• Title/Summary/Keyword: Behavioral study

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Exploring the Objectives and Contents of Global Citizenship Education in the NSFCS 3.0: Focusing on the View of the 'World' and the Keywords (미국 국가 기준 가정과교육과정에 포함된 세계시민교육 관련 목표와 내용 탐색: '세계'관점과 핵심어를 중심으로)

  • Heo, Young-Sun;Kim, Nam-Eun;Chae, Jung Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.107-127
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the content areas and competencies of the Family & Consumer Sciences National Standards(NSFCS 3.0) of the U. S. and UNESCO Global Citizenship Education(GCED). For this purpose, the global perspective, content areas and competencies in NSFCS 3.0 and the keywords related to the three areas of content areas of UNESCO GCED were analyzed. Specifically, the content standards and competencies related to the words 'world' or 'global' were extracted and their relationship to the GCED topics and keywords were analyzed. The results of the study are as follows. First, NSFCS 3.0 described the direct correlation between individuals and the world by recognizing individuals as global citizens in 14 areas except for 'interpersonal relations' and 'parenting', specifically using the keyword of 'world' in content standards and competencies. Second, in the content standards and competencies of NSFCS 3.0, the keywords related to the topics of GCED areas were presented evenly in the three areas of FCS, dietary habits, family life, and human development. The social and emotional areas were not presented in clothing, housing, and consumer life. On the other hand, the behavioral area, which is emphasized most in the GCED, is presented in all the FCS content areas. From this, it is apparent that the learning field for GCED may be considered as the area of life pursued by the home economics curriculum. The results of this study provide foundational bases for understanding the relationship between NSFCS 3.0 and the GCED, and implications as to how to implement the content of the GCED in the next revision of the national home economics curriculum of Korea.

Perceived Social Support Among the Elderly People Living Alone and Their Preference for Institutional Care: Analysis of the Mediator Effect in the Perception of the Probability of Lonely Death (독거노인의 지각된 사회적 지지와 시설 돌봄 선호: 고독사 가능성 인식의 매개 효과 분석)

  • Cho, Hye Jin;Lee, Jun Young
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.707-727
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to empirically analyze the role that perception of the probability of lonely death among the elderly people living alone plays in the relationship between perceived social support and preference for institutional care based on Andersen's expanded Behavioral Model (2002). The subjects (n=676) of this study were the elderly people living alone, extracted from the "2018 Seoul Aging Survey." With "perceived social support" as an independent variable, "preference for institutional care" as a dependent variable, and "perception of the probability of lonely death" as a mediator variable, we conducted a Binary Logistic Regression to follow the three steps of analyzing mediation effect, as suggested by Baron and Kenny (1986). The results showed that perceived social support has a negative effect on the preference for institutional care and perception of the probability of lonely death among the elderly people living alone; at the same time, perception of the probability of lonely death was found to have a positive effect on their preference for institutional care. Lastly, perception of the probability of lonely death was found to partially mediate the effect of perceived social support among the elderly people living alone in terms of their preference for institutional care. Based on these findings, the practical implications of this study can be summarized as follows. First, various programs and support should be provided to the elderly people living alone in order to enhance the level of perceived social support, a factor that has been confirmed to increase preference for institutional care among the elderly people living alone. Second, as the perception of the probability of lonely death was confirmed to be a psychosocial factor of the preference for institutional care, we need to promote education and support for older people living alone to prepare them for lonely death. These efforts are expected to form a foundations for implementing a community-based integrated care system, "Aging in Place," which is the policy direction required for older people care.

Development and Validation of the Korean Tier 3 School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Implementation Fidelity Checklist (KT3-FC) (한국형 긍정적 행동지원 3차 실행충실도 척도(KT3-FC)의 개발과 타당화)

