• Title/Summary/Keyword: Behavioral study

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The Policy of Win-Win Growth between Large and Small Enterprises : A South Korean Model (한국형 동반성장 정책의 방향과 과제)

  • Lee, Jang-Woo
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.77-93
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    • 2011
  • Since 2000, the employment rate of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has dwindled while the creation of new jobs and the emergence of healthy SMEs have been stagnant. The fundamental reason for these symptoms is that the economic structure is disadvantageous to SMEs. In particular, the greater gap between SMEs and large enterprises has resulted in polarization, and the resulting imbalance has become the largest obstacle to improving SMEs' competitiveness. For example, the total productivity has continued to drop, and the average productivity of SMEs is now merely 30% of that of large enterprises, and the average wage of SMEs' employees is only 53% of that of large enterprises. Along with polarization, rapid industrialization has also caused anti-enterprise consensus, the collapse of the middle class, hostility towards establishments, and other aftereffects. The general consensus is that unless these problems are solved, South Korea will not become an advanced country. Especially, South Korea is now facing issues that need urgent measures, such as the decline of its economic growth, the worsening distribution of profits, and the increased external volatility. Recognizing such negative trends, the MB administration proposed a win-win growth policy and recently introduced a new national value called "ecosystemic development." As the terms in such policy agenda are similar, however, the conceptual differences among such terms must first be fully understood. Therefore, in this study, the concepts of win-win growth policy and ecosystemic development, and the need for them, were surveyed, and their differences from and similarities with other policy concepts like win-win cooperation and symbiotic development were examined. Based on the results of the survey and examination, the study introduced a South Korean model of win-win growth, targeting the promotion of a sound balance between large enterprises and SMEs and an innovative ecosystem, and finally, proposing future policy tasks. Win-win growth is not an academic term but a policy term. Thus, it is less advisable to give a theoretical definition of it than to understand its concept based on its objective and method as a policy. The core of the MB administration's win-win growth policy is the creation of a partnership between key economic subjects such as large enterprises and SMEs based on each subject's differentiated capacity, and such economic subjects' joint promotion of growth opportunities. Its objective is to contribute to the establishment of an advanced capitalistic system by securing the sustainability of the South Korean economy. Such win-win growth policy includes three core concepts. The first concept, ecosystem, is that win-win growth should be understood from the viewpoint of an industrial ecosystem and should be pursued by overcoming the issues of specific enterprises. An enterprise is not an independent entity but a social entity, meaning it exists in relationship with the society (Drucker, 2011). The second concept, balance, points to the fact that an effort should be made to establish a systemic and social infrastructure for a healthy balance in the industry. The social system and infrastructure should be established in such a way as to create a balance between short- term needs and long-term sustainability, between freedom and responsibility, and between profitability and social obligations. Finally, the third concept is the behavioral change of economic entities. The win-win growth policy is not merely about simple transactional relationships or determining reasonable prices but more about the need for a behavior change on the part of economic entities, without which the objectives of the policy cannot be achieved. Various advanced countries have developed different win-win growth models based on their respective cultures and economic-development stages. Japan, whose culture is characterized by a relatively high level of group-centered trust, has developed a productivity improvement model based on such culture, whereas the U.S., which has a highly developed system of market capitalism, has developed a system that instigates or promotes market-oriented technological innovation. Unlike Japan or the U.S., Europe, a late starter, has not fully developed a trust-based culture or market capitalism and thus often uses a policy-led model based on which the government leads the improvement of productivity and promotes technological innovation. By modeling successful cases from these advanced countries, South Korea can establish its unique win-win growth system. For this, it needs to determine the method and tasks that suit its circumstances by examining the prerequisites for its success as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each advanced country. This paper proposes a South Korean model of win-win growth, whose objective is to upgrade the country's low-trust-level-based industrial structure, in which large enterprises and SMEs depend only on independent survival strategies, to a high-trust-level-based social ecosystem, in which large enterprises and SMEs develop a cooperative relationship as partners. Based on this objective, the model proposes the establishment of a sound balance of systems and infrastructure between large enterprises and SMEs, and to form a crenovative social ecosystem. The South Korean model of win-win growth consists of three axes: utilization of the South Koreans' potential, which creates community-oriented energy; fusion-style improvement of various control and self-regulated systems for establishing a high-trust-level-oriented social infrastructure; and behavioral change on the part of enterprises in terms of putting an end to their unfair business activities and promoting future-oriented cooperative relationships. This system will establish a dynamic industrial ecosystem that will generate creative energy and will thus contribute to the realization of a sustainable economy in the 21st century. The South Korean model of win-win growth should pursue community-based self-regulation, which promotes the power of efficiency and competition that is fundamentally being pursued by capitalism while at the same time seeking the value of society and community. Already existing in Korea's traditional roots, such objectives have become the bases of the Shinbaram culture, characterized by the South Koreans' spontaneity, creativity, and optimism. In the process of a community's gradual improvement of its rules and procedures, the trust among the community members increases, and the "social capital" that guarantees the successful control of shared resources can be established (Ostrom, 2010). This basic ideal can help reduce the gap between large enterprises and SMEs, alleviating the South Koreans' victim mentality in the face of competition and the open-door policy, and creating crenovative corporate competitiveness. The win-win growth policy emerged for the purpose of addressing the polarization and imbalance structure resulting from the evolution of 21st-century capitalism. It simultaneously pursues efficiency and fairness on one hand and economic and community values on the other, and aims to foster efficient interaction between the market and the government. This policy, however, is also evolving. The win-win growth policy can be considered an extension of the win-win cooperation that the past 'Participatory Government' promoted at the enterprise management level to the level of systems and culture. Also, the ecosystemic development agendum that has recently emerged is a further extension that has been presented as a national ideal of "a new development model that promotes the co-advancement of environmental conservation, growth, economic development, social integration, and national and individual development."

