• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basic model

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Analysis of the Cold Air Flow in Suwon for the Application of Urban Wind Corridor (도시 바람길 활용을 위한 수원시 찬공기 유동 분석)

  • CHA, Jae-Gyu;CHOI, Tae-Young;KANG, Da-In;JUNG, Eung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.24-38
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    • 2019
  • Due to the dramatic spatial changes caused by industrialization, environmental problems such as air pollution and urban heat island phenomenon, etc. are occurring in cities. In this case, the wind corridor, which is a passage through which fresh and cool air generated in forests outside cities move to the downtown, can be used as a spatial planning method for improving urban environmental problems. Cold air is determined by the characteristics of the flow depending on the topography and land use of cities, and based on this, the medium- and long-term plan should be established. Therefore, this study analyzed the flow of cold air at night through the KLAM_21 model in Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, to prepare the basic data required to apply the wind corridors. As a result, it turned out that cold air of Suwon-si was mainly generated from Gwanggyo Mountain that is a large mountain area in the north, and flowed into the urbanization promotion area, and about three hours after sunset, cold air flowed into the downtown. By district, the depth, wind speed, and direction of the cold air layer were formed differently according to the characteristics of the topography and land use. In the areas where large forests were adjacent, the flow of cold air was active. There are three main wind corridors where cold air flows to the downtown of Suwon-si, all of which are formed around rivers. Especially, if the connection between rivers and the surrounding green areas is high, the effect of wind corridors is found to be significant. In order to utilize the wind corridors of Suwon-si, based on the results of this study, it is necessary to make climate maps through actual survey and complex analysis of cold air flow and establish mid-to-long-term plans for the conservation and expansion of major wind corridors.

An Analysis of Referrals, Nursing Diagnosis, and Nursing Interventions in Home Care - Wonju Christian Hospital Community Health Nursing Service - (가정간호 기록지 분석 - 원주기독병원 가정간호 보건활동을 중심으로 -)

  • Suh, Mi-Hae;Huh, Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.3
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1996
  • Home Health Care is one part of the total health care system. It includes health care services that link the hospital to the community. While it is important for early discharge patients, home care is also important for people with chronic illnesses or handicapping conditions. In 1989 the Korean government passed a law that opened the way for formal development of home health care services beginning with education programs to certify nurses for home care, and then demonstration home care services. Part of the mandate of the demonstration projects was evaluation of home care services. This study was done in order to provide basic data that would contribute to the development of records that could be used for evaluation through a retrospective audit and to examine the care that had been given in Home Care at Wonju Christian Hospital over a twenty year period from 1974 to 1994. The purposes of the study were : to identify to characteristics of the clients who had received home care, to identify the reasons for client referrals, to identify the nursing problems of these clients, to identify the nursing care provided to these clients, and to identify differences in these areas over the twenty year period. The study was a descriptive study involving a retrospective audit of the client records. Demographic data on all clients were included : 4,171 clients from 2,564 families. Data on referrals, nursing diagnosis and nursing interventions were from even numbered records which had a patient problem list included in the record, 2,801 clients, Frequencies and ANOVA were used in the analysis. The results of the study showed that the majority of the clients were from Wonju city /county. There were more women than men related to the high number of postpartum clients(1,300). The high number of postparttum clients and newborns was also evident in the age distribution. An the number of maternal-child clients decreased over the 20 years, the mean age of the clients increased significantly. Other factors also contributed to this change ; as increasing number of clients with brain injuries or with cancer, and fewer children with burns, osteomyelitis and tuberculosis. There was a decrease in the mean number of visits and mean length of coverage, reflecting a movement towards a short term acute care model. The number of new clents dropped sharply after 1985. The reasons for this are : the development of other treatment alternatives for clients, the establishment of an active wellbaby clinic, many more options plus a decreasing number of new cases of Hansen's Disase, and insurance that allows people with burns to be kept in hospital until skin grafts are healed. Socioeconomic changes have resulted in an increase in the number of cases of cancer, stroke, head injuries following car accidents, and of diabetes. Of the 2,801 client records, 2,541(60.9%) contained a written referral but for 1,802 it contained only the medical diagnosis. The number of records with a referral requesting specific nursing care was 739(29.1%). Many family members who were identified as in need of nursing care had no written referral. Analysis of the patient problem list showed that 41.9% of the enteries were nursing diagnoses. Others incuded medical diagnosis, symptoms, and plans. The most frequently used diagnoses were alteration in nutrition, less than body requirements(115 entries), alteration in skin integrity(114), knowledge deficit(111), pain(78), self-care deficit(66), and alteration in pattern of urinary elimination(50). These are reflected in the NANDA categories for which the highest number of diagnosis was in the Exchanging pattern(446), followed by Moving(178), Feeling(136) and Knowing (115). Analysis of the frequency of interventions showed that exercise and teaching about exercise was the most frequent intervention, followed by teaching concering the need for follow-up care, checking vital signs, managing nutritional problems, managing catheters, giving emotional support, changing dressings, teaching about medication, teaching (subject not specified), teaching about diet, IM and IV medications or fluid, and skin care, in that order. Recommendations included: development of a record that would allow for efficient recording of frequently used nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions: expansion of the catchment area for Home Care at Wonju Christian Hospital ; expansion of the service to provide complication prevention, rehabilitation services, and support to increase the health maintenance /health promotion of the people being served as well as providing client dentered care ; and development of a clinical record that will allow efficient data collection from records, even though the recording is done by a variety of health care providers.

