• Title/Summary/Keyword: Beam-Column with I Section

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Numerical analysis of the mechanical behavior of welded I beam-to-RHS column connections

  • Rosa, Rosicley J.R.;Neto, Juliano G.R.
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.185-197
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    • 2019
  • Considering the increasing use of tubular profiles in civil construction, this paper highlights the study on the behavior of welded connections between square hollow section column and I-beam, with emphasis on the assessment of the joint stiffness. Firstly, a theoretical analysis of the welded joints has been done focusing on prescriptions of the technical literature for the types of geometries mentioned. Then, a numerical analysis of the proposed joints were performed by the finite element method (FEM) with the software ANSYS 16.0. In this study, two models were evaluated for different parameters, such as the thickness of the cross section of the column and the sizes of cross section of the beams. The first model describes a connection in which one beam is connected to the column in a unique bending plane, while the second model describes a connection of two beams to the column in two bending planes. From the numerical results, the bending moment-rotation ($M-{\varphi}$) curve was plotted in order to determine the resistant bending moment and classify each connection according to its rotational capacity. Furthermore, an equation was established with the aim of estimating the rotational stiffness of welded I beam-to-RHS column connections, which can be used during the structure design. The results show that most of the connections are semi-rigid, highlighting the importance of considering the stiffness of the connections in the structure design.

A Study on Development for Joint of Concrete Filled Steel Tube Column and P.C Reinforced Concrete Beam ( I ) The Investigation of Propriety for Model of Beam-to-Column Joint with Key Parameters, such as Section Type and Axial Force Ratio (콘크리트 충전강관 기둥과 PC 철근 콘크리트 보 접합부의 개발에 관한 연구( I ) -단면형상 및 축력비를 변수로 한 접합부 모델의 적합성 검토-)

  • Park, Jung Min;Kim, Wha Jung;Moon, Tae Sup;Kim, Kyu Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.8 no.4 s.29
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 1996
  • This paper investigated structural behaviors of joint of concrete filled steel tube column and P.C reinforced concrete beam through a series of hysteretic behavior experiment. The results are summarised as follows: (1) The joint stiffness of concrete filled square steel tube column and P.C reinforecd beam was higher than that of concrete filled circular steel tube column and P.C reinforecd beam, and it was decreased as the increase of the number of hysteretic cycle. (2) The aspects of the hysteretic behavior in the joint was stable as the increase of the number of hysteretic cycle, and rotation resisting capacity of joint of concrete filled square steel tube column and P.C reinforced concrete beam was higher than those of the concrete filled circular steel tube column and P.C reinforced concrete beam. (3) Some restriction must be put upon the ratio of axial force in this joint model because the load carrying capacity was decreased by flexural and flexural-torsional buckling in case of the ratio of axial force 0.6. (4) The emprical formula to predict the ultimate capacity of joint model to superimpose shearing strength of steel web(H section) and bending strength of reinforced concrete beam was expected.

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Inelastic Buckling Behavior of Column and Beam-Column (기둥과 보-기둥 구조물의 비탄성 좌굴거동)

  • Lee, Dong Sik;Oh, Soon Taek
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.16 no.2 s.69
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2004
  • The inelastic lateral-torsional buckling behavior of the beam-columns and the columns was investigated in this paper. The energy method was deployed to study the inelastic buckling behavior of the beam-columns and columns. which requires the iterative solution of a fourth-order eigenproblem. Hitherto, the patterns of residual stress that satisfies the I-section manufacturing in Korea is not available, therefore the pattern of residual stress used in this study is a 'well-known' simplified pattern. The simplified pattern of the residual stresses is incorporated with the flow theory of plasticity to model the inelastic response. Firstly, this study investigates the inelastic lateral-torsional buckling behavior of the I-section beam-columns under a concentric axial compressive force and uniform bending, and the effect of residual stress on the inelastic buckling behavior of beam-columns is studied. The study is then extended to the inelastic buckling of the columns by eliminating a bending moment. These results are compared it with the design method in the Korean Steel Designers Manual (KSDM 1995). This study has found that design method in KSDM (1995) is excessively conservative.

Inelastic distortional buckling of hot-rolled I-section beam-columns

  • Lee, Dong-Sik
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2004
  • The inelastic lateral-distortional buckling of doubly-symmetric hot-rolled I-section beam-columns subjected to a concentric axial force and uniform bending with elastic restraint which produce single curvature is investigated in this paper. The numerical model adopted in this paper is an energy-based method which leads to the incremental and iterative solution of a fourth-order eigenproblem, with very rapid solutions being obtained. The elastic restraint considered in this paper is full restraint against translation, but torsional restraint is permitted at the tension flange. Hitherto, a numerical method to analyse the elastic and inelastic lateral-distortional buckling of restrained or unrestrained beam-columns is unavailable. The prediction of the inelastic lateral-distortional buckling load obtained in this study is compared with the inelastic lateral-distortional buckling of restrained beams and the inelastic lateral-torsional buckling solution, by suppressing the out-of-plane web distortion, is published elsewhere and they agree reasonable well. The method is then extended to the lateral-distortional buckling of continuously restrained doubly symmetric I-sections to illustrate the effect of web distortion.

