• Title/Summary/Keyword: Benign neck cyst

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A Clinical Study on Surgical Thyroid Nodules (외과적 갑상선 결절에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Park Hyeon-Jung;Moon Sang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.234-243
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    • 1993
  • The thyroid nodules are the most common endocrine disease requiring surgical management. Up to date, various diagnostic techniques and surgical management have been developed. Authors analysed 2285 cases of thyroid nodules who were treated at Department of Surgery, Pusan National University for the duration of 10 years from January 1980 to December 1989 and the results obtained were summerized as follows: 1) Patients were composed of 1727 cases(75.8%) of benign nodule and 558 cases(24.5%) of malignant nodule. Benign nodule was prevalent in forth and fifth decade comparing with malignant nodule was sixth and fifth decade. The sexual distribution revealed female preponderance with 1:10.8 in benign nodule and 1:9.3 in malignant nodule. 2) The histopathologic classfication of benign nodule in decreasing order of frequency were follicular adenoma 1009 cases(54.8%), adenomatous goiter 573 cases(33.3%), simple cyst 65 cases(3.8%), and Hashimoto's thyroiditis 52 cases(3.0%). The malignant disease were papillary adenocarcinoma 460 cases(82.4%), follicular adenocarcinoma 69 cases(12.4%), undifferentiated carcinoma 13 cases (2.0%), and medullary carcinoma 7 cases(1.0%). 3) Fine needle aspiration cytology was performed in 1758 cases and it showed 80.5% of sensitivity, 96.5% of specificity, 19.5% of false negative and 80% of accuracy. 4) The location of nodule was 87.7%, in unilateral, 12.2% in bilateral. 5) On the radioiodine scanning, the incidence of benign nodule with cold nodule was 83.9% and the incidence of benign nodule with hot nodule was 7.5%. The incidence of thyroid carcinoma with cold nodule was 88.3% and the incidence of thyroid carcinoma with hot nodule was 4.6%. 6) Most cases of benign nodules were treated with lobectomy 82.6%, subtotal thyroidectomy 10.1% and subtotal lobectomy 3.0%. Malignant nodules were treated with lobectomy and/or isthmusectomy 37.6%, total thyroidectomy 17.7%, subtotal thyroidectomy 15.4%, and any thyroidectomy and neck dissection 13.5%. 7) Postoperative complications were developed in 3.8% of benign nodules and 13.8% of malignant nodules.

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A Case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma arising from an Odontogenic Keratocyst (우측 하악의 치성 각화성 낭종 수술 후 발견된 암으로 내원한 63세 환자 1예)

  • Jae Eun, Oh;Chan Yeong, Lee;Kyeong Min, Kim;Min Sung, Tak;Hyung Kwon, Byeon
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.37-41
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    • 2022
  • Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) accounts for 3-11% of all odontogenic cysts. OKC is a benign intra-osseous odontogenic tumor, but what makes this cyst special is its aggressive behavior and high recurrence rate. OKC is relatively aggressive compared to other odontogenic cysts, but its malignant transformation is considered extremely rare. Squamous cell carcinoma associated with odontogenic keratocysts have rarely been reported in the medical literature. We recently experienced a case of a 63-year-old man finally confirmed with squamous cell carcinoma of the mandible, which was initially diagnosed as a benign odontogenic keratocyst. Surgical resection was performed as definitive treatment. Therefore, we present this unique case with a review of the literature.

A Case of Paranasal Sinus Papilloma with Increased FDG Uptake (부비동 유두종에서의 FDG 섭취 증가를 보인 예)

  • An, Young-Sil;Park, Yong-Koo;Kim, Deog-Yoon
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.419-421
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    • 2008
  • The false-positive FDG uptakes on head and neck areas are common due to benign lesion, iatrogenic and physiologic changes. The Schneiderian papilloma is uncommon benign tumor arising from the mucosa of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. The findings of paranasal papilloma on conventional modality such as CT and MRI are non-specific and they could be confused with inflammatory polyp or retention cyst. Despite of benign tumor, the papilloma usually shows locally aggressive growth with malignant potential, therefore the FDG can be actively accumulated in this lesion. We describe the case of 18F-FDG PET/CT finding in a 77-year-old woman who demonstrates oncocytic papilloma in maxillary sinus.