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Impact of the Environmental Factors on Adolescents' Food Purchasing Attitudes (청소년의 식품구매태도에 대한 환경 요인의 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Yoo Kyeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.43-58
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to investigate adolescents' food purchasing attitudes and related factors in the aim of improving youth's ability to purchase food properly and providing basic data on educational program development regarding dietary life. Total 476 adolescents residing in Daegu area participated in this study, and followings are the summary of the results. In terms of concerns in food purchasing, adolescents put priority in order of price(3.81±0.64), taste(3.70±0.72), safety(3.52±0.78), health(2.93±0.92). With respect to food purchasing attitudes, a significant differences were found in economic concern(p<.05) by gender and by the amount of allowance; preference(p<.01) and safety(p<.01) by school year. The analysis of environmental factors affecting food purchasing attitudes revealed that adolescents were most influenced by their parents(3.44±0.62) in food purchasing, whereas friends' influences(2.43±0.60) were relatively low. Regarding the effect of environmental factors on food purchasing, significant differences were found in parents(p<.05) and brands(p<.05) by gender; friends(p<.01) and parents(p<.05) by school year; friends(p<.01) by the amount of allowance. Food purchasing attitudes represented positive correlation with parents, advertisements and brands(p<.001). In addition, regression analysis showed that parents and advertisements affect adolescents' food purchasing. Conclusively, adolescents appear to prioritize price and taste, and they were influenced most by their parents when purchasing food. Therefore, parents, serving as a consumer role model, should instruct their children to learn considerate attitude in food purchasing.

In Vitro Evaluation of Shear Bond Strengths of Zirconia Cerami with Various Types of Cement after Thermocycling on Bovine Dentin Surface (지르코니아 표면 처리와 시멘트 종류에 따른 치면과의 전단 결합 강도 비교 연구)

