• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basic model

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The Need for Paradigm Shift in Semantic Similarity and Semantic Relatedness : From Cognitive Semantics Perspective (의미간의 유사도 연구의 패러다임 변화의 필요성-인지 의미론적 관점에서의 고찰)

  • Choi, Youngseok;Park, Jinsoo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 2013
  • Semantic similarity/relatedness measure between two concepts plays an important role in research on system integration and database integration. Moreover, current research on keyword recommendation or tag clustering strongly depends on this kind of semantic measure. For this reason, many researchers in various fields including computer science and computational linguistics have tried to improve methods to calculating semantic similarity/relatedness measure. This study of similarity between concepts is meant to discover how a computational process can model the action of a human to determine the relationship between two concepts. Most research on calculating semantic similarity usually uses ready-made reference knowledge such as semantic network and dictionary to measure concept similarity. The topological method is used to calculated relatedness or similarity between concepts based on various forms of a semantic network including a hierarchical taxonomy. This approach assumes that the semantic network reflects the human knowledge well. The nodes in a network represent concepts, and way to measure the conceptual similarity between two nodes are also regarded as ways to determine the conceptual similarity of two words(i.e,. two nodes in a network). Topological method can be categorized as node-based or edge-based, which are also called the information content approach and the conceptual distance approach, respectively. The node-based approach is used to calculate similarity between concepts based on how much information the two concepts share in terms of a semantic network or taxonomy while edge-based approach estimates the distance between the nodes that correspond to the concepts being compared. Both of two approaches have assumed that the semantic network is static. That means topological approach has not considered the change of semantic relation between concepts in semantic network. However, as information communication technologies make advantage in sharing knowledge among people, semantic relation between concepts in semantic network may change. To explain the change in semantic relation, we adopt the cognitive semantics. The basic assumption of cognitive semantics is that humans judge the semantic relation based on their cognition and understanding of concepts. This cognition and understanding is called 'World Knowledge.' World knowledge can be categorized as personal knowledge and cultural knowledge. Personal knowledge means the knowledge from personal experience. Everyone can have different Personal Knowledge of same concept. Cultural Knowledge is the knowledge shared by people who are living in the same culture or using the same language. People in the same culture have common understanding of specific concepts. Cultural knowledge can be the starting point of discussion about the change of semantic relation. If the culture shared by people changes for some reasons, the human's cultural knowledge may also change. Today's society and culture are changing at a past face, and the change of cultural knowledge is not negligible issues in the research on semantic relationship between concepts. In this paper, we propose the future directions of research on semantic similarity. In other words, we discuss that how the research on semantic similarity can reflect the change of semantic relation caused by the change of cultural knowledge. We suggest three direction of future research on semantic similarity. First, the research should include the versioning and update methodology for semantic network. Second, semantic network which is dynamically generated can be used for the calculation of semantic similarity between concepts. If the researcher can develop the methodology to extract the semantic network from given knowledge base in real time, this approach can solve many problems related to the change of semantic relation. Third, the statistical approach based on corpus analysis can be an alternative for the method using semantic network. We believe that these proposed research direction can be the milestone of the research on semantic relation.

