는 미국운수성(DOT) 국유 High Way 교통안전국(NHTSA)에 79년 10월 3일까지 등록된 각 타이어 메이커 및 자가 Brand 품(Private Brand)업자로부터 제출된 등급표시이다. Bias타이어의 등급표시는 지난 호(5~6월)에 게재한 바 있으며, 앞으로 Radial 타이어의 UTQGS에 의한 등급표시도 곧 입수되는대로 게재할 예정이오니 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다. 그리고 Grades 표시내용에 대해서는 지난 호에 주석해 놓았으므로 참조바랍니다.<편집자주>

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공기압이 바이어스 플라이 타이어의 견인 성능에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Inflation Pressure on Tractive Performance of Bias-Ply Tires)

  • 이동렬;김경욱;정병학
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1998
  • This study was intended to investigate experimentally the effect of inflation pressure on tractive performance of bias-ply tires for agricultural tractors. Traction tests were conducted at the three velocities of 3, 4, and 5.5km/h under few different surface conditions using a 13.6-28 6PR bias-ply tire as driving wheel of the test tractor. When the inflation pressure was reduced from 250kPa to 40kPa by a decrement of either 30 or 50kPa depending upon the test surface conditions, some of the test results showed that the tractive coefficient and efficiency were increased maximally by 40% and 17%, respectively, at 20% slippage. However, it was failed to derive any consistent rules depicting the effect of inflation pressure of bias ply tires on the tractive performance of tractors.

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