• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basin characteristics

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Analysis of Geomorphological Characteristics of Bukhan River Basin based on Hydrologic Unit Map (수자원 단위지도를 기반으로 한 북한강 유역의 지형학적 특성 분석)

  • Park, Geun-Ae;Kwon, Hyung-Joong;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.3B
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    • pp.241-251
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    • 2006
  • This study analyzed the topographical characteristics by extracting property factors of stream (stream order, number of stream, stream length, mean stream length) and property factors of basin (basin area, basin length, total stream length, total number of stream, basin mean width, form factor, maximum stream order, basin density, stream frequency, relief ratio, mean elevation, mean, slope, maximum elevation) from DEM (digital elevation model) and stream network generated by 1:5,000 NGIS (national geographical information system) data for the Bukhan-river basin. In addition, topographical factors for upper, mid stream and lower stream were analyzed and the mutuality of the factors by linear and nonlinear regression curve was identified.

Geologic Structure of Euiseong Sub-basin from Spectrally Correlated Geopotential Field Anomalies (포텐셜필드의 스텍트럼대비법을 이용한 의성소분지의 지구조 연구)

  • 김원균
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.217-228
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    • 2000
  • We use spectral correlation method to analyze gravity and magnetic anomalies of Euiseong Sub-basin for distribution of rock facies and gelogic structures. The analysis reveals distinct polarity between gravity and magnetic anomaly correlation ; intermediate to mafic intrusives, extrusives, and the Tertiary basin shows positive gravity (+G) and positive magnetic (+M) correlation. Granitic gneiss and felsic volcanics negative gravity 9-G) and negative magnetic (-M) correlation. The Palgongsan granite, felsic to mafic extrusives and Mesozoic granites are characterized by -G and + M correlation. +G and -M correlations in the sedimentary formations are interpreted by uplift of pre-Cretaceous basement rocks . The + G and + M correlation characteristics in northeastern part of Euiseong Sub-basin including the Tertiary sedimentary basin result from the uplift of crustal materials. Major axes of spectrally correlated amomalies have mostly NW-SE or NE-SW directions. The former is due to the intrusives along strike-slip faults, and the latter which is observed in sedimentary formations is related to geological structures of basement associated new insight into the boundary between Euiseong and Milyang Sub-basin.

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Design Flood Estimation for Pyeongchang River Basin Using Fuzzy Regression Method (Fuzzy 회귀분석기법을 이용한 평창강 유역의 설계홍수량 산정)

  • Yi, Jaeeung;Kim, Seungjoo;Lee, Taegeun;Ji, Jungwon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.45 no.10
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    • pp.1023-1034
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    • 2012
  • Linear regression technique has been used widely in water resources field as well as various fields such as economics and statistics, and so on. Using fuzzy regression technique, it is possible to quantify uncertainty and reflect them to the regression model. In this study, fuzzy regression model is developed to compute design floods in any place in Pyeongchang River basin. In ungaged basins, it is usually difficult to obtain data required for flood discharge analysis. In this study, basin characteristics elements are analyzed spatially using GIS and the technique of estimating design flood in ungaged mountainous basin is studied based on the result. Fuzzy regression technique is applied to Pyeongchang River basin which has mountainous basin characteristics and well collected rainfall and runoff data through IHP test basin project. Fuzzy design flood estimation equations are developed using the basin characteristics elements for Pyeongchang River basin. The suitability of developed fuzzy equations are examined by comparing the results with design floods computed in 9 locations along the river. Using regional regression method and fuzzy regression analysis, the uncertainties of the design floods occurred from the data monitoring can be quantified.