A Inquiry of the Perception of Death in School Age (학령기 아동의 죽음인식에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Joun, Young-Ran
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This paper aims to examine the subjective structures and types of school age children's perception of death through an investigative study on their perception of death in order to provide a basic material for them to understand death, and develop and carry out an effective death education program. Methods: The study method used the Q Methodology which can investigate the subjective structures and types of school age children's perception of death. For Q-population, 20 school age children were used as subjects for neutral interviews and open surveys, and through documentary research, a total of 132 statements were collected, For Q-samples, 23 statements (Q-samples) were derived through a non-structural method. P-samples were 31 school age children (8-13 year olds), Q-sorting was carried out using Q-cards, and the collected data was analyzed using the PC QUANL program. Results: As a result of the study, children's perception of death was divided into five types. The first type was functional type, characterized by prominent subjective perception regarding the elements of death, such as non-reversibility, universality, non-functionality, and causality. The second was after-life type, characterized by a strong, focus on life after death in one's perception of death, and it included children with Christian background and those who had experienced death in their immediate family. The third was religious type, characterized by a strong belief in being able to still watch over one's family and friends after one's death, resulting in a positive faith in the after-life. The fourth was fearful type, characterized by a deeper fear of death in comparison to other types. The fifth was realistic type, characterized by a strong and positive assent to the perception of good death. Conclusion: The significance of the results of this paper's study to Nursing is as follows. In terms of understanding the subjectivity of school age children's perception of death in nursing practice, and understanding the compositional elements of death presented with strong emphasis in existing literature and studies, the results will expand these understandings and allow us to understand the level of perception in school age children regarding the definition of death, after-life, and good death, be utilized as useful material in developing an effective death education program for them according to their type characteristics, and become the fertilizer for enabling the children to live a proper life and preventing the tendency to make light of death that occur in adolescence and the spread of suicides. In terms of nursing theory, the description and examination of the subjective structures and the characteristics of the different, types of school age children's perception of death can be utilized as useful material for building a model of school age children's perception of death, and be further used for teaching respect for life. In terms of nursing research, the results can contribute to research describing the effects of nursing intervention strategies and developing tools for providing psychosocial nursing in terms of giving school age children a positive perception of death according to their types as well respect for life.

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The Process of Hillslope Denudation Since the Last Glacial Maximum Near Tangjeong-myeon, Asan-si, Central Korea (아산시(牙山市) 탕정면(湯井面) 일대(一帶) 최종빙기(最終氷期) 최성기(最盛期) 이후(以後) 구사면(丘斜面)의 삭박과정(削剝過程))

  • PARK, Ji-Hoon;JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.67-83
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    • 2008
  • To find out the process of hillslope denudation since the Last Glacial Maximum in Asan area, we conducted the stratiform interpretation and carbon age measurements with the collected samples through trenching in the valley bottom of 'Agol' located in the lower stream of Magok stream. The results are as follows. 11 inorganic and 8 organic matter layers were confirmed at the point of trench MG1 in the subject area, 7 inorganic and 3 organic at the point of trench MG2, and 5 inorganic and 3 organic at the point of trench MG3, respectively. The frequency of hillslope denudation, hillslope mass movement, which had occurred in the unstable environment of back hillslope at the point of MG 1, was 11 times (8 times before about 2,900yrBP, twice in between about 2,900~1,900yrBP, and once after about 1,900yrBP) as a whole. The frequency of moor which had formed in the comparatively stable environment of back hillslope was 9 times (5 times before about 3,000yrBP, twice in between 3,000~2,800yrBP, and once in between 2,200~1,900yrBP) at minimum. The frequency of back hillslope denudation at the point of MG2 was totally 7 times (4 times before about 1,900yrBP and 3 times after about 1,900yrBP) and the moor formations were 3 times (twice before about 1,900yrBP and once after 1,900yrBP). The frequency of back hillslope denudation at the point of MG3 was totally 5 times (3 times before about 1,900yrBP and twice after about 1,900yrBP) and the moor formations were 3 times (twice before about 1,900yrBP and once after 1,900yrBP). The hillslope surrounded by valley bottom of 'Agol' was confirmed as the pile up of various inorganic matters by the mass movement such as sand or sandy gravel in the valley bottom of the subject area, formed not once but several times of denudation. We could know that the hillslope denudation cycle converged to the time period of 102103 years. These results will be an important basic data for restoring hillslope denudation process near Asan and changing climate of the Late Quaternary Period.