  • Won, Sung-Doo;Chang, Eun Jin;Cho Blair, Kwang-Sun;Song, Wonyoung;Nam, Dong Mi
    • Korean Journal of School Psychology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.165-180
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    • 2020
  • As a tiered system of supports, School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) is an evidence-based practice in the educational system of Korea. An important aspect of SWPBS is the ongoing progress monitoring and evaluation of implementation fidelity. This study aimed to develop and validate the Korean Tier 3 School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Implementation Fidelity Checklist (KT3-FC). The preliminary KT3-FC consisted of a 37-item, 6-factor checklist. In the first phase of the study, 10 experts reported that the range of content validity of the KT3-FC was adequate. In the second phase of the study, 185 teachers (52 men and 133 women) who implemented SWPBS completed the KT3-FC, Individualized Supports Questionnaire, School Climate Questionnaire, School Discipline Practice Scale, and PBS Effectiveness Scale. An exploratory factor analysis resulted in a 5-factor structure, with 20 items, instead of 37 items, consisting of: (a) progress monitoring and evaluation of the individualized supports, (b) provision of supports by aligning and integrating mental health and SWPBS, (c) crisis management planning, (d) problem behavior assessment, and (e) establishment of individualized support team. The internal consistency of the KT3-FC was good (full scale α = .950, sub-factor α = .888 ~ .954). In addition, the KT3-FC showed good convergent validity, having statistically significant correlations with the Individualized Support Questionnaire, School Climate Questionnaire, School Discipline Practice Scale, and the PBS Effectiveness Scale. Finally, the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the 5-factor model of the KT3-FC had some good model fits, indicating that the newly developed fidelity measure could be a reliable and valid tool to assess the implementation of Tier 3 supports in Korean schools. Accordingly, the KT3-FC could contribute to implement SWPBS as an evidence-based behavioral intervention for Korean students.

An Analysis of Education Implementation for the Improvement of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) of Pre-service Science Teachers: Focusing on the Integration of Sustainable Happiness and Complexity Theory (예비과학교사들의 지속가능발전교육 전문성 향상을 위한 교육실행 분석: 지속가능한 행복과 복잡성 이론 접목을 중심으로)

  • Yeon-A, Son
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.391-409
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    • 2022
  • In this study, class demonstrations conducted integrating science education and 'Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)' by pre-service science teachers were analyzed, focusing on the concept of 'sustainable happiness' and the main elements of 'complexity theory'. In addition, changes before and after participating in such education implementation were analyzed from various angles. Through this, pre-service science teachers tried to derive implications for developing multidimensional teacher professionalism in ESD. The main findings are as follows. First, as a result of peer evaluation of class materials and class demonstrations designed by pre-service science teachers, the average of the integration for 'sustainable happiness' was relatively high. Next, it was analyzed that the elements of 'sustainable happiness' and 'complexity theory' generally had a positive correlation with ESD. In addition, after participating in the study, pre-service science teachers considered individual and social behavioral patterns as important in the sense of ESD. Regarding the need to integrate science education and ESD, pre-service science teachers thought it was necessary to deal with the concept of 'sustainable happiness' in science education to understand a sustainable way of life. It was analyzed that the elements of 'sustainable happiness' and 'complexity theory' generally had a positive correlation with ESD. It was found that pre-service science teachers' confidence in incorporating ESD in science classes was significantly higher after participation in the study. In addition, it was analyzed that pre-service science teachers have come to think more about the role of teachers who can communicate with students and think about happy lives together than before. Overall, it is thought that pre-service science teachers have come to think of multidimensional science teacher professionalism by applying the perspective of the teaching and learning strategy of the new ESD, which integrates the concept of 'sustainable happiness' and elements of 'complexity theory'.

Video Analysis System for Action and Emotion Detection by Object with Hierarchical Clustering based Re-ID (계층적 군집화 기반 Re-ID를 활용한 객체별 행동 및 표정 검출용 영상 분석 시스템)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Yang, Seong-Hun;Oh, Seung-Jin;Kang, Jinbeom
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.89-106
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the amount of video data collected from smartphones, CCTVs, black boxes, and high-definition cameras has increased rapidly. According to the increasing video data, the requirements for analysis and utilization are increasing. Due to the lack of skilled manpower to analyze videos in many industries, machine learning and artificial intelligence are actively used to assist manpower. In this situation, the demand for various computer vision technologies such as object detection and tracking, action detection, emotion detection, and Re-ID also increased rapidly. However, the object detection and tracking technology has many difficulties that degrade performance, such as re-appearance after the object's departure from the video recording location, and occlusion. Accordingly, action and emotion detection models based on object detection and tracking models also have difficulties in extracting data for each object. In addition, deep learning architectures consist of various models suffer from performance degradation due to bottlenects and lack of optimization. In this study, we propose an video analysis system consists of YOLOv5 based DeepSORT object tracking model, SlowFast based action recognition model, Torchreid based Re-ID model, and AWS Rekognition which is emotion recognition service. Proposed model uses single-linkage hierarchical clustering based Re-ID and some processing method which maximize hardware throughput. It has higher accuracy than the performance of the re-identification model using simple metrics, near real-time processing performance, and prevents tracking failure due to object departure and re-emergence, occlusion, etc. By continuously linking the action and facial emotion detection results of each object to the same object, it is possible to efficiently analyze videos. The re-identification model extracts a feature vector from the bounding box of object image detected by the object tracking model for each frame, and applies the single-linkage hierarchical clustering from the past frame using the extracted feature vectors to identify the same object that failed to track. Through the above process, it is possible to re-track the same object that has failed to tracking in the case of re-appearance or occlusion after leaving the video location. As a result, action and facial emotion detection results of the newly recognized object due to the tracking fails can be linked to those of the object that appeared in the past. On the other hand, as a way to improve processing performance, we introduce Bounding Box Queue by Object and Feature Queue method that can reduce RAM memory requirements while maximizing GPU memory throughput. Also we introduce the IoF(Intersection over Face) algorithm that allows facial emotion recognized through AWS Rekognition to be linked with object tracking information. The academic significance of this study is that the two-stage re-identification model can have real-time performance even in a high-cost environment that performs action and facial emotion detection according to processing techniques without reducing the accuracy by using simple metrics to achieve real-time performance. The practical implication of this study is that in various industrial fields that require action and facial emotion detection but have many difficulties due to the fails in object tracking can analyze videos effectively through proposed model. Proposed model which has high accuracy of retrace and processing performance can be used in various fields such as intelligent monitoring, observation services and behavioral or psychological analysis services where the integration of tracking information and extracted metadata creates greate industrial and business value. In the future, in order to measure the object tracking performance more precisely, there is a need to conduct an experiment using the MOT Challenge dataset, which is data used by many international conferences. We will investigate the problem that the IoF algorithm cannot solve to develop an additional complementary algorithm. In addition, we plan to conduct additional research to apply this model to various fields' dataset related to intelligent video analysis.