The estimation of GIS-based soil erosion considering up- and down-stream topographic characteristics (상하류 지형특성을 고려한 기반 GIS 토사유실 평가)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Koh, Deuk-Koo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.333-337
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper is to present a strategic approach to selecting prior areas of soil erosion to be examined for effective soil conservation planning and management, in conjunction with remote sensing data and GIS skill for surface characteristics. To do this, two basins are selected: Andong and Imha basin. Geographically one is in the vicinity of the other but turbidity in the main reservoir of each basin is quite different. it is important to clarify general behavior of soil erosion driven by rainfall event for both basins for further understanding and effective soil conservation planning and management. Also, Both basins are divided into several sub-basins and the severity of soil loss is intensively investigated to identify areas with high erosion potential for each sub-basin so that the efficiency of soil conservation program may increase. Especially, this study analyzed soil erodibility factor(K), topographic factor(LS), cover management factor(C) and soil erosion; 3 sub-basins for Andong basin (up-, mid-, downstream) and 6 sub-basins for Imha basin (up-, mid-, and downstream for two tributaries) because Imha basin consists of two tributaries (Banyeon and Yongjeon river). The approach suggested herein will provide a guideline for choosing prior areas to be examined and managed for soil conservation planning.

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A Study on the Wave Generating Characteristics of the Multi-directional Irregular Wave Basin (다방향불규칙파 조파수조의 조파특성에 관한 연구)

  • SOHN Byung-Kyu;RYU Cheong-Ro
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.705-712
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    • 2001
  • It is of great importance to represent the directional ocean waves in a laboratory basin for hydraulic model tests. The directional ocean waves can be expressed as a linear superposition of a large number of component waves with different frequencies and propagating directions. The aim of the study is to check the wave generating characteristics by serpent-type wave generating system in PKNU (Pukyong National University) which is composed of 10 piston-type wave generators. In the experiment, spatial variation of irregular wave heights and propagating angles are measured in the multi-directional wave maker basin. Target wave directional spectrum is reproduced in the area of multi-directional wave maker basin. The directional spreading of the generated waves varied spacially in the basin. They differed from target spectrum as the measurement point becomes far from the center line normal to the generator face, The effective generation area where that target can be reproduced is limited to the triangular area attached the generator face. According to the results, it is emphasized that the effective experiment area in the basin considered wave generator characteristics should be determined in consideration of experimental conditions including structural shapes, water depth, wave directionality etc.

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The Characteristics of Flow and Movement of Floc in the Sedimintation Basin (침전지내 흐름 및 플럭의 이동 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Gye-Un;Kim, Jeong-Hyeon;Lee, Myeon-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, the characteristics of the flow and the movement of the floc were analyzed through the experiments in the sedimentation basin using the redioisotope. Tc-99m radioisotope was used for the experiments for the characteristics of the flow, and the bentonite absorbing Tc-99m radioisotope was used in the experiments for the movement of the floc. Through the experiments of the flow, it was found that the velocities of flow in the sedimentation basin were different depending upon the position and the depth. The distance of the moving trajectories of the floc is increased by increasing the discharge. By increasing the discharge, the settling point is farther from the inlet, and the turbidity removal efficiencies in the sedimentation basin are decreased. The moving velocities of the floc and the density are changed in the different depths in the sedimentation basin.

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A Synthesis of Unit Hydrograph by a Correlation Analysis between the Basin Characteristics and the Runoff-Characteristics - Han and Geum River Basin - (유역특성과 유출특성간의 상관관계 해석에 의한 단위유량도의 합성 - 한강 및 금강유역 -)

  • 윤용남;선우중호
    • Water for future
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.61-79
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    • 1975
  • An attempt is made to develope a scheme for synthesizing unit hydrograph for any arbitrary small watershed in the Han or Geum River basin, which can be applied in determining various sizes of design flood for flood control prijects. Stage gauging stations, seven in the Han and five in the Geun River basin with rating curves, were selected as subbasins for the analysis. Unit hydrographs of 2-hour duration were derived for several heavy storm events using the storm and the corresponding flood runoff data for each subbasin. The Clark method programmed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Corps of Engineers, was utilized for derivation of instantaneous unit hydrographs which were, in turn, converted into 2-hour unit hydrograph. By averaging the 2-hour unit hydrographs from several storm events a representative 2-hour unit hydrograph was determined for each subbasin and hence a separate derivation of dimensionless unit hedrograph was also possible for the Han and Geum River basins. The physiographic characteristics such as stream length, distance to the centroid of each watershed were correlated with the characteristic parameters of the derived unit hydrograph for the subbasins within two large basins. correlation analyses between the characteristic parameters were also made. These correlation analyses resulted a series of four equations and a dimensionless unit hydrograph for the two large basins, which made it possible to draw a synthetic 2-hour unitgraph for any small watershed within the Han or Geum River basin. A detailed procedure for aplying the derived method for an arbitrary basin is summarized with one sample computation for each of the two basins. A comparison of the actually derived 2-hour unit hydrogrograph and the synthesized one showed a fair agreement. A recommendation is made for the further study.