A Study on the Ecosystem Services Value Assessment According to City Development: In Case of the Busan Eco-Delta City Development (도시개발에 따른 생태계서비스 가치 평가 연구: 부산 에코델타시티 사업을 대상으로)

  • Choi, Jiyoung;Lee, Youngsoo;Lee, Sangdon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.427-439
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    • 2019
  • Natural environmental ecology ofthe environmental impact assessment(EIA)is very much lacking in quantitative evaluation. Thus, this study attempted to evaluate quantitative assessment for ecosystem service in the site of Eco-delta project in Busan. As a part of climate change adaptation, this study evaluated and compared with the value for carbon fixation and habitat quality using the InVEST model before and after development with three alternatives of land-use change. Carbon fixation showed 216,674.48 Mg of C (year 2000), and 203,474.25 Mg of C (year 2015)reducing about 6.1%, and in the future of year 2030 the value was dropped to 120,490.84 Mg of C which is 40% lower than year 2015. Alternative 3 of land use planning was the best in terms of carbon fixation showing 6,811.31 Mg of C. Habitat quality also changed from 0.57 (year 2000), 0.35 (year 2015), and 0.21 (year 2030) with continued degradation as development goes further. Alternative 3 also was the highest with 0.21(Alternative 1 : 0.20, Alternative 2 : 0.18). In conclusion,this study illustrated that quantitative method forland use change in the process of EIA can helpdecision making for stakeholders anddevelopers with serving the best scenario forlow impact of carbon. Also it can help better for land use plan, greenhouse gas and natural environmental assets in EIA. This study could be able to use in the environmental policy with numerical data of ecosystem and prediction. Supplemented with detailed analysis and accessibility of basic data, this method will make it possible for wide application in the ecosystem evaluation.

Recent research activities on hybrid rocket in Japan

  • Harunori, Nagata
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.1-2
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    • 2011
  • Hybrid rockets have lately attracted attention as a strong candidate of small, low cost, safe and reliable launch vehicles. A significant topic is that the first commercially sponsored space ship, SpaceShipOne vehicle chose a hybrid rocket. The main factors for the choice were safety of operation, system cost, quick turnaround, and thrust termination. In Japan, five universities including Hokkaido University and three private companies organized "Hybrid Rocket Research Group" from 1998 to 2002. Their main purpose was to downsize the cost and scale of rocket experiments. In 2002, UNISEC (University Space Engineering Consortium) and HASTIC (Hokkaido Aerospace Science and Technology Incubation Center) took over the educational and R&D rocket activities respectively and the research group dissolved. In 2008, JAXA/ISAS and eleven universities formed "Hybrid Rocket Research Working Group" as a subcommittee of the Steering Committee for Space Engineering in ISAS. Their goal is to demonstrate technical feasibility of lowcost and high frequency launches of nano/micro satellites into sun-synchronous orbits. Hybrid rockets use a combination of solid and liquid propellants. Usually the fuel is in a solid phase. A serious problem of hybrid rockets is the low regression rate of the solid fuel. In single port hybrids the low regression rate below 1 mm/s causes large L/D exceeding a hundred and small fuel loading ratio falling below 0.3. Multi-port hybrids are a typical solution to solve this problem. However, this solution is not the mainstream in Japan. Another approach is to use high regression rate fuels. For example, a fuel regression rate of 4 mm/s decreases L/D to around 10 and increases the loading ratio to around 0.75. Liquefying fuels such as paraffins are strong candidates for high regression fuels and subject of active research in Japan too. Nakagawa et al. in Tokai University employed EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) to modify viscosity of paraffin based fuels and investigated the effect of viscosity on regression rates. Wada et al. in Akita University employed LTP (Low melting ThermoPlastic) as another candidate of liquefying fuels and demonstrated high regression rates comparable to paraffin fuels. Hori et al. in JAXA/ISAS employed glycidylazide-poly(ethylene glycol) (GAP-PEG) copolymers as high regression rate fuels and modified the combustion characteristics by changing the PEG mixing ratio. Regression rate improvement by changing internal ballistics is another stream of research. The author proposed a new fuel configuration named "CAMUI" in 1998. CAMUI comes from an abbreviation of "cascaded multistage impinging-jet" meaning the distinctive flow field. A CAMUI type fuel grain consists of several cylindrical fuel blocks with two ports in axial direction. The port alignment shifts 90 degrees with each other to make jets out of ports impinge on the upstream end face of the downstream fuel block, resulting in intense heat transfer to the fuel. Yuasa et al. in Tokyo Metropolitan University employed swirling injection method and improved regression rates more than three times higher. However, regression rate distribution along the axis is not uniform due to the decay of the swirl strength. Aso et al. in Kyushu University employed multi-swirl injection to solve this problem. Combinations of swirling injection and paraffin based fuel have been tried and some results show very high regression rates exceeding ten times of conventional one. High fuel regression rates by new fuel, new internal ballistics, or combination of them require faster fuel-oxidizer mixing to maintain combustion efficiency. Nakagawa et al. succeeded to improve combustion efficiency of a paraffin-based fuel from 77% to 96% by a baffle plate. Another effective approach some researchers are trying is to use an aft-chamber to increase residence time. Better understanding of the new flow fields is necessary to reveal basic mechanisms of regression enhancement. Yuasa et al. visualized the combustion field in a swirling injection type motor. Nakagawa et al. observed boundary layer combustion of wax-based fuels. To understand detailed flow structures in swirling flow type hybrids, Sawada et al. (Tohoku Univ.), Teramoto et al. (Univ. of Tokyo), Shimada et al. (ISAS), and Tsuboi et al. (Kyushu Inst. Tech.) are trying to simulate the flow field numerically. Main challenges are turbulent reaction, stiffness due to low Mach number flow, fuel regression model, and other non-steady phenomena. Oshima et al. in Hokkaido University simulated CAMUI type flow fields and discussed correspondence relation between regression distribution of a burning surface and the vortex structure over the surface.