Online Catalog Use Study in a University Library (대학도서관의 온라인목록 이용특성에 관한 연구 -덕성여자대학교를 중심으로-)

  • Yoo Jae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.289-318
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to identify users behavioral characteristics for using the online catalog opened in May 1996 at Duksung Women's University Library. 278 student users were surveyed from October 4th to 8th in 1996. Major findings are as follows. 1. Most users$(87.4\%)$ prefer the online catalog to the card catalog and regard the online catalog easy to use$(89.6\%)$ 2. $(65.8\%)$ of users are active users who frequently use the online catalog at least 10 times or more per semester. 3. $10.4\%$ of users feel the online catalog difficult because they do not know how to use it. 4. Most users prefer the menu search mode among menu, command and fill-in-blank search modes offered by DISCOVER. The most preferred access points are the title for known-item search and subject headings for subject search. 5. User's attitude toward the online catalog is very favorable$(83.5\%)$, however, the search success rate is rather low $(77.0\%)$ compared to that of the card catalog $(87.0\%)$ 6. The title and author are regarded easy to use among access points offered by DISCOVER. Classification numbers and call numbers are the least easy access points to use. 7. Since users show lack of knowledge of how to use the online catalog, education and training programs on the online catalog use for users are needed. 8. Users showed different search patterns for pursuing different search goals. The most preferred access points are the title for known-item search and subject headings for subject search. These search behaviors are different from those in using the card for both the known-item search and subject search was the title.

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Synthesis and Biological Activities of Myomodulin E and its Analogs (Myomodulin E 및 유도체들의 합성 및 생리활성)