  • Cho, Soo-Hyun;Cho, In-Ho;Lee, Jong-Hyuk;Nam, Ki-Young;Kim, Jong-Bae;Hwang, Sang-Hee
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.249-257
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    • 2007
  • State of problem : The use of zirconium oxide all-ceramic material provides several advantages, including a high flexural strength(>1000MPa) and desirable optical properties, such as shading adaptation to the basic shades and a reduction in the layer thickness. Along with the strength of the materials, the cementation technique is also important to the clinical success of a restoration. Nevertheless, little information is available on the effect of different surface treatments on the bonding of zirconium high-crystalline ceramics and resin luting agents. Purpose : The aim of this study was to test the effects of surface treatments of zirconium on shear bond strengths between bovine teeth and a zirconia ceramic and evaluate differences among cements Material and methods : 54 sound bovine teeth extracted within a 1 months, were used. They were frozen in distilled water. These were rinsed by tap water to confirm that no granulation tissues have left. These were kept refrigerated at 4C until tested. Each tooth was placed horizontally at a plastic cylinder (diameter 20mm), and embedded in epoxy resin. Teeth were sectioned with diamond burs to expose dentin and grinded with #600 silicon carbide paper. To make sure there was no enamel left, each was observed under an optical microscope. 54 prefabricated zirconium oxide ceramic copings(Lava, 3M ESPE, USA) were assigned into 3 groups ; control, airborne-abraded with 110μm Al2O3 and scratched with diamond burs at 4 directions. They were cemented with a seating force of 10 ㎏ per tooth, using resin luting cement(Panavia F(R)), resin cement(Superbond C&B^{(R)}), and resin modified GI cement(Rely X Luting(R)). Those were thermocycled at 5C and 55C for 5000 cycles with a 30 second dwell time, and then shear bond strength was determined in a universal test machine(Model 4200, Instron Co., Canton, USA). The crosshead speed was 1 mm/min. The result was analyzed with one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) and the Tukey test at a significance level of P<0.05. Results : Superbond C&B^{(R)} at scratching with diamond burs showed the highest shear bond strength than others (p<.05). For Panavia F(R), groups of scratching and sandblasting showed significantly higher shear bond strength than control group(p<.05). For Rely X Luting(R), only between scratching & control group, significantly different shear bond strength was observed(p<.05). Conclusion : Within the limitation of this study, Superbond C&B^{(R)} showed clinically acceptable shear bond between bovine teeth & zirconia ceramics regardless of surface treatments. For the surface treatment, scratching increased shear bond strength. Increase of shear bond strength by sandblasting with 110μm Al2O3 was not statistically different.

Strategy and Basic Planning for Creating an Urban Agricultural Park -Focusing on Gosangol Village in Daegu City- (도시농업공원 조성을 위한 전략 및 기본계획 연구 - 대구광역시 고산골마을을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Il;Kwon, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2017
  • This study focused on a planned site located in Gosangol Village in Daegu Metropolitan City that aims to build an urban agricultural park combining urban agriculture and urban park for the sustainable realization of urban agriculture. Accordingly, this study has significance in two perspectives: firstly, suggesting development strategies to be considered when building an urban agricultural park as a theme park, and secondly, presenting guidelines for spatial programs and facilities to be introduced for actual applications. The results are as follows. Firstly, building an urban agricultural park fills a role as a local community space prompted by the demand-oriented evolution of urban parks, and agricultural behaviors to be incorporated in the theme. In this context, 'building an urban agricultural space focusing on sustainability', 'constructing green space systems focusing on agricultural landscape', and 'structuring leisure spaces for communications in the community' are presented as development strategies. Secondly, key functions that an urban agricultural park should have include production and trade of agricultural products on the production side, soil preservation, resource cycling and green space provision on the environmental side, leisure and experience, community vitalization, education, and social security on the social and cultural side, and entertainment functions, ecological functions, and protective functions as urban park functionality. Thirdly, key facilities needed when building an urban agricultural park include urban agricultural facilities other than park management facilities, landscape facilities, recreational facilities, sports facilities, educational facilities, and convenient facilities, and family gardens as the key facility of the urban agricultural park should be scaled in consideration of various purposes and behaviors of their use. This study has a limitation that the subject site was limited to a specific area but has significance in that it presented a planning model for the spatial structuring of park-type urban agriculture.