A Case of Dermoid Cyst in Temporal Fossa (측두와에 발생한 피부모양기형낭종)

  • Lee, Hak Sung;Choi, Matthew Seung Suk;Ahn, Hee Chang;Lee, Jang Hyun
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.65-68
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Dermoid cysts are benign neoplasms that are derived from both ectoderm and mesoderm. Approximately 7 percent of all dermoid cysts occur in the head and neck, as most common sites are the lateral ends of the eyebrows, the midline in the nasal root and neck. Rarely they can be found in the frontal sinus, temporal bone, maxilla and the floor of the mouth. Dermoid cysts in the temporal fossa are extremely rare. We experienced a characteristic dermoid cyst that occupied the temporal fossa. Methods: A 16-year-old man had a progressive enlarging mass on the left eyebrow. Computerized tomographic scan showed a bulging mass in the temporal fossa, and it had the density similar to that of fat. The size of the mass was $3{\times}3{\times}2cm$, and it was composed of high density of fat with clear margin. There was no bony invasion, but the mass was fixed on bone. Results: We performed the surgery through coronal incision under general anesthesia. Because the mass was closely connected with temporal fat pads, we removed this mass with some portion of temporal fat pads, avoiding damage to the facial nerve. The postoperative course was ordinary without complication. Conclusion: The reports about dermoid cyst on the temporal fossa is uncommon. However, if there is a mass in the temporal fossa which has the density similar to that of fat in CT scan, we should consider the possibility of dermoid cyst. We suggest that excision through coronal incision with bewaring temporal fat pad can induce good result.

A Clinicopathologic Analysis of Neck Masses (경부 종괴의 임상 및 병리학적 고찰)

  • Km Jeong-Ho;Oh Sang-Hoon;Kim Sang-Hyo
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 1997
  • A mass appearing in the anterior or lateral side of neck often can be a diagnostic challenge. Differential diagnosis of the neck mass covers a broad spectrum of diseases and the proper evaluation and management of a neck mass requires an impressive amount of anatomic and pathologic information. Because improper diagnosis and management may convert a potentially curable malignant metastasis into incurable disease, a differential diagnosis must be considered in all patients who present with a neck mass. Authors reviewed 2,148 cases of neck mass who were diagnosed by surgical resection, biopsy or aspiration during the period between October 1982 to December 1993, excluding those with thyroid and parathyroid disease. The evaluated characteristics were age, sex, site of lesion, and pathologic diagnosis. The results were as follows: Of 2,148 cases of neck mass, the overall ratio of benign to malignant tumor was 3 : 1. In 1,603 cases of benign mass lesion, the most common disease was lymphadenitis(non-specific and tuberculosis) showing 53% incidence, the second was salivary gland tumor(13%), and the third was congenital lesion(12%). The minor problems such as lipoma and sebaceous cyst were 21 %. In the age distribution of benign lesion, tuberculous lymphadenitis showed peak incidence in second decade, non-specific lymphadenitis was main disease of childhood, salivary gland tumor was peak in fourth decade, and most of congenital lesions were diagnosed at the age below 15. In 545 malignant tumors, the most common lesion was metastatic cancer to cervical lymph nodes yielding 71 % incidence(head and neck primary 52%, infraclavicular primary 42%, unknown primary 5%), the second common disease was lymphoma(19%), and the third was salivary gland cancer(9%). In the age incidence of malignant tumor, 60% of them developed in the fifth and sixth decade, head and neck primary was more common in the fifth decade than sixth, however lymphoma showed higher incidence in sixth decade. In the analysis of mass location according to lymph node level grouping(I - V), lymphadenitis developed mostly in level V nodes, the next common occurring site was level IV in tuberculous lymphadenitis and level II in non-specific lymphadenitis. The majority of metastatic cancers were found in level IV and III, and common occurring site of lymphoma was in level II and IV. Pathologic diagnosis of neck masses were made by fine needle aspiration cytology 80 cases, incisional biopsy 533 cases, excisional surgery 1,399 cases, and neck dissection 116 cases. For the proper management of neck mass, a proper diagnostic modality should be selected from imaging techniques, cytology, biopsy or neck dissection, with the consideration of patient's age, history and clinical findings. The scapel biopsy could be used freely in the inflammatory disease or inoperable metastatic cancer, but it should be reserved in the curable metastatic cancer or clinically possible malignancy.