  • Go, Hye-Jin;Seo, Jung-Kil;Seo, Hae-Jeom;Lee, Min-Jeong;Park, Tae-Hyun;Kim, Gun-Do;Park, Nam-Gyu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.499-507
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    • 2012
  • Previous work has characterized myomodulin A (MMA, PMSMLRLamide) and myomodulin E (MME, GLQMLRLamide) purified from the central nervous systems of the sea hare, $Aplysia$ $Kurodai$, using the anterior byssus retractor muscle (ABRM) of the mussel, $Mytilus$ $edulis$. The amino acid sequences of MMA and MME were the same as those of the myomodulin family peptide found in other mollusks. In this study, we synthesized MME, its derivatives, and other neuropeptides to investigate the relationship between the structure and biological activity of MME. The primary structures of MME's derivatives, Des[$Gly^1$]-MME, Des[$Gly^1,Leu^2$]-MME, and Des[$Gly^1,Leu^2,Gln^3$]-MME, were LQMLRLamide, QMLRLamide, and MLRLamide, respectively. MMA and synthetic peptides were tested on ABRM in $M.$ $edulis$ as well as muscle preparations in $Achatina$ $fulica$. MME displayed an inhibitory effect on phasic contraction of the ABRM at $1{\times}10^{-9}$ M or higher. MME also had a relaxing effect on the catch-tension of AMRM at $1{\times}10^{-8}$ M. Both MMA and its analogs stimulated a contractile response on the crop and relaxed the catch-relaxing response on the penial retractor muscle of $A.$ $fulica$. These results suggest that MME and its analogs have modulatory effects on various muscles of mollusks. This study has also laid the groundwork for future neural and circuit modulation studies during animal behavioral changes.

A VALIDITY STUDY OF PARENT BEHAVIORAL RATING SCALES AS DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS OF ATTENTION DEFICIT/HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (주의력결핍/과잉운동장애(ADHD) 아동의 진단도구로서 부모용 행동 평가지의 타당도 연구 - 한국아동인성검사와 아동 ${\cdot}$ 청소년 행동평가척도를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ji-Hae;So, Yoo-Kyung;Jung, Yoo-Sook;Lee, Im-Soon;Hong, Sung-Do
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.282-289
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to examine the validity of HPR subscale in Korean Personality Inventory for Children(KPI-C) and Attention Problems subscale in Korean Child Behavior Checklist(K-CBCL) as diagnostic tool for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD). Nineteen ADHD-1 type, twenty-three ADHD-H type, sixteen Neurosis, and fifteen normal children with the age from 6 to12 were selected based on DSM-IV, and their responses of the KPI-C and CBCL were analyzed. Omnibus F-test results showed that there were significant differences in the F scores of HPR and Attention Problems T scores(p<.05). But in Posthoc analysis, the HPR and AP scores in three clinical groups were significantly higher than in normal group, but there was no group difference among three clinical groups(p<.05). These results shows that HPR subscale and Attention Problems subscale may be useful tools for screening clinical groups(vs normal group) but there was a limit to the clinical validity of two subscales as diagnostic tools for the subtypes of ADHD.

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Analysis of ethyl glucuronide (EtG) in Hair for the diagnosis of chronic alcohol abuse of Korean (한국인의 만성 알코올 중독 진단을 위한 모발에서 Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) 분석법 연구)

  • Gong, Bokyoung;Jo, Young-Hoon;Ju, Soyeong;Min, Ji-Sook;Kwon, Mia
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 2020
  • Alcohol, which can easily be obtained in the same way as ordinary beverages, is harmful enough to cause death due to excessive drinking and chronic alcohol intake, so it is important to maintain a proper amount of drinking and healthy drinking habits. In addition, the incidence of behavioral disturbances and impaired judgments that can be caused by chronic alcohol drinking of more than adequate amounts of alcohol is also significant. Accordingly it is very useful for forensic science to check whether the person involved is drunken or is alcoholism state in various accidents. Currently, in Korea, alcohol consumption is determined by detecting the level of alcohol or alcohol metabolism 'ethyl glucuronide (EtG)' in blood or urine samples. However, analysis of alcohol or EtG in blood or urine can only provide information about the current state of alcohol consumption because of a narrow window of detection time. Therefore, it is important to analyze the EtG as a long-term direct alcohol metabolite bio-marker in human hair and to investigate relationship between alcohol consumption and EtG concentration for the evaluation of chronic ethanol consumption. In this study, we established an analytical method for the detection of EtG in Korean hair efficiently and validated selectivity, linearity, limits of detection (LOD), limits of quantification (LOQ), matrix effect, recovery, process efficiency, accuracy and precision using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). In addition, the assay performance was evaluated in Korean social drinker's hair and the postmortem hair of a chronic alcoholism. The results of this study can be useful in monitoring the alcohol abuse of Korean in clinical cases and legal procedures related to custody and provide a useful tool to evaluate postmortem diagnosis of alcoholic ketoacidosis in forensics.