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Analysis of Lumbar Herniated Intervertebral Disc Patients' Healthcare Utilization of Western-Korean Collaborative Treatment: Using Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service's Patients Sample Data (요추 추간판 탈출증 환자의 의·한의 협진 의료이용 현황 분석: 건강보험심사평가원 환자표본 데이터를 이용하여)

  • Ko, Jun-Hyuk;Yu, Ji-Woong;Seo, Sang-Woo;Seo, Joon-Won;Kang, Jun-Hyuk;Kim, Tae-Oh;Cho, Whi-Sung;Seo, Yeon-Ho;Ahn, Jong-Hyun;Lee, Woo-Joo;Kim, Bo-Hyung;Choi, Man-Khu;Kim, Sung-Bum;Kim, Hyung-Suk;Kim, Koh-Woon;Cho, Jae-Heung;Song, Mi-Yeon;Chung, Won-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2021
  • Objectives Lumbar herniated intervertebral disc (L-HIVD) is common disease in which Western-Korean collaborative treatment is performed in Korea. This study aimed to analyze Western-Korean collaborative treatment utilization of Korean patients with L-HIVD using Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service's Patients Sample Data. Methods This study used the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service-National Patient Sample (HIRA-NPS) in 2018. Claim data of L-HIVD patients were extracted. The claim data were rebuilt with the operational concept of 'episode of care' and divided into Korean medicine episode group (KM), Western medicine episode group (WM) and collaborative treatment episode group (CT). General characteristics, medical expenses and healthcare utilization were analyzed. In addition, the difference of average visit day and average medical expenses between non-collaborative group (KM plus WM) and CT were analyzed by the propensity score matching method. Results A Total of 64,333 patients and 365,745 claims were extracted. The number of episodes of WM, KM and CT was 69,383 (92.97%), 3,903 (5.23%), and 1,341 (1.80%) respectively. The frequency of collaborative treatment episode was higher in women and the age of 50s. The most frequently described treatment in CT was acupuncture therapy. As a result of the propensity score matching, the number of visit days and medical expenses in the collaborative treatment group was higher than in the non-collaborative group. Conclusions The analysis of healthcare utilization of Korean-Western collaborative treatment may be used as basic data for establishing medical policies and systematic collaborative treatment model in the future.