Which of Baby Boom Generation Can Get the Benefit of Extension of the Retirement Age Obligation? (베이비붐세대와 정년연장 혜택의 귀착)

  • Seok, Jae Eun;Yi, Gi Joo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.68 no.2
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    • pp.107-130
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    • 2016
  • This study is aimed at the exploratory research on the influence of the obligation of extension of the retirement age on the baby boom generation. The basic question of this study is about which of the baby boom generation can get how much benefit according as the extension of the retirement age becomes compulsory. The extension of the retirement age is the system that can be applied to regular full-time workers. Accordingly, this study is intending to analyze the characteristics of the workers having a high likelihood for benefits from extension of the retirement age by tracing the economic activity state and labor history of the baby boomers. For this purpose, this study looked into the change of the economic activity state by age cohort of the male baby boomers based on the data for the Korea Labor Panel's 4th(2001) & 17th(2014)year. Using Survival analysis, this study also analyzed who will continue to remain as a regular full-time wage earner. As the result of the analysis, it was found that the more the cohort ages of baby boomers increased, the smaller the probability of remaining as a regular full-time wage earner, and the group who can get benefits from extension of the retirement age was predicted to account for only 11.4% level among the baby boomers. In addition, the result showed that there was a high likelihood of getting more benefits from extension of the retirement age when the baby boomers worked for the government-invested institution, corporate bodies, and government organizations rather than working for private enterprises. Thus, it can be safely said that there might appear a generational conflict due to extension of the retirement age in that such jobs coincide with the ones favored by the rising generation.

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Environmental Impact Assessment by Marine Cage Fish Farms: II. Estimation of Hydrogen Sulfide Oxidation Rate at O2-H2S Interface and Sulfate Reduction Rate in Anoxic Sediment Layer (해상 어류가두리양식장의 환경영향 평가: II. 가두리 양식장 퇴적물의 산소-황화수소 경계면에서 황화수소의 산화율 및 무산소 퇴적층에서 황산염 환원율 추정)

  • Lee, Jae-Seong;Kim, Kee-Hyun;Yu, Jun;Lee, Pil-Yong;Jung, Rae-Hong;Lee, Wong-Chan;Han, Jung-Jee;Lee, Yong-Hwa
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2004
  • We measured the vertical profiles of O2, H2S, and pH in sediment pore water beneath marine cage fish farms using a microsensor with a 25 {\mu}{\textrm}{m} sensor tip size. The sediments are characterized by high organic material load. The oxygen consumption, hydrogen sulfide oxidation, and sulfate reduction rates in the microzonations (derived from the vertical distribution of chemical species concentration) were estimated by adapting a simple one-dimensional diffusion-reaction model. The oxygen penetration depth was 0.75 mm. The oxic microzonations were divided into upper and lower layers. Due to hydrogen sulfide oxidation within the oxic zone, the oxygen consumption rate was higher in the lower layer. The total oxygen consumption rate integrated with reaction zone depth was estimated to be 0.092 μmol O2cm2 hr1 . The total hydrogen sulfide oxidation rate occurring within 0.7 mm thickness was estimated to be 0.030 μmo1 H2S cm2 hr1 , and its turnover time in the oxic sediment layer was estimated to be about 2 minutes. This suggests that hydrogen sulfide was oxidized by both chemical and microbial processes in this zone. The molar consumption ratio, calculated to be 0.84, indicates that either other electron accepters exit on hydrogen sulfide oxidation, or elemental sulfur precipitation occurs near the O2- H2S interface. Total sulfate reduction flux was estimated to be 0.029 μmol cm2 hr1 , which accounted for more than 60% of total O2 consumption flux. This result implied that the degradation of organic matter in the anoxic layer was larger than in the oxic layer.