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Optimum Water Allocation System Model in Keumho River Basin with Mathematical Programming Techniques (수리계획을 이용한 금호강유역의 최적 물배분 시스템모델)

  • 안승섭;이증석
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.74-85
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    • 1997
  • This study aims at the development of a mathematical approach for the optimal water allocation in the river basin where available water is not in sufficient. Its optimal allocation model is determined from the comparison and analysis of mathematical programming techniques such as transportation programming and dynamic programming models at its optimal allocation models. The water allocation system used in this study is designed to be the optimal water allocation which can satisfy the water deficit in each district through inter-basin water transfer between Kumho river basin which is a tributary catchment of Nakdong river basin, and the adjacent Hyungsan river basin, Milyang river basin and Nakdong upstream river basin. A general rule of water allocation is obtained for each district in the basins as the result of analysis of the optimal water allocation in the water allocation system. Also a comparison of the developed models proves that there is no big difference between the models Therefore transportation programming model indicates most adequate to the complex water allocation system in terms of its characteristics It can be seen, however, that dynamic programming model shows water allocation effect which produces greater net benefit more or less.

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Evaluation of water treatment characteristics at the improved circle secondary settling basin (개량 고속원형침전지의 수처리 특성 평가)

  • Jang, Honggyu;Cho, Youngman;Kim, Changwon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.609-614
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    • 2014
  • Researcher of this study improved conventional circle secondary settling basin, through the way such as extend of inlet pipe length, introduction of device for inducting uniforming of flow, keeping of height of sludge interface. Also, we compared conventional circle settling basin to improved circle settling basin the water treatment efficiency. Result of research, when SVI is average 117, improvement rate of SS and BOD were 51.0%, 37.0% approximately compared to conventional settling basin. And when SVI is average 178, improvement rate of SS and BOD were 22.7%, 36.0% approximately. Also when SVI is average 196, improvement rate of SS and BOD were 24.7%, 30.3% approximately. When it's winter, improvement rate of SS, BOD, COD, TN and TP were 20.6%, 17.9%, 13.9%, 13.5%, 12.4% approximately. Therefore, we can be the judge, this improved settling basin can be used as the final settling basin in the waste water treatment plant.

Assessment of Water Quality using Multivariate Statistical Techniques: A Case Study of the Nakdong River Basin, Korea

  • Park, Seongmook;Kazama, Futaba;Lee, Shunhwa
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2014
  • This study estimated spatial and seasonal variation of water quality to understand characteristics of Nakdong river basin, Korea. All together 11 parameters (discharge, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, 5-day biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, pH, suspended solids, electrical conductivity, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total organic carbon) at 22 different sites for the period of 2003-2011 were analyzed using multivariate statistical techniques (cluster analysis, principal component analysis and factor analysis). Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped whole river basin into three zones, i.e., relatively less polluted (LP), medium polluted (MP) and highly polluted (HP) based on similarity of water quality characteristics. The results of factor analysis/principal component analysis explained up to 83.0%, 81.7% and 82.7% of total variance in water quality data of LP, MP, and HP zones, respectively. The rotated components of PCA obtained from factor analysis indicate that the parameters responsible for water quality variations were mainly related to discharge and total pollution loads (non-point pollution source) in LP, MP and HP areas; organic and nutrient pollution in LP and HP zones; and temperature, DO and TN in LP zone. This study demonstrates the usefulness of multivariate statistical techniques for analysis and interpretation of multi-parameter, multi-location and multi-year data sets.