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Comparative Study on Acoustic Characteristics of Vocal Fold Paralysis and Benign Mucosal Disorders of Vocal Fold (성대마비와 양성 성대점막질환의 음향학적 특성비교)

  • Kong, Il-Seung;Cho, Young-Ju;Lee, Myung-Hee;Kim, Jong-Seung;Yang, Yun-Su;Hong, Ki-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.122-128
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    • 2007
  • This study aims to analyze the voices of the patients with voice disorders including vocal fold paralysis, vocal fold cyst and vocal nodule/polyp in the aspect of acoustic phonetics. This study intends to collect subsidiary acoustic data in order to make a speech treatment and an standardization of vocal disorders. Subjects and Methods: The subjects of this study were 64 adult patients who underwent indirect laryngoscopy and laryngostroboscopy, and were diagnosed as vocal fold paralysis, vocal fold cyst or vocal nodule/polyp. Experimental group consisted of 20 patients who were diagnosed as vocal fold paralysis, 21 patients who were diagnosed as vocal fold cyst and had the average age of 42.0 $({\pm}10.03)$ ; and 23 patients who were diagnosed as vocal nodule/polyp and had the average age of 40.9 $({\pm}13.75)$. For the methodology of this study, the patients listed above were asked to sit in a comfortable position at intervals of 10cm apart from the patient's mouth and a microphone, and subsequently to phonate a vowel sound /e/ for the maximum phonation time with natural tone and vocal volume then the sound was directly inputted on a computer. During recording, sampling rate was set to 44,100Hz and the 1-second area corresponding to stable zone except the first and the last stage of waveform of the vowel sound /e/ vocalized by the individual patients was analyzed. Results: First, there was no statistically significant difference in jitter and shimmer between vocal fold paralysis and vocal fold cyst, while there was highly statistically significant difference in them between vocal fold paralysis and vocal nodule/polyp. Second, looking into the mean values obtained from NNE, HNR and SNR results associated with noise ratio, the disease showing the most abnormal characteristics was vocal fold paralysis, followed by cyst and nodule/polyp in order. For NNE, there was statistically significant difference between vocal nodule/polyp, and cyst or paralysis. In other words, it was found that the NNE of vocal nodule/polyp was weaker than that of cyst or paralysis. Similarly, HNR and SNR also showed the same characteristics; there was statistically significant difference between vocal fold paralysis and vocal fold cyst or nodule/polyp, and HNR and SNR values of vocal fold paralysis were lower than those of vocal fold cyst or nodule/polyp. Conclusion: For vocal fold paralysis, the abnormal values of acoustic parameters associated with frequency, amplitude and noise ratio were statistically significantly higher than those of vocal fold cyst and nodule/polyp. This finding suggests that the voices of the patients with vocal fold paralysis are the most severely injured due to less stability of vocal fold movement, asymmetry and incomplete glottic closure. In addition, there was no statistically significant difference in the acoustic parameters of tremor among vocal fold paralysis, vocal fold cyst and vocal nodule/polyp. Further studies need to ascertain reasonable acoustic parameters with various vocal disorders as well as to clarify the correlation between acoustics-based objective tools and subjective evaluations.

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Benign Masses Arising in the Subglottis and Trachea (성문하부 및 기관에 원발한 양성 종괴)

  • 성명훈;권성근;이강진;최병윤;원태빈;노종렬;박범정;성원진;김광현
    • Korean Journal of Bronchoesophagology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.146-151
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    • 2001
  • Background and Objectives: Primary benign masses in subglottis and trachea are rare. Symptoms of tracheal obstruction are similar to those of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, as well as malignant lesions. Materials and Methods: Eight patients with benign tracheal masses from April 1992 through June 2001, at otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. department of Seoul national university hospital were studied by retrospective medical record review. Results : They were 3 females and 5 males aged from 0 to 57 years. The pathologies of the intratracheal masses were lipoma. tuberculosis, pleomorphic adenoma, hemangioma(two case), reparative giant cell granuloma, epithelial inclusion cyst and nonspecific lymphadenopathy, respectively. The most characteristic symptoms were dyspnea and stridor, both inspiratory and expiratory. Five of them had been treated as bronchial asthma. Conclusion: For the management of patients with the subglottis and tracheal masses, it is important to establish secure airway. regardless of pathology of the masses. The diagnosis should be considered in any patient with asthma-like manifestation, especially who fails to respond to medical treatment. It is necessary to examine the airway thoroughly, and chest and simple cervical X-ray may contribute to the diagnosis of possible intratracheal mass.