Effective Coastal Water Quality Management and Marine Environmental Impact Assessment (연안의 효율적 수질관리 방향과 해양환경영향평가)

  • Lee, Dae-In;Eom, Ki-Hyuk;Kim, Gui-Young;Hong, Sok-Jin;Lee, Won-Chan;Jang, Ju-Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2008
  • This study examined principles and techniques of efficient water quality management as well as total coastal pollutant loads and the relevant examples in the advanced countries from the viewpoints of water quality improvement and pollution control in coastal areas. The problems and improvements in an estimation of the current total pollutant loads were also pointed out. In addition, discussion was made on the relationship between total pollutant loads and environmental capacity as well as particulars requiring extensive examination on access to and study on water quality model used as prediction tool for marine environment. Furthermore, this study proposed details of and improvement plans for water quality control to be reflected and absorbed into systems and policies related to coastal water quality. In coastal areas, which are subject to total coastal pollutant loads, it is necessary to calculate pollutant loads reduction and allocation, to propose them in detail in statement in relations to new pollution sources for the corresponding projects or plans in environmental impact assessment and prior environmental review system. Also, in relations to regional plans for coastal management, the local government concerned must focus more on environmental management plan to implement data on pollution sources and pollutant loads flown into sea areas under basic jurisdiction, therefore it is required to actively respond to expansion and introduction of total coastal pollutant loads system in the future. Total coastal pollutant loads system must be expanded and executed by considering characteristics of sea area and changes in the environment of land. For pollution sources in land, the competent authorities in charge of coastal environment will need to initiatively administer supervision, monitoring activities and achieve integration and operation of the related laws by preparing legal bases for management system or adjusting the related laws.

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Fertility Evaluation of Upland Fields by Combination of Landscape and Soil Survey Data with Chemical Properties in Soil (토양 화학성과 지형 및 토양 조사자료를 활용한 밭 토양의 비옥도 평가)

  • Hong, Soon-Dal;Kim, Jai-Joung;Min, Kyong-Beum;Kang, Bo-Goo;Kim, Hyun-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2000
  • Evaluation method of soil fertility by application of geographic information system (GIS) which includes landscape characteristics and soil map data was investigated from productivities of red pepper and tobacco grown on the fields with no fertilization. Total 131 fields experiments, 64 fields of red pepper and 67 fields of tobacco were conducted from 22 and 23 fields for red pepper and tobacco, respectively, located at Cheangweon and Eumseong counties in 1996, from 20 and 25 fields at Boeun and Goesan counties in 1997, and 22 and 19 fields at Jincheon and Chungju counties in 1998. All the experimental sites were selected on the basis of wide range of distribution in landscape and soil attributes. Dry weights and nutrients (N, P and K) uptakes by red pepper plant and tobacco leaves were considered as basic fertility of the soil (BFS). The BFS was estimated by twenty-five independent variables including 13 chemical properties and 12 GIS data. Twenty-five independent variables were classified by two groups, 15 quantitative variables and 10 qualitative variables, and were analyzed by multiple linear regression (MLR) of REG and GLM models of SAS. Dry weight of red pepper (DWRP) and dry weight of tobacco leaves (DWTL) every year showed high variations by five times in difference plots with minimum yield and maximum yield indicating the diverse soil fertility among the experimental fields. Evaluation for the BFS by the MLR including independent variables was better than that by simple regression showing gradual improvement by adding chemical properties, quantitative variables, and qualitative variables of the GIS. However the evaluation for the BFS by the MLR showed the better result for tobacco than red pepper. For example the variability in the DWTL by MLR was explained 34.2% by only chemical properties, 35.0% by adding quantitative variables, and 72.5% by adding both the quantitative and qualitative variables of the GIS compared with 21.7% by simple regression with NO3N content in soil. Consequently, it is assumed that this approach by the MLR including both the quantitative and qualitative variables was available as an evaluation model of soil fertility for upland field.