Effects of Parity and Farrowing Date on Behavior of Nursing Sows and Their Suckling Piglets (산차와 분만일령이 비유모돈과 포유자돈의 행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, J.W.;Han, C.C.;Kim, D.H.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2007
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of parity and postpartum day on the behavior of nursing sows and their suckling piglets. Total 36 Landrace or Yorkshire sows(range of parity: 1 to 8) and their litters(range of litter size: 11 to 13 piglets) were assigned with sow's parity($1{\sim}2,\;3{\sim}4$ and 5 or more) and sow's postpartum days(day 1, 7, 14 and 21). The sows were housed in farrowing crates($0.6{\times}2.1m$) located in pens($2.4{\times}1.8m$) with totally perforated flooring. The sows and piglets were conventionally managed. The sows and their piglets behaviors were recorded during the 24 hour period at 1, 7, 14 and 21 days of postpartum. The obtained results from this study were as follows; 1. All the nursing sows in both group made attempts for lateral tying more than for other behaviors for whole days. The order of behavioral frequency at 1 and 3 weeks postpartum according the days of postpartum of sows was lateral tying, ventral lying, standing, sitting, feeding and drinking. The nursing sows at day 1 postpartum spent more time on sitting and standing than the sows at day 7 or more postpartum. 2. The parity of sows did not affected the lateral tying and sitting behavior of nursing sows, however the ventral tying are lowed in $1{\sim}2$ parity of sow group than the other parity group. Standing, feeding and drinking behavior of sows was not showed at any trends according to the sow's parity. 3. In the behaviors of suckling piglets, lying was increased and unsuccessful suckling was decreased until 21 days postpartum. Compared to the 7, 14 and 21 day postpartum, piglets at the 1 day postpartum spent less time for lying and walking, whereas they spent much more time for unsuccessful suckling. 4. According th the sow's parity, their piglets tying and unsuccessful suckling was lowed in $1{\sim}2$ parity sow group, however more than 3 parity sow's piglets behavior are not affected.

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Characteristics of Verbal Interactions According to the Leader Style in MBL Experiment Class in Which Discussion was Emphasized (토론을 강조한 MBL실험수업에서 리더 유형에 따른 언어적 상호작용 특성)

  • Gu, Yang-Sam;Park, Geum-Hong;Sin, Ae-Gyeong;Choe, Byeong-Sun;Lee, Guk-Haeng
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.494-505
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed for 7th grade students to analyze by leader style, the verbal interactions between students in a small group in an MBL(Microcomputer-Based Laboratory) experiment class. The study was performed after arranging the students into four kinds of groups, including groups with leaders of inclusive, persuasive, and alienating styles and a group with no clear leader. The analysis of total frequencies of verbal interaction revealed that the group with an inclusive leader showed the highest frequency of verbal interaction, followed by the group with a persuasive leader, an alienating leader and lastly, the group with no clear leader. The group with an inclusive leader showed the highest frequency of interaction from a cognitive aspect related to question(Q), response(R), making suggestion(MS), and receiving opinions(RO), while interactions from an affective aspect related to behavioral participation(BP) and students' attitudes(SA) were observed more often in a group including an alienating leader than in any other group. An analysis of characteristics of verbal interaction according to leader style showed that a group with an inclusive leader had a permissive atmosphere. It also showed that all members of the group actively participated in discussion and they had a sense of belonging and self-pride with their group. In a group with a persuasive leader, the leader took the lead of most experimental and discussion activities and he was rarely challenged by other students in the group. Rather, other group members showed a tendency to depend on their leader. In a group with an alienating leader, the relationship between leader and members of the group was not harmonious and unfiltered expressions of dissatisfaction and ignorance often took place. The leader's lack of concern about members' low achievement became an obstacle in active discussion. In a group with no clear leader, most interactions during discussion were short and simple. Many answers to the question given by their members were not clear and the interactions were sometimes interrupted for a short while.