Space Usage and Satisfaction with Privacy in General Hospital Inpatients (종합병원 입원환자의 공간사용 및 프라이버시 만족도)

  • Choi, In Young;Park, Hey Kyung
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.36
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    • pp.391-400
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    • 2018
  • To ensure a user-centered treatment environment, hospital construction needs an approach that is not centered on functional aspects such as efficiency or economic feasibility but on the consideration of needs as reflected in user psychology and behavior. Patients who are physically and psychologically vulnerable experience psychological pressure when they are placed in an unfamiliar environment. Most of existing studies however focus on the evaluation of the physical environment, without paying attention to the psychological or behavioral approach to anxiety and stress that patients may experience in a special environment that a hospital may be to them. This study examines general hospital inpatients to understand the usage of major space available and their satisfaction with privacy. This study provides useful primary information needed for the user-centered design of general hospital for improved patient health and welfare. For the purpose of the study, literature review, site investigation, and survey were conducted. Major functional space and privacy in general hospitals were studied, and the site investigation was performed to identify the plans and their status. Survey was also performed to understand the usage of functional space and satisfaction with such space usage as well as satisfaction with privacy. The findings were as follows: (1) Space usage was rated as average in general. It was found that patients used their rooms and lobby on a daily basis. By age, the usage was highest in the group in their 40s; the usage was relatively lower in the groups in their 30s or younger. (2) Space satisfaction was above average, indicating that patients were fairly satisfied. Satisfaction was highest in the lobby space designed with distinct features. By case, satisfaction was highest in Case B, characterized by its wide horizontal space in the rural settings. (3) Satisfaction with privacy in hospital was average, indicating that the demand for privacy was relatively higher but what patients receive in return was lower than their expectation. It was also found that satisfaction with privacy was a crucial element that affected the overall satisfaction with hospital.

Numerical Analyses for Evaluating Factors which Influence the Behavioral Characteristics of Side of Rock Socketed Drilled Shafts (암반에 근입된 현장타설말뚝의 주면부 거동에 영향을 미치는 변수분석을 위한 수치해석)

  • Lee, Hyuk-Jin;Kim, Hong-Taek
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.6C
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    • pp.395-406
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    • 2006
  • Drilled shafts are a common foundation solution for large concentrated loads. Such piles are generally constructed by drilling through softer soils into rock and the section of the shaft which is drilled through rock contributes most of the load bearing capacity. Drilled shafts derive their bearing capacity from both shaft and base resistance components. The length and diameter of the rock socket must be sufficient to carry the loads imposed on the pile safely without excessive settlements. The base resistance component can contribute significantly to the ultimate capacity of the pile. However, the shaft resistance is typically mobilized at considerably smaller pile movements than that of the base. In addition, the base response can be adversely affected by any debris that is left in the bottom of the socket. The reliability of base response therefore depends on the use of a construction and inspection technique which leaves the socket free of debris. This may be difficult and costly to achieve, particularly in deep sockets, which are often drilled under water or drilling slurry. As a consequence of these factors, shaft resistance generally dominates pile performance at working loads. The efforts to improve the prediction of drilled shaft performance are therefore primarily concerned with the complex mechanisms of shaft resistance development. The shaft resistance only is concerned in this study. The nature of the interface between the concrete pile shaft and the surrounding rock is critically important to the performance of the pile, and is heavily influenced by the construction practices. In this study, the influences of asperity characteristics such as the heights and angles, the strength characteristics and elastic constants of surrounding rock masses and the depth and length of rock socket, et. al. on the shaft resistance of drilled shafts are investigated from elasto-plastic analyses( FLAC). Through the parametric studies, among the parameters, the vertical stress on the top layer of socket, the height of asperity and cohesion and poison's ratio of rock masses are major influence factors on the unit peak shaft resistance.