Increasing plastic hinge length using two pipes in a proposed web reduced beam section, an experimental and numerical study

  • Zahrai, Seyed M.;Mirghaderi, Seyed R.;Saleh, Aboozar
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.421-433
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    • 2017
  • Experimental and numerical studies of a newly developed Reduced Beam Section (RBS) connection, called Tubular Web RBS connection (TW-RBS) have been recently conducted. This paper presents experimental and numerical results of extending the plastic hinge length on the beam flange to increase energy dissipation of a proposed version of the TW-RBS connection with two pipes, (TW-RBS(II)), made by replacing a part of flat web with two steel tubular web at the desirable location of the beam plastic hinge. Two deep-beam specimens with two pipes are prepared and tested under cyclic loads. Obtained results reveal that the TW-RBS(II) like its type I, increases story drift capacity up to 6% in deep beam much more than that stipulated by the current seismic codes. Based on test results, the proposed TW-RBS(II) helps to dissipate imposed energy up to 30% more than that of the TW-RBS(I) specimens at the same story drift and also reduces demands at the beam-to-column connection up to 30% by increasing plastic hinge length on the beam flange. The TW-RBS(II) specimens are finally simulated using finite element method showing good agreement with experimental results.

Cyclic tests on bolted steel and composite double-sided beam-to-column joints

  • Dubina, Dan;Ciutina, Adrian Liviu;Stratan, Aurel
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.147-160
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    • 2002
  • This paper summarises results of the research performed at the Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics from the "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Romania, in order to evaluate the performance of beam-to-column extended end plate connections for steel and composite joints. It comprises laboratory tests on steel and composite joints, and numerical modelling of joints, based on tests. Tested joints are double-sided, with structural elements realised of welded steel sections. The columns are of cruciform cross-section, while the beams are of I section. Both monotonic and cyclic loading, symmetrically and antisymmetrically, has been applied. On the basis of tested joints, a refined computer model has been calibrated using a special connection element of the computer code DRAIN 2DX. In this way, a static/dynamic structural analysis of framed structures with real characteristics of the beam to column joints is possible.

Numerical cyclic behavior of T-RBS: A new steel moment connection

  • Ataollahi, Saeed;Banan, Mohammad-Reza;Banan, Mahmoud-Reza
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.1251-1264
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    • 2016
  • After observing relatively poor performance of bolted web-welded flange beam-to-column connections during 1994 Northridge earthquake, various types of connections based on two concepts of: (i) strengthening the connection; and (ii) weakening the beam ends were proposed. Among these modified or newly proposed connections, bolted T-stub connection follows the concept of strengthening. One of the connections with the idea of weakening the beam ends is reduced beam section (RBS). In this paper, finite element simulation is used to study the cyclic behavior of a new proposed connection developed by using a combination of both mentioned concepts. Investigated connections are exterior beam-to-column connections designed to comply with AISC provisions. The results show that moment capacity and dissipated energy of the new proposed connection is almost the same as those computed for a T-stub connection and higher than corresponding values for an RBS connection.

Local Buckling Characteristics of a column with I section (I형강기둥의 국부좌굴 특성)

  • 임종완;임장근
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 1994
  • The buckling characteristics of I - shaped columns which are composed of thin web and equal upper/lower flange plates are generally classified into the local and global modes. In this paper, its local buckling problem has been formulated on the basis of the assumed buckling modes using the finite element method for beams and plates. The effects of local bucklings are studied for various size rations and end conditions of I-shaped columns. The calculated results are comparatively well consistent with values obtained from the existing studies. The global buckling characteristics calculated by the present method are in good agreement with the classical rigid web solution

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Effects of shear deformation on the effective length of tapered columns with I-section for steel portal frames

  • Li, Guo-Qiang;Li, Jin-Jun
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.479-489
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    • 2000
  • Based on the stiffness equation of the tapered beam element involving the effects of axial force and shear deformation, numerical investigations are carried out on elastic instability for web-linearly tapered columns with I-section of steel portal frames. Effects of shear deformation on the effective length of the tapered columns with I-section are studied. An efficient approach for determining the effective length of the tapered portal frame columns considering effects of shear deformation is proposed.

Experimental Evalution of Structural Behavior on SRC type TEC-BEAM to RC Column Connection (SRC형 TEC-BEAM과 RC기둥 접합부 구조적 거동의 실험적 평가)

  • Ju, Young Kyu;Kim, Do Hyun;Chung, Kwang Ryang;Kim, Sang Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.463-470
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    • 2002
  • The TEC-Beam system is a composite beam consisting of structural tee, precast concrete, and cast-in-site reinforced concrete slab. The preliminary test of the proposed system was performed for simple beams, showing good behavior. However, for the field application of the system. TEC-Beam - RC column connection was required to produce a mechanism that transfers the force occurring in the lower part of the TEC-Beam. Thus, this study developed a connection mechanism that transfers the force occurring in the lower part of the TEC-Beam. Thus, this study developed a connection wherein the section of the TEC-Beam was enlarged and the lower part reinforced. Two setups of the proposed system were experimentally investigated. using the anchorage length of reinforcement., i.e., length of the increased section, as test parameter. It could be concluded from the result that the proposed system shows good structural behavior, with potential applicability in the field.