A Survey on Consumption Pattern of Minimally Processed Fruits and Vegetables (최소가공기술을 이용한 신선편의 과채류의 소비형태에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Gun-Hee;Bang, Hye-Yeoul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 1998
  • The consumption patterns of the minimally processed fruits and vegetables were surveyed in this present study. Eighty four women who were resident in either Seoul and Kyongki-do in Korea were participants in this study as respondents to our various questionnaire. The result are summarized as follows; The respondents had a preference for a supermarket (46.4%) as the place of purchase (or fruits and vegetables and the frequency of purchase was two or three times per week. The residents of apartment preferred department stores and supermarkets to stalls in the immediate residential area (p<.05). Fifty percents of the unmarried women respondents indicated that they only purchased once a week. Approximately 70% of the respondents rated quality considerations over the price and quantity when they choose their fruits and vegetables. This behavioral tendency was stronger for the residents of the apartment and amongst the more highly educated women. The type of fruits and vegetables purchased were mainly unprocessed. However, minimally processed products appeared to be popular especially among unmarried or married who did not have children, were highly educated and aged between 20 and 30. These observations are supported by data in which 82% of respondents whose ages were ranged between 20 and 30, with high educational backgrounds and who had experienced in the purchase of minimally processed fruits and vegetables. The motivation for purchasing minimally processed fruits and vegetables generally resulted from a consideration of the saving in cooking time, the ease of handling and the desire to serve appropriate portions. On the other hand, the reasons for not purchasing minimally processed fruits and vegetables were the comparatively high price, a perception of unsanitary handling and pack size that were considered too small. Ninety-three percent of the respondents exhibited a positive response to the need for minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Freshness was considered to be the most important factor when purchasing these products. The preferred price for the minimally processed fruits and vegetables was approximately $110{\sim}120%$ of that for the unprocessed products.

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The Change of Health Status through the Intervention of Community Health Center based Physical Activity and Exercise Program (신체활동 및 운동 중재 프로그램에 의한 건강상태의 변화)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Lee, Tae-Yong;Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2004
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the change of health status through the intervention of physical activity arid exercise program for the people living in the area where health promotion program has been executed. Methods: The data was obtained from self--administered questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics, physical activity transition and health status variables using the SF-36(36-Item Short-From Health Survey). Data were analyzed 134 subjects participating in the physical activity arid exercise intervention programs. Results: The 35.1% of adults above 20 years of age are regularly physical activity and exercise before intervention program. but the rate increased to 49.3% after that. Frequency and duration of physical activity were increased, and frequency of participating in physical activity was increased from 0.9 times a week to 2.1 times especially. Scores of health status measured by SF-36 was increased in category (if general health after intervention of program, but those were decreased in category of vitality and mental health. Physical function of four groups classified by change of behavioral pattern were increased after intervention of program, especially in groups starting to physical activity. Conclusions: Physical activity and exercise is associated with health status. This study suggest that effective strategy and policy supporting for the promotion of physical activity and exercise should be needed in all peoples.

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Study on behavioral change of estrus in Hanwoo (Korean native cattle) (한우 발정기 행동변화에 대한 연구)

  • Cheon, Si Nae;Yoo, Geum Zoo;Kim, Chan Ho;Jung, Ji Yeon;Kim, Dong Hun;Jeon, Jung Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.825-832
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    • 2020
  • The detection of estrus is very important for the successful reproductive efficiency of cattle. This has prompted the development of electronic estrus detection techniques by using the characterization of estrus behavior. The objective of this study was to investigate the changes in physical activity, mounting behavior and vocalization during estrus in Hanwoo (Korean native cattle). Bio-telemetry devices were attached to 4 multiparous Hanwoo and physical activity was compared, namely mounting behavior and vocalization for 6 days (from 2 days before the day of estrus to 3 days after the day of estrus). Physical activity rapidly increased on the day of estrus (p<0.001) and was frequently observed at night time. Mounting behavior gradually increased, starting from 2 days before the day of estrus and reached its highest level on the day of estrus (p<0.01). The circadian rhythm showed irregularities during this entire period (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in vocalization during the experiment period (p>0.05). In conclusion, we assumed that mounting behavior is an early indicator to detect estrus in Hanwoo and if both mounting behavior and physical activity are considered together it would be possible to detect estrus with a higher probability. Further studies with more information from different sources regarding the measuring of estrus in Hanwoo are needed.