A Study on the Structural Model and Relation of will to Happy Life (행복한 삶을 위한 의지의 구조모델과 관계성 연구)

  • Jeong, Cheol-Yeong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2019
  • Desire for a happy life becomes the will that man instinctively desires. In that the conditions of happiness are subjective and varied, the will of subjective desires has been studied with the attention of objective tendencies. The positive and meaningful will of life in the desire for happiness leads us to be the functionaries who act. These wills can be the driving force of a happy life, which allows one to have a hopeful reflective will in one's inner life, connecting oneself with others, and working in relationships with others. In addition, those who become lazy or lose their orientation in life can instill a will to be the main character of life, and furthermore, to give the ultimate meaning and goals of life. To understand and analyze these wills for happy lives more specifically, structural model compatibility and confirmatory factors were conducted. relatively reliable α=.855 value, the coefficient of correlation between recognition and will **p<.01, *p<.05 statistically significant measuring tool of not less than 05 was used. The study results of the structural model suitability of the factors of will and the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model set by the researcher could reflect the characteristics of the data collected, and that the χ2(Chi-square) value was .126, which was consistent with the model by satisfying the acceptance criteria, and that the comparison of the reference values of the study model showed a relatively high level of suitability. To identify the relationship between cognitive and defined and behavioral factors of subjective will and existent will variables, the results of a verification factor analysis show that the χ2(Chi-square) value is 2.36 and the model and data are consistent with the acceptance criteria, and that the test data is consistent with the model and data set by the researcher are consistent with the model5.0 Through structural model analysis of human will, it was confirmed that the variables of subjective and existential, sensible and reflective will directly and indirectly influence and form a complex relationship. Our will is recognized as the subjective will, and the structure of the subjective will consists of the sensible and reflective will, and the relationship between the cognitive and just action elements and the subjective will of the human life and the will to exist is shown to be very meaningful, so we should conduct the education of the happy will of the emotional and just areas of life as well as the reestablishment of the cognitive educational direction that can lead to action.

Is corporate rebranding a double-edged sword? Consumers' ambivalence towards corporate rebranding of familiar brands