Dental Hygienist-Led Dental Hygiene Process of Care for Self-Support Program Participants in Gangneung (강릉시 자활근로사업 참여자 대상 치위생 과정 사례보고)

  • Yoo, Sang-Hee;Kwak, Seon-Hui;Lee, Sue-Hyang;Song, Ga-In;Bae, Soo-Myoung;Shin, Sun-Jung;Shin, Bo-Mi
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.327-339
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to provide basic data for establishing the clinical basis for dental hygienist-led dental hygiene process of care by identifying multiple risk factors for self-support program participants in Gangneung city; we also compared oral health status and behavioral changes through customized oral health care. Four dental hygienists who were evaluated for degree of conformity provided dental hygiene process of care to eight self-support program participants who were selected as having an oral health risk among people in the self-support center. The clinical indicators measured during dental hygiene assessment and evaluation and behavioral changes due to dental hygiene intervention were compared and analyzed. With respect to clinical indicators, at the time of probe, the retention rate of patients with gingival bleeding decreased from 61.4% to 14.7% after intervention (p=0.004). Furthermore, the retention rate of patients with a periodontal pocket >4 mm decreased from 15.6% to 5.8% (p=0.001). The average modified O'Leary index of the patients improved from 23 to 40 (p=0.002). Previously, all eight subjects used the vertical or horizontal method of brushing; after dental hygiene care interventions regarding method and frequency of toothbrushing, use of oral care products, and individual interventions, they started using the rolling or Bass method of toothbrushing. Four of eight subjects reported using interdental toothbrushes after intervention. As a result of applying the change model to the transtheoretical behavior change of the subject, the result of strengthening the health behavior was confirmed. For promotion of oral health by the prevention-centered incremental oral health care system, dental hygienist-led dental hygiene management and maintenance is essential. It is thought that continuous research, such as for feasibility evaluation, cost benefit analysis, and preparation of legal systems, is needed to establish and activate dental hygiene management.

A Study on the Protection and Management System of the Southwestern Coast Tidal Flat for Inscription in the World Heritage List (서남해안 갯벌의 세계유산 등재를 위한 보호 및 관리체계 연구)

  • Moon, Kyong-O
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.80-95
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to establish an effective protection and management system for World Heritage (WH) nomination of Southwestern Coast Tidal Flat (SCTF) by proposing a model of protection and management. SCTF has a potential to become a representative best practice to achieve a sustainable development for human society. SCTF has a potential Outstanding Universal Values (OUVs) for WH nomination, thus a harmony between human and nature for wise use of natural resources needs to be pursued. It is required to present the system of SCTF's protection and management and to analyze present status of the regions in the Tentative List by comparing the case which were already inscribed as WH. For better protection of nominated areas, SCTF should expand an area for protection with additional designation. For the management system, two separate management systems such as the Department of Culture & Tourism and the Department of Oceans & Fisheries need to be reconciled. Because of this overlapping management structure, the management of the nominated sites has been inefficient and long-term management plan is lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate conflicting management system of each local government and make a long-term, integrated management plan. To make an efficient and sustainable protection and management, it is essential to set up a collaboration system by integrating various stakeholders such as central and local governments, academic organizations, local residents, and NGOs. As in the case of Wadden Sea, the combined community system of the stakeholders mentioned above should be established. Because it is essential for local residents to understand a basic concepts for protection and management, it is necessary to establish capacity-building of local people. The protection and management structure should be set up by bottom-up processes, that is the proper structure shoud be based on thorough research on local society as well as thorough communication with local residents to make relevant laws and policies. This study also propose the proper plan for better conservation and management of SCTF.

Analysis and Management Strategies of the Cold Air Characteristics in Hannamgeumbuk-Jeongmaek and Geumbuk-Jeongmaek (한남금북·금북정맥 일대의 찬공기 특성 분석을 통한 청주시 찬공기 관리방안)