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A Proposal on a Management Model Applicable to Visiting Nursing Program for a Low-income Group (저소득층 방문간호 관리를 위한 제안 - 강북구 방문간호 대상자를 중심으로-)

  • Ko Mee-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.118-138
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    • 1996
  • Because of accelerated urbanization public body visiting nursing project that started according as matter of health on urban class in the lower brackets of income was concentrated on Social interests has a unsatisfied points to propel project efficiently from the lack of rating materials. Therefore centering around written contents in documentary literature of citizen health by household in five years from starting year of project to now. visiting frequency by medical manpower was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively in aspect of management hereupon. for the sake of giving a basic materials for public health project of this field. This research presents documentary literature of citizen health which become materials is that as one person's charged region of nurse in duty scale. district is Kang-Buck Gu. the object is resident in the lower brackets of income grounded livelihood protection law and who is admitted by the head of organ~chief of health care). and the number of material centering around the head of a household is 415 copy. The result of research is summarized. as follow. 1. Average visiting frequency examinated by medical manpower show difference according to valuables of supervision characteristics namely average visiting. Frequency of nurse has long term residence in case registration season is early and supervision season is the first year and is high incase a kind of house is unlicdnsed mountain town. Average visiting frequency with doctor is high incase supervision season is the first year and the medical insurance system is admitted by chief of health care. That shows that a man of discomfort behavior left alone are yet many in local society. The meaning of this result shows that the continuity of official relation about class in the lowest brackets of income of long term residence goes well between househole who is a user of visiting nursing service of the object according to midway income under management influences a given duty of nurse s and so causes quantitative decrease. 2. In case behavier and condition of health that nurse diagnoses are bad. as the type matter is a lack of health and the number of patient is large. the average visiting frequency of nurse is high. because average visiting frequency with doctor is high as the condition of health is bad and the number of patient is large. That is similar with that of nurse. CD Average visiting frequency of nurse s seen by matter of disease is very high only in apoplexy by 39.50 and is confined within limits from 7.63 to 11.36 in other disease. But average visiting frequency with doctor is double as many as that of nurse but defined in apoplexy hypertension and articulate. (1) Average visiting frequency of nurse by existence in inoculation of hepatitis is low by 6.73 in unidentified group and very high by 26.89 in group of non-inoculation and the case of the antigenic positive man of B type hepatitis or epileptic who can't be inoculated shows 13.00 and that even family nursing service is needed to them. That result shows that though one person nurse of local charge has a large scale of duty. as visting nursing service is given a class who has a large demand preferentially by respectively accurate nursing diagnosis. the number of diagnosis service is similar with it. 3. During five years. average visiting frequency of nurse is 10.84 and average visiting frequency with doctor is 76.50 seeing from the official scale of nurse. visiting by household is performed two more per year to the average. Seeing this by type of service. average visiting frequency of nurse is higher in indirectly nursing than in directly nursing and that suggests that at the time of visiting household nurse performs education of protection lively save patient but at the time of contrastedly visiting with doctor. directly nursing is more contents of service show no difference by man power and medication dressing by demand is 14.3 and 18.6 the aid of hardship term of doctor and nurse is high by 18.7 and 17.00 in the request of hospitalization when seeing by demands. 4. Action by turns exemplified 1994 is well in sequence of 2/4 turn. 3/4 turn. 1/4 turn. 4/4 turn. When seen by average visiting frequency of nurse but gradually is even. Without difference by turns. average visiting frequency of doctor is much higher in 1/4 turn than other turns. Type of service by turns is all even but directly nursing is inactive in 4/4 and indirectly nursing. Very increases in 4/4 and so. Nurse's quantity of duty is plentiful that shows that by evaluation of last turn and plan of project. Contents of service follows that medication and dressing is the highest by' 5.57 in 1/4turn. goes down gradually by turn. becomes 3.57 in 3/4 turn. and increases again by 4.83 in 4/4 turn. the rest service is higher in 2/4 turn than other turns. 5. Total visiting frequency of nurse is explained to total 37.5% by six valuables of visiting frequency of doctor. nursing demand. demand of diagnosis. condition of behavior. year. Special terms and magnitude of influential power is the same as sequence of enumerated valuables. Namely. the higher the visiting frequency of doctor. the bigger nursing and demand of diagnosis is. the worse the condition of behavior is. the older the object is and the more the household of special terms is. the high total visiting frequency of nurse is.

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