  • Phang, Grace Ing
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.131-159
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    • 2014
  • Corporate rebranding has been evident in the qualitative corporate rebranding studies as an imposed organizational change that induces mixed reactions and ambivalent attitudes among consumers. Corporate rebranding for the established and familiar corporate brands leads to more ambivalent attitudes as these companies represent larger targets for disparaging information. Consumers are found to hold both positive and negative reactions toward companies and brands that they are familiar with. Nevertheless, the imposed change assumption and ambivalent attitude, in particular corporate rebranding, have never been widely explored in the quantitative corporate rebranding studies. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive empirical examination of the ambivalence towards rebrandingrebranded brand attitude-purchase intention relationships. The author proposes that corporate rebranding for familiar corporate brands is a double-edged sword that not only raises the expectation for better performance, but also induces conflicted and ambivalent attitudes among consumers. These consumers' ambivalent attitudes are influenced by both the parent brands-related and general attitude factors which further affect their rebranded brand attitude and purchase intention. A total of 156 useable questionnaires were collected from Malaysian working adults; and two established Malaysian airfreight operators were utilized as the focal parent brands. The study found a significant impact of prior parent brand attitudes on ambivalence towards rebranding (ATR). The parent brand attitudes served as anchors in influencing how new information was processed (Mazaheri et al., 2011; Sherif & Hovland, 1961) and closely related to behavioral intention (Prislin & Quellete, 1996). The ambivalent attitudes experienced were higher when individuals held both positive and negative reactions toward the parent brands. Consumers also held higher ambivalent attitudes when they preferred one of the parent brands; while disliked the other brand. The study also found significant relationships between the lead brand and the rebranded brand attitude; and between the partner brands and ATR. The familiar but controversial partner brand contributed significantly to the ambivalent attitudes experienced; while the more established lead brand had significant impact on the rebranded brand attitude. The lead and partner brands, though both familiar, represented different meanings to consumers. The author attributed these results to the prior parent brand attitudes, the skepticism and their general ambivalence toward the corporate rebranding. Both general attitude factors (i.e. skepticism and general ambivalence towards rebranding) were found to have significant positive impacts on ATR. Skeptical individuals questioned the possibility of a successful rebranding (Chang, 2011) and were more careful with their evaluations toward 'too god to be true' or 'made in heaven' pair of companies. The embedded general ambivalent attitudes that people held toward rebranding could be triggered from the associative network by the ambiguous situation (Prislin & Quellete, 1996). In addition, the ambivalent rebranded brand attitude was found to lower down purchase intention, supporting Hanze (2001), Lavine (2001) and van Harreveld et al. (2009)'s studies. Ambivalent individuals were found to prefer delay decision making by choosing around the mid-ranged points in 'willingness to buy' scale. The study provides several marketing implications. Ambivalence management is proven to be important to corporate rebranding to minimize the ambivalent attitudes experienced. This could be done by carefully controlling the parent brands-related and general attitude factors. The high ambivalent individuals are less confident with their own conflicted attitudes and are motivated to get rid of the psychological discomfort caused by these conflicted attitudes (Bell & Esses, 2002; Lau-Gesk, 2005; van Harreveld et al., 2009). They tend to process information more deeply (Jonas et al., 1997; Maio et al., 2000; Wood et al., 1985) and pay more attention to message that provides convincible arguments. Providing strong, favorable and convincible message is hence effective in alleviating consumers' ambivalent attitudes. In addition, brand name heuristic could be utilized because the rebranding strategy sends important signal to consumers about the changes that happen or going to happen. The ambivalent individuals will pay attention to both brand name heuristic and rebranding message in their effort to alleviate the psychological discomfort caused by ambivalent attitudes. The findings also provide insights to Malaysian and airline operators for a better planning and implementation of corporate rebranding exercise.

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The Relationships among Social Influence, Use-Diffusion, Continued Usage and Brand Switching Intention of Mobile Services (사회적 영향력과 모바일 서비스의 사용-확산, 그리고 지속적 사용 및 상표 전환의도 간의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Sang-Hoon Kim;Hyun Jung Park;Bang-Hyung Lee
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2010
  • Typically, marketing literature on innovation diffusion has focused on the pre-adoption process and only a few studies explicitly examined consumers' post-adoption behavior of innovative mobile services. Besides, prior use diffusion research has considered the variables that determine the consumers' initial adoption in explaining the post adoption usage behavior. However, behavioral sciences and individual psychology suggest that social influences are a potentially important determinant of usage behavior as well. The purpose of this study is to investigate into the effects of network factor and brand identification as social influences on the consumers' use diffusion or continued usage intention of a mobile service. Network factor designates consumer perception of the usefulness of a network, which embraces the concept of network externality and that of critical mass. Brand identification captures distinct aspects of social influence on technology acceptance that is not captured by subjective norm in situations where the technology use is voluntary. Additionally, this study explores the effect of the use diffusion on the brand switching intention, a generally unexplored form of post-adoption behavior. There are only a few empirical studies in the literature addressing the issue of IT user switching. In this study, the use diffusion comprises of rate of use and variety of use. The research hypotheses are as follows; H1. Network factor will have a positive influence on the rate of use of mobile services. H2. Network factor will have a positive influence on variety of use of mobile services. H3. Network factor will have a positive influence on continued usage intention. H4. Brand identification will have a positive influence on the rate of use. H5. Brand identification will have a positive influence on variety of use. H6. Brand identification will have a positive influence on continued usage intention. H7. Rate of use of mobile services are positively related to continued usage intention. H8. Variety of Use of mobile services are positively related to continued usage intention. H9. Rate of use of mobile services are negatively related to brand switching intention. H10. Variety of Use of mobile services are negatively related to brand switching intention. With the assistance of a marketing service company, a total of 1023 questionnaires from an online survey were collected. The survey was conducted only on those who have received or given a mobile service called "Gifticon". Those who answered insincerely were excluded from the analysis, so we had 936 observations available for a further stage of data analysis. We used structural equation modeling and overall fit was good enough (CFI=0.933, TLI=0.903, RMSEA=0.081). The results show that network factor and brand identification significantly increase the rate of use. But only brand identification increases variety of use. Also, network factor, brand identification and the use diffusion are positively related to continued usage intention. But the hypotheses that the use diffusion are positively related to brand switching intention were rejected. This result implies that continued usage intention cannot guarantee reducing brand switching intention.

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