  • SON, Jeong-Min;EUM, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.152-171
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of the cold air generated in Hannamgeumbuk and Geumbuk-Jeongmaek and proposed their management strategies. We also suggested management strategies after analyzing detailed cold airflows for Cheongju located Hannamgeumbuk-Jeongmaek and we compared the degree of nighttime temperature reduction of the Jeongmaek by using data obtained from observatories located on Cheongju. We used KALM(Kaltluftabflussmodell), a cold air simulation model developed in Germanay and identified both cold airflows and altitude of cold air layers generated during 360minutes at night. As a result, the cold airflow generated in the Jeongmaek became strong and the cold air was appeared clearly in the western part of the Hannamgeumbuk-Jeongamek and in the northern part of the Geumbuk-Jeongmaek. The average velocity of cold airflow was recorded at 0.45m/s, and the maximum speed of cold airflow was recorded at 2.70m/s. The average height of the cold air layer was 104.27m/s and the maximum thickness was 255.0m. The average velocity of cold airflows in Cheongju was 0.51m/s and the average height of cold air layer was 48.87m high. The highest degree of nighttime temperature reduction appeared in the Cheongnamdae observatory(3.8C), where the altitude of the cold air layer is high. The results showed that cooling effect of Jeongmaek actually affected the temperature reduction during nighttime. Based on the results, we designated the main mountain area of the Jeongmaek with active cold air generation as "cold air conservation areas" and proposed the current forest and topography conservation. We also proposed to designate areas that facilitate the cold airflows as "cold air management areas" and to complement the function of Jeongmaek. This study could support the establishment of systematic management plans of the Jeongmaek. In addition, it is expected that the results can be applied as basic data for ventilation paths of Cheongju.

Development of Music Recommendation System based on Customer Sentiment Analysis (소비자 감성 분석 기반의 음악 추천 알고리즘 개발)

  • Lee, Seung Jun;Seo, Bong-Goon;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.197-217
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    • 2018
  • Music is one of the most creative act that can express human sentiment with sound. Also, since music invoke people's sentiment to get empathized with it easily, it can either encourage or discourage people's sentiment with music what they are listening. Thus, sentiment is the primary factor when it comes to searching or recommending music to people. Regard to the music recommendation system, there are still lack of recommendation systems that are based on customer sentiment. An algorithm's that were used in previous music recommendation systems are mostly user based, for example, user's play history and playlists etc. Based on play history or playlists between multiple users, distance between music were calculated refer to basic information such as genre, singer, beat etc. It can filter out similar music to the users as a recommendation system. However those methodology have limitations like filter bubble. For example, if user listen to rock music only, it would be hard to get hip-hop or R&B music which have similar sentiment as a recommendation. In this study, we have focused on sentiment of music itself, and finally developed methodology of defining new index for music recommendation system. Concretely, we are proposing "SWEMS" index and using this index, we also extracted "Sentiment Pattern" for each music which was used for this research. Using this "SWEMS" index and "Sentiment Pattern", we expect that it can be used for a variety of purposes not only the music recommendation system but also as an algorithm which used for buildup predicting model etc. In this study, we had to develop the music recommendation system based on emotional adjectives which people generally feel when they listening to music. For that reason, it was necessary to collect a large amount of emotional adjectives as we can. Emotional adjectives were collected via previous study which is related to them. Also more emotional adjectives has collected via social metrics and qualitative interview. Finally, we could collect 134 individual adjectives. Through several steps, the collected adjectives were selected as the final 60 adjectives. Based on the final adjectives, music survey has taken as each item to evaluated the sentiment of a song. Surveys were taken by expert panels who like to listen to music. During the survey, all survey questions were based on emotional adjectives, no other information were collected. The music which evaluated from the previous step is divided into popular and unpopular songs, and the most relevant variables were derived from the popularity of music. The derived variables were reclassified through factor analysis and assigned a weight to the adjectives which belongs to the factor. We define the extracted factors as "SWEMS" index, which describes sentiment score of music in numeric value. In this study, we attempted to apply Case Based Reasoning method to implement an algorithm. Compare to other methodology, we used Case Based Reasoning because it shows similar problem solving method as what human do. Using "SWEMS" index of each music, an algorithm will be implemented based on the Euclidean distance to recommend a song similar to the emotion value which given by the factor for each music. Also, using "SWEMS" index, we can also draw "Sentiment Pattern" for each song. In this study, we found that the song which gives a similar emotion shows similar "Sentiment Pattern" each other. Through "Sentiment Pattern", we could also suggest a new group of music, which is different from the previous format of genre. This research would help people to quantify qualitative data. Also the algorithms can be used to quantify the content itself, which would help users to search the similar content more quickly.