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Myofibroma of the mandible: A case report (하악골에 발생한 근섬유종: 증례 보고)

  • Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Sung-Eun;Kim, Jae-Duk
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.211-215
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    • 2006
  • Myofibroma is a rare benign soft tissue tumor that in all ages usually occurs in the head and neck region, and at subcutaneous tissue, but rarely has bone origin within bone. Intraosseous lesions are more often found in childhood. Although intraosseous lesions are relatively common in mandible. Reports for mandible, reports on radiographic findings of myofibroma occurred on the mandible are uncommon. We describe the radiographic appearance on the conventional radiographs and CT of myofibroma of the mandible in a 9-year-old boy. This benign lesion closely resembles to odontogenic cyst or tumor on image.

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Epidermoid cyst: A single-center review of 432 cases

  • Kim, Choon Soo;Na, Young Cheon;Yun, Chi Sun;Huh, Woo Hoe;Lim, Bo Ra
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.171-175
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    • 2020
  • Background: Epidermoid cysts are benign tumors derived from the infundibular portion of hair follicles and thus have a flattened surface epithelium and keratohyaline granules. They can occur at any age but are most frequently reported in adults, and more often occur in men than women. Most epidermoid cyst operations are performed for cosmetic purposes, or to relieve inflammation. The definitive treatment is complete excision or destruction of the cyst. The aim of this study was to improve understanding of epidermoid cysts. Methods: We analyzed 432 cases of epidermoid cyst in 398 patients that underwent complete excision and biopsy between April 2001 and March 2020, according to patient age, patient gender, and lesion location. Results: From all epidermoid cyst excisions performed, 17.6% were for patients in their 40s and 50s, 16.8% for those in their 20s, 16.1% for those in their 30s, 14.6% for those aged 60 or older, 5.0% for teenagers, and 0.5% for those under 10 years. Cases of epidermoid cysts occurred at a men-to-women ratio of about 3:2, with 59.5% of cases in men and 40.5% in women. By lesion location, 65.0% of cases were on the face, 10.9% on the trunk, 7.9% on the scalp, 7.9% on the neck, 4.3% on lower extremities, 3.9% on upper extremities, and 0.2% on genitalia. On the face, 20.8% of cases were on the cheek, 12.7% on the periauricular area, 10.9% on the periorbital area, 6.0% on the frontal area, 5.6% on the mental area, 3.7% on the perioral area, 2.8% on the nasal area, and 2.5% on the temporal area. Conclusion: The proportion of women with epidermoid cysts was higher in our study than in previous studies. Moreover, the results showed that surgery has been on the rise in recent years, with facial surgery being the most common.

Chondroid Syringomas arising on the Nasal Dorsum and the Upper Lip: Two Cases of Report (비배부와 상구순에 발생한 연골모양 땀샘종 2례)

  • Kim, Eui Sik;Cho, Sung Hoo;Yoo, Sung In;Noh, Bok Kyun;Hwang, Jae Ha;Kim, Kwang Seog;Lee, Sam Yong;Choi, Yoo Duck
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.504-507
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Chondroid syringoma, previously known as 'mixed tumor of the skin', is a rare benign tumor. It usually presents an asymptomatic solitary firm intradermal or subcutaneous slowly growing nodule. It occurs frequently in the head and neck region of middle-aged men. We would like to report an uncommon chondroid syringoma about the clinical and histologic presentation. about the clinical and histologic presentation. Methods: We experienced two cases of chondroid syringoma on the nose and the upper lip, each other. Both masses were totally excised with clear margin. Results: On histologic examination, the masses showed a biphasic pattern-an epithelial component exhibiting apocrine/eccrine differentiation and a stromal component exhibiting myxoid/collagenous change-consistent with the diagnosis of chondroid syringoma. There have been no evidence of recurrence and malignant transformation during postoperative follow-up. Conclusion: There is no one distinctive clinical feature that is specific for chondroid syringoma. However, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of a solid nodule in head and neck region with long standing duration, such as epidermal inclusion cyst, pilomatrixoma, dermoid cyst, sebaceous cyst, neurofibroma, and basal cell carcinoma.